Call Number (LC) Title Results
disc 5663 The complete English anthems 1
disc 5664 Musica dolce 1
disc 5665 Il barbiere di Siviglia 1
disc 5666 The well-tuned piano 81 x 25 : 6:17:50-11:18:59 pm nyc / 1
disc 5667 Concerto pour violon, op. 36 Concerto pour piano, op. 42 / 1
disc 5668 Oriane et le prince d'amour suite de ballet ; In memoriam ; Ronde burlesque / 1
disc 5669 Sonata for two pianos (1942) 1
disc 5670 Symphony no. 3 in c minor , op. 78. 1
disc 5671 Tre pezzi da "Wozzeck" op. 7 ; Concerto per violino e orchestra "Alla memoria di un angelo" / 1
disc 5672 Ghirlande sacre, ghirlande profane 1
disc 5674 Six Chansons populaires romandes ; Trois Chansons de "Notre Genève" / Emile Jaques-Dalcroze. Dix "Chansons du mal au coeur" / Jean Binet 1
disc 5675 Secundum Lucam (According to Luke) / 1
disc 5676 Music of Dale Jergenson. 1
disc 5677 Chansons de Thibaut de Champagne (1201-1253) 1
disc 5678 Rejoice, give thanks and sing music by twentieth-century American composers. 1
disc 5679 Fenner Douglass on the Flentrop, Duke University Chapel 1
disc 5680 Quintet for piano and strings 1
disc 5681 Organ and voice 1
disc 5682 The last rose of summer and other things they played 1
disc 5683 Cadenza on the night plain and other string quartets 1