Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
Ondine ODE 704-2 | Thomas opera in three acts / | 1 |
Ondine ODE 710-2 | Works for piano | 1 |
Ondine ODE 713-2 | String quartets 4 & 5 | 1 |
One Hundred Years 1796-1896 | ||
Online |
Implementation of the diabetes practice guideline in the Army Medical Department : final evaluation / Half-metallic alloys : fundamentals and applications / The quality of personnel in the enlisted ranks / A portfolio-analysis tool for missile defense (PAT-MD) : methodology and user's manual / Liquid assets : how demographic changes and water management policies affect freshwater resources / Expanding the investment frontier : factoring environmental, social and governance criteria into investment analysis / From risk management to risk strategy : mid-markets / High school grade inflation from 1991 to 2003 / Inventory of work-relevant values : 2001 revision / American carrier air power at the dawn of a new century / Cosmic abundances as records of stellar evolution and nucleosynthesis in honor of David L. Lambert : proceedings of a symposium held in Austin, Texas, USA, 17-19 June 2004 / The fate of the most massive stars : proceedings of a meeting held at Jackson Lake Lodge, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, USA 23-28 May 2004 / The astrophysics of cataclysmic variables and related objects : proceedings of a meeting held in Strasbourg, France, 11-16 July 2004 / Access rights : a synthesis of highway practice / Observing dark energy : proceedings of a meeting held in Tucson, Arizona, USA, 18-20 March 2004 / Scoping aerospace : tracking federal procurement and R & D spending in the aerospace sector / Molecular geomicrobiology / Unmanned aerial vehicle end-to-end support considerations / The next steps in reshaping intelligence / Integrating print and digital resources in library collections / Epistemology / The Solar-B mission and the forefront of solar physics : proceedings of the fifth Solar-B science meeting held at The International House of Japan, Roppongi, Tokyo, Japan, 12-14 November 2003 / Applications of evolutionary computing : EvoWorkshops 2005, EvoBIO, EvoCOMNET, EvoHOT, EvoIASP, EvoMUSART, and EvoSTOC, Lausanne, Switzerland, March 30-April 1, 2005 : proceedings / The cost and health effects of prescription drug coverage and utilization in the Medicare population / Zeroing in : a capabilities-based alternative to precision guided munitions planning / Local-moment ferromagnets : unique properties for modern applications / A new direction for China's defense industry / Web engineering : 5th international conference, ICWE 2005, Sydney, Australia, July 27-29, 2005 : proceedings / Biomimetic neural learning for intelligent robots : intelligent systems, cognitive robotics, and neuroscience / Air power against terror : America's conduct of Operation Enduring Freedom / Communications and multimedia security : proceedings / Inspiration, perspiration, and time : operations and achievement in Edison Schools / The costs of aging aircraft : insights from commercial aviation / Ocean engineering and the environment : conference record, November 12-14, 1985, San Diego, California / Workshop on Information Technology for Virtual Enterprises : ITVE 2001 : proceedings : January 29-30, 2001, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia / Nutrient adequacy : assessment using food consumption surveys / What is America eating? : proceedings of a symposium / Gambling on campus Joint paths to the future force : a report on Unified Quest 2004 / Parametric X-ray radiation in crystals : theory, experiments and applications / Essays on multinationals, international trade, and technology spillover / Achievement effects of five comprehensive school reform designs implemented in Los Angeles Unified School District / The Io plasma torus during the Cassini encounter with Jupiter : temporal, radial and azimuthal variations / Police personnel challenges after September 11 : anticipating expanded duties and a changing labor pool / Polymer analysis, polymer theory / The effects of equipment age on spare part costs : a study of M1 tanks / Quinones and bimetallic complexes : towards new carriers for electrochemically modulated complexation of carbon dioxide / Periodic modulation of fine-scale turbulence by gravity waves above the nocturnal boundary layer : experimental validation using unique in situ measurements / Toward a theory of intelligence : workshop report / IFAE 2005 XVII Incontri di fisica delle alte energie : 17th Italian Meeting on High Energy Physics : Catania, Italy, 30 March-2 April, 2005 / Airborne reconnaissance XV 23-24 July 1991, San Diego, California / Algorithms and technologies for multispectral, hyperspectral, and ultraspectral imagery X 12-15 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA / Human-computer interaction with mobile devices and services : 5th international symposium, Mobile HCI 2003, Udine, Italy, September 8-11, 2003 : proceedings / An analytic assessment of U.S. drug policy Internet and network economics first international workshop, WINE 2005, Hong Kong, China, December 15-17, 2005 : proceedings / Granitic systems Ilmari Haapala volume / Measurement of the B⁰ -> [psi](2S)K⁰ branching fraction on BaBar at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center / Impact-triggered greenhouses on Mars / Gender, family, and sexuality : exploring polyamorous community / Delay-constrained multiple antenna wireless communications : an outage view / Text and image in the fiction of Anita Brookner and A.S. Byatt / Carrier dynamics and spectral analysis of zinc oxide nano-tetrapod lasers / Development of sensors for real-time characterization of concentration polarization and membrane fouling / El sujeto intelectual en la literatura mexicana a partir de 1968 / "Music close to the soil and deeply felt" : the use of American hymn tunes in Charles Ives's Third symphony / Consuming schools : an ethnography of commercial activities in public high schools / The denial of development : a critical study of a Palestinian Internet center / An on-chip atom interferometer using a Bose-Einstein condensate / Fast and efficient lumped-element modeling of multiconductor transmission lines / The role of fracture-matrix interaction in drying of unsaturated fractured rock : experiments and modeling / Depression and interpersonal rejection among married women : an evaluation of self-verification and marital discord effects / Multilevel first-order system least squares for quasilinear elliptic partial differential equations / Mitigating vestibular disturbances during space flight using virtual reality training and reentry vehicle design guidelines / Predicting radiation belt electron flux with adaptive multi-input linear filters / Compound disturbance in a managed landscape : ecological effects of catastrophic blowdown, salvage-logging, and wildfire in a subalpine forest / Optimal design of electrostatically actuated microsystems / Dynamic wrinkle reduction strategies for membrane structures / East of the sun and west of the moon : cultural empowerment and the Beaivváš Sámi Teáhter / An econometric analysis of the differences in hourly earnings between foreign-born and native-born Menand [sic] women : expanding the human capital model / Subcellular influences and metabolic regulation of chloroplast isoprene production / The estimation of place-to-place migration flows / Governing "lost boys" : Sudanese refugees in a UNHCR camp / Bitter laughter : dark comedy in the plays of David Mamet and Wendy Wasserstein / Photodissociation dynamics and photoelectron imaging spectroscopy of anions and anion clusters / The effects of using ACT composite score and high school average on college admission decisions for racial/ethnic groups / The effects of using EPAS programs on PLAN and ACT assessment performance / Analyzing the effectiveness of commuter benefits programs / Teachers' use of formative assessment in middle school reform-based mathematics classrooms / Network externalities, network effects and the digital economy / Structural change, foreign policy and war / Bird communities of ponderosa pine forests : impacts of patchiness, urbanization and resource availability / Nonlinear focusing in particle accelerators : an application and its associated dynamics / Characteristics of cloud cover and its radiative impacts over the high elevations of the Greenland ice sheet / The femtosecond dynamics of copper-water complexes / Dual channel virus counter / The moral problem of friendship / Essays on the credibility of prices in stated preference surveys / Aging and physical activity : implications for human immune function and health / Constructing vulnerability : legitimating therapeutic religion in the World Trade Center disaster / Climatic variability and environmental response in an Andean alpine watershed, Cordillera Vilcanota, Peru / The historic range of variability of ponderosa pine in the northern Colorado Front Range : past fire types and fire effects / Mechanistic studies of enzyme degradation in liquid detergent / Analysis of the semileptonic decay D0 -> ̄K0[pi]-[mu]+[nu] / Two Gauss-Bonnet and Poincaré-Hopf theorems for orbifolds with boundary / The roles of Drosophila Wee1 and Cdk1 in cell cycle and checkpoint regulation / Programming languages and systems third Asian Symposium, APLAS 2005, Tsukuba, Japan, November 2-5, 2005 : proceedings / Rules and rule markup languages for the Semantic Web First International Conference, RuleML 2005, Galway, Ireland, November 10-12, 2005 : proceedings / Self-stabilizing systems 7th International Symposium, SSS 2005, Barcelona, Spain, October 26-27, 2005 : proceedings / Formal methods and software engineering 7th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods, ICFEM 2005, Manchester, UK, November 1-4, 2005 : proceedings / New directions and applications in control and theory / Quantum annealing and related optimization methods / Applications of digital image processing XXVII 2-6 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA / Unattended/unmanned ground, ocean, and air sensor technologies and applications VI 12-15 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA / X-ray sources and optics 2-3 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA / Image and signal processing for remote sensing X 13-15 September, 2004, Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain / Laser Florence 2003 a window on the laser medicine world : 6-8 November 2003, Florence, Italy / Optical, infrared, and millimeter space telescopes 21-25 June 2004, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom / Remote sensing of the ocean and sea ice 2003 9-12 September 2003, Barcelona, Spain / Saratov Fall Meeting 2002 optical technologies in biophysics and medicine IV : 1-4 October 2002, Saratov, Russia / Applications of photonic technology [7C] closing the gap between theory, development, and application : 7C--Photonics North 2004: Photonic applications in telecommunications, sensors, software, and lasers / Remote sensing of clouds and the atmosphere VIII 9-12 September 2003, Barcelona, Spain / 26th International Congress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics 20-24 September, 2004, Alexandria, Virginia, USA / Noise in devices and circuits II 26-28 May 2004, Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain / Noise in complex systems and stochastic dynamics II 26-28 May 2004, Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain / Fourth-generation x-ray sources and optics II 2-3 August, 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA / Wavelet applications in industrial processing II 27-28 October, 2004, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA / Fiber lasers technology, systems, and applications : 26-28 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA / Lasers for measurements and information transfer 2004 23-25 June 2004, St. Petersburg, Russia / Three-dimensional TV, video, and display IV 24-26 October 2005, Boston, Massachusetts, USA / Intelligent robots and computer vision XXII algorithms, techniques, and active vision : 25-27 October 2004, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA / Optical materials in defence systems technology 25, 27 October 2004, London, United Kingdom / Color imaging X processing, hardcopy, and applications : 17-20 January, 2005, San Jose, California, USA / Extracting meaning from complex data processing, display, interaction : 14-16 February 1990, Santa Clara, California / Metamaterials 30-31 August, 2005, Warsaw, Poland / Integrated circuit metrology, inspection, and process control IV 5-6 March 1990, San Jose, California / Organic photovoltaics V 4-6 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA / Nanosensing, materials and devices II 23-26 October 2005 Boston, Massachusetts, USA / Target-in-the-loop: atmospheric tracking, imaging, and compensation 4-5 August, 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA / Human vision and electronic imaging X 17-20 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA / Gravitational wave and particle astrophysics detectors 23-24 June 2004, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom / Biomedical applications of micro- and nanoengineering II 13-15 December 2004, Sydney, Australia / Passive components and fiber-based devices II 7-10 November 2005, Shanghai, China / Document recognition and retrieval XII 19-20 January, 2005, San Jose, California, USA / Curves and surfaces in computer vision and graphics II 12-14 November 1991, Boston, Massachusetts / Intelligent systems in design and manufacturing V 25-26 October, 2005, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2004 / Biophotonics new frontier from genome to proteome : 27 April 2004, Strasbourg, France / Optical fibers, technology 1-2 September, 2005, Warsaw, Poland / Electro-optical remote sensing 26-28 September, 2005, Bruges, Belgium / Nondestructive sensing for food safety, quality, and natural resources 26-27 October, 2004, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA / ICALEO '89 optical sensing and measurement / Optical transmission, switching, and subsystems III 7-10 November 2005, Shanghai, China / MEMS/MOEMS technologies and applications II 10-12 November 2004, Beijing, China / Atmospheric propagation II 29-30 March, 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA / Optical materials technology for energy efficiency and solar energy conversion X 25-26 July 1991, San Diego, California / Micro- and nanotechnology: materials, processes, packaging, and systems II 13-15 December 2004, Sydney, Australia / Signal and data processing of small targets 2004 13-15 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA / Infrared fiber optics III 5-6 September 1991, Boston, Massachusetts / Reliability, packaging, testing, and characterization of MEMS/MOEMS IV 24-25 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA / Physics and applications of optoelectronic devices 25-26 October 2004, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA / High-power lasers and applications III 8-11 November, 2004, Beijing, China / Optical security systems 31 August-2 September, 2005, Warsaw, Poland / Infrared photoelectronics 30-31 August, 2005, Warsaw, Poland / Nanofabrication, technologies, devices, and applications II 23-25 October 2005, Boston, Massachusetts, USA / Micromachining and microfabrication process technology X 25-27 January 2005, San Jose, California, USA / Optical fibers, applications 31 August-2 September, 2005, Warsaw, Poland / Lab-on-a-chip platforms, devices, and applications : 26-28 October 2004, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA / Applications of artificial intelligence VIII 17-19 April 1990, Orlando, Florida / Fiber optic sensor technology and applications 20-22 September, 1999, Boston, Massachusetts / Third International Conference on Thin Film Physics and Applications 15-17 April 1997, Shanghai, China / Targets and backgrounds IX characterization and representation : 21-22 April, 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA / Applications of artificial intelligence 1993. 13-15 April 1993, Orlando, Florida : proceedings / Lens and optical systems design 14-18 September 1992, Berlin, FRG / MEMS/MOEMS components and their applications III 23-25 January 2006, San Jose, California, USA / BioMEMS and nanotechnology II 12-14 December 2005, Brisbane, Australia / XIV International Symposium on Gas-Flow, Chemical Lasers, and High Power Lasers 25-30 August 2002, Wrocław, Poland / Image algebra and morphological image processing IV 12-13 July 1993, San Diego, California / Laser physics and photonics, spectroscopy, and molecular modeling III Coherent optics of ordered and random media III : Saratov Fall meeting 2002 : 1-4 October, 2002, Saratov, Russia / Advanced environmental, chemical, and biological sensing technologies III 23-24 October 2005, Boston, Massachusetts, USA / Optoelectronic devices physics, fabrication, and application II : 24-25 October 2005, Boston, Massachusetts, USA / Photonics, devices and systems III 8-11 June 2005, Prague, Czech Republic / Device and process technologies for microelectronics, MEMS, and photonics IV 12-14 December 2005, Brisbane, Australia / Terahertz for military and security applications 21 April, 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA / Micromachining technology for micro-optics and nano-optics IV 23-25 January 2006, San Jose, California, USA / Proceedings of advances in laser and light spectroscopy to diagnose cancer and other diseases III optical biopsy, 29-30 January 1996, San Jose, California / Sensors, and command, control, communications, and intelligence (C3I) technologies for homeland defense and law enforcement II 21-25 April 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA / Infrared imaging systems design, analysis, modeling, and testing XIV : 23-24 April, 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA / Optics, illumination, and image sensing for machine vision VI 14-15 November 1991, Boston, Massachusetts / Laser-induced damage in optical materials, 1997 29th annual Boulder Damage Symposium : proceedings : 6-8 October, 1997, Boulder, Colorado / Optics in atmospheric propagation and random phenomena 26-27 September 1994, Rome, Italy / Proceedings of photothermal therapies in medicine 4-6 September 1997, San Remo, Italy / Photonics design, technology, and packaging II : 12-14 December 2005, Brisbane, Australia / Optical tomography and spectroscopy of tissue V 26-29 January 2003, San Jose, California, USA / Optoelectronic materials and devices for optical communications 7-10 November, 2005, Shanghai, China / Laser processing of advanced materials and laser microtechnologies International Conference on Lasers, Applications, and Technologies 2002 : 22-27 June 2002, Moscow, Russia / Metrology, inspection, and process control for microlithography XI 10-12 March, 1997, Santa Clara, California / Photonic applications in biosensing and imaging 12-14 September, 2005, Toronto, Canada / Microfluidics, bioMEMS, and medical microsystems IV 23-25 January 2006, San Jose, California, USA / Applications of fuzzy logic technology II 19-21 April, 1995, Orlando, Florida / Technologies, systems, and architectures for transnational defense II 23 April 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA / International Conference on Holography and Optical Information Processing (ICHOIP '96) : 26-28 August, 1996, Nanjing, China / Photonics for space environments 13-14 April 1993, Orlando, Florida / High-power multibeam lasers and their phase locking CIS selected papers / Visual communications and image processing '94 25-29 September, 1994, Chicago, Illinois / Rapid product development technologies 18-19 November, 1996, Boston, Massachusetts / Health care technology policy II the role of technology in the cost of health care : providing the solutions : 10-12 May 1995, Arlington, Virginia / Photonic crystals and photonic crystal fibers for sensing applications 24-25 October, 2005, Boston, Massachusetts, USA / Infrared technology and applications XXXI 28 March-1 April, 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA / Exploiting new image sources and sensors 26th AIPR Workshop, 15-17 October 1997, Washington, D.C. / Ninth International School on Quantum Electronics: lasers--physics and applications 16-20 September, 1996, Varna, Bulgaria / Ernst equation and Riemann surfaces : analytical and numerical methods / Crash records systems : a synthesis of highway practice. Semiconductor nanocrystals and silicate nanoparticles / Proceedings, Computer Standards Conference, 1988 : computer standards evolution--impact and imperatives, March 21-23, 1988, Sheraton National, Washington, D.C. Assessing natural gas and oil resources / Digest of papers : intellectual leverage / Conversations allégoriques organisées par la Sagesse. Conference record / Biophotonics new frontier : from genome to proteome : 27 April 2004, Strasbourg, France / Image algebra and morphological image processing III 20-22 July 1992, San Diego, California / International Conference on Systolic Arrays : proceedings, May 25-27, 1988, Sheraton Grand (Harbor Island) Hotel, San Diego, California, USA / Conference proceedings : OOPSLA '87, Orlando, Florida, October 4-8, 1987 / Ridgeway an historical romance of the Fenian invasion of Canada / Integrated optical devices, nanostructures, and displays 26-28 October 2004, London, United Kingdom / Software engineering 88 : 11-15 July 1988 / ICCON '89 : proceedings / CASL user manual : introduction to using the Common algebraic specification language / The comick magazine; or, Compleat library of mirth, humour, wit, gaiety, and entertainment. By the greatest wits of all ages & nations. Enriched with Hogarth's celebrated ... prints. The Design and application of parallel digital processors : 11-15 April 1988, International Specialist Seminar / Intellectual leverage : digest of papers / Ada : the Third International IEEE Conference on Ada Applications and Environments : May 23-25, 1988, the Sheraton-Wayfarer Inn and Conference Center, Manchester, New Hampshire / Proceedings of the ... Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium Proceedings of the '86 Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation : July 21-23, 1986, Waterloo, Ontario / COMPEURO '90 : proceedings of the 1990 IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Software Engineering, May 8-10, 1990, Tel-Aviv, Israel / Working smarter to leave no child behind : practical insights for school leaders / Shipboard automatic identification system displays : meeting the needs of mariners / Spatio-temporal databases : the CHOROCHRONOS approach / A roadmap for strategic energy planning and management / ACM-SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Toronto, Canada, August 3, 4, and 5, 1977 : [proceedings] / Quality of service--IWQoS 2003 : 11th International Workshop, Berkeley, CA, USA, June 2-4, 2003 : proceedings / Web engineering : international conference, ICWE 2003, Oviedo, Spain, July 14-18, 2003 : proceedings / Image and video retrieval : Second International Conference, CIVR 2003, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA, July 24-25 2003 : proceedings / Symbolic and numerical scientific computation : second international conference, SNSC 2001, Hagenberg, Austria, September 12-14, 2001 : revised papers / Granular gas dynamics / Pattern recognition and image analysis : first Iberian conference, IbPRIA 2003, Puerto de Andratx, Mallorca, Spain, June 4-6, 2003 : proceedings / Combinations of complex dynamical systems / Direct and inverse methods in nonlinear evolution equations : lectures given at the C.I.M.E. summer school held in Cetraro, Italy, September 5-12, 1999 / Stellar candles for the extragalactic distance scale / Short distance behavior of fundamental interactions : 31st Coral Gables conference on high energy physics and cosmology, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 11-14 December 2002 / Going to the mines to look for diamonds : experimenting with military recruiting stations in malls / Cosmology and gravitation : Xth Brazilian School of Cosmology and Gravitation, 25th anniversary (1977-2002) : Mangaratiba, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 29 July-9 August 2002 / The emergence of cosmic structure : thirteenth astrophysics conference, College Park, MD, 7-9 October 2002 / Competition and innovation : in the U.S. fixed-wing military aircraft industry / Plasma physics : 11th International Congress on Plasma Physics, ICPP2002, Sydney, Australia, 15-19 July 2002 / Enhancing the vitality of the National Institutes of Health : organizational change to meet new challenges / Aging aircraft : USAF workload and material consumption life cycle patterns / Dietary reference intakes : applications in dietary planning / Travel matters : mitigating climate change with sustainable surface transportation / Environmental enrichment for caged rhesus macaques : a photographic documentation and literature review / Transverse-pattern formation in photorefractive optics / Spatio-temporal dynamics and quantum fluctuations in semiconductor lasers / The red book of varieties and schemes / Rosemary, or, Life and death The separation ; The divorce ; and The coquette's punishment Governance in the twenty-first-century university : approaches to effective leadership and strategic management / The ebony idol Revêtements étales et groupe fondamental (SGA 1) : Séminaire de géométrie algébrique du Bois Marie 1960-61 : un séminaire / Hierarchical neural networks for image interpretation / Empirical methods and studies in software engineering : experiences from ESERNET / Discrete-event control of stochastic networks : multimodularity and regularity / Online student ratings of instruction / Acquisition in different and special subject areas / NATO's eastern agenda in a new strategic era / Spin 2002 : 15th International Spin Physics Symposium, Upton, New York, 9-14 September 2002 : and, Workshop on Polarized Electron Sources and Polarimeters, Danvers, Massachusetts 4-6 September 2002 / Neutrinos, flavor physics, and precision cosmology : Fourth Tropical Workshop on Particle Physics and Cosmology : Cairns, Queensland, Australia, 9-13 June, 2003 / Wedelmusic 2003 : proceedings : Third International Conference on WEB Delivering of Music, 15-17 September 2003, Leeds, United Kingdom / Who goes there? : authentication through the lens of privacy / Spinning particles : semiclassics and spectral statistics / Neutrino mass / Exploring the role of contingent instructional staff in undergraduate learning / Shaping the next one hundred years : new methods for quantitative, long-term policy analysis and bibliography / The case for persistent-connection HTTP / Statistical mechanics of complex networks / Precision physics of simple atomic systems / Irreversible quantum dynamics / Individual preparedness and response to terrorism : chemical, radiological, nuclear, and biological attacks / Improving Air Force purchasing and supply management of spare parts / Neutrons et systèmes désordonnés : JDN 11, Giens, France, mai 2002 / Almost ring theory / Fare policies, structures and technologies : update / Attracting "cutting-edge" skills through reserve component participation / Exploring teachers' informal learning for policy on professional development / Paris-Princeton Lectures on Mathematical Finance 2002 / Second European Congress on Violence in Clinical Psychiatry / Increasing the AGS polarization : Ann Arbor, Michigan, 6-9 November 2002 / Supplementary proceedings of the AMTA/SIG-IL Third Workshop on Interlinguas : practical applications of interlingual approaches to NLP : held on April 30, 2000, in conjunction with the Language Technology Joint Conference, ANLP-NAACL2000, Applied Natural Language Processing North American Chapter of the Association for Computional Linguistics. Determining training for new technologies : a decision game and facilitation guide / C [infinity]-differentiable spaces / Speed and power : toward an expeditionary Army / Emerging new paradigms : a guide to fundamental change in local public transportation organizations / Officer sabbaticals : analysis of extended leave options / The psychosocial background of affective disorders / Facilitating learning in online environments / Unsolved problems of noise and fluctuations : UPoN 2002 : Third International Conference on Unsolved Problems of Noise and Fluctuations in Physics, Biology, and High Technology, Washington, DC, 3-6 September 2002 / Beamed energy propulsion : First International Symposium on Beamed Energy Propulsion, Huntsville, Alabama, 5-7 November, 2002 / Remote sensing for transportation : products and results : foundations for the future : report of a conference / Effective commercial truck and bus safety management techniques / The Middle East in the shadow of Afghanistan and Iraq / Rethinking governance of the Army's arsenals and ammunition plants / Securing the future : regional and national programs to support the semiconductor industry / Assessment of directions in microgravity and physical sciences research at NASA / Progress in improving project management at the Department of Energy : 2002 assessment / Beyond response to remission / Frontiers in high energy density physics : the X-games of contemporary science / The strawberry garden how it was planted, what it cost ...:a very practical story / Semirings for soft constraint solving and programming / Extrasolar planets : today and tomorrow : proceedings of a meeting held at the Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, Paris, France, 30 June- 4 July 2003 / Military airframe costs : the effects of advanced materials and manufacturing processes / 40e anniversaire du Laboratoire de mécanique appliquée R. Chaléat : 1er Colloque interaction modèle expérience, Besançon, France, 3-5 juillet 2002 / 8th Workshop on Photoacoustics and Photothermics : Szczyrk, Poland, February 27-28, 2003 / From the impacts of human activities on our climate and environment to the mysteries of Titan : European Research Course on Atmospheres, Grenoble, France / Minority students in special and gifted education / Implementing the post-deployment health practice guideline : lessons from the field demonstration / Essays The planter's victim ; or, Incidents of American slavery The Culler Accelerated learning for adults : the promise and practice of intensive educational formats / The Spanglers and Tingles, or, The rival belles a tale, unveiling some of the mysteries of society and politics as they exist at the present time in the United States / Revelations of a slave smuggler being the autobiography of Capt. Rich'd Drake, an African trader for fifty years-from 1807-1857 ; during which period he was concerned in the transportation of half a million Blacks from African coasts to America / Marian Grey, or, The heiress of Redstone hall Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Calorimetry in Particle Physics : Pasadena, California, USA, 25-29 March 2002 / The fifth annual AI Systems in Government Conference : proceedings, May 6-11, 1990, Washington, D.C. / The U.S. Navy's Military Sealift Command ... in review The peacetime tempo of air mobility operations : meeting demand and maintaining readiness / Faultlines of conflict in Central Asia and the south Caucasus : implications for the U.S. Army / Geometric aspects of functional analysis : Israel Seminar 2001-2002 / 45e Colloque de Métallurgie de l'INSTN : surfaces, interfaces et rupture : CEA Saclay/INSTN, 25-27 juin 2002 / Monetary policy in Korea / What the world made them Why and what am I? The confessions of an inquirer:in three parts : Part I. Heart-experience ; or, The education of the emotions Clarence Bolton a New York story, with city society in all its phases / The pirate chief, or, The cutter of the ocean East and West Chattanooga ... Jack Cade, or, The bondsman's struggle a tale of feudal oppression. Helen Courtenay's promise a romance / Heavenward led, or, The two bequests Wild western scenes, or, The white spirit of the wilderness being a narrative of adventures, embracing the same characters portrayed in the original "Wild Western scenes." / Peeps from a belfry Josh Billings on ice, and other things Charley Bray, or, The fireman's mission the story of a New-York fireman / The battle of hate, or, Hearts are trumps English Tom, or, The smuggler's secret a tale of ship and shore / Elfrida, the Red Rover's daughter The Yankee middy, or, The two frigates a romance of the coast of Maine / Virginia Graham the spy of the Grand Army / by Justin Jones. The rebel bride Sister Agnes, or, The captive nun a picture of convent life / The sisters of Orleans a tale of race and social conflict. Charity Green, or, The varieties of love The Russel family Eutaw, a sequel to The forayers, or, The raid of the dog-days a tale of the Revolution / Vasconselos a romance of the new world / Short stories for spare moments selected from Lippincott's Magazine. The wheel of misfortune, or, The victims of lottery and policy dealers One poor girl the story of thousands / Lucy Boston, or, Woman's rights and spiritualism illustrating the follies and delusions of the nineteenth century / Stella Delorme, or, The Comanche's dream Life and sayings of Mrs. Partington and others of the family The little ragged ten thousand, or, Scenes of actual life among the lowly in New York Ella Marshall, or, All for love a prize tale / by Col. Singleton. Katharine Walton, or, The rebel of Dorchester an historical romance of the Revolution in Carolina / The Great "Trunk Mystery" of New York City murder of the beautiful Miss Alice A. Bowlsby, of Patterson, N.J., her body placed in a trunk and labelled for Chicago. Many strange incidents made public. Golden feather ; or, The buccaneer of King's Bridge a warlike romance of the rivers and the bay of New York; being a tale of love and glory of the War of 1812-'15 / Ernest Carroll ; or, Artist-life in Italy a novel, in three parts. Can the old love? The merman and the figure-head a Christmas story / Lady Betty's governess, or, The Corbet chronicles The partisan's oath, or, The trooper's revenge a tale of the Revolution / In extremis a novelette / The Sisters of Soleure a tale of the sixteenth century / Bertha and Lily, or, The parsonage of Beech Glen a romance / Leaves from a physician's journal The bridle on the heart, or, Pictures from life Bill Arp's peace papers Fred Douglass and his mule Bill Arp, so called a side show of the Southern side of the War ... / The Downe reserve, or, The mystery at Wishing Well Home life, or, A peep across the threshold George Melville an American novel. Romance and humor of the road a book for railway men and travellers / The widower also, A true account of some brave frolics at Craigenfels / Wine or water a tale of New England / Malmiztic the Toltec and the Cavaliers of the Cross We four villagers a tale of domestic life in Pennsylvania / Athaliah a novel / by Joseph H. Greene, Jr. In His name a Christmas story / Treason at home The fatal secret Violet, the child of the city a story of New York life / The heart of the West an American story, time: 1860, scene: on the Mississippi / The Tangletown letters being the reminiscences, observations, and opinions of Timotheus Trap, Esq., including a report of the great mammothic reform convention / Tales of the Argonauts and other sketches / Out of her sphere The Heart of Mabel Ware a romance. St. Philip's Under the cedars, or, What the years brought Wearithorne, or, In the light of to-day The Huntingdons, or, Glimpses of inner life The recorded will, or, Truth and not fiction remarkably illustrating the care of Divine Providence / The Haunted school-house at Newburyport, Mass Five years before the mast, or, Life in the forecastle aboard of a whaler and man-of-war Records of the Bubbleton Parish, or, Papers from the experience of an American minister Beyond the snow being a history of Trim's adventures in Nordlichtschein / Bressant Sheltern Millicent Halford a tale of the dark days of Kentucky in the year 1861 / The heights of Eidelberg My grandfather's old coat a political allegory / A perfect Adonis Christopher Crooked a Christmas story / Agnes Stanhope a tale of English life / Harry Grantham, or, The robbers of Saint Louis a tale designed to show the superior power and efficacy of mild and persuasive treatment over that of harsh, tyranical and debasing. Peter Gott, the Cape Ann fisherman Erring, yet noble a tale of and for women. Richard Ireton a legend of the early settlement of New England / Sea drift The Coopers, or, Getting under way Minor Place Hickory Hall, or, The outcast a romance of the Blue Ridge / The thief in the night India, the pearl of Pearl River The amber god and other stories A beautiful fiend, or, Through the fire Old neighbourhoods and new settlements, or, Christmas evening legends The gipsy's prophecy a tale of real life / The fortune seeker A noble lord the sequel to "The lost heir of Linlithgow" / Allworth Abbey The coral lady, or, The bronzed beauty of Paris a strange life narrative of love, betrayal, crime, and frightful revenge / Sir Rohan's ghost a romance. How he won her a sequel to "Fair play" / The discarded daughter, or, The children of the isleSouthworth The lady of the Isle a romance from real life / The banished son and other stories of the heart / Rena, or, The snow bird a nouvellette / The chevaliers of France from the Crusaders to the marechals of Louis XIV / Fairy fingers The Harwoods , or, The secret of happiness Mabel, or, Heart histories a tale of truth / Waifwood Ruby Gray's strategy The sons of the border sketches of the life and people of the far frontier / Home scenes and home sounds, or, The world from my window House and home papers Pilate and Herod a tale illustrative of the early history of the Church of England, in the Province of Maryland ... / My wife and I, or, Harry Henderson's history Two men Life in Israel, or, Portraitures of Hebrew character Louise Elton, or, Things seen and heard Wager of battle a tale of Saxon slavery in Sherwood Forest / A noble woman Stories for Christmas and winter evenings Startling disclosures!, Mysteries solved!, or, The history of Esther Livingstone and the dark career of Henry Baldwin this narrative ... pictures ... the scenes in which they were actors in the Mammoth Cave. Hampton Heights, or, The spinster's ward The family gem miscellaneous stories / The Morgesons The minister's wooing The Step-sister a novelette / Stories and sketches by our best authors Oldtown folks The old countess, or, The two proposals Palaces and prisons Sibyl, or, Out of the shadow into the sun Anticipations of the future, to serve as lessons for the present time in the form of extracts of letters from an English resident in the United States, to the London Times, from 1864 to 1870:with an appendix on the causes and consequences of the independence of the South. Christus Judex a traveller's tale / Lilian, or, Did she do right? The Five fiends, or, The Bender Hotel horror in Kansas this family of fiends have for a number of years been systematically murdering travellers. The romance of the table in three parts:I. Breakfast, II. Dinner, III Tea / The metropolites, or, Know thy neighbor The soldier's daughter, or, The conspirators of La Vendee a romance of Napoleon's times. Morgan the buccaneer, or, The true history of the freebooters of the Antilles A spinster's story The belle of Paris, or, The wrecker of the cliff a romance of England, France and Italy. Julia Tremaine the father's wish and husband's duty ; a tale for all time / A book for the home circle, or, Familiar thoughts on various topics, literary, moral and social a companion for the evening book / The two roads, or, The right and the wrong Mark Logan, the bourgeois Henry Powers (Banker) how he achieved a fortune, and married:a novel / Evan Dale ... Kit Kelvin's kernels with illustrations. Lunarius a visitor from the moon. Lotos leaves original stories, essays, and poems / The Glenns a family history / The Hasheesh eater being passages from the life of a Pythagorean. Lin, or, Jewels of the third plantation The Dutch dominie of the Catskills, or, The times of the "Bloody Brandt" Exeter Hall a theological romance. Mount Benedict, or, The violated tomb a tale of the Charlestown Convent / John Ward's governess Sketches of Jewish life and history Miranda Elliot, or, The voice of the spirit Rosedale a story of self-denial / Annie Reilly, or, the fortunes of an Irish girl in New York a tale founded on fact / "The forgiving kiss," or, Our destiny The conspirators of New Orleans, or, The night of the battle The Dalys of Dalystown Fern leaves from Fanny's port-folio Charles Hopewell, or, Society as it is and as it should be The new age of gold, or, The life and adventures of Robert Dexter Romaine Sunrise and sunset a true tale / Lionel Ainsworth, or, The young partisan's doom a story of the American Revolution / Pink and white tyranny a society novel / The life of General M. D. Stanley an American militia general, the celebrated roué, swindler, pickpocket, and murderer, who was executed at Vienna, Austria, September 17, 1853. The Winthrops a novel. Violets Edmund Dawn, or, Ever forgive The Howards a tale founded on facts / Frank Warrington The story of Muff a contribution to the Fair of the Second Parish, for the Payson Memorial Church. Sartaroe a tale of Norway / Married against reason The old patroon, or, The great Van Broek property The refugees of the Revolution, or, The cow boys of Plumstead a thrilling history of local events in Bucks County / Old Fort Duquesne, or, Captain Jack, the scout an historical novel, with copious notes / Nautilus, or, Cruising under canvas Twice crowned a story of the days of Queen Mary / A faithful and authentic narrative of the abduction, captivity, sufferings, and heartrending misfortunes of Payneta Mandeville, wife of Augustus H. Mandeville, of Baltimore, Maryland, who was abducted by the Spanish bandits of New Granada ... The life and trials of a Hoosier girl Willitoft, or, The days of James I a tale. The cousins, or, The captain's ward Saint Cecilia a modern tale from real life. Part first: Adversity. Maggie and her lovers Woodcliff Ida Norman, or, Trials and their uses Our new minister Cecilia Grey, or, The vicissitudes of fortune Vassall Morton Silver threads Daisy Ward's work The house on the heights Theodora a home story / The Bloodstone Marlby Villa Toiling and hoping the story of a little hunchback / Sea drifts Margaret, or, Prejudice at home and its victims an autobiography. Evenings at Donaldson Manor, or, The Christmas guest Street thoughts The house in Balfour-street Out of the foam Lanmere A narrative of startling interest!! Edward Barnett, a neglected child of South Carolina, who rose to be a peer of Great Britain, and the stormy life of his grandfather, Captain Williams, or The earl's victims with an account of the terrible end of the proud Earl de Montford, the lamentable fate of the victim of his passion and the shadow's punishment / Hesper, the home spirit a simple story of household labor and love / Pretty Mrs. Gaston, and other stories Allegories of life Coaina the rose of the Algonquins / Farmingdale What answer? Yusef, or, The journey of the Frangi a crusade in the East / Nora Brady's vow ; and, Mona the vestal Her majesty the queen The mystery of Edwin Drood complete / Woodreve Manor, or, Six months in town a tale of American life, to suit the merits and the follies of the times / Washington's vision the first Union story ever written / Sergeant Atkins a tale of adventure ; founded on fact / There's no place like home Nameless Home nook, or, The crown of duty A new way to win a fortune Ravenia, or, The outcast redeemed Old Toney and his master, or, The abolitionist and the land-pirate founded on fact, a tale of 1824-1827 / The dethroned heiress The Prince Corsair, or, The three brothers of Guzan a tale of the Indian Ocean / Buffets The mysterious guest The clandestine marriage The country neighborhood In trust, or, Dr. Bertrand's household The Grecian bend what it is. Northern wilds A chance acquaintance Moods The Prince of Kashna a West Indian story / Adventures of Col. Gracchus Vanderbomb, of Sloughcreek, in pursuit of the presidency also the exploits of Mr. Numberius Plutarch Kipps, his private secretary / The eventful lives of Helen and Charlotte Lenoxa the twin sisters of Philadelphia, with elaborate and minute details of the adventures, intrigues, and dark crimes, of these beautiful, but sinful women, the former of whom was hung at Knoxville, Tennessee, August 20th, 1852, for the double murder of Captain Gerald Vernon and his young wife, while the latter, who was also convicted and sentenced to death for participation in the same foul murder, committed suicide in the jail the day previous to her sister's execution. The mystery of Metropolisville Papers from Overlook-House Four-oaks Strange visitors a series of original papers, embracing philosophy, science, government, religion, poetry, art, fiction, satire, humor, narrative, and prophecy / Miss Gilbert's career an American story / Zoe, or, The quadroon's triumph A tale for the times / Behind the curtain a tale of Elville. Unwritten history life amongst the Modocs / The confidence-man his masquerade / Eventide a series of tales and poems / The truce of God a tale of the eleventh century / Redstick, or, Scenes in the South Miss Annie Coleson's own narrative of her captivity among the Sioux Indians an interesting and remarkable account of the terrible sufferings and providential escape of this beautiful young lady / In six months, or, The two friends The match-girl, or, Life scenes as they are The golden legacy a story of life's phases / The monk of the mountains, or, A description of the joys of Paradise being the life and wonderful experience of an aged hermit, who was taken by his deceased friend to the First Heaven / Going and son Uncle Sam's farm fence The age of progress, or, A panorama of time in four visions / Glenelvan, or, The morning draweth nigh The confessors of Connaught, or, The tenants of a Lord Bishop a tale of our times / Seven stories, with basement and attic The Piazza tales Altha, or, Shells from the strand Raids and romance of Morgan and his men A single gentleman Aunt Phillis's cabin, or, Southern life as it is The Montarges legacy a tale / Romance dust from the historic placer Olie, or, The old west room the weary at work and the weary at rest / Grace Morton, or, The inheritance a Catholic tale / Wau-bun, the "early day" in the North-west Elizabeth Masters, the doubly affianced being the life of a southern belle, or, the terrible consequences of being betrothed to two lovers at once. Queens The young captive prince a tale of allegory and fact / Zara, or, The girl of the period A stray Yankee in Texas Timothy Crump's ward a story of American life. A passionate pilgrim, and other tales Baked meats of the funeral collection of essays, poems, speeches, histories, and banquets / "Guilty, or not guilty" the true story of Manhattan well. Gifts of genius a miscellany of prose and poetry / The Montanas, or, Under the stars a romance / The man without a country The harp of a thousand strings, or, Laughter for a lifetime Olive Lacey a tale of the Irish Rebellion of 1798 / Archibald Cameron, or, Heart trials Six of one by half a dozen of the other an every day novel / The rebel scout a romance of the Revolution / Dare Fairfax The needle-woman Notes of hospital life from November, 1861 to August, 1863 Carrie Harrington a sequel to Hannah, or, A Glimpse of Paradise / Rockford Parish, or, The fortunes of Mr. Mason's successors The boy who was trained up to be a clergyman Shoulder-straps a novel of New York and the Army, 1862 / Life in the triangle, or, Freemasonry at the present time The cloven foot being an adaptation of the English novel "The mystery of Edwin Drood," (by Charles Dickens), to American scenes, characters, customs, and nomenclature / Not pretty, but precious and other short stories / The Byrnes of Glengoulah a true tale / Lizzy Glenn, or, The trials of a seamstress Dawn The old man's bride Orange blossoms, fresh and faded Gardening for money how it was done in flowers, strawberries, vegetables / Out of prison The lady of the West, or, The gold seekers written for the great American nation / Priscilla, or, Trials for the truth an historic tale of the Puritans and the Baptists / Marcus Warland, or, The Long Moss Spring a tale of the South / Wolfsden an authentic account of things there and thereunto pertaining as they are and have been / Clotelle a tale of the Southern States / Harry Burnham, the young Continental, or, Memoirs of an American officer during the campaigns of the Revolution, and sometime a member of Washington's staff The clergyman's wife and other sketches ; a collection of pen portraits and paintings / The iron tomb, or, The mock count of New York a local tale, written in scenes with a free hand especially for the readers of 'Uncle Sam' and to them respectfully dedicated / Sylvia's world ; Crimes which the law does not reach The upper ten thousand The three Bernices, or, Ansermo of the Crag Artemus Ward his book : with many comic illustrations. My brother's keeper The minister of E. ; or, Evils in the church a true story / Jessamine Joseph and his friend a story of Pennsylvania / Ruby's husband A fast life on the modern highway being a glance into the railroad world from a new point of view / Utterly wrecked a novel of American coast life / The mysteries and miseries of San Francisco Minny Lawson, or, The outlaws league a romance of Gotham. Fisher's River (North Carolina) scenes and characters / Ten years of torture, or, Sutten's death-bed confession of how he married Miss Martha Morton, an accomplished young lady of Baltimore with the hellish design of torturing her to death ... / Sunnybank Dr. Howell's family At last The prize essay ; and The mitherless bairn The Christmas holly The gay girls of New-York, or, Life on Broadway being a mirror of the fashions, follies and crimes of a great city / Käthchen Castleton, die schöne Putzmacherin, oder, Die Schicksale eines jungen Mädchens im niederen Lebensstande, die an einem Tage zugleich Frau und Wittwe wurde The whaleman's adventures in the Sandwich Islands and California Hearts and hands John Randolph of Roanoke and other sketches of character, including William Wirt ; together with tales of real life / Centeola, and other tales The ladies' garter Catharine and Clara, or, The double suicide a true tale of disappointed love. The young fisherman, or, The cruiser of the English Channel a story of the olden times / ["The Derienni", or, Land pirates of the isthmus] Caleb Krinkle a story of American life / "Swingin round the cirkle." Running the blockade, or, U.S. Secret Service adventures Queen Krinaleen's plagues, or, How a simple people were destroyed a discourse in the twenty-second century / The storm children, or, The light-keeper of the Channel a story of sea and land adventure / Isidore de Montigny, or, The smuggler of St. Malo a story of sea and shore / A slaver's adventures on land and sea Mysteries and miseries of Philadelphia Hawthorndean, or, Philip Benton's family a story of every day life / The man whom everybody snubbed a story of fact and fancy / Doesticks, what he says An autobiography of William Russell The Russian guardsman a tale of the seas and shores of the East / Tempest-tossed a romance / El Pirata Life and exploits of the noted criminal, Bristol Bill Toinette The deserted family, or, Wanderings of an outcast One woman's two lovers, or, Jacqueline Thayne's choice Titan Agonistes the story of an outcast. The fisher boy Fancies of a whimsical man The brother clerks a tale of New-Orleans / The Tim Bunker papers, or, Yankee farming Gracie Amber The Conspiracy of Col. Aaron Burr a historical romance. Frontier life and character in the South and West Fernando, or, The moor of Castile a romance of old Spain / The emigrants, an allegory, or, Christians vs. the world The Nasby papers Letters and sermons containing the views on the topics of the day, of Petroleum V. Nasby / The old bureau, and other tales Castles in the air, and other phantasies Honest John Vane a story / The history and records of the Elephant Club Sunshine in the palace and cottage, or, Bright extremes in human life Reality, or, The millionaire's daughter a book for young men and young women / Martin Merrivale, his X mark The battle-fields of our fathers The Deerings of Medbury Coupon bonds, and other stories The true life of William Pool ... with a full account of the terrible affray at Stanwix Hall, in which he received a fatal wound. Neighbor wives Turnover a tale of New Hampshire. The captive orphan Esther, the Queen of Persia / A woman in the case a story / The old helmet Daisy continued from "Melbourne House" / The gates ajar Hopedale Tavern and what it wrought Who was he? a story of two lives / The family doctor, or, Mrs. Barry and her bourbon The hills of the Shatemuc Delaplaine, or, The sacrifice of Irene Fresh leaves from the diary of a Broadway dandy The Gayworthys a story of threads and thrums / Lawford Hall and the lady of Lawford, or, The Boughtons of Warwickshire Revelations a companion to the "New gospel of peace" / Jane Arlington, or, The defrauded heiress a tale of Lake Champlain / Chauncey Judd, or, The stolen boy a story of the Revolution / Kate Callender, or, School-girls of '54 and the women of to-day / Home scenes a family story / Bessie and Raymond, or, Incidents connected with the Civil War in the United States The wickedest woman in New York Liffith Lank, or, Lunacy Gordon Lodge, or, Retribution an autobiography / Zerub Throop's experiment Helen Ethinger, or, Not exactly right The black cruiser, or, The scourge of the seas The victim bride, or, A father's sacrifice being a true and touching recital of the mental, moral and physical sufferings of the beautiful and accomplished Kate Rigby, daughter of the Philadelphia millionaire. Black-eyed beauty, or, One of the lost a brilliant picture of the follies and frailties of fast life / Marrying too late a tale / The funny philosophers, or Wags and sweethearts The serf, or, Love levels all! carefully written upon the celebrated play of that name by Tom Taylor. Vashti, or, "Until death us do part" Murty, the Rover, or, The Irish buccaneer full of wild and thrilling romance / Faca an army memoir / Io a tale of the olden fane / St. Simon's niece Quentin Durward the loser and the winner. Prairie fire! a tale of early Illinois / The Recluse of the Conewaga ; or, The little valley of the blue spring a legend of Adams County / Bella, or, The cradle of liberty Widow Spriggins, Mary Elmer, and other sketches Fort Lafayette, or, Love and secession Baffled schemes a novel. Hitherto a story of yesterdays / The Italian girl Clara Moreland, or, Adventures in the far South-West The lady of Lawford and other Christmas stories Woman's strategy, or, The first time I saw her a novel / Clifford Troup a Georgia story / Stormcliff a tale of the Highlands / Scandal Victor la Tourette Ina The Baked head, and other tales now first collected. Old Moll and little Agnes, or, The rich poor and the poor rich Against the world A book without a title, or, Thrilling events in the life of Mira Dana Which, the right or the left? Kate Felton, or, A peep at realities Life in Danbury being a brief but comprehensive record of the doings of a remarkable people ... / Gomery of Montgomery a family history / Edwin Brothertoft Miriam Monfort A Christmas dream Mary Lee, or, The Yankee in Ireland Dora Raymond, or, Truth triumphant Emily, the beautiful seamstress, or, The danger of the first step a story of life in New York / Mabel Clifton The tell-tale, or, Home secrets told by old travellers The Black crook a most wonderful history. A peep at "Number five", or, A chapter in the life of a city pastor The mysterious foundling, or, The gamester's fate The flower of the forest, or, The discarded daughter The modern Othello, or, The guilty wife a thrilling romance of New York fashionable life / Fettered for life, or, Lord and master a story of to-day / You and me, or, Sketches for both of us A Norseman's pilgrimage The curse entailed Female depravity, or, The house of death The banker's victim or, The betrayed seamstress The spaewife, or, The queen's secret a story of the reign of Elizabeth / Brother Mason, the circuit rider, or, Ten years a Methodist preacher A self-made woman, or, Mary Idyl's trials and triumphs The letters of Mozis Addums to Billy Ivvins The flush times of Alabama and Mississippi a series of sketches / Beverly, or, The white mask Bertie, or, Life in the old field... with a letter to the author from Washington Irving Nothing like it, or, Steps to the kingdom The awful doom of the traitor, or The terrible fate of the deluded and guilty How it was paid Alone The prairie scout, or, Agatone the renegade a romance of border life. The bewildered querists and other nonsense The Arch Bishop, or, Romanism in the United States Cassy, or, Early trials Thirteen good stories from Old and new The Beauty of woman's faith a tale of southern life. The parricides, or, The doom of the assassins, the authors of a nation's loss Boadicea the Mormon wife, life-scenes in Utah / Lynde Weiss an autobiography / The doomed chief, or, Two hundred years ago One step at a time : the staged development of geologic repositories for high-level radioactive waste / An assessment of non-lethal weapons science and technology / Well! Well! a tale, founded on fact / A question of honor Alfred Morland, or The legacy The thrilling narrative and extraordinary adventures of Miss Madelaine H. Everett, who was abducted ... My ten-rod farm, or, How I became a florist Confessions of a housekeeper The carpet-bagger in Tennessee Lost abroad ... Brandon, or, A hundred years ago a tale of the American colonies / K3 Projective models in scrolls / Long-term properties of polyolefins / The pastor's story and other pieces, or, Prose and poetry Molecular nanostructures : XVII International Winterschool/Euroconference on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials : Kirchberg, Tirol, Austria, 8-15 March, 2003 / Ambivalent allies? : a study of South Korean attitudes toward the U.S. / Polymers and light / New synthetic methods / Theory of cryptography : first Theory of Cryptography Conference, TCC 2004, Cambridge, MA, USA, February 19-21, 2004 : proceedings / Burning plasma : bringing a star to earth / Keeping patients safe : transforming the work environment of nurses / Advancing the federal research agenda on violence against women / Buckling up : technologies to increase seat belt use / Big queues / Noncommutative stationary processes / Global optimization and constraint satisfaction : first international workshop on global constraint optimization and constraint satisfaction, COCOS 2002, Valbonne-Sophia Antipolis, France, October 2-4, 2002 : revised selected papers / Privacy enhancing technologies : third international workshop, PET 2003, Dresden, Germany, March 26-28, 2003 : revised papers / The adolescent male / Future challenges for the U.S. Geological Survey's Mineral Resources Program / Membrane computing : International Workshop, WMC 2003 : Tarragona, Spain, July 17-22, 2003 : revised papers / Formal approaches to software testing : Third International Workshop on Formal Approaches to Testing of Software : FATES 2003 : Montreal, Quebec, Canada, October 6th, 2003 : revised papers / Communication and multimedia security : advanced techniques for network and data protection : 7th IFIP-TC-6 TC11 international conference, CMS 2003, Torino, Italy, October 2-3, 2003 : proceedings / 2003 assessment of the Office of Naval Research's Marine Corps Science and Technology Program / The strategic distribution system in support of Operation Enduring Freedom / Foundations of security analysis and design II : FOSAD 2001/2002 turorial lectures / Future needs in deep submergence science : occupied and unoccupied vehicles in basic ocean research / Distributed multimedia information retrieval : SIGIR 2003 Workshop on Distributed Information Retrieval, Toronto, Canada, August 1, 2003 : revised, selected, and invited papers / PID trajectory tracking control for mechanical systems / Conserving the future force fighting strength : findings from the Army Medical Department Transformation Workshop, 2002 / Intelligent agents and multi-agent systems : 6th Pacific Rim International Workshop on Multi-Agents, PRIMA 2003, Seoul, Korea, November 7-8, 2003 : proceedings / Modelling with words : learning, fusion, and reasoning within a formal linguistic representation framework / Attracting the best : how the military competes for information technology personnel / The costs and benefits of moving to the ICD-10 code sets / Reducing underage drinking : a collective responsibility / Technology for adaptive aging / Giving full measure to countermeasures : addressing problems in the DoD program to develop medical countermeasures against biological warfare agents / Forensic analysis : weighing bullet lead evidence / Progress in improving project management at the Department of Energy : 2003 assessment / Achieving XXcellence in science : role of professional societies in advancing women in science : proceedings of a workshop AXXS 2000 / Meeting psychosocial needs of women with breast cancer / Optical spectra and chemical bonding in inorganic compounds : special volume dedicated to Professor Jørgensen I / Assessment of the Army plan for the Pine Bluff non-stockpile facility / Scientific engineering of distributed Java applications : third international workshop, FIDJI 2003, Luxembourg-Kirchberg, Luxembourg, November 27-28, 2003 : revised papers / Approximation and online algorithms : first international workshop, WAOA 2003, Budapest, Hungary, September 16-18, 2003 : revised papers / Background and theory behind the Compensation, Accessions, and Personnel Management (CAPM) model / Chemical explanation : characteristics, development, autonomy / A tutorial and exercises for the Compensation, Accessions, and Personnel Management (CAPM) model / Competitive sourcing and the morale of federal employees / Connecting quarks with the cosmos : eleven science questions for the new century / "Seacurity" : improving the security of the global sea-container shipping system / Youth participatory evaluation : a field in the making / The Defense civilian workforce : insights from research / Bus rapid transit / Corporate culture as the driver of transit leadership practices / Preventing venous thromboembolism : prophylactic options for patients at different risk levels / European Schizophrenia Outpatient Health Outcomes (SOHO) study / User's guide for the Compensation, Accessions, and Personnel Management (CAPM) model / News. Annual report of the Grain Inspection, Packers, and Stockyards Administration Sharing publication-related data and materials : responsibilities of authorship in the life sciences / Minorities in the chemical workforce : diversity models that work : a workshop report to the Chemical Sciences Roundtable / The U.S. Army and the new national security strategy / Improving the scientific basis for managing DOE's excess nuclear materials and spent nuclear fuel / Very large data bases : Fifth International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 3-5, 1979 / Software engineering for multi-agent systems II : research issues and practical applications / Computational methods for SNPs and Haplotype inference : DIMACS/RECOMB satellite workshop, Piscataway, NJ, USA, November 2002 revised papers / Data Integration in the Life Sciences : first international workshop, DILS 2004, Leipzig, Germany, March 25-26, 2004, proceedings / Numerical software with result verification : international Dagstuhl seminar, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, January 19-24, 2003 : revised papers / The early universe and observational cosmology / Higher-level hardware synthesis / Ferroelectric random access memories : fundamentals and applications / Technologies to improve consideration of environmental concerns in transportation decisions Digital watermarking : second international workshop, IWDW 2003, Seoul, Korea, October 20-22, 2003 : revised papers / Learning from SARS : preparing for the next disease outbreak : workshop summary / NIH extramural center programs : criteria for initiation and evaluation / Monitoring international labor standards : techniques and sources of information / Biological confinement of genetically engineered organisms / Radical innovations of software and systems engineering in the future : 9th International Workshop, RISSEF 2002, Venice, Italy, October 7-11, 2002 : revised papers / The principle of least action in geometry and dynamics / Trust management : second international conference, iTrust 2004, Oxford, UK, March 29-April 1, 2004 : proceedings / Verification : theory and practice : essays dedicated to Zohar Manna on the occasion of his 64th birthday / Patient safety : achieving a new standard for care / The depths of space : the story of the Pioneer planetary probes / Digital people : from bionic humans to androids / The engineer of 2020 : visions of engineering in the new century / Co-constructing a contextually responsive evaluation framework the talent development model of school reform / Computational materials science : from basic principles to material properties / Heavy quark effective theory / Robotic welding, intelligence and automation / The anthrax letters : a medical detective story / Uncovering CP violation : experimental clarification in the neutral K meson and B meson systems / Spin-orbit coupling effects in two-dimensional electron and hole systems / Care and handling of CDs and DVDs : a guide for librarians and archivists / International Conference on Martensitic Transformations : ICOMAT 02, Espoo, Finland, June 10-14, 2002 / The Internet and the university : forum 2002 / Alternative futures and their implications for Army modernization / Problem-based learning in the information age / Cybersecurity of freight information systems : a scoping study / The Impact of academic research on industrial performance / Energy and transportation : challenges for the chemical sciences in the 21st century / Improved Bonferroni inequalities via abstract tubes : inequalities and identities of inclusion-exclusion type / Use of simulation for training in the U.S. Navy surface force / Combat services support transformation : emerging strategies for makng the power projection Army a reality / Collection development policies : new directions for changing collections / Applied multivariate statistical analysis / The mainstreaming of evaluation / Visual content processing and representation : 8th international workshop, VLBV 2003, Madrid, Spain, September 18-19, 2003 : proceedings / Personal wireless communications : IFIP-TC6 8th International Conference, PWC 2003, Venice, Italy, September 23-25, 2003 : proceedings / Object-oriented information systems : 9th international conference, OOIS 2003 : Geneva, Switzerland, September 2-5, 2003 : proceedings / Pattern recognition : 25th DAGM Symposium, Magdeburg, Germany, September 10-12, 2003 : proceedings / Free expression in arts funding : a public policy report / Retaining minority students in higher education : a framework for success / Convex variational problems : linear, nearly linear and anisotropic growth conditions / Security measures in the commercial trucking and bus industries / Observator or A dialogue between a country-man, & a landwart school-master Safety management systems : a synthesis of highway practice / A concept for a national freight data program / Dynamical systems : lectures given at the C.I.M.E. Summer School held in Cetraro, Italy, June 19-26, 2000 / Highway/heavy vehicle interaction / Multiscale problems and methods in numerical simulations : lectures given at the C.I.M.E. Summer School held in Martina Franca, Italy, September 9-15, 2001 / Preventing earthquake disasters : the grand challenge in earthquake engineering : a research agenda for the Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES) / Research priorities of the supporting industries program : linking industrial R&D needs / Knowledge-based intelligent information and engineering systems : 7th International Conference, KES 2003, Oxford, UK, September 3-5, 2003 : proceedings / Computer and information sciences - ISCIS 2003 : 18th International Symposium Antalya, Turkey, November 3-5, 2003 : proceedings / Formal methods for components and objects : first international symposium, FMCO 2002, Leiden, The Netherlands, November 5-8, 2002 : revised lectures / Noncommutative geometry : lectures given at the C.I.M.E. summer school held in Martina Franca, Italy, September 3-9, 2000 / Models of operational training in fighter squadrons / Never a matter of indifference : sustaining virtue in a free republic / CASL reference manual : the complete documentation of the Common Algebraic Specification Language / Existing and potential standoff explosives detection techniques / Open access and the public domain in digital data and information for science : proceedings of an international symposium / Measuring what matters : allocation, planning, and quality assessment for the Ryan White Care Act / Overcoming impediments to U.S.-Russian cooperation on nuclear nonproliferation : report of a joint workshop / Mixed automorphic forms, torus bundles, and Jacobi forms / Finite fields and applications : 7th International Conference, Fq7 Toulouse, France, May 5-9, 2003 : revised papers / Organic and pervasive computing--ARCS 2004 : International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems, Augsburg, Germany, March 23-26, 2004 : proceedings / Water and sustainable development : opportunities for the chemical sciences : a workshop report to the chemical sciences roundtable / Infant formula : evaluating the safety of new ingredients / Agent-based hybrid intelligent systems : an agent-based framework for complex problem solving / Digital documents : systems and principles : 8th International Conference on Digital Documents and Electronic Publishing, DDEP 2000 ; 5th International Workshop on the Principles of Digital Document Processing, PODDP 2000, Munich, Germany, September 13-15, 2000 : revised papers / Business planning for cultural heritage institutions : a framework and resource guide to assist cultural heritage institutions with business planning for sustainability of digital asset management programs / Information and communications : challenges for the chemical sciences in the 21st century / The role of environmental hazards in premature birth : workshop summary / Computer network security : second International Workshop on Mathematical Methods, Models, and Architectures for Computer Network Security, MMM-ACNS 2003, St. Petersburg, Russia, September 21-23, 2003 : proceedings / Pan-organizational summit on the U.S. science and engineering workforce : meeting summary / Advances in cross-language information retrieval : third workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2002, Rome, Italy, September 19-20, 2002 : revised papers / Realization theory of discrete-time dynamical systems / Immunization safety review : vaccinations and sudden unexpected death in infancy / Stochastic algorithms : foundations and applications : second international symposium, SAGA 2003, Hatfield, UK, September 22-23, 2003 : proceedings / Self-managing distributed systems : 14th IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Systems: Operations and Management, DSOM 2003, Heidelberg, Germany, October 20-22, 2003 : proceedings / Management of multimedia networks and services : 6th IFIP/IEEE International Conference, MMNS 2003, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK, September 7-10, 2003 : proceedings / Scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy and related techniques : 12th International Conference, STM'03, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, 21-25 July 2003 : [proceedings] / Prefabricated bridge elements and systems to limit traffic disruption during construction / Finding and fixing vulnerabilities in information systems : the Vulnerability Assessment & Mitigation methodology / Beam halo dynamics, diagnostics, and collimation : 29th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on Beam Halo Dynamics, Diagnostics, and Collimation, HALO '03 : Workshop on Beam-Beam Interactions, Beam-Beam '03, Montauk, New York, 19-23 May 2003 / Hitting America's soft underbelly : the potential threat of deliberate biological attacks against the U.S. agricultural and food industry / Libraries designed for learning / School figures : the data behind the debate / The sun to the earth--and beyond : panel reports / Engaging schools : fostering high school students' motivation to learn / Financing vaccines in the 21st century : assuring access and availability / Understanding climate change feedbacks / Immunization safety review : SV40 contamination of polio vaccine and cancer / Summary of a workshop on U.S. natural gas demand, supply, and technology : looking toward the future / Identifying and preparing academic leaders / Meeting the needs of African American women / Self-adaptive software: applications : Second International Workshop, IWSAS 2001, Balatonfüred, Hungary, May 17-19, 2001 : revised papers / Insuring America's health : principles and recommendations / Enabling ocean research in the 21st century : implementation of a network of ocean observatories / X-ray diffuse scattering from self-organized mesoscopic semiconductor structures / Immunization safety review : influenza vaccines and neurological complications / Applied cryptography and network security : first international conference, ACNS 2003, Kunming, China, October 16-19, 2003 : proceedings / Neither left nor right : selected columns / Nonnative oysters in the Chesapeake Bay / Testosterone and aging : clinical research directions / Cooperative research in the National Marine Fisheries Service / National need and priorities for veterinarians in biomedical research / Critical issues in weather modification research / Biotechnology research in an age of terrorism / Polyelectrolytes with defined molecular architecture / Oeconomies in the age of Newton / Degrees Kelvin : a tale of genius, invention, and tragedy / Review of NASA's aerospace technology enterprise : an assessment of NASA's Aeronautics Technology Programs / Research training in psychiatry residency : strategies for reform / Improving the characterization program for contact-handled transuranic waste bound for the waste isolation pilot plant / NEON : addressing the nation's environmental challenges / Experimental and efficient algorithms : third international workshop, WEA 2004, Angra dos Reis, Brazil, May 25-28, 2004 : proceedings / Applied cryptography and network security : second international conference, ACNS 2004, Yellow Mountain, China, June 8-11, 2004 : proceedings / Computational cardiology : modeling of anatomy, electrophysiology, and mechanics / Functional analytic methods for evolution equations / Component deployment : Second International Working Conference, CD 2004, Edinburgh, UK, May 20-21, 2004 : proceedings / Privacy in statistical databases : CASC Project final conference, PSD 2004, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, June 9-11, 2004 : proceedings / Leviathan : the growth of local government and the erosion of liberty / The valuative tree / Topology of singular fibers of differentiable maps / Primality testing in polynomial time : from randomized algorithms to "primes is in P" / Ensuring control accuracy / Medical simulation : international symposium, ISMS 2004, Cambridge, MA, USA, June 17-18, 2004 : proceedings / Extreme programming and agile processes in software engineering : 5th international conference, XP 2004, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, June 6-10, 2004 : proceedings / Adaptive multimedia retrieval : First International Workshop, AMR 2003, Hamburg, Germany, September 15-16, 2003 : revised selected and invited papers / Intelligence and security informatics : Second Symposium on Intelligence and Security Informatics, ISI 2004, Tucson, AZ, USA, June 10-11, 2004 ; proceedings / Health benefits for medicare-eligible military retirees : rationalizing TRICARE for life / Theory is forever : essays dedicated to Arto Salomaa on the occasion of his 70th birthday / Public sector reform, an introduction Oceans '80 : an international forum on ocean engineering in the '80s, Seattle, Washington, September 8-10, 1980 / The Semantic Web : research and applications : First European Semantic Web Symposium, ESWS 2004, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, May 10-12, 2004 : proceedings / Programming multi-agent systems : first international workshop, ProMAS 2003, Melbourne, Australia, July 15, 2003 : selected revised and invited papers / Effects of trial design on participation and costs in clinical trials, with an examination of cost analysis methods and data sources / Gearing up and getting there : improving local response to chemical terrorism / Testing of communicating systems : 16th IFIP international conference, TestCom 2004, Oxford, UK, March 17-19, 2004 : proceedings / Abstract state machines 2004 : advances in theory and practice : 11th international workshop, ASM 2004, Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Germany, May 24-28, 2004 : proceedings / Software architecture : first European workshop, EWSA 2004, St. Andrews, UK, May 21-22, 2004 : proceedings / Public key infrastructure : first European PKI Workshop: Research and Applications, EuroPKI 2004, Samos Island, Greece, June 25-26, 2004 : proceedings / Computers helping people with special needs : 9th international conference, ICCHP 2004, Paris, France, July 7-9, 2004 ; proceedings / Software engineering research and applications : first international conference, SERA 2003, San Francisco, CA, USA, June 2003, selected revised papers / Challenges and potential of a collaborative approach to education reform / The development of science-based guidelines for laboratory animal care : proceedings of the November 2003 international workshop / Confronting the nation's water problems : the role of research / Hearing loss : determining eligibility for Social Security benefits / Microresonators as building blocks for VLSI photonics : International School of Quantum Electronics, 39th Course, Erice, Italy, 18-25 October 2003 / Pavement management applications using geographic information systems / Communications networks to support integrated intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance strike operations / Automated pavement distress collection techniques / The ecological context of substance abuse treatment outcomes : implications for NIMBY disputes and client placement decisions / Venture capital investments in China / Out of the ordinary : finding hidden threats by analyzing unusual behavior / Policy and methodology to incorporate wartime plans into total U.S. Air Force manpower requirements / Wind tunnel and propulsion test facilities : an assessment of NASA's capabilities to serve national needs / Measuring research and development expenditures in the U.S. economy / Iodotrifluoromethane toxicity review / How much is enough? Sizing the deployment of baggage screening equipment to minimize the cost of flying : executive summary / The benefits of positive passenger profiling on baggage screening requirements / Models and analysis of quasistatic contact : variational methods / Complex networks / Flexible query answering systems : 6th international conference, FQAS 2004, Lyon, France, June 24-26, 2004 : proceedings / Scaling up treatment for the global AIDS pandemic : challenges and opportunities / Triage for civil support : using military medical assets to respond to terrorist attacks / Dollar cost banding : a new algorithm for computing inventory levels for army supply support activities / Army forces for homeland security / Affective dialogue systems : tutorial and research workshop, ADS 2004, Kloster Irsee, Germany, June 14-16, 2004 : proceedings / Compensation for losses from the 9/11 attacks / Artificial intelligence and soft computing - ICAISC 2004 : 7th international conference, Zakopane, Poland, June 7-11, 2004 : proceedings / Entertainment computing -- ICEC 2004 : third international conference, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, September 1-3, 2004 : proceedings / Current topics in artificial intelligence : 10th Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence, CAEPIA 2003, and 5th Conference on Technology Transfer, TTIA 2003, San Sebastian, Spain, November 12-14, 2003 : revised selected papers / Geographic information systems applications in transit : a synthesis of transit practice / Science and technology in Armenia : toward a knowledge-based economy / Productivity and cyclicality in semiconductors : trends, implications, and questions : report of a symposium / The Muslim world after 9/11 / Telecommunications and networking, ICT 2004 : 11th International Conference on Telecommunications, Fortaleza, Brazil, August 1-6, 2004 : proceedings / Dietary supplements : a framework for evaluating safety / Value recovery from the reverse logistics pipeline / Road safety audits / A practical guide to winning the war on terrorism / Ant colony optimization and swarm intelligence : 4th international workshop, ANTS 2004, Brussels, Belgium, September 5-8, 2004 : proceedings / Computational science and its applications : ICCSA 2004, international conference, Assisi, Italy, May 14-17, 2004 : proceedings / Exploration of the outer heliosphere and the local interstellar medium : a workshop report / Femtosecond technology for technical and medical applications / Electronic government : third international conference, EGOV 2004, Zaragoza, Spain, August 30-September 3, 2004 : proceedings / The counterterror coalitions : cooperation with Pakistan and India / Wind tunnel and propulsion test facilities : supporting analyses to an assessment of NASA's capabilities to serve national needs / The theory of symmetry actions in quantum mechanics : with an application to the Galilei group / Polymer synthesis / The role of experimentation in building future naval forces / Nontraditional immigrants in Kyiv / Modeling decisions for artificial intelligence : first international conference, MDAI 2004, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, August 2-4, 2004 : proceedings / Advances in Web intelligence : Second International Atlantic Web Intelligence Conference, AWIC 2004, Cancun, Mexico, May 16-19, 2004 : proceedings / Ad-hoc, mobile, and wireless networks : third international conference, ADHOC-NOW 2004, Vancouver, Canada, July 22-24, 2004 : proceedings / Cost-effective practices for off-system and local interest bridges / Physics of the outer heliosphere : 3rd International IGPP Conference, Riverside, California, 8-13 February 2004 / Issues and options for government intervention in the market for terrorism insurance / Base realignment and closure (BRAC) and organizational restructuring in the DoD : implications for education and training infrastructure / Knowledge management in electronic government : 5th IFIP International Working Conference, KMGov 2004, Krems, Austria, May 17-19, 2004 : proceedings / Strategies to increase coordination of transportation services for the transportation disadvantaged / Automated technology for verification and analysis : Second International Conference, ATVA 2004, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, October 31-November 3, 2004 : proceedings / Web mining : from Web to Semantic Web : First European Web Mining Forum, EWMF 2003, Cavtat-Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 22, 2003 : invited and selected revised papers / Genetic and evolutionary computation--GECCO 2004 : Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Seattle, WA., USA, June 26-30, 2004 : proceedings / Identification of nonlinear systems using neural networks and polynomial models : a block-oriented approach / Advances in communication control networks / Analysis of combat support basing options / Image analysis and recognition : international conference, ICIAR 2004, Porto, Portugal, September 29-October 1, 2004 : proceedings / Analysis of maintenance forward support location operations / Software and compilers for embedded systems : 8th international workshop, SCOPES 2004, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 2-3, 2004 : proceedings / Principles and applications of density functional theory in inorganic chemistry / Advanced lectures on machine learning : ML Summer Schools 2003, Canberra, Australia, February 2-14, 2003 [and] Tübingen, Germany, August 4-16, 2003 : revised lectures / Recent advances in constraints : Joint ERCIM/CoLogNET International Workshop on Constraint Solving and Constraint Logic Programming, CSCLP 2003, Budapest, Hungary, June 30 - July 2, 2003 : selected papers / Deontic logic in computer science : 7th International Workshop on Deontic Logic in Computer Science, DEON 2004, Madeira, Portugal, May 26-28, 2004 : proceedings / Flash flood forecasting over complex terrain : with an assessment of the Sulphur Mountain NEXRAD in Southern California / Endangered and threatened species of the Platte River / The impact of extended vehicle emission warranties on California's independent repair shops / The Semantic Web, ISWC 2004 : Third International Semantic Web Conference, Hiroshima, Japan, November 7-11, 2004 : proceedings / Algorithms and models for the web-graph : third international workshop, WAW 2004, Rome, Italy, October 16, 2004 ; proceeedings [i.e. proceedings] / Formal techniques, modelling and analysis of timed and fault-tolerant systems : joint international conferences on Formal Modelling and Analysis of Timed Systems, FORMATS 2004 and Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault-Tolerant Systems, FTRTFT 2004, Grenoble, France, September 22-24, 2004 : proceedings / Universal multiservice networks : third European conference, ECUMN 2004, Porto, Portugal, October 25-27, 2004 : proceedings / Network and parallel computing : IFIP international conference, NPC 2004, Wuhan, China, October 18-20, 2004 : proceedings / Computer and information sciences : ISCIS 2004, 19th international symposium, Kemer-Antalya, Turkey, October 27-29, 2004 : proceedings / Middleware 2004 : ACM/IFIP/USENIX International Middleware Conference, Toronto, Canada, October 18-22, 2004 : proceedings / Water conservation, reuse, and recycling : proceedings of an Iranian-American workshop. Air Force service procurement : approaches for measurement and management / Applying formal methods : testing, performance, and M/E-commerce : FORTE 2004 workshops, TheFormEMC, EPEW, ITM, Toledo, Spain, October 1-2, 2004 : proceedings / Web services : European conference, ECOWS 2004, Erfurt, Germany, September 27-30, 2004 : proceedings / The chemistry of pheromones and other semiochemicals / Logic versus approximation : essays dedicated to Michael M. Richter on the occasion of his 65th birthday / Mobile human-computer interaction-- MobileHCI 2004 : 6th International Symposium, MobileHCI 2004, Glasgow, UK, September 13-16, 2004 : proceedings / Mathematical knowledge management : third international conference, MKM 2004, Białowieża, Poland, September 19-21, 2004 : proceedings / Advances in computer systems architecture : 9th Asia-Pacific conference, ACSAC 2004, Beijing, China, September 7-9, 2004 : proceedings / Lessons from Operation Iraqi Freedom / Personal wireless communications : IFIP TC6 9th International Conference, PWC 2004, Delft, the Netherlands, September 21-23, 2004 : proceedings / Dissuading terror : strategic influence and the struggle against terrorism / Optical spectra and chemical bonding in transition metal complexes : special II volume dedicated to Professor Jørgensen / Software process improvement : 11th European conference, EuroSPI 2004, Trondheim, Norway, November 10-12, 2004 : proceedings / Topology and geometry in physics / From indoor air pollution to the search for Earth-like planets in the cosmos : European Research Course on Atmospheres : Grenoble, France / Graph transformations : second international conference, ICGT 2004, Rome, Italy, September 28-October 2, 2004 : proceedings / Gifts of the muse: reframing the debate about the benefits of the arts / Formal techniques for networked and distributed systems-- FORTE 2004 : 24th IFIP WG 6.1 International conference, Madrid, Spain, September 27-30, 2004 : proceedings / Making sense of transnational threats : workshop reports / Achieving state and national literacy goals : a long uphill road : a report to Carnegie Corporation of New York / Web content caching and distribution : 9th international workshop, WCW 2004, Beijing, China, October 18-20, 2004 : proceedings / Integration of software specification techniques for applications in engineering : Priority Program SoftSpez of the German Research Foundation (DFG) : final report / Konstruktionen und approximationen in systematischer darstellung : eine ergänzung der niederen, eine vorstufe zur höheren geometrie / Mobility aware technologies and applications : first international workshop, MATA 2004, Florianópolis, Brazil, October 20-22, 2004 : proceedings / ACM-Sigmod 1979 International Conference on Management of Data : proceedings, May 30-June 1, the 57 Park Plaza Hotel, Boston, Massachusetts / Advances in information retrieval : 26th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2004, Sunderland, UK, April 5-7, 2004 : proceedings / Heads and hearts, or, My brother the colonel Noachidae, or, Noah and his descendants Heavy quark physics / Oceans ́79 : fifth annual combined conference, Sept. 17-19, 1979, Town & Country Convention Center, San Diego, California / Grid services engineering and management : first international conference, GSEM 2004, Erfurt, Germany, September 27-30, 2004 : proceedings / Artificial immune systems : third international conference, ICARIS 2004, Catania, Sicily, Italy, September 13-16, 2004 : proceedings / Urban battle command in the 21st century / Urban battle fields of South Asia : lessons learned from Sri Lanka, India, and Pakistan / Thin and ultra-thin whitetopping : a synthesis of highway practice / Independent component analysis and blind signal separation : 5th international conference, ICA 2004, Granada, Spain, September 22-24, 2004 : proceedings / Advanced free-space optical communications techniques and technologies : 27-28 October, 2004, London, United Kingdom / Technologies for optical countermeasures : 26-27 October, 2004, London, United Kingdom / The United States, Europe, and the Wider Middle East / Shahram Chubin, Bruce Hoffman, William Rosenau. When terrorism hits home : how prepared are state and local law enforcement? / Biometric authentication : first international conference, ICBA 2004, Hong Kong, China, July 15-17, 2004 : proceedings / Ultrathin metal films : magnetic and structural properties / Measuring more than efficiency : the new role of human capital metrics / Computer-aided scheduling and dispatch in demand-responsive transit services : a synthesis of transit practice / Fed up! : winning the war against childhood obesity / Evaluating the security of the global containerized supply chain / Evaluation of the Arkansas tobacco settlement program : progress from program inception to 2004 / Understanding the insider threat : proceedings of a March 2004 workshop / An investigation of the factors influencing breastfeeding patterns / A research agenda for assessing the impact of fragmented governance on southwestern Pennsylvania / Cooperative design, visualization, and engineering : first international conference, CDVE 2004, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, September 19-22, 2004 : proceedings / Stochastic methods in finance : lectures given at the C.I.M.E.-E.M.S. Summer School, held in Bressanone/Brixen, Italy, July 6-12, 2003 / The returns from arthritis research / Marine mammal populations and ocean noise : determining when noise causes biologically significant effects / Review of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Restructured Upper Mississippi-Illinois River Waterway feasibility study : second report / Urbanization, energy, and air pollution in China : the challenges ahead : proceedings of a symposium / Advancing scientific research in education / Intelligent sustainment and renewal of Department of Energy facilities and infrastructure / How students learn : mathematics in the classroom / How students learn : science in the classroom / Experience management : foundations, development methodology, and Internet-based applications / Assimilating immigrants : why America can and France cannot / Software product-family engineering : 5th international workshop, PFE 2003, Siena, Italy, November 4-6, 2003 : revised papers / Generic model management : concepts and algorithms / Mechatronic servo system control : problems in industries and their theoretical solutions / Florence Erwin's three homes a tale of North and South. Virtual environments 2002 : Barcelona, Spain, May 30-31, 2002 / Metainformatics : international symposium, MIS 2003, Graz, Austria, September 17-20, 2003 : revised papers / Lectures on concurrency and Petri nets : advances in Petri nets / Public diplomacy : how to think about and improve it / Capturing the 21st century security agenda : prospects for collective responses / Public transportation board effectiveness : a self-assessment handbook / Uncertain projective geometry : statistical reasoning for polyhedral object reconstruction / Smart graphics : 4th international symposium, SG 2004, Banff, Canada, May 23-25, 2004 : proceedings / How much is enough? Sizing the deployment of baggage screening equipment by considering the economic cost of passenger delays / Key technologies for data management : 21st British National Conference on Databases, BNCOD 21, Edinburgh, UK, July 7-9, 2004 ; proceedings / Past and future : insights for reserve component use / New horizons in information management : 20th British National Conference on Databases, BNCOD 20, Coventry, UK, July 15-17, 2003 : proceedings / An operational process for workforce planning / Computer vision in human-computer interaction : ECCV 2004 Workshop on HCI, Prague, Czech Republic, May 16, 2004 : proceedings / Sepiades : cataloguing photographic collections / Towards a more effective United Nations : two studies / Three-dimensional x-ray diffraction microscopy : mapping polycrystals and their dynamics / Air Force procurement workforce transformation : lessons from the commercial sector / Estimating the benefits of the GridWise Initiative : phase I report / Track-related research. An executive perspective on workforce planning / Assuring access in key strategic regions : toward a long-term strategy / Advanced distributed systems : third international school and symposium, ISSADS 2004, Guadalajara, Mexico, January 24-30, 2004 : revised selected papers / Twelve years a slave narrative of Solomon Northup, a citizen of New-York, kidnapped in Washington City in 1841, and rescued in 1853, from a cotton plantation near the Red River, in Louisiana. The Turkish spies Ali Abubeker Kaled and Zenobia Marrita Mustapha, or, The Mohammedan prophet of 1854 a true story of the Russo-Turkish War / Testing student learning, evaluating teaching effectiveness / Cuba after Castro : legacies, challenges, and impediments / Discrete integrable systems / The future of genetically modified crops : lessons from the Green Revolution / 7th European Mechanics of Materials Conference on adaptive systems and materials: constitutive materials and hybrid structures : EUROMECH-MECAMAT'2003 : Fréjus, France, 18-23 May, 2003 / Network-based operations for the Swedish defence forces : an assessment methodology / Spin crossover in transition metal compounds / 6th European Mechanics of Materials Conference on Non-Linear Mechanics of Anisotropic Materials : EUROMECH-MECAMAT'2002 : EMMC6 : Liège, Belgium, 9-12 September, 2002 / The universal catalogue for the year. The film preservation guide : the basics for archives, libraries, and museums. Grid and cooperative computing : GCC 2004 : third international conference, Wuhan, China, October 21-24, 2004 : proceedings / Programming languages and systems : Second Asian Symposium, APLAS 2004, Taipei, Taiwan, November 4-6, 2004 : proceedings / The IS-LM model : its rise, fall, and strange persistence / Multiattribute weighting models for best-value selection in public sector design-build projects / Arctic human development report / Engaging Russia as partner and participant : the next stage of NATO-Russia relations / Assessment of 24-hour care options for California / Working around the military : challenges to military spouse employment and education / The Methodist monitor: or, Moral and religious repository consisting of ... By Alex. Kilham, minister of the gospel. Applied computing : Second Asian Applied Computing Conference, AACC 2004, Kathmandu, Nepal, October 29-31, 2004 ; proceedings / TEN telecom guidelines status review / Terrorism & development : using social and economic development to inhibit a resurgence of terrorism / Enrollment in higher education Proceedings [of the] International Conference on Reliable Software, 21-23 April 1975, Los Angeles, California / Ocean 75 : record : Ocean 75 is the combined meeting of 1975 IEEE Conference on Engineering in the Ocean Environment and Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Marine Technology Society, San Diego, California, September 22-25, 1975. Orotidine monophosphate decarboxylase : a mechanistic dialogue / The sun's surface and subsurface : investigating shape and irradiance / Colloid chemistry / Assessing natural gas and oil resources : an example of a new approach in the Greater Green River Basin / Astromineralogy / Particle scattering, X-ray diffraction, and microstructure of solids and liquids / Exploring the atmosphere by remote sensing techniques / Space plasma simulation / Turbulence and magnetic fields in astrophysics / Energy conversion and particle acceleration in the solar corona / Rethinking stabilization policy : a symposium / Supernovae and gamma-ray bursters / Beyond boundaries : extending services to the urban poor / Science and the greater Everglades ecosystem restoration : an assessment of the Critical Ecosystem Studies Initiative / XIIth International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment : proceedings : Grenoble, France, May 26-30, 2003 / Toxicologic assessment of jet-propulsion fuel 8 / Who will keep the public healthy? : educating public health professionals for the 21st century / Information technology for counterterrorism : immediate actions and future possibilities / Offspring : human fertility behavior in biodemographic perspective / Fulfilling the potential of cancer prevention and early detection / Using remote sensing in state and local government : information for management and decision making / Environmental information for naval warfare / Design exception practices / 6e colloque sur les sources cohérentes et incohérentes UV, VUV et X : applications et développements récents : Ile d'oléron, Centre "La Vieille Perrotine" CAES du CNRS, France, 11-14 juin 2002 / A shared destiny : community effects of uninsurance / The rise of HMOs / Materials science and technology : challenges for the chemical sciences in the 21st century / Mastering the ultimate high ground : next steps in the military uses of space / Bioavailability of contaminants in soils and sediments : processes, tools, and applications / Air emissions from animal feeding operations : current knowledge, future needs / Science and technology for army homeland security. Describing death in America : what we need to know / The man who would be queen : the science of gender-bending and transsexualism / Psychosocial concepts in humanitarian work with children : a review of the concepts and related literature / Tracking and predicting the atmospheric dispersion of hazardous material releases : implications for homeland security / Processes with long-range correlations : theory and applications / Improving undergraduate instruction in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics : report of a workshop / Polymer crystallisation : observations, concepts and interpretations / Advancing prion science : guidance for the National Prion Research Program, interim report / IT roadmap to a Geospatial Future / Personality and development in childhood : a person-centered approach / Neutrinos and beyond : new windows on nature / Materials research to meet 21st century defense needs / Adaptive monitoring & assessment for the comprehensive Everglades restoration plan / The one true platonic heaven : a scientific fiction on the limits of knowledge / A guide to the knowledge of publick affairs, both foreign and domestick being a curious miscellany, wherein will be occasionally explained whatever relates to the several potentates in the world, ... Also an account of the several orders of knighthood, of the various religions, sects and parties, of the chief ministers of state, ... The whole making a compleat series of modern history: a work never before attempted in English. Fair weather : effective partnership in weather and climate services / Monitoring international labor standards : summary of domestic forums / Critical information infrastructure protection and the law : an overview of key issues / Priority areas for national action : transforming health care quality / Lectures on solar physics / The mathematical aspects of quantum maps / Safety is seguridad : a workshop summary / Oil in the sea III : inputs, fates, and effects. The resistance phenomenon in microbes and infectious disease vectors : implications for human health and strategies for containment : workshop summary / Decline of the Steller sea lion in Alaskan waters : untangling food webs and fishing nets / Reducing the time from basic research to innovation in the chemical sciences : a workshop report to the Chemical Sciences Roundtable / The young parson The harvest of love a story for the home circle / Three successful girls Tales of the Southern border Herbert Hamilton, or, The Bas Bleu Philip Thaxter a novel. St. Twel'mo, or, The cuneiform cyclopedist of Chattanooga Hubert's wife Fifty years ago a story of New England life / The combat of the people, or, Hillel and Herod a historical romance of the time of Herod I / The Quaker partisans a story of the Revolution / Woman's faith a tale of Southern life. The Fenian chief, or, The martyr of '65 founded on recent events in Ireland's struggle for liberty! / Binnacle Jack, or, The cavern of death Bob Brierly, or, The ticket-of-leave man a romance of the present day ; founded on the great play of the same title by Tom Taylor ... / Abbie Nott and other Knots Kidnapped a novelette / Tales for the marines Life in varied phases The gem of the lake Jug-or-not The best fellow in the world his haps and mishaps / Letters of Peregrine Pickle The Arch fiend, or, The life, confession, and execution of Green H. Long Catharine Victoire a novel. Dollars and cents Tales and takings, sketches and incidents Our two lives, or, Graham and I Mary Staunton, or, The pupils of Marvel Hall Mr. Vaughan's heir The orphan's trials, or, Alone in a great city Condensed novels The League of the Miami The fair rebel a tale of Colonial times / The luck of roaring camp and other sketches / My daughter Elinor a novel. Blanche Dearwood a tale of modern life. The kidnapped and the ransomed being the personal recollections of Peter Still and his wife "Vina" after forty years of slavery / Caste a story of Republican equality / The congressman's Christmas dream and the lobby member's happy New Year, a holiday sketch / The artist's bride, or, The pawnbroker's heir The border rover Wild scenes on the frontiers, or, Heroes of the West The heiress of Bellefonte The outlaw's daughter, or, Adventures in the South The leisure moments of Miss Martha Haines Butt, A.M Miss Dorothy's charge Vivia, or, The secret of power A poor fellow Our "first families" a novel of Philadelphia good society / The slaveholder abroad, or, Billy Buck's visit, with his master, to Englandto Major Joseph Jones, of Georgia Agnes the beautiful, or, The gamblers' conspiracy a vivid picture of the secret transactions of New York life / Does the Medicare Principal Inpatient Diagnostic Cost Group model adequately adjust for selection bias? / Functional recovery following traumatic brain injury: A longitudinal design Ella Cameron, or, The maid, wife, & widow of a day an extraordinary revelation being a true picture of high life in Washington, and its connection with the city of New York, at the time of the plotting of the great Southern Rebellion / Biosolids applied to land : advancing standards and practices / Occupational health and safety in the care and use of nonhuman primates / Ocean noise and marine mammals / Fault lines in China's economic terrain / Forks in the road for the U.S. Navy / Use of lightweight materials in 21st century army trucks / Satellite observations of the Earth's environment : accelerating the transition of research to operations / Identity development of diverse populations : implications for teaching and administration in higher education / A primer in density functional theory / The Baltic States and NATO membership / Effective use of information technology : lessons about state governance structures and processes / The global course of the information revolution : recurring themes and regional variations / Benchmarking security and trust in Europe and the US / Training the 21st century police officer : redefining police professionalism for the Los Angeles Police Department / Statewide evaluation of the CYSA/TANF Program : final report / Evaluating the feasibility of developing national outcomes data bases to assist patients with making treatment decisions / Beyond productivity : information technology, innovation, and creativity / Governance for whom and for what : principles to guide health policy in Miami-Dade County / Options for managing the army's arsenals and ammunition plants / The information revolution in Asia / Airport research needs : cooperative solutions / Medicare coverage of routine screening for thyroid dysfunction / Planning for two transformations in education and learning technology : report of a workshop / The labor market for attorneys in the state of California : past, present, and future / Managing carbon monoxide pollution in meteorological and topographical problem areas / Patents in the knowledge-based economy / Hidden costs, value lost : uninsurance in America / Track related research. EXPEDITE : EXpert-system based PrEdictions of Demand for Internal Transport in Europe / Veterans and agent orange : update 2002 / Dynamic Social Network Modeling and Analysis : workshop summary and papers / Health professions education : a bridge to quality / Exploring challenges, progress, and new models for engaging the public in the clinical research enterprise : Clinical Research Roundtable workshop summary / A preliminary benefit/cost framework for counterterrorism public expenditures / Strategies for improved traveler information / Developing print repositories : models for shared preservation and access / A survey of digital cultural heritage initiatives and their sustainability concerns / Charter school operations and performance : evidence from California / Marrying by lot a tale of the primitive Moravians / Environmental cleanup at Navy facilities : adaptive site management / Politicizing science : the alchemy of policymaking / The sun to the earth --and beyond : a decadal research strategy in solar and space physics / Assessment of Mars science and mission priorities / Frontiers in polar biology in the genomic era / New forces at work in refining : industry views of critical business and operations trends / Real-time bus arrival information systems / Army stationing and rotation policy / The counterterror coalitions : cooperation with Europe, NATO, and the European Union / Social anxiety disorder / Cashing out life insurance : an analysis of the viatical settlements market / Arms trafficking and Colombia / Integrating freight facilities and operations with community goals : a sythesis of highway practice / Implications for model validation of multiresolution, multiperspective modeling (MRMPM) and exploratory analysis / Environmental adult education : ecological learning, theory, and practice for socioenvironmental change / Evaluation of the Medicare-DoD subvention demonstration : final report / Adiabatic perturbation theory in quantum dynamics / Psychopharmacological treatment with lithium and antiepileptic drugs : suggested guidelines from the Danish Psychiatric Association and the Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Association in Denmark / Mathematical problems in semiconductor physics : lectures given at the C.I.M.E. summer school held in Cetraro, Italy, July 15-22, 1998 / Individual preparedness and response to terrorism : chemical, radiological, nuclear, and biological attacks : a quick guide / Assessing federal research and development for hazard loss reduction / 7th International Work-Conference on Artificial and Natural Neural Networks, IWANN 2003, Maó, Menorca, Spain, June 3-6, 2003 : proceedings / High-speed networks and multimedia communications : 6th IEEE international conference, HSNMC 2003, Estoril, Portugal, July 23-25, 2003 : proceedings / Anderson localization and its ramifications : disorder, phase coherence and electron correlations / Quantum gravity : from theory to experimental search / Welfare reform in California : early results from the impact analysis / Vertical envelopment and the future transport rotorcraft : operational considerations for the objective force / Review of NOAA's National Geophysical Data Center / Diagnosis and control of Johne's Disease / The global war on terrorism : an early look at implications for the Army / Meaning in the arts / Assembling and supporting the Joint Strike Fighter in the UK : issues and costs / Microbial threats to health : emergence, detection, and response / Cumulative environmental effects of oil and gas activities on Alaska's North Slope / Childhood cancer survivorship : improving care and quality of life / Living on an active earth : perspectives on earthquake science / The role of scientific and technical data and information in the public domain : proceedings of a symposium / The future of the public's health in the 21st century / Economic benefits of coordinating human service transportation and transit services / Financing health care for women with disabilities / A framework for modernization within the United States Air Force / Bridge deck joint performance / Preparing for the psychological consequences of terrorism : a public health strategy / The measure of STAR : review of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Science to Achieve Results (STAR) research grants program / Understanding calcium dynamics : experiments and theory / The carbon dioxide dilemma : promising technologies and policies : proceedings of a symposium, April 23-24, 2002 / International perspectives : the future of nonhuman primate resources : proceedings of the workshop held April 17-19, 2002 / A review of the Dose Reconstruction Program of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency / The environment : challenges for the chemical sciences in the 21st century / Digital rights management : technological, economic, legal and political aspects / Formal methods and software engineering : 5th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods, ISFEM 2003, Singapore, November 5-7, 2003 : proceedings / Understanding and reducing college student departure / Formal methods for open object-based distributed systems : 6th IFIP WG 6.1 international conference, FMOODS 2003, Paris, France, November 19-21, 2003 : proceedings / Formal aspects of security : first international conference, FASec 2002 : London, UK, December 16-18, 2002 : revised papers / Rules and rule markup languages for the Semantic Web : Second International Workshop, RuleML 2003, Sanibel Island, FL, USA, October 20, 2003 : proceedings / Unexploded ordnance : a critical review of risk assessment methods / Service-oriented computing--ICSOC 2003 : First International Conference, Trento, Italy, December 15-18, 2003 : proceedings / Endangered and threatened fishes in the Klamath River Basin : causes of decline and strategies for recovery / Theory and applications of satisfiability testing : 6th international conference, SAT 2003, Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy, May 5-8, 2003 : selected revised papers / Wired/wireless Internet communications : second international conference, WWIC 2004 : Frankfurt (Oder), Germany, February 4-6, 2004 : proceedings / Reengineering the 2010 census : risks and challenges / Dietary reference intakes : guiding principles for nutrition labeling and fortification / The marine transportation system and the federal role : measuring performance, targeting improvement / Partnerships for reducing landslide risk : assessment of the National Landslide Hazards Mitigation Strategy / Confronting the "enemy within" : security intelligence, the police, and counterterrorism in four democracies / Fulfilling the potential of cancer prevention and early detection : an American Cancer Society and Institute of Medicine Symposium / Model-checking based data retrieval : an application to semistructured and temporal data / Advances in learning software organizations : 4th international workshop, LSO 2002, Chicago, IL, USA, August 6, 2002 : revised papers / Databases, information systems, and peer-to-peer computing : first international workshop, DBISP2P 2003 : Berlin, Germany, September 7-8, 2003 : revised papers / Integrated and integrative talent management : a strategic HR framework / Aligning the stars : improvements to general and flag officer management / Global computing : programming environments, languages, security, and analysis of systems : IST/FET international workshop, GC 2003, Rovereto, Italy, February 9-14, 2003 : revised papers / Principles and practice of Semantic Web reasoning : international workshop, PPSWR 2003, Mumbai, India, December 8, 2003 : proceedings / Ad-hoc, mobile, and wireless networks : Second International Conference, ADHOC-NOW 2003, Montreal, Canada, October 8-10, 2003 : proceedings / Progress in pattern recognition, speech and image analysis : 8th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition, CIARP 2003, Havana, Cuba, November 26-29, 2003 : proceedings / Securing the future of U.S. air transportation : a system in peril / Review of NASA's aerospace technology enterprise : an assessment of NASA's Pioneering Revolutionary Technology Program / Decoherence and entropy in complex systems : selected lectures from DICE 2002 / Advances in computer systems architecture : 8th Asia-Pacific conference, ACSAC 2003, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan, September 23-26, 2003 : proceedings / Measuring personal travel and goods movement : a review of the Bureau of Transportation Statistics' Surveys / Groundwater fluxes across interfaces / Electronic government : second international conference, EGOV 2003, Prague, Czech Republic, September 1-5, 2003 : proceedings / Advances in Web-based learning--ICWL 2003 : second international conference, Melbourne, Australia, August 18-20, 2003, proceedings / Formal methods for software architectures : Third International School on Formal Methods for the Design of Computer, Communication, and Software Systems--Software Architectures, SFM 2003, Bertinoro, Italy, September 2003 : advanced lectures / Assessing research-doctorate programs : a methodology study / Where the weather meets the road : a research agenda for improving road weather services / / Evaluating military advertising and recruiting : theory and methodology / Advancing prion science : guidance for the national prion research program / New frontiers in contraceptive research : a blueprint for action / The Semantic Web, ISWC 2003 : Second International Semantic Web Conference, Sanibel Island, FL, USA, October 20-23, 2003 : proceedings / Groupware: design, implementation, and use : 9th international workshop, CRIWG 2003, Autrans, France, September 28-October 2, 2003 : proceedings / The logic system of concept graphs with negation : and its relationship to predicate logic / Distributed computing : IWDC 2003 : 5th international workshop, Kolkata, India, December 27-30, 2003 : proceedings / Aspects of molecular computing : essays dedicated to Tom Head on the occasion of his 70th birthday / Theory and applications of relational structures as knowledge instruments : COST Action 274, TARSKI : revised papers / Coordinating the war on terrorism / Strategic planning and decision making in state departments of transportation : a synthesis of highway practice / Museum rusticum et commerciale: or, Select papers on agriculture, commerce, arts, and manufactures Measuring changes in service costs to meet the requirements of the 2002 National Defense Authorization Act / The dynamic terrorist threat : an assessment of group motivations and capabilities in a changing world / Anti-Americanism in Europe : a cultural problem / Education and capitalism : how overcoming our fear of markets and economics can improve America's schools / Rubber and rubber balloons : paradigms of thermodynamics / Novel methods in soft matter simulations / Extended density functionals in nuclear structure physics / Framework for quantifying uncertainty in electric ship design / Emergency responder injuries and fatalities : an analysis of surveillance data / High-technology manufacturing and U.S. competitiveness / Defining needs and managing performance of installation support contracts : perspectives from the commercial sector / Information security applications : 4th International Workshop, WISA 2003, Jeju Island, Korea, August 25-27, 2003 : revised papers / Accreditation matters : achieving academic recognition and renewal / Advances in agent communication : International Workshop on Agent Communication Languages, ACL 2003, Melbourne, Australia, July 14, 2003 : revised and invited papers / Organizational policy levers can affect acquisition reform implementation in Air Force repair contracts / Resource requirements for demand-responsive transportation services / Transportation in an aging society : a decade of experience, technical papers and reports from a conference, November 7-9, 1999, Bethesda, Maryland / The U.S. Coast Guard's Deepwater force modernization plan : can it be accelerated? Will it meet changing security needs? / The Office of Science and Technology Policy Blue Ribbon Panel on the Threat of Biological Terrorism Directed Against Livestock / Look within for fact and fiction consisting of instructing sketches and thrilling narratives / The gravest danger : nuclear weapons / Agent-mediated knowledge management : international symposium AMKM 2003, Stanford, CA, USA, March 24-26, 2003 : revised and invited papers / Wireless on-demand network systems : first IFIP TC6 working conference, WONS 2004, Madonna di Campiglio, Italy, January 21-23, 2004 : proceedings / Rational matrix equations in stochastic control / ISCOM 2003 : the Fifth International Symposium on Crystalline Organic Metals, Superconductors and Ferromagnets : Port-Bourgenay, France, September 21-26, 2003 / Database programming languages : 9th international workshop, DBPL 2003, Potsdam, Germany, September 6-8, 2003 : revised papers / The Whig magazine, or, Patriot miscellany for ... Addressed to the people of Great Britain. The Convivial magazine, and polite intelligencer; or, A Real representation of the characters and sentiments of the times [Containing the portraits of the most celebrated toasts; men of rank, conspicuous in the world; statesmen, orators, preachers, petits-maitres, actors, and buffoons.] Model generation for natural language interpretation and analysis / Applications of evolutionary computation in chemistry / The Chester family, or, The curse of the drunkard's appetite Nuclei at the limits : Argonne, Illinois, 26-30 July 2004 / Declarative agent languages and technologies : First International Workshop, DALT 2003, Melbourne, Australia, July 15, 2003, revised selected and invited papers / Means of Hilbert space operators / American sociology and the construction of gender, 1890-1920 / Astronomical adaptive optics systems and applications 3-4 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA / Harrington, a story of true love Paris-Princeton lectures on mathematical finance 2003 / Galaxies and chaos / Constraint databases : first international symposium, CDB 2004, Paris, France, June 12-13, 2004 : proceedings / Business process management : second international conference, BPM 2004, Potsdam, Germany, June 17-18, 2004 ; proceedings / Astrometry in the age of the next generation of large telescopes : proceedings of a meeting held at Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA, 18-20 October 2004 / Quantum degeneracy and interactions in the ⁸⁷Rb - ⁴⁰40K Bose-Fermi mixture / Linking climate to multi-purpose reservoir management : adaptive capacity and needs for climate information in the Gunnison Basin, Colorado / Life cycle evaluation criteria for design-build highway pavement projects / Emergency response procedures for natural gas transit vehicles / The light-time effect in astrophysics : causes and cures of the o - c diagram : proceedings of a meeting held in Brussels, Belgium, 19-22 July 2004 / Making innovation work : from strategy to practice / Lectures on symplectic geometry / Microscopy and spectroscopy of water uptake in polymer photoresists / Seventh International Workshop on Groupware : CRIWG 2001 : proceedings : September 6-8, 2001, Darmstadt, Germany / The bank holding company study Aviation safety statistical handbook ... annual report Soil respiration at a Colorado subalpine forest How deployments affect service members / Evaluating the performance of latent semantic indexing Geographic information science : third international conference, GIScience 2004, Adelphi, MD, USA, October 20-23, 2004 : proceedings / Evaluation models / Ambient intelligence : second European symposium, EUSAI 2004, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, November 8-11, 2004 : proceedings / Walking on a fence : Brazil's public-sector debt / Life at the South, or, "Uncle Tom's cabin" as it is being narratives, scenes, and incidents in the real "Life of the lowly" / Information networking : networking technologies for broadband and mobile networks : international conference ICOIN 2004, Busan, Korea, February 18-20, 2004 : revised selected papers / Photon echo and coherent spectroscopy 2005 18-25 September 2005, Kaliningrad, Russia / Cooperative control : a post-workshop volume : 2003 Block Island workshop on cooperative control / Convertible roadways and lanes : a synthesis of highway practice / Remote sensing and modeling of ecosystems for sustainability 2-4 August 2004, Denver, Colorado, USA / The physics of the Early Universe / The heart's secret, or, The fortunes of a soldier a story of love and the low latitudes / Geometry of Müntz spaces and related questions / Opportunities in biotechnology for future Army applications / The ETC century : erosion, technological transformation and corporate concentration in the 21st century / Policy issues and challenges for interagency space system acquisition / DISCEX'01 : DARPA Information Survivability Conference & Exposition II : proceedings : 12-14 June, 2001, Anaheim, California / Nonclassroom-based charter schools in California and the impact of SB 740 / Luona Prescott, or, The curse fulfilled Trifles for the Christmas holidays The fatalist The lamplighter Adolescent endocrinology / Natural convection loops providing overheat protection in flat-plate collector and integral-collector storage solar water heating systems / Progress in improving project management at the Department of Energy : 2001 assessment / Conflict and reconstruction in multiethnic societies : proceedings of a Russian-American workshop / A review of the EPA water security research and technical support action plan / Environmental health indicators : bridging the chasm of public health and the environment : workshop summary / Querying databases privately : a new approach to private information retrieval / Diagrammatic representation and inference : third international conference, Diagrams 2004 Cambridge, UK, March 22-24, 2004 : proceedings / Expanding access to mental health counselors : evaluation of the TRICARE demonstration / Maintenance productivity practices / 18th International Conference on Photoelectronics and Night Vision Devices 25-28 May, 2004, Moscow, Russia / The ISO handbook. Advances in object-oriented information systems : OOIS 2002 workshops, Montpellier, France, September 2, 2002 : proceedings / Research on Women's Issues in Transportation, report of a conference. Geometric and topological methods for quantum field theory / The Royal Greens, or, The scout of the Susquehanna a tale of the Valley of Wyoming / State highway letting program management / Secrets of a young girl in words and pictures Classifying drinking water contaminants for regulatory consideration / I'm White? Understanding one's racial identity High altitude airships for the future force Army / An evaluation of California's permanent disability rating system / The global technology revolution : bio/nano/materials trends and their synergies with information technology by 2015 / Challenges in virtual collaboration : videoconferencing, audioconferencing, and computer-mediated communications / Non-semisimple topological quantum field theories for 3-manifolds with corners / Crusoe's island a ramble in the footsteps of Alexander Selkirk ; with sketches of adventure in California and Washoe / The roles of the transcriptional coactivator CBP-1 and the nuclear receptor NHR-25 in C. elegans vulval development / Academic health centers : leading change in the 21st century / Insurance in the General Agreement on Trade in Services / Objects, agents, and features : international seminar, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, February 16-21, 2003 ; revised and invited papers / Contrast agents. The General review, or, Impartial register being a faithful representation of the civil, military, commercial and literary transactions of the present time. Digested under the heads of polity, criticism, and amusement. Laser generated thermoelastic waves in an anisotropic infinite plate / Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology H [infinity symbol] control and estimation of state-multiplicative linear systems / Statistical bulletin Record. Introduction to algebraic independence theory / Workshops on Electronic Commerce and Web-based Applications ; Middleware : 19th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems : proceedings : May 31-June 4, 1999, Austin, Texas / Healthcare cost-effectiveness analysis for older patients : using cataract surgery and breast cancer treatment data / Proceedings / Proceedings : First International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing : February 1-3, 1999, Tokyo, Japan / MicroNeuro'99 : proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Microelectronics for Neural, Fuzzy and Bio-inspired Systems : April 7-9, 1999, Granada, Spain / Florence, or, The fatal vow Jane Clark, or, Scenes in metropolitan life a tale descriptive of New York scenes / Salem a tale of the seventeenth century / From night to light A casebook of alternative governance structures and organizational forms / People in control : the second International Conference on Human Interfaces in Control Rooms, Cockpits and Command Centres, 19-21 June 2001 ; venue, UMIST, Manchester, UK / Outcomes of welfare reform for families who leave TANF / Linear delay-differential systems with commensurate delays : an algebraic approach / Geometry of the plane Cremona maps / Holomorphic Q classes / Analytic and geometric study of stratified spaces / ADAS : International Conference on Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, 17-18 September 2001, venue, Austin Court, Birmingham, UK / The new magazine of knowledge concerning heaven and hell, and the universal world of nature; or, Grand museum of intellectual, rational, and scientific truths ... By a society of gentlemen. Studies on knowledge spillovers, trade, and foreign direct investment : theory and empirics / Student financial aid handbook. Proceedings, 4th ACM International Workshop on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM) : July 21st, 2001, Rome, Italy / Limit theorems for Markov chains and stochastic properties of dynamical systems by quasi-compactness / Responsive evaluation / Improving the Army's management of reparable spare parts / Proceedings of the ACM 2001 Java Grande/ISCOPE Conference : Palo Alto, Calif., June 2-4, 2001 / Proceedings : Second International Symposium on Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing : December 11-15, 2001, Tokyo, Japan / Grid computing : first European Across Grids Conference, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, February 13-14, 2003 : revised papers / Juan, the white slave, and the rebel planter's daughter a stirring story of slavery, secession, suffering, and revenge, revealing the deep treachery of the Southern rebellion / Remarks before the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States / Algorithms for synthetic aperture radar imagery XI 12-15 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA / Probabilistic and statistical methods in cryptology : an introduction by selected topics / Swarming & the future of conflict / COTS-based software systems : Third International Conference, ICCBSS 2004, Redondo Beach, CA, USA, February 1-4, 2004 : proceedings / Liberty or death, or, Heaven's infraction of the Fugitive slave law Painlevé equations in the differential geometry of surfaces / Grothendieck duality and base change / Neutrons et biologie : JDN 12 : Praz/Arly, France, 22-26 mai 2004 / Lidar technologies, techniques, and measurements for atmospheric remote sensing 19-20 September 2005, Bruges, Belgium / Readers, reading and librarians / Toxic release inventory. Transition metal and rare earth compounds / Saving women's lives : strategies for improving breast cancer detection and diagnosis : A Breast Cancer Research Foundation and Institute of Medicine Symposium / Document analysis systems VI : 6th international workshop, DAS 2004, Florence, Italy, September 8-10, 2004 : proceedings / The thinking bayonet Generative programming and component engineering : second International Conference, GPCE 2003, Erfurt, Germany, September 22-25, 2003 : proceedings / Tame geometry with application in smooth analysis / Semantics of a networked world : semantics for grid databases : First International IFIP Conference, ICSNW 2004, Paris, France, June 17-19, 2004 : revised selected papers / Integrated roadside vegetation management / Smart growth and transportation : issues and lessons learned : report of a conference, September 8-10, 2002, Baltimore, Maryland / Second International Conference on 3G Mobile Communication Technologies : 26-28 March 2001 ; venue, IEE, Savoy Place, London, UK / Copyright issues relevant to digital preservation and dissemination of pre-1972 commercial sound recordings by libraries and archives Two pictures, or, What we think of ourselves, and what the world thinks of us Vector analysis and quaternions / Assessment of the national patient safety initiative : context and baseline, evaluation report I / International Symposium on Principles of Software Evolution : proceedings : Kanazawa, Japan, November 1-2, 2000 / Natural gas ... issues and trends Marine protected areas and fishery closures in British Columbia / Children and their 4-H animal projects : how children use science in agricultural activity / Satellites and tidal streams : proceedings of a meeting held in Los Cancajos, La Palma, Spain, 26-30 May 2003 / Cherry production To love and to be loved a story / Matrimonial infelicities with an occasional felicity, by way of contrast / Essays on regionalism in standards, international trade, and multinationals / Evaluation findings that surprise / Spin electronics / Proceedings : Second International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design : 25-29 June, 2001, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK / Encyclopedia of database technologies and applications / Phase behavior of polymer blends / Convection in ice I with non-Newtonian rheology : application to the icy Galilean satellites / Early results on activations and the earnings of reservists / Funding Smithsonian scientific research / American housing survey selected metropolitan areas. Approximation algorithms for combinatorial optimization : third international workshop, APPROX 2000, Saarbrücken, Germany, September 5-8, 2000 : proceedings / How to solve the mind-body problem / Reclaiming cognition : the primacy of action, intention and emotion / Proceedings, Second International Conference on WEB Delivering of Music : WEDELMUSIC 2002 : Darmstadt, Germany, 9-11 December 2002 / The earth below : purchasing science data and the role of public-private partnerships / Mapleton, or, More work for the Maine law The Flemmings a true story / Nonlinear optics : materials, fundamentals, and applications : technical digest, August 6-10, 2000, Kauai Marriott, Kauai-Lihue, Hawaii / Mustang Gray a romance / Bernard Lile an historical romance embracing the periods of the Texas Revolution and the Mexican War. Implementing high school JROTC career academies / A wonderful woman The mystery, or, Platonic love E-commerce and web technologies : 5th International Conference, EC-Web 2004, Zaragoza, Spain, August 31-September 3, 2004 : proceedings / Proceedings : 6th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, 22-24 May 1991, Cankarjev dom, Cultural and Congress Center, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Yugoslavia / California's K-12 public schools : how are they doing? / Hybrid estimation of complex systems / Non-Archimedean L-functions of Siegel and Hilbert modular forms / Kate Weston, or, To will and to do Invariant manifolds for physical and chemical kinetics / Third International Conference on Power System Monitoring and Control / Methods for improving microwave radiometer calibration and data quality for geophysical applications / The heroine of the Confederacy, or, Truth and justice Symposium record / Proceedings : advanced computer technology, reliable systems, and applications : 5th Annual European Computer Conference, Bologna, May 13-16, 1991 / Seventeenth annual ACM Computer Science Conference, February 21-23, 1989, Commonwealth Convention Center, Louisville, Kentucky / Mobile robots XVII 26-28 October 2004, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA / Proceedings : ACM Conference on Document Processing Systems, December 5-9, 1988, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Grid and cooperative computing : second International Workshop, GCC 2003, Shanhai [sic], China, December 7-10, 2003 : revised papers / Nonlinear optics : materials, phenomena, and devices : digest : Stouffer Waiohai Beach, Kauai, Hawaii, July 16-20, 1990 / AIP style manual / Tressilian and his friends Federal resources on missing and exploited children a directory for law enforcement and other public and private agencies. Computers at risk : safe computing in the information age / Oceans '90 conference proceedings : September 24-26, 1990, Convention Center, Washington, D.C. : engineering in the ocean environment / Mozis Addums' new letters. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on the Application of Standards for Open Systems : October 2-4, 1990, Fairview Park Marriot Hotel, Falls Church, Virginia / Proceedings of the International Conference on Application Specific Array Processors : September 5-7, 1990, Princeton, New Jersey / Remote sensing of atmospheric chemistry 1-3 April 1991, Orlando, Florida / First International Conference on Intelligent Systems Engineering : 19-21 August 1992 / Women, ecology and health : rebuilding connections / Recommended procedures for the safety performance evaluation of highway features / Proceedings : Second International Symposium on Uncertainty Modeling and Analysis, April 25-28, 1993, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland / Veterans and Agent Orange : health effects of herbicides used in Vietnam / Proceedings of the International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Industrial Applications : May 25-27, 1988, Hitachi Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd., Hitachi City, Japan / 1987 ACM Fifteenth Annual Computer Science Conference, February 17-19, 1987, Adam's Mark Hotel, Clarion Hotel, St. Louis, Missouri. Oceans '88 proceedings : a partnership of marine interests : conference / Conference proceedings : papers presented at the conference, Princeton, New Jersey, May 13-15, 1987 / Computer Networking Symposium : proceedings, Sheraton National Hotel, Washington, DC area, April 11-13, 1988 / His prison bars and The way of escape / 1986 ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval : Palazzo dei congressi, Pisa, Italy, September 8-10, 1986 / Progress in pattern recognition, image analysis and applications : 9th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition, CIARP 2004, Puebla, Mexico, October 26-29, 2004 : proceedings / The relative risks of school travel : a national perspective and guidance for local community risk assessment / Wireless networking in higher education / Lessons from the North : Canada's privatization of military ammunition production / Intelligent information integration for the Semantic Web / Legends of the South Marie Lessaire, or, The ballet-girl's love Computing and communications in the extreme : research for crisis management and other applications / OzCHI'98 : 1998 Australasian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction : proceedings : November 30-December 4, 1998, Adelaide, South Australia / The 2003 OCLC environmental scan : pattern recognition : a report to the OCLC membership / Grant assistance programs statistical summaries. Web services, E-Business, and the Semantic Web : second international workshop, WES 2003, Klagenfurt, Austria, June 2003 : revised selected papers / Automated reasoning : second international joint conference, IJCAR 2004, Cork, Ireland, July 4-8, 2004 : proceedings / Metaphysics, 1996 / Your guide to researching public records : what's available? how do I find it? IEE National Conference on Antennas and Propagation, 31 March - 1 April 1999 : venue, University of York, York, UK. Echandole ganas : the elements that support or constrain the academic resiliency of Mexican immigrant students in a high school ESL program / Uranium purchases report Customer assistance handbook Budget estimates Codification of policy. Modeling reserve recruiting : estimates of enlistments / Young adult attachment: Predictors and outcomes Implementation of the asthma practice guideline in the Army Medical Department : evaluation of process and effects / High pressure refolding of protein aggregates : efficacy and thermodynamics / The angel of the household Elmwood, or, The children of the manse Annual report / Laser applications in medicine, biology, and environmental science International Conference on Lasers, Applications, and Technologies 2002 : 22-27 June 2002, Moscow, Russia / Russia's demographic "crisis" / Adventures in the wilderness, or, Camp-life in the Adirondacks Secure data management : VLDB 2004 Workshop, SDM 2004, Toronto, Canada, August 30, 2004 ; proceedings / Captain John, or, Loss is sometimes gain Geospatial information infrastructure for transportation organizations : toward a foundation for improved decision making / High energy density and high power RF 7th Workshop on High Energy Density and High Power RF, Kalamata, Greece, 13-17 June 2005 : RF 2005 / Directory of state and federal Medicaid officials Monthly summary of export credit guarantee program activity Edith Allen, or, Sketches of life in Virginia The County magazine for. An Address to friends and foes Great doubts and difficulties to be resolved by the good people of England. ... The Devil containing a review and investigation of all public subjects whatever; ... By a society of literary gentlemen. The Scientific magazine, and Freemasons' repository for. The old whig ... On the state of the peerage. With remarks upon the Plebeian. The London magazine: or, Gentleman's monthly intelligencer The New plain dealer; or, Freeman's budgets Containing an impartial state of the case between John Bull and G. R. The Patriot The Fortnight's register: or, A Chronicle of interesting and remarkable events, foreign and domestic from. The Criticks Being papers upon the times. The Intrepid magazine By the Reverend William Hamilton, M.A. Mercurius Britannicus being collections of publick intelligence, ... by Walter Campbell. Useful transactions in philosophy and other sorts of learning, for the months of. The Constitution With an address to a great man. The Female spectator The Reveur The North British intelligencer; or, Constitutional miscellany The Inquisitor: or, A defence of the House of Commons In their censure on a certain forage contract, A.D. 1712. The London museum of politics, miscellanies, and literature The Tuner The Monitor: or, British freeholder From. The Freemen's magazine: or, The constitutional repository Containing. The Tribune a periodical publication consisting chiefly of the political lectures of J. Thelwall. Journal de France et d'Angleterre The British magazine and general review of the literature employment and amusements of the times. The British magazine: or, the London and Edinburgh intelligencer For the year. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society The library: or, Moral and critical magazine for the year ... By a society of gentlemen. The observator; or Remarks on the Impartial examiner The Free-holder The Historical, political, and literary register Containing an account of every public transaction. ... of the year. The spinster in defence of the woollen manufactures. Mercure Britannique; ou notices historiques et critiques sur les affaires du tems. par J. Mallet du Pan. The new election budget Oriental repertory, ... published in four numbers, ... by Dalrymple. Transportation planning and management for special events / Proceedings and debates of the parliament of Pimlico in the last session of the eighteenth century. Beyond the molecular frontier : challenges for chemistry and chemical engineering / Prices received. Home International Workshop on Multimedia Software Engineering : April 20-21, 1998, Kyoto, Japan / Amygdala modulation of hippocampus-dependent memories and the influence on immediate early gene expression Ugly Effie, or, The neglected one and the pet beauty and other tales / The transformative power of literary third space / Parallel fully coupled Lagrange-Newton-Krylov-Schwartz algorithms and software for optimization problems constrained by partial differential equations / Regulating mitosis when DNA is damaged : a study of the entry into and progress through mitosis / Evolutionary relationships and population genetic structure of North American big-eared bats, genus Corynorhinus / Advanced topics in control systems theory : lecture notes from FAP 2004 / Merged high-tech cultures in a public bureaucracy : micropractices of organizational change in information technology teams / Engineering control technologies for removing or inactivating biologically-derived particles in the indoor environment / Airborne observational studies of reactive nitrogen and volatile organic compounds in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere / Fitting in or opting out : deconstructing the marginalization of women in academic science / An investigation of communication preferences and normative : principles embedded in a public/private partnership / Applications of spanning trees to continuous-time Markov processes, with emphasis on loss systems / Automated GPS-based operational orbit determination / The top-down effects of predators as observed from a forest canopy : the individual and combined impacts of birds and ants on ponderosa pine and its arthropod community / Kinetic studies on reactions of the CH₃S radical with carbon monoxide, isoprene, and nitric oxide / Urban landscape aesthetics and water use in the western United States / Landscape analysis of vegetation and diversity patterns at Niwot Ridge, Colorado / Evolution and ecology of high altitude soil microbial communities / Noncommutative CW-complexes arising from crystallographic groups and their K-theory / Constructing scalable wireless networks with directional antennas / Evaluating the effects of hydrologic change in the Okavango Delta of Botswana : analyses of aquatic organic matter transport and ecosystem economics / Electric field effect in strontium titanate thin films / Design, modeling, and characterization of RF MEMS capacitive switches based on flexible printed circuit technology / Incidence of development impact fees : theory and evidence / From Cooper pairs to molecules : effective field theories for ultra-cold atomic gases near Feshbach resonances / Third International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition : ICAPR 2005, Bath, UK, August 22-25, 2005 : proceedings / The physics of collisionless shocks : 4th Annual IGPP International Astrophysics Conference : Palm Springs, California, 26 February-3 March, 2005 / Early childhood interventions : proven results, future promise / A guidebook for developing and sharing transit bus maintenance practices / Developing global leaders : enhancing competencies and accelerating the expatriate experience / Aligning the organization : management and human resource concerns / Performance measures to improve transportation systems : summary of the second national conference / State and local intelligence in the war on terrorism / Control theory in physics and other fields of science : concepts, tools, and applications / Doing business with the euro : risks and opportunities / Modeling decisions for artificial intelligence : second international conference, MDAI 2005, Tsukuba, Japan, July 25-27, 2005 : proceedings / Entertainment computing-- ICEC 2005 : 4th international conference, Sanda, Japan, September 19-21, 2005 : proceedings / Control and observer design for nonlinear finite and infinite dimensional systems / Discrete-time sliding mode control : a multirate output feedback approach / International Workshop on Electronic Crystals : ECRYS-2005 : Cargèse, France, 21-27 August, 2005 / What factors affect the military enlistment of Hispanic youth? : a look at enlistment qualifications / Rethinking how the Air Force views sustainment surge / Value engineering applications in transportation : a synthesis of highway practice / Cooperative design, visualization, and engineering : second international conference, CDVE 2005, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, September 18-21, 2005 : proceedings / Astronomical odds : a policy framework for the cosmic impact hazard / Modernizing the U.S. aircraft carrier fleet : accelerating CVN 21 production versus mid-life refueling / The effect of reserve activations and active-duty deployments on local employment during the global war on terrorism / Developing Iraq's security sector : the Coalition Provisional Authority's experience / Something old, something new : Army leader development in a dynamic environment / An integrated project planning and control system approach for measuring project performance / Environmental variability and biotic interactions at forest-meadow boundaries in southern Sweden : the influence of forest cover, atmospheric deposition, and boundary orientation / Tidal evolution and oscillations in binary stars : third Granada workshop on stellar structure : proceedings of a workshop held in Granada, Spain, 26-28 May 2004 / The nature and evolution of disks around hot stars : proceedings of a meeting held in Johnson City, Tennessee, USA, 7 - 9 July 2004 / Estimating terrorism risk / Distribution of losses from large terrorist attacks under the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act / Control reconfiguration of dynamical systems : linear approaches and structural tests / U.S. interests in Central Asia : policy priorities and military roles / Corporate tax shelters in a global economy : why they are a problem and what we can do about it / Advanced distributed systems : 5th international school and symposium, ISSADS 2005, Guadalajara, Mexico, January 24-28, 2005 : revised selected papers / Intermolecular forces and clusters I / Knowledge-based intelligent information and engineering systems : 9th international conference, KES 2005, Melbourne, Australia, September 14-16, 2005 : proceedings / Measuring the tempo of the mobility air forces / Determinants of productivity for military personnel : a review of findings on the contribution of experience, training, and aptitude to military performance / A preliminary investigation of ship acquisition options for joint forcible entry operations / Unconventional superconductors : experimental investigation of the order-parameter symmetry / Computer Networking Symposium : proceedings, December 11, 1984, National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland : a symposium / The cool universe observing cosmic dawn : proceedings of the 2004 IAOC Workshop held in Valparaiso, Chile, 4-8 October 2004 / The evolving relationship between compensation committees and consultants QCD@Work International Workshop on Quantum Chromodynamics, Theory and Experiment : Conversano, Bari, Italy, 16-20 June 2005 / Advanced parallel processing technologies : 5th International Workshop, APPT 2003, Xiamen, China, September 17-19, 2003 : proceedings / Security engineering with patterns : origins, theoretical model, and new applications / Moral thinking in a global context: Making room for diverse conceptions of moral reasoning Algebraic space-time codes for multi-antenna channels and distributed codes for cooperative wireless communication The surface electromyogram as an index of activity in a population of motor units 1983 ACM Computer Science Conference and SIGCSE Symposium : Computer Science Conference, February 15-17, SIGCSE Symposium, February 17-18. GeoSpatial semantics first international conference, GeoS 2005, Mexico City, Mexico, November 29-30, 2005 : proceedings / Mobility aware technologies and applications second international workshop, MATA 2005, Montreal, Canada, October 17-19, 2005 : proceedings / Mobile ad-hoc and sensor networks first international conference, MSN 2005, Wuhan, China, December 13-15, 2005 : proceedings / Multi-agent systems and agent-based simulation : First International Workshop, MABS '98, Paris, France, July 4-6, 1998 : proceedings / Theoretical computer science 9th Italian Conference, ICTCS 2005, Siena, Italy, October 12-14, 2005 : proceedings / Pragmatic conversion: Hypocrisy and the mechanics of seventeenth-century Puritan conversion discourse Electron tomographic analysis of Golgi trafficking in the scale-forming alga Scherffelia dubia Stress-induced suppression of an antibody response: A role for splenic norepinephrine The impact of oxygen on photopolymerization kinetics and polymer structure The politics of reading and readership in American ethnic literature: Criticism and creativity Molecular hydrogen fluorescence and accretion in far-ultraviolet spectra of classical T Tauri stars Cultural conflicts and problems of free speech: Comparative free speech in the United States and Japan as exemplified by limits on sexual expression The Korean paradox of the 1972 Sino-American rapprochement: An East Asian perspective Robust design methodology for class-E amplifiers for microwave applications Operational flood-forecasting for Bangladesh Broadband analog opto-electronic blind source separation Protein activation of the RNase P ribozyme Life stress and the course of early-onset bipolar disorder Neural mechanisms contributing to muscle fatigue in humans Combining ground-based and space-based data to study tides in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere Osteogenic poly(ethylene glycol)-based hydrogels for three-dimensional human mesenchymal stem cell culture and bone regeneration Perfusion cultures of recombinant CHO cells: Effects on specific productivity, production stability, and protein glycosylation Modular functions of bacterial DEAD-box proteins Low-Reynolds-number particle transport in narrow channels for microfluidics and other applications Intelligent bodies: Women's embodiment and subjectivity in the human-horse communication process Ariadne's thread: Pre-service teachers, stories and identities in teacher education Analytic and interferometric techniques for the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna Irreversible contamination? Global Hollywood and the (not so) national cinema Rapid decomposition of nickel oxalate powders Survey research emerging issues / Workforce development and higher education a strategic role for institutional research / From Main Street to Wall Street the transformation of for-profit higher education / Liberal arts colleges and liberal arts education new evidence on impacts / Rethinking the "L" word in higher education the revolution of research on leadership / E-powering the people South Africa's Smart Cape Access Project / 1604-2004 supernovae as cosmological lighthouses : proceedings of a meeting held in Palazzo del Bo, Università degli Studi di Padova, Padua, Italy 15-19 June 2004 / Characterization and metrology for ULSI technology 2005, Richardson, Texas, 15-18 March 2005 Characterization and metrology for ULSI technology 2003 International Conference on Characterization and Metrology for ULSI Technology, Austin, Texas, 24-28 March, 2003 / Percolation theory for flow in porous media / The medical museum: or, A repository of cases, experiments, researches, and discoveries collected at home and abroad. ... By gentlemen of the faculty. Philosophical transactions giving some accompt of the present undertakings, studies and labours of the ingenious in many considerable parts of the world. The Astrologer's magazine; and Philosophical miscellany Consisting of philosophical transactions with a monthly portion of Lavater's Physiognomy. The Country spectator Evaluation of Community Voices Miami : affecting health policy for the uninsured / Recalibrating alliance contributions : changing policy environment and military alliances / Lattice hadron physics / Japan's space program : a fork in the road? / Mathematical modeling of calcium dynamics and signal transduction / Inorganic polymeric nanocomposites and membranes / UVX 2004 : 7ième colloque sur les sources cohérentes et incohérentes UV, VUV et X applications et développements récents : Centre des Congrès de Saint-Étienne, France, 7-11 juin 2004 / Unexploded ordnance cleanup costs : implications of alternative protocols / Beamed energy propulsion : Third International Symposium on Beamed Energy Propulsion, Troy, New York, 11-14 October 2004 / 4th European Workshop on Piezoelectric Materials : crystal growth, ceramics, thin films, elaboration, characterization, modelling : Montpellier, France 21-23 July, 2004 / An assessment of Air Force data on contract expenditures / Digital watermarking : third international workshop, IWDW 2004, Seoul, Korea, October 30 - November 1, 2004 : revised selected papers / Three years after : next steps in the War on Terror / Least squares orthogonal distance fitting of curves and surfaces in space / Discovery that secondary craters dominate Europa's small crater population / Electron relaxation and electron transfer dynamics in semiconductor quantum dots studied by femtosecond time-resolved spectroscopy / Ultracold Bose gases : from the Gross-Pitaevskii to the fractional quantum Hall regime / Mechanistic studies of enhanced polymerization characteristics of novel mono(meth)acrylate monomers / Microphysical modeling of clouds in Titan's atmosphere / Some international macroeconomic implications of wealth / Marianne Moore's animalogies : towards a post-Darwinian poetics of embodiment / Connectedness and reflections in symmetry algebras of differential equations / The 2005 Institutional investment report : U.S. and international trends. Real-time measurements of non-refractory particle composition and interactions at forested sites / Effects of estrogen and progesterone on resting energy expenditure and sympathetic nervous system activity / Unsaturated flow under increased gravitational field / Connecting literacy, language, and lived experience : examining the use of literature discussion circles in a fourth grade classroom / Investigation of the fundamental behavior of particulate flows with continuous size distributions / Atomistic and continuum modeling of the structure and mechanical properties of metal nanowires / Low-power design using adaptive voltage scaling / Protein aggregation in aqueous solution : mechanism, thermodynamics, and kinetics / The role of streamwise and spanwise vorticity in the formation of side jets and split flames / Non-classical inactivation response of spores and emerging pathogens to chemical disinfection under different water quality conditions / Plastic behavior of polycrystalline copper at optical scales of deformation / Teleology, perfectionism, and communitarianism in Aristotle's political naturalism / Historic range of variability and stand development in piñon-juniper woodlands of western Colorado / Global advances in HIV/AIDS monitoring and evaluation In search of cultural competence in evaluation toward principles and practices / International perspectives on evaluation standards Teaching evaluation using the case method Reserve recruiting and the college market : is a new educational benefit needed? / Low-temperature thermochronology : techniques, interpretations, and applications / Crosslinking in materials science / Formation of hybrid structures by controlled photopolymerizations / Spectroscopic characterization of membrane-docking C2 domains / Maintaining condition and safety of deteriorating bridges by probabilistic models and optimization / Modeling wildfire mitigation and ecological restoration in the wildland-urban interface : a study of the montane zone of the Colorado Front Range / A study of geophysical and astrophysical turbulence using reduced equations / Gender pay equity among university faculty : testing segregation, human capital, discrimination, and demographic inertia / NUMISHEET 2005 : Detroit, Michigan, 15-19 August 2005. Psychometric concerns when measuring advanced knowledge / Superfluidity in Bose atom-molecule mixtures / Mitigation of wind turbine/vortex interaction using disturbance accommodating control / Development of novel ultrasonic physiological measurement methodologies appropriate for space flight / Discovering and debugging algebraic specifications for Java classes / High quality and low quality college-level academic writing : its discursive features / Some parallel linear and nonlinear Schwarz methods with applications in computational fluid dynamics / Russia and the information revolution / 34th Winter School on Wave Acoustics and Quantum Acoustics : Ustroń, Poland, 28 February-4 March, 2005 / Exploring meanings of Chacoan community great houses through chipped stone : a biographical approach / Book-tax conformity and the value relevance of earnings components : an international study / Generation and characterization of fine and stable powders suitable for pulmonary drug delivery using CO₂-assisted nebulization with a Bubble Dryer® (CAN-BD) / The morphology and processing of models for organic atmospheric aerosols / Simulation of cohesive particle flows in granular and gas-solid systems / Warriorship in practice : identity and learning in an American Indian school / When paradigms collide : feminism, demography, and women's empowerment in rural Bangladesh / Chemical vapor sensing with dynamic holography / Modeling and IC-based control of high frequency electronic ballasts / Laboratory studies of sulfate aerosols at upper tropospheric and lower stratospheric temperatures and compositions / Resolving GPS carrier phase ambiguities for a low Earth orbit spacecraft / Tools for studying O-linked glycopeptides / Policy and research implications of domestic violence legislation / Semiconductor nanoparticles : synthesis, ultra-fast time-resolved spectroscopy, multiple exciton generation, and applications in solar cells / Optical soliton controlled inverters in quadratic media and inhomogeneous waveguides / Health in the developing world : health status and healthcare utilization in Matlab, Bangladesh / First-order system least squares for geometrically-nonlinear elasticity in nonsmooth domains / Rare B meson decays with [omega] mesons / Design, analysis and experimental study of RF 4H-SiC npn bipolar junction transistors / Trends in terrorism : threats to the United States and the future of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act / The measure of success : evaluating corporate citizenship performance / Risk management and performance in the Balkans support contract / Arhus Public Libraries : embracing diversity, empowering citizens in Denmark / The effect of cost-sharing on the utilization of prescription drugs for chronically ill patients / Chasing the dragon : assessing China's system of export controls for WMD-related goods and technologies / Proceedings of the 6th Annual RAND-China Reform Forum Conference, August 28-29, 2003 / Models for polymeric and anisotropic liquids / The new corporate reality : external and market considerations / Corporate governance : best practices in Europe / Network-centric operations case study : the Stryker Brigade Combat Team / Implications of modern decision science for military decision-support systems / Survey of reissues of U.S. recordings / Pos[subscript n](R) and Eisenstein series / Nearby large-scale structures and the zone of avoidance : proceedings of a meeting held in Cape Town, South Africa, 28 March - 2 April 2004 / Effecting change in business enterprises : current trends in change management / Strengthening the Palestinian health system / Rendering the body Buddhist : sermonizing in medieval Japan / The promise and defeat of the progressive public : reform politics in Colorado, 1902-1929 / Developing theoretical models of website usability : instrument development and validation / Journeys of formation : the Spanish-American Bildungsroman / Multi-constrained quality of service aware routing in mobile ad hoc wireless networks / Phylogenetic characterization of Alpine soil microbial diversity / The ritual of riots : discovering a process model U.S. riots / Surface remote sensing applications of GNSS bistatic radar : soil moisture and aircraft altimetry / Lagrangian particle transport and mixing in blinking-roll systems / Solder self-assembled, surface micromachined MEMS for micromirror applications and atom trapping / Effective field theory for two and three nucleons in one dimension / Studies of the mesosphere-lower thermosphere over the south pole using an all-sky interferometric meteor radar / Socioeconomic module for decision support for water resource management in South Africa / Laboratory studies of hydrocarbon nucleation in Titan's atmosphere and the optical constants of water ice in the far-infrared / Trapping and cooling rubidium in far-off-resonant optical dipole traps / Permissive, suppressive, and preparative effects of glucocorticoids on stress-induced hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity / The American bad-ass : a social history of the biker / Damage impact on chloride diffusion through concrete : experimental, theoretical, and numerical studies / Improving robustness in multiscale methods / On the stratigraphic evolution of a structurally confined submarine fan : Carboniferous Ross Sandstone, western Ireland / Electro-active materials and sustainable growth : EMSG 2005 : Abbey Les Vaux de Cernay, France, 23-25 May, 2005 / Formal methods for the design of real-time systems : International School on Formal Methods for the Design of Computer, Communication, and Software Systems, SFM-RT 2004, Bertinoro, Italy, September 13-18, 2004 : revised lectures / Artificial intelligence and symbolic computation : 7th international conference, AISC 2004, Linz, Austria, September 22-24, 2004 : proceedings / Comparative evaluation of multilingual information access systems : 4th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2003, Trondheim, Norway, August 21-22, 2003 : revised papers / Dissipative solitons / Outsourcing and outfitting practices : implications for the Ministry of Defence shipbuilding programmes / Biological and medical data analysis : 5th international symposium, ISBMDA 2004, Barcelona, Spain, November 18-19, 2004 : proceedings / Spirituality in higher education Social network analysis in program evaluation Advancing faculty learning through interdisciplinary collaboration Alternative strategies for evaluating student learning Enhancing learning with laptops in the classroom Identity, learning, and the liberal arts A laboratory for public scholarship and democracy Optical technologies in biophysics and medicine V Saratov Fall Meeting 2003 : 7-10 October, 2003, Saratov, Russia / Religion and the willingness to donate organs and tissues: The roles of religious affiliation and religious orientation Genes, development, and externalizing behaviors during middle childhood and adolescence Global warming and mesoscale eddy dynamics: An oceanic mechanism for dissipation of heat Effects of fire and plant invasion on aspects of aboveground and belowground interactions in an eastern tallgrass prairie In-situ shear strength by centrifuge modelling The effects of the seasonal cycle on interannual SST variability in the Indian Ocean Endolithic microbial ecosystems: Molecular phylogenetic composition, ecology and geobiology Applying Perfect Simulation to solve stochastic difference equations that arise from certain time series models Stable isotopic analysis and firn air reconstruction of the atmospheric history of methane and delta-carbon-13 Context, race and danger: The relationship between threat perception and the decision to shoot Understanding program performance using temporal vertical profiles Analyst following, cost of equity capital, and the information environment: Evidence from the electric utility industry Cardinal functions on pseudo-tree algebras and a generalization of homogeneous weak density Negotiating social change in international contexts: A study of discourse, development, and participative organizing Mental causation, trying, and the emotions Cognitive adaptability: The role of metacognition and feedback in entrepreneurial decision policies Hydrodynamic escape from planetary atmospheres Cerro de Oro Mining District, Sonora, Mexico: Geology, igneous petrology, and mineral deposits Towards automating traceability: An incremental and scalable approach Spaceborne accelerometry and temporal gravity analysis from the CHAMP satellite mission Toward automating the discovery of traceability links The genetic etiology of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and its dimensions: Linkage to chromosome 6p Window and dome technologies VIII 22-23 April, 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA / Optoelectronic and electronic sensors V 5-8 June, 2002, Rzeszów, Poland / A role for serotonin in the prevention of learned helplessness by wheel running Atom-chip Bose-Einstein condensation in a portable vacuum cell Gyrokinetic deltaf simulation of the collisionless and semi-collisional tearing mode instability Thermophoretic deposition of aerosol particles in laminar tube flow with mixed convection The impact of graphical conventions and layout location on search for webpage widgets On the discovery and elucidation of the mechanism via which repression of the Caenorhabditis elegans p53 ortholog cep-1 results in longevity Competition and facilitation in bird-dispersed plants Financial reporting quality, capital allocation efficiency, and financing structure: An international study The Cody Complex revisited: Landscape use and technological organization on the northwestern plains On words: An essay on beliefs, belief attributions and the ontology of language An algorithmic unification of particle-in-cell and continuum methods and a wave-particle description for the electron temperature gradient (ETG) instability saturation Brain-derived neurotrophic factor is required for normal peripheral nerve development and regeneration Mars aerobraking spacecraft state estimation by processing inertial measurement unit data Sediment transport and channel form in gravel-bed river meanders Aminoacyl-tRNA uniformity in the translational apparatus Testimony and mythic voyage: Memory and forgetting of the Spanish Civil War Impact of input uncertainty in ensemble stream flow generation Membrane bioseparations: Cellulase recovery, particle deposition, and second osmotic virial coefficients Employees do matter: Autonomy, teamwork and corporate entrepreneurial culture The physics of unconstrained edges in planetary rings Kant, realism, and anti-realism A reform approach to calculus instruction: Effects on retention, grades and understanding An investigation into the genetic etiology of adolescent antisocial behavior and conduct disorder: An application of item response theory The identity of crisis: Muslim Americans after September 11 Relativistic dynamics of a charged sphere : updating the Lorentz-Abraham model / An adventure on a frozen lake a tale of the Canadian Rebellion of 1837-8 ; and, The massacre at Owego:an Indian tale / The new cosmology : Conference on Strings and Cosmology, College Station, Texas, 14-17 March 2004, The Mitchell Symposium on Observational Cosmology, College Station, Texas, 12-16 April 2004 / User-centered interaction paradigms for universal access in the information society : 8th ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All, Vienna, Austria, June 28-29, 2004 : revised selected papers / Generative programming and component engineering : Third International Conference, GPCE 2004, Vancouver, Canada, October 24-28, 2004 : proceedings / Management of multimedia networks and services : 7th IFIP/IEEE international conference, MMNS 2004, San Diego, CA, USA, October 3-6, 2004 : proceedings / Latin-American School of Physics XXXV ELAF : supersymmetries in physics and its applications, Mexico City, Mexico, 19-30 July 2004 / IX Hadron Physics and VII Relativistic Aspects of Nuclear Physics : a joint meeting on QCD and QGP, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 28 March-3 April 2004 / Integrated planning for the Air Force senior leader workforce : background and methods / Science and technology in the national interest : ensuring the best presidential and federal advisory committee science and technology appointments / The retail revolution : can Europe match U.S. productivity performance? / The owner's role in project risk management / Beyond close air support : forging a new air-ground partnership / Assessment of options for extending the life of the Hubble Space Telescope : final report / The science of instream flows : a review of the Texas Instream Flow Program / The Air Force Chief of Staff logistics review : improving wing-level logistics / Risk and decisions about disposition of transuranic and high-level radioactive waste / How goes the "war on drugs"? : an assessment of U.S. drug programs and policy / The threat of pandemic influenza : are we ready? : workshop summary / Economic models of colorectal cancer screening in average-risk adults : workshop summary / Centerline rumble strips / Getting up to speed : the future of supercomputing / Cellular automata : 6th International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry, ACRI 2004, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, October 25-27, 2004 : proceedings / Space weather : the physics behind a slogan / Training of commercial motor vehicle drivers / Agents and computational autonomy : potential, risks, and solutions / Coevolutionary fuzzy modeling / Quantum field theory and noncommutative geometry / Alternative futures and Army force planning : implications for the future force era / Increasing participation in Army continuing education : eArmyU and effects of possible program changes / High-performance government : structure, leadership, incentives / Integrating Sustainability into the Transportation Planning Process / Acquisition, tracking, and pointing XVII 22 April, 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA / An investigation of the stably-stratified atmospheric boundary layer over the Arctic Ocean during stable, clear-sky, winter conditions Development of flow control elements for portable polymeric microfluidic devices Essays on the equity premium puzzle, earnings volatility, and expected stock returns Direct frequency comb spectroscopy for optical frequency metrology and coherent interactions FOSLL* for eddy current problems with three-dimensional edge singularities Control of nonlinear and hybrid process systems : designs for uncertainty, constraints and time-delays / Inspection and management of bridges with fracture-- critical details : a synthesis of highway practice / Evergreen bringing information resources to rural China : Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Access to Learning Award recipient 2004 / The moral and political magazine of the London Corresponding Society, for. Making out of school time matter : evidence for action agenda / First International Work-Conference on the Interplay Between Natural and Artificial Computation : IWINAC 2005, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain, June 15-18, 2005 : proceedings / Intrinsic molecular mobility and toughness of polymers / Generalized sheet transition conditions for metafilm and its applications / Mechanistic modeling, network evolution, and advanced applications of novel thiol-vinyl systems / Improving the safety of older road users / Developing transportation agency leaders / Regulating mining in Africa : for whose benefit? / A study of the evolutionary history of the genus, Populus L. (Salicaceae) / Alchemy in the shadows : stories of research and transformation / Development and application of geostatistical methods to modeling spatial variation in snowpack properties, Front Range, Colorado / Adaptive, nonlinear, resource-distribution control / Packaging of two-dimensional microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) variable capacitors with liquid crystal polymer / Laboratory studies of surfaces representative of mineral dust in the troposphere / Mechanistic studies of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 2 / Privacy for location-based queries through automatic resolution control / Maturation of regional dolomite bodies in the Late Eocene Ocala Limestone and Early Oligocene Suwannee Limestone, west-central Florida : processes and effects / GaAsN and GaAsBi novel optoelectronic alloys / Aide de Camp : asymmetric multi-core design for dynamic thermal management / Dynamic dopamine modulation of striato-cortical circuits in cognition : converging neuropsychological, psychopharmacological and computational studies / Design and synthesis of high susceptibility self-assembled monolayers for the photoalignment of liquid crystals / When the weather is uggianaqtuq : linking Inuit and scientific observations of recent environmental change in Nunavut, Canada / Time-resolved measurement of electronic motion through a conical intersection using impulsive pump-probe polarization spectroscopy / Negative feedback of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis : glucocorticoid modulation of stress-induced gene expression in the paraventricular nucleus and pituitary gland / Construction of an order theoretic duality for certain groups / A study of the decay [pi]0 -> e+e-e+e- using KL -> [pi]0[pi]0[pi]0 decays in flight / Abstraction refinement for large scale model checking / An evaluation of the operational use of numerical solutions to the quasigeostrophic diagnostic equations by weather forecasters / Optimal perturbation analysis of stratified shear flows / First measurements and analysis of chlorine oxide abundances near the tropopause / Observed and modeled rainfall conditions for shallow landsliding in the Seattle, Washington, area / Polymeric and inorganic fibers / Placing a value on the health benefit for active-duty personnel / An analysis of military disablity compensation / Superconductivity in complex systems / Nonblocking supervisory control of state tree structures / Vertical foreign direct investment, knowledge spillovers and growth : theory and evidence / Essays on tax competition for commuters and the effect of taxes on foreign direct investment in China / Connectivity-based garbage collection / Expanding a flutter envelope using data from accelerating flight : application to the F-16 fighter aircraft / Corporate social responsibility networks : assessing the private governance of public goods / Functions of political parties in modern democratic elections / The genetic and environmental structure of Cloninger's model of personality / Relative contribution of cell cycle regulation, DNA repair, cell death, and growth to survival after DNA damage in Drosophila Larvae / Information and communication technology (ICT), culture, and power : toward a "neo-sociotechnical" theory of organizing / Rock glaciers in the Front Range : an analysis of distribution, topoclimatic variables, permafrost, and flow / Precipitation with a compressed-fluid antisolvent : injector development and applications to the design of particulate pharmaceuticals / Adaptive torque control of variable speed wind turbines / Electrical discharges near the surface of Mars : laboratory experiments and numerical modeling / Hydrogen production using indium tin oxide catalysis and palladium/copper membranes / Probing the dynamics of solar supergranulation and its interaction with magnetism / Hydrocarbon radicals and their oxidation products / Disproportionate minority arrests (DMA) of youth : a Colorado study of police perspectives on race and arrest decision making / Adaptation of reduced order models for applications in aeroelasticity / Price barriers in U.S. equities / Bye, bye Miss American pie : wives of American servicemen in southeast Asia 1961-1975 / Póetica del exceso : Galdós y Las novelas contemporáneas / Shaped time-optimal closed-loop servomechanisms / Cooling of nonneutral electron plasma / Bimetallic complexes for concentrating carbon dioxide in an electrochemical cycle / If God be for us : religious nationalism in modern Europe / Medical risk in the Future Force unit of action : results of the Army Medical Department Transformation Workshop IV / Essays on the general equilibrium effects of infrastructure on multinational corporations, growth and the pattern of trade / Coherent states and geometric quantization / Decorrelated state estimation for distributed tracking in cluttered environments / In the shadow of Kruger : community conservation and environmental resource access in the former Kangwane homeland, South Africa / High-precision spectroscopy of molecular iodine : from optical frequency standards to global descriptions of hyperfine interactions and associated electronic structure / Microplane modeling and physical interpretation of evolving anisotropy and principal stress rotations in granular materials / The role of chain length dependent kinetics on observed non-classical multivinyl photopolymerization behavior / Mitogen activated protein kinase regulation investigated by hydrogen exchange and mass spectrometry / Toward surface-mounted azimuthal dipolar rotors / Improving performance of mobile programs via a compilation service / Thermomechanical behavior of shape memory polymers / On being on the same page : organizational communication and the user-centred development of a digital library collection / Temperature-dependent rate coefficients for removal of OH (v = 1) by several species / Knowledge & diplomacy : science advice in the United Nations system / Fostering rapid advances in health care : learning from system demonstrations / Evaluation of chemical events at Army chemical agent disposal facilities / Reducing the barriers to international trade in accounting services / Rural poverty report 2001 the challenge of ending rural poverty. Regulation of weights, lengths, and widths of commercial motor vehicles / National air pollutant emission trends Symsac '76 : proceedings of the 1976 ACM Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, August 10-12, 1976, Yorktown Heights, New York / DANTES external degree catalog Liberty and democracy / Government-industry partnerships for the development of new technologies : summary report / When children die : improving palliative and end-of-life care for children and their families / Malaria control during mass population movements and natural disasters / Bio 2010 : transforming undergraduate education for future research biologists / Elder mistreatment : abuse, neglect, and exploitation in an aging America / Hoosier mosiacs Noncommutative Gröbner bases and filtered-graded transfer / Structural materials for hybrid systems : a challenge in metallurgy : Paris, France, October 29-31, 2001 / Assessing unit readiness : case study of an Air Force mobility wing / The Fourth International Symposium on Hazards, Prevention, and Mitigation of Industrial Explosions : IV ISHPMIE, Bourges, France, October 21-25, 2002 / Chemical reference materials : setting the standards for ocean science / Deterrence, protection, and preparation : the new transportation security imperative / Computer music modeling and retrieval : International Symposium, CMMR 2003, Montpellier, France, May 26-27, 2003 : revised papers / Asbestos litigation costs and compensation : an interim report / A world in need of leadership : tomorrow's United Nations / Technology development for army unmanned ground vehicles / Distributed computing and Internet technology second international conference, ICDCIT 2005, Bhubaneswar, India, December 22-24, 2005 : proceedings / International Workshop on Electronic Crystals : ECRYS-2002, St. Flour, France, September 2-7, 2002 / Biometrics : a look at facial recognition / Reducing suicide : a national imperative / Controversial essays / Network architectures, management, and applications III 7-10 November 2005, Shanghai, China / Detection and remediation technologies for mines and minelike targets IX 12-16 April 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA / Designing safer roads : practices for resurfacing, restoration, and rehabilitation. Oceans '86 conference record : science-engineering-adventure : conference / Differential geometry in the large : seminar lectures, New York University, 1946 and Stanford University, 1956 / Enhanced and synthetic vision 2003 21 April, 2003, Orlando, Florida USA / Initiative and referendum in the 21st century final report and recommendations of the NCSL I & R Task Force. Initiative & Referendum Institute (IRI) The electronic map library Naval mine warfare : operational and technical challenges for naval forces / Oceans '87 proceedings : the ocean, an international workplace / The itinerant side, or, Pictures of life in the itinerancy Tusser redivivus being part of Mr. Thomas Tusser's Five hundred points of husbandry; ... To which are added notes and observations explaining many obsolete terms in the said Mr. Tusser ... and what is agreeable to the present practice. Social, cultural, and economic capital, and behavioral investments in health / News The speculator Legends of Holy Mary High energy physics : the 25th annual Montreal--Rochester--Syracuse--Toronto Conference on High Energy Physics : MRST 2003 : a tribute to Joe Schechter : Syracuse, New York 13-15 May 2003 / The inebriate's hut, or, The first fruits of the Maine law 1999 International Symposium on Database Applications in Non-Traditional Environments (DANTE '99) : proceedings : November 28-30, 1999, Kyoto, Japan / U.S. grain export quality report wheat, corn, soybeans / Yellowstone grizzly bear investigations report of the Interagency Study Team. Remy St. Remy, or the boy in blue Driven from the path a novel / Ruth a song in the desert. Guidelines for the care and use of mammals in neuroscience and behavioral research / Ralph Runnion, or, The outlaw's doom a romance of the Revolution. The Frontiersmen a narrative of 1783. Monthly state, regional and national cooling degree days weighted by population Fern leaves from Fanny's port-folio second series / Annual report System design : concepts, methods, and tools / The Political cabinet: or, An impartial review of the most remarkable occurrences of the world, particularly of Europe Collected from ... papers published by the several courts of Europe, as well as from private intelligence. The Olio, or, Anything-arian miscellany Particle physics in the new millennium : proceedings of the 8th Adriatic meeting / Motivational interviewing in the reduction of risk factors for eating disorders : a pilot study / En resumen / Public key infrastructure Second European PKI Workshop : Research and Applications, EuroPKI 2005, Canterbury, UK, June 30 - July 1, 2005 : revised selected papers / The financial connection on the Internet America's role in nation-building : from Germany to Iraq / Sustainment of Army forces in Operation Iraqi Freedom : major findings and recommendations / Quadrennial defense review 2001 : lessons on managing change in the Department of Defense / Third Israel Symposium on the Theory of Computing and Systems : proceedings, January 4-6, 1995, Tel Aviv, Israel / Monitoring international labor standards : quality of information : summary of a workshop / A simulation-based study of TLB performance / ATOM : a system for building customized program analysis tools / Observing TCP dynamics in real networks / Complexity/performance tradeoffs with non-blocking loads / A better update policy / Boolean matching for full-custom ECL gates / Packaging a 150 W bipolar ECL microprocessor / Link-time optimization of address calculation on a 64-bit architecture / A smart frame buffer / A 300MHz 115W 32b bipolar ECL microprocessor / Systems for late code modification / Piecewise linear models for switch-level simulation / Fluoroelastomer pressure pad design for microelectronic applications / Recovery in Sprintely NFS / How useful are non-blocking loads, stream buffers, and speculative execution in multiple issue processors? / Performance implications of multiple pointer sizes / Recursive layout generation / Contour : a tile-based gridless router / Drip : a schematic drawing interpreter / Pour rénover le système des Nations unies / Comptroller General's annual report A handbook for acquiring demand-responsive transit software / Oceans '96 MTS/IEEE : prospects for the 21st century : conference proceedings, 23-26 September 1996, Fort Lauderdale, Florida / The new fiscal federalism and the social safety net : a view from California / A framework for precision conventional strike in post-Cold War military strategy / Unequal treatment : confronting racial and ethnic disparities in health care / Cryptography's role in securing the information society / Occupational health and safety in the care and use of research animals / The Internet under crisis conditions : learning from September 11 / State arts agencies, 1965-2003 : whose interests to serve? / Physics of biological systems : from molecules to species / Information networking : networking technologies for enhanced Internet services : international conference, ICOIN 2003, Cheju Island, Korea, February 12-14, 2003 : revised selected papers / Spacecraft maximum allowable concentrations for selected airborne contaminants / Elmwood, or, Helen and Emma Advanced web technologies and applications : 6th Asia-Pacific Web Conference, APWeb 2004, Hangzhou, China, April 14-17, 2004 : proceedings / Advances in web-based learning, ICWL 2004 : third international conference, Beijing, China, August 8-11, 2004 ; proceedings / Attitudes, aptitudes, and aspirations of American youth : implications for military recruiting / Industry, trade, and technology review Research accomplishments [microform] Transit profiles. Journal of legal studies Aeronautics and space report of the President ... activities Indicators of welfare dependence annual report to Congress. Environmental cleanup at Navy facilities : risk-based methods / People in control : an International Conference on Human Interfaces in Control Rooms, Cockpits and Command Centres, 21-23 June 1999 ; venue, University of Bath, Bath, UK / First IEE/IMechE International Conference on Power Station Maintenance : profitability through reliability : 30 March - 1 April 1998 : venue, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK. Service-Oriented Computing--ICSOC 2005 Third International Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, December 12-15, 2005 : proceedings / Aviation fuels with improved fire safety : a proceedings / Impacts on earth / Containing the threat from illegal bombings : an integrated national strategy for marking, tagging, rendering inert, and licensing explosives and their precursors / Dying to quit : why we smoke and how we stop / Judicial business of the United States courts ... report of the director. U.S. and Russian policymaking with respect to the use of force / A handbook of proven marketing strategies for public transit / The future of indigenous publishing in Africa / Committee hearings, 105th Congress Statistical highlights of U.S. agriculture Snow & avalanches in Utah annual report / The hero's journey : how educators can transform schools and improve learning / Heegner modules and elliptic curves / The 2000 census, counting under adversity / Campesina leaders, life histories and ICT for development : cybernetworking and rural women in Central America / European convention on the international validity of criminal judgments / Realizing the potential of C4I : fundamental challenges / Templates in chemistry / Small farm digest Nonlinear Optics'98 Materials, Fundamentals, and Applications Topical Meeting, 10-14 August 1998, Princeville Hotel, Princeville, Kauai, Hawaii. Second International Conference on the Detection of Abandoned Land Mines : 12-14 October 1998, venue, Edinburgh International Conference Centre, UK organising committee, R Voles ... [et al.] ; corresponding members, L J Carter ... [et al.] Sandwiches Policy updates National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) directory. On the move to meaningful internet systems 2004 : CoopIS, DOA, and ODBASE : OTM Confederated International Conferences, CoopIS, DOA, and ODBASE 2004, Agia Napa, Cyprus, October 25-29, 2004 : proceedings / Strategic education research partnership / Making national drug policies a development priority : a strategy paper and six country stories. Doctor Johns being a narrative of certain events in the life of an orthodox minister of Connecticut / The prehistoric archaeology of Norfolk Island, southwest Pacific / Unmanned ground vehicle technology V 22-23 April, 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA / Sparkles from Saratoga The Lady's museum By the author of The Female Quixote. The poor of New York from the play of "The poor of New York" / Army SBIR accomplishments Beyond the market : designing nonmarket accounts for the United States / Contaminant hazard reviews Family religious involvement and the quality of parental relationships for families with early adolescents / On the move to meaningful Internet systems 2003 : CoopIS, DOA, and ODBASE : OTM confederated international conferences CoopIS, DOA, and ODBASE 2003, Catania, Sicily, Italy, November 3-7, 2003 : proceedings / Keeping score / Research announcement Evaluating and improving undergraduate teaching in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics / Oceans '99 MTS/IEEE : riding the crest into the 21st century / Strategic marketing in library and information science / Survey automation : report and workshop proceedings / Theorists' models in action Using appreciative inquiry in evaluation / A million random digits : with 100,000 normal deviates. Veterans and Agent Orange : update 1998 / Workshop on Self-Stabilizing Systems : 19th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems : proceedings : May 31-June 4, 1999, Austin, Texas / Scientific communication and national security : a report / Microelectronics design, technology, and packaging II : 12-14 December 2005, Brisbane, Australia / Second International Conference on Optical Information Processing 17-21 June 1996, St. Petersburg, Russia / The British magazine and review; or, Universal miscellany of arts sciences, literature, history, biography, entertainment, poetry, politics, manners, amusements, and intelligence foreign and domestick. The asylum or Weekly miscellany Tests to evaluate public health disease reporting systems in local public health agencies / Hydrological controls on stream water chemistry in alpine catchments, Colorado Front Range, U.S.A. / Public library data / The annual AI Systems in Government Conference : proceedings, March 27-31, 1989, Washington, D.C. / Life and scientific work of Peter Guthrie Tait : supplementing the two volumes of Scientific papers published in 1898 and 1900 / Research priorities for airborne particulate matter / Measuring access to learning opportunities / New treatments for addiction : behavioral, ethical, legal, and social questions / Planning the 2010 census : second interim report / Political space of Okinawa : geographical perspectives on ethno-regional integration and protest / Distributed education and its challenges : an overview / Conceptual modeling for advanced application domains : ER 2004 Workshops, CoMoGIS, CoMWIM, ECDM, CoMoA, DGOV, and eCOMO, Shanghai, China, November 8-12, 2004 : proceedings / E-commerce and Web technologies : 4th International Conference, EC-Web, Prague, Czech Republic, September 2-5, 2003 : proceedings / Electronic scientific, technical, and medical journal publishing and its implications : report of a symposium / Employment and unemployment among youth Wireless systems and mobility in next generation internet : First International Workshop of the EURO-NGI Network of Excellence, Dagstuhl castle, Germany, June 7-9, 2004 : revised selected papers / Conducting multiple site evaluations in real-world settings / Improved operational testing and evaluation : better measurement and test design for the interim brigade combat team with Stryker vehicles. Improving medical education : enhancing the behavioral and social science content of medical school curricula / Improved operational testing and evaluation : and methods of combining test information for the Stryker family of vehicles and related Army systems. Learning and instruction : a SERP research agenda / Health and safety needs of older workers / The Namanereidinae (Polychaeta: Nereididae) / Current trends in relativistic astrophysics : theoretical, numerical, observational / First International Symposium on Agent Systems and Applications [and] Third International Symposium on Mobile Agents : proceedings : [joint event held] October 3-6, 1999, Palm Springs, California, USA / Group communications and charges : technology and business models : 5th COST 264 International Workshop on Networked Group Communications, NGC 2003 and 3rd International Workshop on Internet Charging and QoS Technologies, ICQT 2003, Munich, Germany, September 16-19, 2003 : proceedings / Object-oriented and internet-based technologies : 5th Annual International Conference on Object-Oriented and Internet-Based Technologies, Concepts, and Applications for a Networked World, Net. ObjectDays 2004, Erfurt, Germany, September 27-30, 2004 : proceedings / Protecting participants and facilitating social and behavioral sciences research / 1998 Multimedia Modeling : MMM '98 : October 12-15, 1998, Lausanne, Switzerland : Proceedings / Summary of a workshop on information technology research for crisis management / The weapons mix problem : a math model to quantify the effects of internetting of fires to the objective future force / Steel and gold, or, The heir of Glenville a domestic tale of Revolutionary days / Say and seal American nights' entertainments The workforce challenge : recruiting, training, and retaining qualified workers for transportation and transit agencies / The exiles a tale / A modern Cressida Life and death The Puddleford papers, or, Humors of the West Lattice-gas cellular automata and lattice Boltzmann models : an introduction / The audiovisual services sector in the GATS negotiations / Revision of the snail genus Austropyrgus (Gastropoda:Hydrobiidae) : a morphostatic radiation of freshwater gastropods in southeastern Australia / The empty heart, or, Husks Proceedings : DARPA Information Survivability Conference & Exposition : DISCEX'00 : 25-27 January 2000, Hilton Head, South Carolina / The development of executive function in early childhood / Ethics / A Pacific odyssey : archaeology and anthropology in the Western Pacific : papers in honour of Jim Specht / Oldtown fireside stories Link the enlisted professional bulletin of the United States Navy. Fiscal and generational imbalances : new budget measures for new budget priorities / Student learning as academic currency / Predicting different levels of academic success in college using high school GPA and ACT composite score / Comfortable quarters for laboratory animals / SYMSAC '81 : proceedings of the 1981 ACM Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, Snowbird, Utah, August 5-7, 1981 / Creativity & cognition : proceedings of the third Creativity & Cognition Conference, Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK, October 10-13, 1999 / How to draw a straight line : a lecture on linkages / The art, craft, and science of evaluation capacity building / The advantage of competitive federalism for securities regulation / The U.S. organ procurement system : a prescription for reform / Government-sponsored enterprises : mercantilist companies in the modern world / Maintaining the delicate balance : distance learning, higher education accreditation, and the politics of self-regulation / Interval estimation for true scores under various scale transformations / The Doha round and financial services negotiations / Swarming on the battlefield : past, present, and future / New perspectives on designing and implementing professional development of teachers of adults / The Honolulu advertiser. Oceans 81 : the ocean ... an international workplace conference record, Boston, Massachusetts, September 16-18, 1981. Tit for tat Oceans 82 : conference record : industry, government, education--partners in progress : conference, Washington, D.C., September 20-22, 1982 / Morphology of condensed matter : physics and geometry of spatial complex systems / Strategic sourcing : measuring and managing performance / The Southeast Asian media in a time of crisis. First Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC 2000) : proceedings, 31 January-3 February 2000, Canberra, Australia / Challenges for the 21st century : human rights, disarmament, transparency and accountability. Workload characterization : methodology and case studies : based on the First Workshop on Workload Characterization, Dallas, Texas, November 29, 1998 / Lectures on amenability / Preservation of library & archival materials : a manual / Glencoe parsonage Computer Science Conference, 1980, February 12-14 and SIGCSE Symposium, 1980, February 14-15 : abstracts, information, program, Radisson Muehlebach Hotel, Kansas City, Missouri. The faithful slave Up-country letters Condensed novels and other papers / The veteran of the Grand Army a novel:in eight parts / Olivia Trevett, or, The patriot cruiser a story of the American Revolution / Smith's saloon, or, The Grays and the Grants Miriam Rivers, the lady soldier, or, General Grant's spy The ideal attained being the story of two steadfast souls, and how they won their happiness and lost it not / Mary Lyndon, or, Revelations of a life an autobiography. Philly and Kit, or, Life and raiment The gilded age a tale of to-day / A woman in armor As by fire Real-world applications of evolutionary computing : EvoWorkshops 2000 : EvoIASP, EvoSCONDI, EvoTel, EvoSTIM, EvoRob, and EvoFlight, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, April 17, 2000 : proceedings / The sea-witch, or, The African quadroon a story of the slave coast / The shady side, or, Life in a country parsonage Miss Tamar Allen's narrative of the Tientsin massacre in China, during which so many Christians and foreigners were ruthlessly butchered by the Chinese ... and her own miraculous escape Anna Clayton, or, The inquirer after truth The swordmaster of the Santee, or, Hirl, the hunchback Ida May a story of things actual and possible / Jack Harold, or, The criminal's career The poor white, or, The rebel conscript The life and adventures of Joaquin Murieta, the celebrated California bandit Bread to my children The border ruffian, or, Kansas and Missouri an historical western story of the present time with interesting conversations between Jeff and Abe on the subject of slavery / Stories for the American Freemason's fireside Honor, or, The slave-dealer's daughter Public health systems and emerging infections : assessing the capabilities of the public and private sectors : workshop summary / Applications of graph transformations with industrial relevance : international workshop, AGTIVE'99, Kerkrade, The Netherlands, September 1-3, 1999 : proceedings / European Convention for the Protection of Animals During International Transport = Convention européenne sur la protection des animaux en transport international. Convention on the elaboration of a European pharmacopoeia = Convention relative à l'élaboration d'une Pharmacopée européenne. Convention on reduction of cases of multiple nationality and military obligations in cases of multiple nationality = Convention sur la réduction des cas de pluralité de nationalités et sur les obligations militaires en cas de pluralité de nationalités ; Protocol amending the convention on the reduction of cases of multiple nationality and military obligations in cases of multiple nationality = Protocole portant modification a la convention sur la réduction des cas de pluralité de nationalités et sur les obligations militaires en cas de pluralité de nationalités ; Additional protocol to the convention on the reduction of cases of multiple nationality and military obligations in cases of multiple nationality = Protocole additionnel a la convention sur la réduction des cas de pluralité de nationalités et sur les obligations militaires en cas de pluralité de nationalités. Maud of the Mississippi a companion to Pauline of the Potomac / Anna, Louisa, and Nannie, or, The three victims with full and correct statements of the intrigue, deception, conspiracy, and murder committed by Daniel Longrave, the accomplished accomplice of Mother Higgins. Ising-type antiferromagnets : model systems in statistical physics and in the magnetism of exchange bias / Leadership by example : coordinating government roles in improving health care quality / Lord of himself Macaria, or, Altars of sacrifice Bessie Wilmerton, or, Money, and what came of it Modern pilgrims showing the improvements in travel, and the newest methods of reaching the Celestial City ... / Neighbor Jackwood Mathematical proficiency for all students : toward a strategic research and development program in mathematics education / U.S. Environmental Protection Agency fiscal year ... annual performance report How will it end? a romance / Wild Nell, the White Mountain girl Correlation and polarization in photonic, electronic, and atomic collisions : proceedings of the International Symposium on (e,2e), Double Photoionization, and Related Topics and the Twelfth International Symposium on Polarization and Correlation in Electronic and Atomic Collisions : Königstein, Germany 30 July-2 August 2003 / Ambient intelligence : first European symposium, EUSAI 2003, Veldhoven, The Netherlands, November 3-4, 2003 : proceedings / Formal methods at the crossroads : from panacea to foundational support : 10th anniversary colloquium of UNU/IIST, the International Institute for Software Technology of the United Nations University, Lisbon, Portugal, March 18-20, 2002 : revised papers / Digest of technical papers. Leaves from the book of human life Strife a romance of Germany and Italy / The unfortunate mountain girl The Hemlock Swamp, and, a season at the White Sulphur Springs Our boys the personal experiences of a soldier in the Army of the Potomac / Twin roses a narrative / Rougegorge and other short stories / Cachet, or, The secret sorrow Inez a tale of the Alamo. Mexican's bride, or, The ranger's revenge Frontier life, or, Scenes and adventures in the South West Twisted threads Life and its aims in two parts. The Tinker spy a romance of the Revolution / Ten old maids, and five of them were wise and five of them were foolish Undercurrents of Wall-Street a romance of business / Thrice through the furnace A tale of the times of the iron hoof. Carlotina and the Sanfedesti, or, A night with the Jesuits at Rome The bridal eve The spectre lover Silver and pewter A tale of high life and low life in New York. / The old doctor, or, Stray leaves from my journal being ... reminiscences of a retired physician. The Bel Isabel ; or, The conspirators of Cuba A story of the green land and the blue sea. / Morton House One summer ... The crimson star, or, The midnight vision a romance founded on facts / Ah-meek, the beaver ; or, The copper-hunters of Lake Superior The black phantom, or, Woman's endurance a narrative connected with the early history of Canada and the American Revolution / Righted at last a novel / Flights of fancy Phemie's temptation The global threat of new and reemerging infectious diseases : reconciling U.S. national security and public health policy / Constance Aylmer a story of the seventeenth century / The stranger's stratagem, or, The double deceit and other stories / Robert Severne, his friends and his enemies The romance of the green seal The forsaken daughter Faye Mar of Storm-Cliff Proceedings, International Conference on Software Methods and Tools : SMT 2000 : Wollongong, Australia, 6-9 November 2000 / Proceedings, International Symposium on Multimedia Software Engineering : Taipei, Taiwan, 11-13 December 2000 / Fifteen minutes around New York Betsey Jane Ward (better-half to Artemus) hur book of goaks with a hull akkownt of the coartship and maridge to A4said Artemus, and Mister Ward's cutting-up with the Mormon fare secks / Second Australasian User Interface Conference : AUIC 2001 : proceedings : 29 January-1 February, 2001, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia / Woven of many threads State level changes in energy intensity and their national implications / The new Timothy Building better homes : government strategies for promoting innovation in housing / Wanted--a pedigree A prophetic abstract from the proceedings of the Trojan Society for the retardation of science for the year of our Lord 1870 Rising young men and other tales / Siege of Washington, D.C Under the surface Overland Protecting public education from tax giveaways to corporations : property tax abatements, tax increment financing, and funding for schools. Our schools and our future-- : are we still at risk? / Town and country, or, Life at home and abroad, without and within us Eli Perkins (at large) his sayings and doings / The Oil Spill Recovery Institute : past, present, and future directions / Database technologies : proceedings of the 11th Australasian Database Conference, ADC 2000, Canberra, Australia, January 31-February 3, 2000 / Manolia, or, The vale of Tallulah Component-based software quality : methods and techniques / The commotion in Moontown unique assault on the newspapers ; a rare discussion / Evaluating five proposed price and credit policies for the Army / WLA war, literature & the arts. Freight capacity for the 21st century / Divers views, opinions, and prophecies of yoors trooly Petroleum V. Nasby Saxe Holm's stories The orphan sisters ; or, The problem solved Red-tape and pigeon-hole generals as seen from the ranks during a campaign in the army of the Potomac / The unknowable / Highlights in condensed matter physics : Salerno, Italy, 9-11 May, 2003 / AEnone a tale of slave life in Rome. Autobiography of a female slave Ingemisco Nelly Bracken a tale of forty years ago / Ellen, or, The chained mother and pictures of Kentucky slavery:drawn from real life / The City of Sin and its capture by Immanuel's army an allegory / The pirate's son a sea novel of great interest. The haunted student a romance of the fourteenth century / Ora, the lost wife A long look ahead, or, The first stroke and the last Ambrose fecit, or, The peer and the printer Life in the saddle, or, The cavalry scout Rivingstone, or, The young ranger hussar a romance of the Revolution / Our homes their cares and duties, joys and sorrows / The mustee, or, Love and liberty The poetical and prose writings of Dr. John Lofland, the Milford bard... Marie de Berniere a tale of the Crescent City, etc., etc., etc. / The curse of gold Among the pines or, South in secession-time / Hits and dashes, or, A medley of sketches and scraps, touching people and thingswhilom published in divers news-prints of the day The armless sleeve Woman's wrongs a history of Mary and Fidelia / Nellie Brown, or, The jealous wife with other sketches / The Allen house, or, Twenty years ago and now Father Drummond and his orphans, or, The children of Mary George Seten, or, The chip boy of the dry dock a tale of city life / Handbook for digital projects : a management tool for preservation and access / A poverty of riches : new challenges and opportunities in PLA reresearch / Josh Billingssayings, with comic illustrations The wanderer a tale of life's vicissitudes. The way to prosper, or, In union there is strength and other tales / Uplands and lowlands, or, Three chapters in a life Sunshine at home, and other stories The husband in Utah, or, Sights and scenes among the Mormons with remarks on their moral and social economy / Tales and sketches for the fireside which is most respectfully dedicated to every Southern home circle / by Mrs. R.M. Ruffin. The Morrisons a story of domestic life / Agnes Graham Summer drift-wood for the winter fire Emma Bartlett, or, Prejudice and fanaticism The martyrs and the fugitive, or, A narrative of the captivity, sufferings and death of an African family, and the slavery and escape of their son Jeanie Morrison, or, The discipline of life Reducing gun violence : results from an intervention in East Los Angeles / Sybaris and other homes Future R&D environments : a report for the National Institute of Standards and Technology / Conference proceedings, OOPSLA '99 : Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, November 1-5, 1999, Colorado Convention Center, Denver, Colorado USA / Fluid resuscitation : state of the science for treating combat casualties and civilian injuries / Harmonic functions on groups and fourier algebras / Modeling and simulation in manufacturing and defense systems acquisition : pathways to success / Our own heroes a thrilling narrative. Hatchie, the guardian slave, or, The heiress of Bellevue a tale of the Mississippi and the South-West / The cabin and parlor, or, Slaves and masters The Circassian slave, or, The sultan's favorite a story of Constantinople and the Caucasus / New trends in nonlinear dynamics and control, and their applications / The down-trodden, or, Black blood and white The haps and mishaps of the three jolly students a veritable history / My satchel and I, or, Literature on foot The grains, or, Passages in the life of Ruth Rover with occasional pictures of Oregon, natural and moral / Jack Junk, or, The tar for all weathers The Brownings a tale of the Great Rebellion / The Greek slave a story / Norman Brill's life-work The maid of the Ranche, or, The regulators and moderators a story of life on the Texan border / The Blemmertons, or, Dottings by the wayside Radiation and the International Space Station : recommendations to reduce risk / First International Conference on 3G Mobile Communication Technologies : 27-29 March 2000 ; venue, Hilton London Metropole Hotel, London, UK / Non-heart-beating organ transplantation : practice and protocols / IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing : 28 November-1 December 2000, Chemnitz, Germany : Cluster2000 : proceedings. Incidents in the life of a slave girl Travels by sea and land of Alethitheras Artificial immune systems : second international conference, ICARIS 2003, Edinburgh, UK, September 1-3, 2003 : proceedings / John and Mary, or, The fugitive slaves a tale of South-Eastern Pennsylvania / Financial audit. report to the Congress / 2000 IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Behavioral Modeling and Simulation : Orlando, Florida, 19-20 October 2000 : proceedings / Sixth International Workshop on Groupware : CRIWG 2000 : October 18-20, 2000, Madeira, Portugal : proceedings / Dolores A tale of Maine and Italy / Handbook of mathematical functions : with formulas, graphs, and mathematical tables / Sowing the wind and other stories The marble faun, or, The romance of Monte Beni Tom Blinn's Temperance Society, and other tales Embodied artificial intelligence : international seminar, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, July 7-11, 2003 ; revised selected papers / Algorithmic aspects of wireless sensor networks : first international workshop, ALGOSENSORS 2004, Turku, Finland, July 16, 2004 : proceedings / Oceans 2000 MTS/IEEE : where marine science and technology meet / Art and the brain II : investigations into the science of art / Quantum thermodynamics : emergence of thermodynamic behavior within composite quantum systems / Choice with equity / Our brave new world : essays on the impact of September 11 / School accountability : [an assessment by the Koret Task Force on K-12 Education] / Genetic disorders in adolescents / Pointwise convergence of Fourier series / Proceedings : 10th Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems : Haptics 2002 : 24-25 March 2002 Orlando, Florida / Borcherds products on O(2, l) and Chern classes of Heegner divisors / Monotone random systems : theory and applications / Theory of K-loops / FMS customer financial management handbook (billing) Figurative language / The happy islands, or, Paradise restored Revision of the Australian stomatopod Crustacea / Proceedings, 26th Annual NASA Goddard Software Engineering Workshop : 27-29 November 2001, Greenbelt, Maryland. New tools for environmental protection : education, information, and voluntary measures / Late news : Thirteenth European Conference on Chemical Vapour Deposition : proceedings : EUROCVD Thirteen : Glyfada, Athens, Greece, August 26-31, 2001 / Innovations in applied artificial intelligence : 17th International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, IEA/AIE 2004, Ottawa, Canada, May 17-20, 2004 : proceedings / Out-of-print and special collection materials : acquisition and purchasing options / Noise and Fluctuations : 18th International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations, ICNF 2005, Salamanca, Spain, 19-23 September 2005 / Stephen Hawking : a life in science / Individual differences and the "high-risk" commercial driver / Principles and practice of Semantic Web reasoning : Second International Workshop, PPSWR 2004, St. Malo, France, September 6-10, 2004 : proceedings / Groupware : design, implementation, and use : 10th International Workshop, CRIWG 2004, San Carlos, Costa Rica, September 5-9, 2004 : proceedings / Image and video retrieval : third international conference, CIVR 2004, Dublin, Ireland, July 21-23, 2004 : proceedings / DNA-based molecular electronics : International Symposium on DNA-Based Molecular Electronics, Jena, Germany, 13-15 May 2004 / Pattern recognition : 26th DAGM Symposium, Tübingen, Germany, August 30-1 September 2004 : proceedings / QGLD 2003 : Quantum Gases in Low Dimensions, Centre de physique des Houches, 15-25 avril, 2003 / Measuring labor's share of income / Singular stochastic differential equations / Effective field theories in flavour physics / Fourier transforms of invariant functions on finite reductive lie algebras / Database support for data mining applications : discovering knowledge with inductive queries / Software product lines : Third International Conference, SPLC 2004, Boston, MA, USA, August 30-September 2, 2004 : proceedings / Approximation, randomization, and combinatorial optimization : algorithms and techniques : 7th International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems, APPROX 2004, and 8th International Workshop on Randomization and Computation, RANDOM 2004, Cambridge, MA, USA, August 22-24, 2004 : proceedings / Trust and privacy in digital business : first international conference, TrustBus 2004, Zaragoza, Spain, August 30-September 1, 2004 : proceedings / Principles of distributed systems : 7th International Conference, OPODIS 2003, La Martinique, French West Indies, December 10-13, 2003 : revised selected papers / Computer systems: architectures, modeling, and simulation : third and fourth international workshops, SAMOS 2003 and SAMOS 2004, Samos, Greece, July 21-23, 2003 and July 19-21, 2004 : proceedings / Asymmetrical planetary nebulae III : proceedings of a meeting held at Mt. Rainier, Washington, 28 July - 1 August 2003 / TeX, XML, and digital typography : International Conference on TeX, XML, and Digital Typography, held jointly with the 25th Annual Meeting of the TeX Users Group, TUG 2004, Xanthi, Greece, August 30 - September 3, 2004 ; proceedings / Changing drivers : the impact of climate change on competitiveness and value creating in the automotive industry / Information sharing among military headquarters : the effects on decisionmaking / Reporters on the battlefield : the embedded press system in historical context / Verification, model checking, and abstract interpretation : 5th international conference, VMCAI 2004, Venice, Italy, January 11-13, 2004 : proceedings / Pervasive computing : second international conference, Pervasive 2004, Linz/Vienna, Austria, April 18-23, 2004 : proceedings / Integration of AI and OR techniques in constraint programming for combinatorial optimization problems : first international conference, CPAIOR 2004, Nice, France, April 20-22, 2004 : proceedings / From object-orientation to formal methods : essays in memory of Ole-Johan Dahl / Embedded software : third international conference, EMSOFT 2003, Philadelphia, PA, USA, October 13-15, 2003 : proceedings / Neural nets : 14th Italian Workshop on Neural Nets, WIRN VIETRI 2003, Vietri sul Mare, Italy, June 4-7, 2003 : revised papers / Insurgency and counterinsurgency in Iraq / The labyrinth in nuclear structure : International Conference on the Labyrinth in Nuclear Structure, an EPS Nuclear Physics Divisional Conference : Crete, Greece, 13-19 July 2003 / Engineering self-organising systems : nature-inspired approaches to software engineering / Gesture-based communication in human-computer interaction : 5th International Gesture Workshop, GW 2003 : Genova, Italy, April 2003 : selected revised papers / Lectures on flavor physics / Regulated agent-based social systems : first international workshop, RASTA 2002, Bologna, Italy, July 16, 2002 : revised selected and invited papers / Investments in federal facilities : asset management strategies for the 21st century / Fullerene-based materials : structures and properties / The Markey Scholars Conference : proceedings / Stateless core : a scalable approach for quality of service in the Internet : winning thesis of the 2001 ACM Doctoral Dissertation Competition / Parallel processing and applied mathematics : 5th international conference, PPAM 2003, Częstochowa, Poland, September 7-10, 2003 : revised papers / Performance tools and applications to networked systems : revised tutorial lectures / Recent large service acquisitions in the Department of Defense : lessons for the Office of the Secretary of Defense / Measuring racial discrimination / A geospatial framework for the coastal zone : national needs for coastal mapping and charting / The infectious etiology of chronic diseases : defining the relationship, enhancing the research, and mitigating the effects : workshop summary / Terrorism : reducing vulnerabilities and improving responses : U.S.-Russian Workshop proceedings / In the nation's compelling interest : ensuring diversity in the health-care workforce / Evaluation of the National Aerospace Initiative / Setting priorities for large research facility projects supported by the National Science Foundation / Health literacy : a prescription to end confusion / China's experience with productivity and jobs : benefits and costs of change / From source water to drinking water : workshop summary / California agricultural research priorities : Pierce's disease / Stereospecific polymerization and stereoregular polymers : Milan. Italy June 8-12, 2003 / Advances in neural networks--ISNN 2004 : International Symposium on Neural Networks, Dalian, China, August 19-21, 2004 : proceedings / Embedded and ubiquitous computing : International Conference EUC 2004, Aizu-Wakamatsu City, Japan, August 25-27, 2004 : proceedings / Kurzgefasste vorlesungen über verschiedene gebiete der höheren mathematik mit berücksichtigung der anwendungen / Clean, lean, and able : a strategy for defense development / Concept lattices : Second International Conference on Formal Concept Analysis, ICFCA 2004, Sydney, Australia, February 23-26, 2004 : proceedings / The Yankee slave-dealer: or, An abolitionist down South a tale for the times / Adaptive dual control : theory and applications / Materials processing and design : modeling, simulation and applications : NUMIFORM 2004 : proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes : Columbus, Ohio, 13-17 June, 2004 / Learning theory : 17th Annual Conference on Learning Theory, COLT 2004, Banff, Canada, July 1-4, 2004 : proceedings / Domain-specific program generation : international seminar, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, March 23-28, 2003 : revised papers / Relational and Kleene-algebraic methods in computer science : 7th International Seminar on Relational Methods in Computer Science and 2nd International Workshop on Applications of Kleene Algebra, Bad Malente, Germany, May 12-17, 2003 : revised selected papers / Intern programs as a human resources management tool for the Department of Defense / Policy options for military recruiting in the college market : results from a national survey / Public benefits of highway system preservation and maintenance / U.S. Army Corps of Engineers water resources planning : a new opportunity for service / Immunization safety review : vaccines and autism / Emerging technologies and ethical issues in engineering : papers from a workshop, October 14-15, 2003 / Implementing climate and global change research : a review of the Final U.S. Climate Change Science Program Strategic Plan / Access to information in Southeast Asia and beyond. Review of the Army's technical guides on assessing and managing chemical hazards to deployed personnel / Few-cycle laser pulse generation and its applications / Advances in learning software organizations : 6th international workshop, LSO 2004, Banff, Canada, June 20-21, 2004 : proceedings / High speed networks and multimedia communications : 7th IEEE International Conference, HSNMC 2004, Toulouse, France, June 30-July 2, 2004 : proceedings / Structural information and communication complexity : 11th international colloquium, SIROCCO 2004, Smolenice Castle, Slowakia, June 21-23, 2004 : proceedings / Aid during conflict : interaction between military and civilian assistance providers in Afghanistan, September 2001-June 2002 / Advances in knowledge discovery and data mining : 8th Pacific-Asia Conference, PAKDD 2004, Sydney, Australia, May 26-28, 2004 : proceedings / Technologies for interactive digital storytelling and entertainment : second international conference, TIDSE 2004, Darmstadt, Germany, June 24-26, 2004 : proceedings / Component-based software engineering : 7th international symposium, CBSE 2004, Edinburgh, UK, May 24-25, 2004 : proceedings / Applications of graph transformations with industrial relevance : second international workshop, AGTIVE 2003, Charlottesville, VA, USA, September 27-October 1, 2003 ; revised selected and invited papers / Multi-agent for mass user support : international workshop, MAMUS 2003, Acapulco, Mexico, August 10, 2003 : revised and invited papers / Agent-oriented information systems : 5th international bi-conference workshop, AOIS 2003, Melbourne, Australia, July 14, 2003 and Chicago, IL, USA, October 13, 2003 : revised selected papers / Test and evaluation trends and costs for aircraft and guided weapons / 17th International Conference on Photoelectronics and Night Vision Devices 27-31 May, 2002, Moscow, Russia / Program development in computational logic : a decade of research advances in logic-based program development / Theory of the non-linear analog phase locked loop / Arts education partnerships : lessons learned from one school district's experience / Shanghaied? : the economic and political implications of the flow of information technology and investment across the Taiwan Strait / The U.S. scientific and technical workforce : improving data for decisionmaking / Understanding racial and ethnic differences in health in late life : a research agenda / Portfolio analysis and management for naval research and development / Topics in orbit equivalence / Capping non-economic awards in medical malpractice trials : California jury verdicts under MICRA / Retooling manufacturing : bridging design, materials, and production / The great brain debate : nature or nurture? / On evaluating curricular effectiveness : judging the quality of K-12 mathematics evaluations / Mendel in the kitchen : a scientist's view of genetically modified foods / Computer science : reflections on the field, reflections from the field / SBIR program diversity and assessment challenges : report of a symposium / Licensing geographic data and services / A vision for the International Polar Year 2007-2008 / Critical perspectives on racial and ethnic differences in health in late life / Firearms and violence : a critical review / Improving the characterization and treatment of radioactive wastes for the Department of Energy's accelerated site cleanup program / How students learn : history, mathematics, and science in the classroom / HR outsourcing : benefits, challenges, and trends / 16th Annual Symposium on Photomask Technology and Management proceedings, 18-20 September 1996, Redwood City, California / Health status and medical treatment of the future elderly : final report / The Hispalensis lectures on nuclear physics. How students learn : history in the classroom / Extreme programming and agile methods - XP/agile universe 2004 : 4th Conference on Extreme Programming and Agile Methods, Calgary, Canada, August 15-18, 2004 ; proceedings / Structural, syntactic, and statistical pattern recognition : joint IAPR international workshops, SSPR 2004 and SPR 2004, Lisbon, Portugal, August 18-20, 2004 : proceedings / Medical imaging and augmented reality : second international workshop, MIAR 2004, Beijing, China, August 19-20, 2004 ; proceedings / Web engineering : 4th international conference, ICWE 2004, Munich, Germany, July 26-30, 2004 ; proceedings / The orange girl of Venice, or, The Secret Council of Ten Reality, or, A history of human life Withered leaves, from memory's garland The free flag of Cuba, or, The martyrdom of Lopez a tale of the liberating expedition of 1851 / Women of New York Dakota land, or, The beauty of St. Paul an original, illustrated, historic, and romantic work ... to which is added: "A round of pleasure," with interesting notes of travel ... forming a comprehensive guide to the great North-West / The Arrow of gold ; or, The shell gatherer A story that unfolds its own mysteries and moral. / The fatal secret, or, Plots and counterplots a novel of the sixteenth century founded on facts / The life and private confessions of an ex-convict Moss-side Nancy Waterman, or, Woman's faith triumphant a story of New York City / The Hamiltons, or Sunshine in storm Valerie Aylmer The female spy, or, Treason in the camp a story of the revolution / Property rights : a practical guide to freedom and prosperity / The Rev. J.W. Loguen, as a slave and as a freeman a narrative of real life. Forgiven at last The bandit of the ocean, or, The female privateer a romance of the sea / "Little Cuba," or, Circumstantial evidence being a true story of love, war, and startling adventures:the massacre of the young students! : shooting the men found on the American ship "Virginius" Lillie Ray, or, Every cloud has a silver lining a tale of real life / Nemesis The chapel of St. Mary An orphan of the Old Dominion her trials and travels ; embracing a history of her life, taken principally from her journals and letters / Garangula, the Ongua-Honwa chief a tale of Indian life among the Mohawks and Onondagas two hundred years ago / Life, trial and conviction of Zella De Chalue also, the life, confessions and startling disclosures of the notorious Clarence O. Alderman:the interesting trial : many secrets for the first time made public / Emma Walton, or, Trials and triumph Juliette Moore, or, Passion and reality a tale of the South / The outlaw, or, The female bandit a story of the robbers of the Apennines / Annette, or, The chronicles of Bellevue Rambles in Chili and life among the Araucanian Indians in 1836 An allegory containing an interesting analogy between the order for discovering natural curiosities and founding cities, and the United States of America. Adalaska, or, The strange and mysterious family of the Cave of Genreva Gerald O'Reilly, or, The triumph of principle Household tales Janet Strong Robert Greathouse an American novel / Le vieux Salomon, ou, Une famille d'esclaves au XIXe siècle The swamp steed, or, The days of Marion and his merry men a romance of the American Revolution. Etna Vandemir a romance of Kentucky and "The Great Uprising" / Honing the keys to the city : refining the United States Marine Corps reconnaissance force for urban ground combat operations / Review of RAND Europe's transport demand model systems / The information revolution in the Middle East and North Africa / New challenges, new tools for defense decisionmaking / Organizational management of Army research / Technology transfer of federally funded R&D : perspectives from a forum / Next generation environmental technologies : benefits and barriers / Impact of a uniform formulary on military health system prescribers : baseline survey results / Equipment sustainment requirements for the transforming Army / The American military presence and civil-military relations in Germany : a guide to sources in American and German Archives / Financing capital investment : a primer for the transit practitioner / New book list for bookbuyers, librarians and booksellers. The general magazine of Arts and Sciences philosophical, philological, mathematical, and mechanical ... By Benjamin Martin. Industrial materials for the future R&D strategies : a case study of boiler materials for the pulp and paper industry / Impact of red light camera enforcement on crash experience / Renshawe Talent management value imperatives : strategies for execution / Improving communications between companies and investors / The spectrum of disordered eating : anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and obesity / Democracy and Islam in the new constitution of Afghanistan / New challenges for international leadership : lessons from organizations with global missions / Weaving a national map : review of the U.S. Geological Survey concept of the national map / Prime obsession : Bernhard Riemann and the greatest unsolved problem in mathematics / Compcon Spring '91 : digest of papers : San Francisco, California, February 25-March 1, 1991. The potential of claims data to support the measurement of health care quality / Toward fusion of air and space : surveying developments and assessing choices for small and middle powers / Homeland security : a compendium of public and private organizations' policy recommendations / Performance measures of operational effectiveness for highway segments and systems / Exotic nuclei and atomic masses : proceedings of the Third International Conference on Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses, ENAM 2001, Hämeenlinna, Finland, 2-7 July 2001 / Analyse conjointe SP/RP du choix du mode de transport de marchandise dans la Région Nord-Pas-de-Calais = A simultaneous SP/RP analysis of mode of choice in freight transport in the Region Nord-Pas-de-Calais / Aft and fore : a retrospective and prospective analysis of Navy officer management / Proceedings, focus on software : 1988 ACM sixteenth annual computer science conference, February 23-25, the Westin, Peachtree Plaza, Atlanta, Georgia. The demographic dividend : a new perspective on the economic consequences of population change / A strategic governance review for multi-organizational systems of education, training, and professional development / Nutrient requirements of nonhuman primates / Personal cars and China = Si ren jiao che yu Zhongguo / Light, more light, or, Danger in the dark ... The polygraph and lie detection / Statistical issues in allocating funds by formula / Liberalizing global trade in energy services / Evaluation of cross-language information retrieval systems : Second Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2001, Darmstadt, Germany, September 3-4, 2001 : revised papers / Is military advertising effective? : an estimation methodology and applications to recruiting in the 1980s and 1990s / Beyond the nuclear shadow : a phased approach for improving nuclear safety and U.S.-Russian relations / Advanced lectures on networking : Networking 2002 tutorials / Who is leading our schools? : an overview of school administrators and their careers / Challenges in defense working capital fund pricing : analysis of the Defense Finance and Accounting Service / Metrics for the Quadrennial Defense Review's operational goals / Corporate citizenship reporting : best practices / Facilitating partnerships in transportation research / An analysis of potential adjustments to the Veterans Equitable Resource Allocation (VERA) system / Alternatives for landmine detection / Planning and achieving successful student affairs facilities projects / Investeringsbehoefte uitrusting wetenschappelijk onderzoek. A survey of future requirements for outfitting public scientific research in the Netherlands. Proceedings of the fourth International Conference on WEB Delivering of Music : Wedelmusic 2004 ; 13-14 September 2004, Barcelona, Spain / The federati of Italy a romance of Caucasian captivity / Natural product synthesis : targets, methods, concepts / Neutron spin echo in polymer systems / Grammatical inference : algorithms and applications : 7th international colloquium, ICGI 2004, Athens, Greece, October 11-13, 2004 : proceedings / Machine translation : from real users to research : 6th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas, AMTA 2004, Washington, DC, USA, September 28-October 2, 2004 : proceedings / Advances in natural language processing : 4th international conference, EsTAL 2004, Alicante, Spain, October 20-22, 2004 : proceedings / New techniques in solid-state NMR / Mathematical neuroscience / Ferroelectric thin films : basic properties and device physics for memory applications / Web information systems - WISE 2004 : 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering, Brisbane, Australia, November 22-24, 2004 ; proceedings / Content computing : Advanced Workshop on Content Computing, AWCC 2004, ZhenJiang, JiangSu, China, November 15-17, 2004 : proceedings / Intelligence in Communication Systems : IFIP International Conference, INTELLCOMM 2004, Bangkok, Thailand, November 23-26, 2004 : proceedings / Winter highway operations / Monitoring the progress of shipbuilding programmes : how can the Defence Procurement Agency more accurately monitor progress? / Differences between military and commercial shipbuilding : applications for the United Kingdom's Ministry of Defence / Steeling the mind : combat stress reactions and their implications for urban warfare / Just cause or just because? : prosecution and plea-bargaining resulting in prison sentences on low-level drug charges in California and Arizona / American public support for U.S. military operations from Mogadishu to Baghdad / Strategic choices in science and technology : Korea in the era of a rising China / Financing terror : an analysis and simulation for affecting al Qaeda's financial infrastructures / Measuring national power / American public support for U.S. military operations from Mogadishu to Baghdad : technical appendixes / New paths to success : determining career alternatives for field-grade officers / North Korean paradoxes: circumstances, costs and consequences of Korean unification / State construction quality assurance programs / The United Kingdom's naval shipbuilding industrial base : the next fifteen years / Software security : theories and systems : Second Mext-NSF-JSPS international symposium, ISSS 2003, Tokyo, Japan, November 4-6, 2003 : revised papers / Organic solid state reactions / Swarming and the future of warfare / Transformation and the Army school system / Neural information processing : 11th international conference, ICONIP 2004, Calcutta, India, November 22-25, 2004 : proceedings / Integrated circuit and system design : power and timing modeling, optimization and simulation : 14th International Workshop, PATMOS 2004, Santorinim, Greece, September 15-17, 2004 : proceedings / Who calls the shots? : sports and university leadership, culture, and decision making / Determinants of dispensing location in the TRICARE senior pharmacy program / Top to bottom and end to end : improving the National Security Agency's strategic decision processes / Pharmacy use and costs in employer-provided health plans : insights for TRICARE benefit design from the private sector / Cooperative research for hazardous materials transportation : defining the need, converging on solutions / Aum Shinrikyo, al Qaeda, and the Kinshasa reactor : implications of three case studies for combating nuclear terrorism / Success of first-term soldiers : the effects of recruiting practices and recruit characteristics / Hypoelliptic estimates and spectral theory for Fokker-Planck operators and Witten Laplacians / Abstract harmonic analysis of continuous wavelet transforms / Metamorphoses of hamiltonian systems with symmetries / Operational differences and similarities among the motorcoach, school bus, and trucking industries / The Czechs and the lands of the Bohemian crown / Improving contracting at the city of Los Angeles airports, port, and Department of Water and power / Chip seal best practices / Helping a Palestinian state succeed : key findings = Musāʻadat dawlah Filaṣṭīnīyah ʻalá al-najāḥ The arc : a formal structure for a Palestinian state / The business value of leadership development / Deutsche Liebeslyrik im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert : 18. Mediävistisches Kolloquium des Zentrums für Mittelalterstudien der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg am 28. und 29. November 2003 / The uses of institutional culture : strengthening identification and building brand equity in higher education / Options for reducing costs in the United Kingdom's future aircraft carrier (cvf) programme / The challenges of creating a global health resource tracking system / The UN's role in nation-building : from the Congo to Iraq / Building a successful Palestinian state / Engineering knowledge in the age of the Semantic Web : 14th international conference, EKAW 2004, Whittlebury Hall, UK, October 5-8, 2004 : proceedings / Formal methods for components and objects : second international symposium, FMCO 2003, Leiden, The Netherlands, November 4-7, 2003 : revised lectures / Multiagent system technologies : second German conference, MATES 2004, Erfurt, Germany, September 29-30, 2004 : proceedings / Does the built environment influence physical activity? : examining the evidence / Utility computing : 15th IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Systems: Operations and Management, DSOM 2004, Davis, CA, USA, November 15-17, 2004 : proceedings / The economics of investing in universal preschool education in California / The economics of investing in universal preschool education in California : executive summary / How should the Army use contractors on the battlefield? : assessing comparative risk in sourcing decisions / Management of disadvantaged business enterprise issues in construction contracting / Beyond grade inflation : grading problems in higher education / The Future of the annual general meeting / Natural language processing and information systems : 9th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems, NLDB 2004, Salford, UK, June 23-25, 2004 : proceedings / Grid computing : Second European AcrossGrids Conference, AxGrids 2004, Nicosia, Cyprus, January 28-30, 2004 : revised papers / Steel bridge erection practices / Metathesis polymerization / Microlithography/molecular imprinting / Debris disks and the formation of planets : a symposium in memory of Fred Gillett : proceedings of a meeting held in University Park Marriott, Tucson, Arizona, USA, hosted by National Optical Astronomy Observatories (NOAO), 11-13 April 2002 / The formation and evolution of massive young star clusters : proceedings of a meeting held in Cancun, Mexico, 17-21 November 2003 / Advances in rehabilitation robotics : human-friendly technologies on movement assistance and restoration for people with disabilities / Quantum dots : a doorway to nanoscale physics / Polymer particles / The challenge of diversity : involvement or alienation in the academy? / Effective capital provision within government : methodologies for right-sizing base infrastructure / OPNAV N14 quick reference : officer manpower and personnel governance in the U.S. Navy : law, policy, and practice / Geology, correlations, and geodynamic evolution of the Biga Peninsula (NW Turkey) / China on the move : a Franco-American analysis of emerging Chinese strategic policies and their consequences for transatlantic relations / Biologically inspired approaches to advanced information technology : first international workshop, BioADIT 2004, Lausanne, Switzerland, January 29-30, 2004 : revised selected papers / Teaching formal methods : CoLogNET/FME Symposium, TFM 2004, Ghent, Belgium, November 18-19, 2004 : proceedings / Hamiltonian dynamics theory and applications : lectures given at the C.I.M.E.-E.M.S. Summer School, held in Cetraro, Italy, July 1-10, 1999 / Architecting dependable systems II / Managing digital resources in libraries / Immobilized catalysts : solid phases, immobilization and applications / Measuring and understanding economic interdependence in Allegheny County / Validation of stochastic systems : a guide to current research / Computational neuroscience : cortical dynamics : 8th International Summer School on Neural Nets, Erice, Italy, October 31-November 6, 2003, revised lectures / Nuclear physics, large and small : International Conference on Microscopic Studies of Collective Phenomena, Morelos, México, 19-22 April 2004 / Aptitude for destruction / Computer vision and mathematical methods in medical and biomedical image analysis : ECCV 2004 Workshops CVAMIA and MMBIA, Prague, Czech Republic, May 15, 2004 : revised selected papers / Linking people measures to strategy : from top management support to line management buy-in / Designing assessments of microworld training for combat service support staff / Family religious involvement and the quality of family relationships for early adolescents / Religion and the life attitudes and self-images of American adolescents / Religion in the lives of American adolescents : a review of the literature / Religion and American adolescent delinquency, risk behaviors and constructive social activities / Monitoring international labor standards : international perspectives : summary of regional forums / Evolution in Hawaii : a supplement to Teaching about evolution and the nature of science / Reflecting on leadership / The 21st century at work : forces shaping the future workforce and workplace in the United States / Randomization and approximation techniques in computer science : 6th International Workshop, RANDOM 2002, Cambridge, MA, USA, September 13-15, 2002 : proceedings / The lawyer's and magistrate's magazine In which is included ... every important proceeding in the courts at Westminster, during the present year. With the decision of the judges, in their own words. Honor May An analysis of sabbatical leaves for navy surface warfare officers / Managing complexity during military urban operations : visualizing the elephant / Significant findings from full-scale accelerated pavement testing / Interoperability of U.S. and NATO allied air forces : supporting data and case studies / Digital libraries : technology and management of indigenous knowledge for global access : 6th International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries, ICADL 2003, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 8-12, 2003 : proceedings / Oceans '78 : "the ocean challenge" : fourth annual combined conference, September 6-8, 1978, Sheration-Park Hotel, Washington, D.C. / Selecting materials for library collections / Evaluating value-added models for teacher accountability / Transit advertising sales agreements : a synthesis of transit practice / Dual superconductor models of color confinement / Learning classifier systems : 5th international workshop, IWLCS 2002, Granada, Spain, September 7-8, 2002 : revised papers / Conceptual modeling for novel application domains : ER 2003 workshops ECOMO, IWCMQ, AOIS, and XSDM, Chicago, IL, USA, October 13, 2003 : proceedings / WEBKDD 2002 : mining Web data for discovering usage patterns and profiles : 4th international workshop, Edmonton, Canada, July 23, 2002 : revised papers / The future security environment in the Middle East : conflict, stability, and political change / Virtual storytelling : using virtual reality techniques for storytelling : second International Conference, ICVS 2003, Toulouse, France, November 20-21, 2003 : proceedings / Interactive multimedia on next generation networks : first International Workshop on Multimedia Interactive Protocols and Systems, MIPS 2003, Naples, Italy, November 18-21, 2003 : proceedings / Civil democratic Islam : partners, resources, and strategies / External audiences for test-based accountability : the perspectives of journalists and foundations / Transit capacity and quality of service manual / Geometric methods in the algebraic theory of quadratic forms : summer school, Lens, 2000 / Multiagent system technologies : first German conference, MATES 2003, Erfurt, Germany, September 22-25, 20003 : proceedings / Scientists, engineers, and track-two diplomacy : a half-century of U.S.-Russian interacademy cooperation / Selected lectures from the 2nd International Conference on Modification, Degradation and Stabilization of Polymers (MoDeSt 2002), Budapest, Hungary / Approximation, randomization, and combinatorial optimization : algorithms and techniques : 6th International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems, APPROX 2003, and 7th International Workshop on Randomization and Approximation Techniques in Computer Science, RANDOM 2003, Princeton, NJ, USA, August 24-26, 2003 : proceedings / Refereed and selected contributions from International Conference on Quark Nuclear Physics, QNP2002 : June 9-14, 2002, Jülich, Germany / The impact of equipment availability and reliability on mission outcomes : an initial look / Artificial reefs : a disposal option for Navy and MARAD ships / On the move to meaningful Internet systems 2003 : OTM 2003 workshops : OTM confederated international workshops : HCI-SWWA, IPW, JTRES, WORM, WMS, and WRSM 2003, Catania, Sicily, Italy, November 3-7, 2003 : proceedings / Ultrafast dynamical processes in semiconductors / Silicon photonics / Petri net technology for communication-based systems : advances in Petri nets / The Shipbuilding & Force Structure Analysis Tool : a user's guide / Dependable computing : first Latin-American symposium, LADC 2003, São Paulo, Brazil, October 21-24, 2003 : proceedings / Global materials compliance handbook / Mathematics of surfaces : 10th IMA international conference, Leeds, UK, September 15-17, 2003 : proceedings / Text-and speech-triggered information access : 8th ELSNET Summer School, Chios Island, Greece, July 15-30, 2000 : revised lectures / Advanced conceptual modeling techniques : ER 2002 workshops-ECDM, MobiMod, IWCMQ, and eCOMO, Tampere, Finland, October 7-11, 2002 : revised papers / Biomedical image registration : second international workshop, WBIR 2003, Philadelphia, PA, USA, June 23-24, 2003 : revised papers / Formal approaches to agent-based systems : second international workshop, FAABS 2002, Greenbelt, MD, USA, October 29-31, 2002 : revised papers / Inductive synthesis of functional programs : universal planning, folding of finite programs, and schema abstraction by analogical reasoning / Intelligent search on XML data : applications, languages, models, implementations, and benchmarks / Holonic and multi-agent systems for manufacturing : first International Conference on Industrial Applications of Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems, HoloMAS 2003, Prague, Czech Republic, September 1-3, 2003 : proceedings / Genetic and evolutionary computation--GECCO 2003 : Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Chicago, IL, USA, July 12-16, 2003 : proceedings / Database and XML technologies : first International XML Database Symposium, XSym 2003, Berlin, Germany, September 8, 2003 : proceedings / Quality of future Internet services : COST Action 263 final report / Composition of secure multi-party protocols : a comprehensive study / Learning theory and Kernel machines : 16th Annual Conference on Learning Theory and 7th Kernel Workshop, COLT/Kernel 2003, Washington, DC, USA, August 24-27, 2003 : proceedings / Software and compilers for embedded systems : 7th International Workshop, SCOPES 2003, Vienna, Austria, September 24-26, 2003 : proceedings / Cities transformed : demographic change and its implications in the developing world / High energy density and high power RF : 6th Workshop on High Energy Density and High Power RF, Berkeley Springs, West Virginia, 22-26 June 2003 / Improving birth outcomes : meeting the challenges in the developing world / Exploration of the seas : voyage into the unknown / Working families and growing kids : caring for children and adolescents / Reducing birth defects : meeting the challenge in the developing world / Light emitting silicon for microphotonics / Single quantum dots : fundamentals, applications, and new concepts / Image analysis : 13th Scandinavian conference, SCIA 2003, Halmstad, Sweden, June 29-July 2, 2003 : proceedings / Electronic information and communication in mathematics : ICM 2002 international satellite conference, Beijing, China, August 29-31, 2002 : revised papers / FME 2003 : formal methods : International Symposium of Formal Methods Europe, Pisa, Italy, September 8-14, 2003 : proceedings / The Kolmogorov legacy in physics / Engaging the board : corporate governance and information assurance / The impact of changes in kindergarten entrance age policies on children's academic achievement and the child care needs of families / Estimating the effects of pharmaceutical innovations on patient's employment outcomes / A review of reports on selected large federal science facilities : management and life-cycle issues / Critics of Henry George : an appraisal of their strictures on progress and poverty / Mathematical theory of nonequilibrium steady states : on the frontier of probability and dynamical systems / Oceans '77 conference record : third annual combined conference, October 17-19, 1977, Los Angeles Bonaventure Hotel / Smart graphics : third International Symposium on Smart Graphics, SG 2003, Heidelberg, Germany, July 2-4, 2003 : proceedings / Compton scattering : investigating the structure of the nucleon with real photons / Case studies of existing human tissue repositories : "best practices" for a biospecimen resource for the genomic and proteomic era / Theoretical computer science : 8th Italian Conference, ICTCS 2003, Bertinoro, Italy, October 13-15, 2003 : proceedings / Mining multimedia and complex data : KDD Workshop MDM/KDD 2002, PAKDD Workshop KDMCD 2002 : revised papers / Innovative concepts for agent-based systems : first International Workshop on Radical Agent Concepts, WRAC 2002, McLean, VA, USA, January 16-18, 2002 : revised papers / Methods of graded rings / Bridging the bed-bench gap : contributions of the Markey Trust / "We're friends, right?" : inside kids' culture / Weight management : state of the science and opportunities for military programs / Investigating optimal replacement of aging Air Force systems / Cannabis policy, implementation and outcomes / Extreme programming and agile methods : XP/Agile Universe 2003 : third XP Agile Universe Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA, August 10-13, 2003 : proceedings / The compleat cladist : a primer of phylogenetic procedures / Generic programming : advanced lectures / Urban combat service support operations : the shoulders of Atlas / E-vision 2002 : shaping our energy future : shaping our future by reducing energy intensity in the U.S. economy / Hydrogen in materials and vacuum systems : First International Workshop on Hydrogen in Materials and Vacuum Systems : Newport News, Virginia, 11-13 November 2002 / Roadway safety tools for local agencies : a synthesis of highway practice / Integrated circuit and system design : power and timing modeling, optimization and simulation : 13th International Workshop, PATMOS 2003, Turin, Italy, September 10-12, 2003 : proceedings / Improving the composability of Department of Defense models and simulations / Using geographic information systems in institutional research / The Monte Carlo method in the physical sciences : celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Metropolis Algorithm : Los Alamos, New Mexico, 9-11 June 2003 / The astrophysics of gravitational wave sources : College Park, Maryland, 24-26 April 2003 / Utilizing problem structure in planning : a local search approach / Reexamining acquisition reform : are we there yet? / Building a multinational global navigation satellite system : an initial look / Military reengineering between the World Wars / Transportation finance : meeting the funding challenge today, shaping policies for tomorrow : report of the committee for the Third National Conference on Transportation Finance, Chicago, Illinois, October 27-30, 2002 / Systems modeling and simulation : theory and applications : third Asian Simulation Conference, AsiaSim 2004, Jeju Island, Korea, October 4-6, 2004 : revised selected papers / RAND forum on hydrogen technology and policy : a conference report / Strategic planning and management in transit agencies : a synthesis of transit practice / Commercial motor vehicle driver safety belt usage / Improving maternal and child health care : a blueprint for community action in the Pittsburgh region / Poly(arylene ethynylenes) : from synthesis to application / Stretched thin : Army forces for sustained operations / Modernizing China's military : opportunities and constraints / Assessing the impact of future operations on trainer aircraft requirements / Examining gaps in mathematics achievement among racial-ethnic groups, 1972-1992 / Establishing law and order after conflict / Practical aspects of knowledge management : 5th international conference, PAKM 2004, Vienna, Austria, December 2-3, 2004 : proceedings / Knowledge exploration in life science informatics : International Symposium KELSI 2004, Milan, Italy, November 25-26, 2004 : proceedings / International perspectives on road pricing : report of the Committee for the International Symposium on Road Pricing, November 19-22, 2003, Key Biscayne, Florida / Exploring religious conflict / Proposed missions and organization of the U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command / Operational semantics for timed systems : a non-standard approach to uniform modeling of timed and hybrid systems / Dynamics of coupled map lattices and of related spatially extended systems / Elements of numerical relativity : from Einstein's equations to Black Hole simulations / A portrait of the visual arts : meeting the challenges of a new era / Fighting an old battle in a new world : how IBFAN monitors the baby food market / The United Kingdom's nuclear submarine industrial base. Advances in artificial intelligence-- IBERAMIA 2004 : 9th Ibero-American Conference on AI, Puebla, México, November 22-26, 2004 : proceedings / Positive polynomials in control / Explicit stability conditions for continuous systems : a functional analytic approach / Sound capture for human/machine interfaces : practical aspects of microphone array signal processing / International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology : Santa Fe, New Mexico, 26 September-1 October 2004 / Framing a strategic approach for joint officer management / Lessons learned from the F/A-22 and F/A-18E/F development programs / Software cost estimation and sizing methods : issues, and guidelines / Stress and performance : a review of the literature and its applicability to the military / Stochastic theory and control : proceedings of a workshop held in Lawrence, Kansas / Evaluating medical treatment guideline sets for injured workers in California / Interphases and mesophases in polymer crystallization / Managing the mature workforce : implications and best practices / A kaleidoscope of digital American literature / Web information systems - WISE 2004 Workshops : WISE 2004 International Workshops, Brisbane, Australia, November 22-24, 2004 : proceedings / Plasma physics : confinement, transport and collective effects / Policy options for interventions in failing schools / Asbestos litigation / International Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena : 13th ICCPPP: Rio de Janiero, Brazil, 05-08 July, 2004 / From risk management to risk strategy / Optical trapping and optical micromanipulation : 2-6 August 2004, Denver, Colorado / Rules and rule markup languages for the Semantic Web : third international workshop, RuleML 2004, Hiroshima, Japan, November 8, 2004 : proceedings / Beyond costs : financial and operational risks / Statistical methods in video processing : ECCV 2004 Workshop, SMVP 2004, Prague, Czech Republic, May 16, 2004 ; revised selected papers / The diffusion and value of healthcare information technology / Motorcoach industry hours of service and fatigue management techniques / From Zaire to the Democratic Republic of the Congo / Extra-planar gas : proceedings of a meeting held at Dwingeloo, The Netherlands, 7-11 June 2004 / Analysis, modeling, and design of low-harmonic rectifiers for avionics applications / Accent and speaker recognition for advanced automatic speech recognition / Reliability-based design optimization of multiphysics, aerospace systems / Evolutionary computation in combinatorial optimization : 4th European conference, EvoCOP 2004, Coimbra, Portugal, April 5-7, 2004 ; proceedings / Nonparametric and semiparametric models / Beyond the headlines : an agenda for action to protect civilians in neglected conflicts / Optimal control, stabilization and nonsmooth analysis / Passive and active network measurement : 5th international workshop, PAM 2004, Antibes Juan-les-Pins, France, April 19-20, 2004 ; proceedings / Applications of evolutionary computing : EvoWorkshops 2004: EvoBIO, EvoCOMNET, EvoHOT, EvoIASP, EvoMUSART, and EvoSTOC, Coimbra, Portugal, April 5-7, 2004 ; proceedings / Public transportation operating agencies as employers of choice / Lessons from Operation Enduring Freedom / Using a spend analysis to help identify prospective Air Force purchasing and supply initiatives : summary of selected findings / A methodology for determining Air Force deployment requirements / Future army bandwidth needs and capabilities / Nonsubscription side of periodicals : changes in library operations and costs between print and electronic formats / Intentional human dosing studies for EPA regulatory purposes : scientific and ethical issues / Long-range charge transfer in DNA / National digital preservation initiatives : an overview of developments in Australia, France, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom and of related international activity / Autonomous dynamic reconfiguration in multi-agent systems : improving the quality and efficiency of collaborative problem solving / Eliminating health disparities : measurement and data needs / Real methods in complex and CR geometry : lectures given at the C.I.M.E. Summer School held in Martina Franca, Italy, June 30-July 6, 2002 / Stopping of heavy ions : a theoretical approach / Transit-oriented development in the United States : experiences, challenges, and prospects / Die Fresken von St. Vigil und St. Zyprian Studien zur Bozner Wandmalerei um 1400 / The role of deployments in competency development : experience from Prince Sultan Air Base and Eskan Village in Saudi Arabia / Astrophysics, clocks and fundamental constants / Quantum state estimation / Modeling the departure of military pilots from the service / Looking to the future : what does transformation mean for military manpower and personnel policy? / Methods and applications of artificial intelligence : Third Hellenic Conference on AI, SETN 2004, Samos, Greece, May 5-8, 2004 : proceedings / Accident precursor analysis and management : reducing technological risk through diligence / Managing the Columbia River : instream flows, water withdrawals, and salmon survival / Monitoring metabolic status : predicting decrements in physiological and cognitive performance / Safety of genetically engineered foods : approaches to assessing unintended health effects / The hydrogen economy : opportunities, costs, barriers, and R&D needs / Army science and technology for homeland security. Indicators for waterborne pathogens / Establishing value for HR technology / The effects of equipment age on mission critical failure rates : a study of M1 tanks / Resilient control of uncertain dynamical systems / Keeping score for all : the effects of inclusion and accommodation policies on large-scale educational assessments / A patent system for the 21st century / Climate data records from environmental satellites / Report of a summit : the 1st Annual Crossing the Quality Chasm Summit : a focus on communities / Assessing the National Streamflow Information Program / Experimental investigation of interactions between ultracold atoms and room-temperature surfaces Citizenship for the urban poor? Inclusion through housing programs in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Diplomats and diplomacy for the 21st century / Harry Gunnison Brown : an orthodox economist and his contributions / The scientific basis for estimating air emissions from animal feeding operations / Strange matters : undiscovered ideas at the frontiers of space and time / Formal modeling and analysis of timed systems : first international workshop, FORMATS 2003, Marseille, France, September 6-7, 2003 ; revised papers / Farmacotherapie bij kinderen : Kennislacunes in beeld gebracht = Pharmacotherapy in children : identifying knowledge gaps / The eye of the believer : psychological influences on counter-terrorism policy-making / The Protestant magazine; or Christian treasury Designed to encourage a perfect knowledge of the Protestant religion. Implementing performance-based services acquisition (PBSA) : perspectives from an air logistics center and a product center / Melanoma : a decision analysis to estimate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of screening and an analysis of the relevant epidemiology of the disease / The end of stress as we know it / Supporting expeditionary aerospace forces : engine maintenance systems evaluation (EnMasse) : a user's guide / Fundamental physics of ferroelectrics 2002 : Washington, DC, 3-6 February 2002 / Laicus, or, the experiences of a layman in a country parish Ekkoes from Kentucky The ocean-born a tale of the Southern seas / Seven wives and seven prisons, or, Experiences in the life of a matrimonial monomaniac a true story / Legends of New England Autumn leaves original pieces in prose and verse. Leaves from an invalid's journal and poems / Leah Mordecai Lily White a romance / Down in Tennessee and Back by way of Richmond / The victim of the mysterious mark, or, The magic mirror a tale for the times / The trials of the soldier's wife a tale of the Second American Revolution / Vala a mythological tale / Christmas at Under-Tor an American Christmas story / Isabel Carollton a personal retrospect / As it is Among the guerillas The rival volunteers ; or, The black plume rifles Enabling the information society by stimulating the creation of a broadband environment in Europe : analyses of evolution scenarios for future networking technologies and networks in Europe / The effects of workforce-shaping incentives on civil service retirements : evidence from the Department of Defense / Sunshine in Korea : the South Korean debate over policies toward North Korea / Effective treatment of logistics resource issues in the Air Force planning, programming, and budgeting system (PPBS) process / Phase transition in Korea-U.S. science and technology relations / Challenges in program evaluation of health interventions in developing countries / Cutting taxes for insuring : options and effects of tax credits for health insurance / Study on ideas on a new national freight model system for Sweden / How should the U.S. Air Force Depot Maintenance Activity Group be funded? : insights from expenditures and flying hour data / Review of the NARSTO draft report : NARSTO assessment of the atmospheric science on particulate matter / Down to earth : geographic information for sustainable development in Africa / Audit of car ownership models / Nordisk familjebok : konversationslexikon och realencyklopedi / Josephine, or, The Romish poison a romance of the present. Southern sketches Cecil Gray, or, The soldier's revenge ; Rosa Sherwood, or, The avenger / Standish a story of our day. Overing, or, The heir of Wycherly a historical romance / Between the crusts, or, "Ticket 1939" The shades of sorrow dispelled by the sunshine of love Workingmen's homes essays and stories / Cherry Blossom ; or, "Love thy neighbor as thyself" Liberia, or, Mr. Peyton's experiments The sheaves of love a fireside story. Twice taken an historical romance of the maritime British provinces / Annie Wallace ; or, The exile of Penang a tale / Piney Woods tavern, or, Sam Slick in Texas Chris Spangler ; or, The scout's revenge a serial story written early after the War / Aytoun a romance. Laconia, or, Legends of the White Mountains and Merry Meeting Bay A New England tale and miscellanies / Rockford a romance / The flying Dutchman, or, The wedding guest of Amsterdam a mysterious tale of the sea / A mad marriage The gold seekers, or, The cruise of the Lively Sally Love and money The Winkles, or, The merry monomaniacs an American picture with portraits of the natives / The diddler Marie, or, The gambler of the Mississippi Harry Tempest, or, The pirate's protege an American nautical romance / Life in New York! Guy Earlecourt's wife Emily Chester a novel. Sea stories now first collected and forming the fifth volume of "Putnam's story library" The brigand, or, The mountain chief Romance of the Charter Oak a picture of Colonial times / Eulalie, or, The wife's tragedy Old Put, or, The days of seventy-six a tale of the Revolution. The flying Yankee, or, The cruise of the clippers Sketches Dangerfield's rest, or, Before the storm a novel of American life and manners. The dominie's son Harry Helm, or, The cruise of the Bloodhound Silver star, or, The mystery of Fontelle Hall a tale of New Jersey in the olden time / Morgan, or, The knight of the black flag a strange story of by-gone times / Legends of the wars in Ireland Echoes of a belle, or, A voice from the past Trials and triumphs a novel / by A. Trego Shertzer. Agnes, or, The beautiful milliner Saratoga a story of 1787. Yankee Jack, or, The perils of a privateersman A coat of many colors The rector of St. Bardolph's, or, Superannuated The beautiful nun The man-o'-war's-man's grudge a romance of the Revolution / The convict, or, The conspirators' victim a novel written in prison / Everybody's friend, or, Josh Billing's encyclopedia and proverbial philosophy of wit and humor The last of the buccaneers a yarn of the eighteenth century / The three pirates, or, The virgin of the islet The mysteries and miseries of New Orleans Crystalline, or, The heiress of Fall Down Castle a romance / Rosa, the Indian captive a story of the last War with England. Clarence Rhett, or, The cruise of a privateer an American sea story / Mermet Ben, or, The astrologer king a story of magic and wonderful illusions. Viola, or, Life in the Northwest Magdalena, the outcast, or, The millionaire's daughter a story of life in the Empire City / Irish fireside tales Our mess, or, The pirate-hunters of the Gulf a tale of naval heroism and wild adventure in the tropics / Margaret a tale of the real and ideal, blight and bloom ; including sketches of a place not before described, called Mons Christi ... / Ella Adams, or, The demon of fire Peeps from a belfry, or, The parish sketch book Hilliare Henderson, or, The secret revealed an antecedent to "The death mystery" / Judge not, or, Hester Powers' girlhood The smuggler king! or, The rovers of the Antilles an ocean romance / Red Ralph, or, The daughter of Nige a thrilling romance of the road. As good as a comedy, or, The Tennessean's story The forayers, or, The raid of the dog-days The sword and the distaff, or, Fair, fat and forty a story of the South at the close of the Revolution / Sadia a heroine of the Rebellion / Drayton a story of American life. Violet, or, The times we live in The sword and the distaff, or, Fair, fat and forty a story of the South at the close of the Revolution / by the author of "The Partisan" The golden Christmas a chronicle of St. John's, Berkeley / Grace Truman, or, Love and principle The Methodist, or, Incidents and characters from life in the Baltimore Conference The loves of a lawyer, his quandary [sic], and how it came out Charlemont, or, The pride of the village a tale of Kentucky / The white cruiser, or, The fate of the unheard-of Madelaine Darth Rose Seymour, or, The ballet girl's revenge a tale of the New-York drama. Evangel Wiseman, or, The mother's question The shell-hunter, or, An ocean love-chase The little ragged ten thousand Madeline, or, Love, treachery and revenge a romance / A book for the winter-evening fireside Seawaif, or, The terror of the coast a tale of privateering in 1776 / The signet of Hiram a tale of the first temple. Six months among the Secessionists a reliable and thrilling narrative of the sufferings and trials of Miss Sarah L. Palmer. The white wizard, or, The great prophet of the Seminoles a tale of strange mystery in the South and North / Southward Ho! a spell of sunshine / The cassique of Kiawah a Colonial romance / Thayendanegea, the scourge, or, The Wareagle of the Mohawks Saul Sabberday, or, The idiot spy Salt water bubbles, or, Life on the wave Clifford and the actress, or, The reigning favorite a tale of love, passion, hatred, and revenge / Rose Carleton's reward The miscellaneous works of the late Richard Penn Smith Farming for fun, or, Back-yard Grangers Way down East, or, Portraitures of Yankee life The trip of the Porgie, or, Tacking up the Hudson the sentiment and humor of events en route / Kick him down hill, or, Ups and downs in business Ten times one is ten the possible reformation, a story in nine chapters / Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Ten Christmas stories / Lady Rosamond's book being the second part of the Stanton-Corbet chronicles / Lilian Winifred, or, "After many days" Dreams within dreams a plagiarism of the seventeenth century ; being like most visions of the night, a medley of old things and new / Asleep The private journal and diary of John H. Surratt, the conspirator Hugo Blanc, the artist a tale of practical and ideal life / The "Fourth," 1854 log of the Smoothing Iron. The pet of the settlement a story of prairie-land / The Knights of Pythias shown up The married belle, or, Our red cottage at Merry Bank The widow Goldsmith's daughter Lucy Gelding a tale of land and sea showing the evil effects of gambling as it is practiced upon the Atlantic coast / Comic lectures on every thing in general and nothing in particular The twilight of faith My mother-in law Brazen gatesand preface by the author of "Widow Goldsmith's daughter" Inside out a curious book / The maiden widow a sequel to "The family doom" / The family doom, or, The sin of a countess The haunted homestead and other nouvellettes ; with an autobiography of the author / Victor's triumph the sequel to "A beautiful fiend" / The orphan of Charnley Right and wrong, or, She told the truth at last with other stories / The mother-in-law, or, The Isle of RaysSouthworth The lost heir of Linlithgow The mystery of dark hollow Virginia and Magdalene, or, The fostersisters Idolatry A romance / In bonds Mrs. Skaggs's husbands and other sketches / Home stories Emma Stanley, or, The orphans Aldeane Carrie Emerson, or, Life at Cliftonville Currer Lyle, or, The stage in romance and the stage in reality The Sutherlands Linden Hill, or, The vanquished life-dream Reveries of an old maid embracing important hints to young men, illustrative of the notable arrangements of that celebrated establishment, "Capsicum House" / Love's labor won The Christmas guest a collection of stories / A Christmas story New-England legends Miss Martha Brownlow, or, The heroine of Tennessee a truthful and graphic account of the many perils and privations endured by Miss Martha Brownlow ... daughter of the celebrated Parson Brownlow, during her residence with her father in Knoxville / Personals, or, Perils of the period The Year of Jubilee, or, Familiar phases of Hebrew life The lottery ticket, or, The forlorn hope a tale of the present times / Helen Leeson a peep at New York society. Elisiner, or, The mysteries of an old stone mansion a historical story founded upon facts / Zilla Fitz James, the female bandit of the South-West, or, The horrible, mysterious and awful disclosures in the life of the Creole murderess, Zilla Fitz James ... an autobiographical narrative / Memories of a grandmother The Quorndon hounds, or, A Virginian at Melton Mowbray The romance of American landscape Doubly false The pearl of Orr's Island a story of the coast of Maine / Tallulah and Jocassee, or, Romances of Southern landscape and other tales Aspiration an autobiography of girlhood / Phemie Frost's experiences Dell Dart, or, Within the meshes Lord Hope's choice Mabel's mistake The reigning belle Left to herself Fashion and famine The rejected wife Leonnie St. James, or, The suicide's curse a novelette / The startling confessions of Eleanor Burton A thrilling tragedy from real life. Exhibiting a dark page in the manners, customs, and crimes of the "Upper Ten" of New York City. The wife's secret Bellehood and bondage Easy Nat, or, The three apprentices a tale of life in New York and Boston but adapted to any meridan / Vanquished The white rocks ; or, The robbers' den a tragedy of the mountains / Cloverly Heights and depths Amy Lee, or, Without and within My comrades adventures in the Highlands and legends of the neutral ground / Catholina, or, the niche in the wall a tale of Louisiana / Rosalthe ; or, The pioneers of Kentucky A tale of Western life. / The Buckeye ranger a tale of the Kansas hunting grounds! MacPherson, the great Confederate philosopher and Southern blower a record of his philosophy, his career as a warrior, traveller, clergyman, poet, and newspaper publisher, his death, resuscitation, and subsequent election to the office of Governor of Louisiana / History of the Mulligan Guard ... De Vane a story of plebians and patricians / Nightshade, or, The masked robber of Hounslow Heath a romance of the road / The rebel spy, or, The king's volunteers a romance of the Siege of Boston / Felix Kent, or, The new neighborsHoffman Arcadian leaves Hot corn life scenes in New York illustrated ; including the story of Little Katy, Madalina, the rag-picker's daughter, Wild Maggie, &c. / Sidney Elliott Cranston House Looking around Whitelaw, or, Nattie of the lake shore a tale of the ten mile trace / Alice MurrayHoffman What can she do? How to live saving and wasting, or, Domestic economy illustrated by the life of two families of opposite character, habits, and practices, in a pleasant tale of real life / Helen Erskine Ruth Churchill, or, The true Protestant a tale for the times / A home on the deep, or, The mariner's trials on the dark blue sea "The Julia" Rose Milton a romance. The North and South, or, Slavery and its contrasts a tale of real life / Border wars of the West comprising the frontier wars of Pennsylvania, Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Tennessee and Wisconsin ... / Six hours in a convent, or, The stolen nuns! a tale of Charlestown in 1834 / The convent's doom a tale of Charlestown in 1834 ; also, the haunted convent ... / Zoe ; or, The Martel papers a manuscript of the Conciergerie. Once more : a story of New York / Sea-gift The humors of Falconbridge a collection of humorous and every day scenes / Intuition Gertie's sacrifice, or, Glimpses at two lives The Know nothing? To-day a romance / The evening book, or, Fireside talk on morals and manners, with sketches of Western life The stars and bars, or, The reign of terror in Missouri Was he successful Fact and fiction! Disappointed love:a story drawn from incidents in the lives of Miss Clara C. Cochran and Miss Catharine B. Cotton, who committed suicide by drowning in the canal at Manchester, N.H., August 14, 1853. Elsie Magoon, or, The old still-house in the hollow a tale of the past / An American girl abroad Autumn hours, and fireside reading Man's wrongs, or, Woman's foibles The exiles, and other tales Katherine Earle A brown stone front a story of New York and Saratoga / Danger in the dark a tale of intrigue and priestcraft / The Grahams George Cardwell, or, A month in a country parish The new farms a story for farmers. The coward a novel of society and the field in 1863 / Father Larkin's mission in Jonesville a tale of the times / Gabriel Vane his fortune and his friends / Fernando de Lemos truth and fiction ; a novel / The torchlight, or, Through the wood Beyond the breakers a story of the present day / Florence, the parish orphan ; and, A sketch of the village in the last century Parthenia ; or, The last days of paganism Americans in Rome Stanhope Burleigh the Jesuits in our homes:A novel / Uncle Tom's cabin, or, Life among the lowly The soprano a musical story / The old inn, or, The travellers' entertainment Opposite the jail Richard Vandermarck a novel / The unfortunate mountain girl a collection of miscellanies in prose and verse / The river pirates a tale of New York, taken from the records of the New York Police Courts. Wensley a story without a moral. Ruby Duke Rose Clark The widow Rugby's husband a night at the ugly man's, and other tales of Alabama / Fresh leaves The last leaf from Sunny Side Time, or, The incidents of a life Maga stories The lawyer's story, or, The orphan's wrongs The martyr of the catacombs a tale of ancient Rome. Aureola, or, The black sheep a story of German social life / Violet, or, The cross and the crown The bootmaker of the Fifth Avenue a story of the petroliomania in New-York City / The old stone mansion The angel over the right shoulder, or, The beginning of a new year My three neighbors in the Queen City Gold-dust for the beautifying of lives and homes / Twice married a story of Connecticut life. Pemberton, or, One hundred years ago Poor Mary Pomeroy! the Jersey City music teacher ; Also, a full and authentic account of the trial of Rev. John S. Glendenning before the authorities of Prospect Avenue Church:startling details and curious statements ; What a lady saw one night. Our Saturday nights The Pennimans, or, The triumph of genius Married for both worlds Malbrook a novel. Buckskin Mose, or, Life from the Lakes to the Pacific ... Lillian, or, The battle of life Nonsense, or, Hits and criticisms on the follies of the day One word and a tear ; or, The wounded dove The story of Lenore Parolee. The Princess of Viarna, or, The Spanish Inquisition in the reign of the Emperor Charles the Fifth The world to blame Jamie Parker, the fugitive The pleasant and grave history of the first adventures of that good-intentioned gentleman, the renowned Bartholomew Perigru Paul and Julia, or, The political mysteries, hypocrisy and cruelty of the leaders of the Church of Rome The silver cup of sparkling drops from many fountains Honor bright a romance / The gypsies of the Danes' dike a story of hedge-side life in England in the year 1855 / The diamond cross a tale of American society / Kate Aylesford a story of the refugees / Gulliver Joi his three voyages / The lost will The West Point cadet, or, The turns of fortune's wheel Step by step, or, Delia Arlington a fireside story / The sunny side, or, The country minister's wife Agnes Bread of heaven and husks of swine, or, The curse of jealousy a life history. The detective and the somnambulist ; The murderer and the fortune teller Sense, or, Saturday-night musings and thoughtful papers Katherine Morris an autobiography / Here and hereafter, or, The two altars The Alpine guide, or, The veteran of Marengo an historical tale of the Napoleonic Empire / The arrest a tale of the Revolution, founded on fact / Brick-dust a remedy for the blues, and a something for people to talk about / The last of his name A story of life on the Isthmus A foregone conclusion The sunny South, or, The southerner at home embracing five years' experience of a northern governess in the land of the sugar and the cotton / The monarchist an historical novel, embracing real characters and romantic adventures / The factory girl Fashion and famine life in New York / The fall of Fort Sumter, or, Love and war in 1860-61 Woodburn Dreams and realities in the life of a pastor and teacher Fashionable life The Startling and thrilling narrative of the dark and terrible deeds of Henry Madison and his associate and accomplice, Miss Ellen Stevens, who was executed by the Vigilance Committee of San Francisco, on the 20th September last / The life and adventures of Percival Mayberry an autobiography / Their wedding journey Border war a tale of disunion / The prince of the House of David, or, Three years in the Holy City being a series of the letters of Adina ... and relating, as by an eye witness, all the scenes and wonderful incidents in the life of Jesus of Nazareth, from his baptism in Jordan to his crucifixion on Calvary / Who shall be victor? a sequel to "The cancelled will" / Wind and whirlwind Clarimonde a tale of New Orleans life, and of the present war / New York aristocracy, or, Gems of japonica-dom The Female volunteer, or, The life, and wonderful adventures of Miss Eliza Allen, a young lady of Eastport, Maine being a truthful and well-authenticated narrative of her parentage, birth and early life, her love for one whom her parents disapproved, his departure for Mexico, her determination to follow him at all hazards, her flight in man's attire, enlistment, terrific battles of Mexico, her wounds, voyage to California, the shipwreck and loss of her companions, her miraculous escape, return to her native land, meeting of the lovers, reconciliation of her parents, marriage, and happy termination of all her trials and sorrows. The lady lieutenant a wonderful, startling and thrilling narrative of the adventures of Miss Madeline Moore, who, in order to be near her lover, joined the army, was elected lieutenant, and fought in western Virginia under the renowned General McClellan, and afterwards at the great battle of Bull's Run. Good stories parts 1-4. Ellen Maynard ; or, The death wail of the Hawkshawes a story of real life and true love. Love in a maze, or, The debutante's disenchantment Annie a story of New York life / Lily Huson, or, Early struggles 'midst continual hope a tale of humble life jotted down from the pages of Lily's diary / Anna Clayton, or, The mother's trial a tale of real life. Israel Potter his fifty years of exile / Bryan Maurice, or, The seeker The governess, or, The effects of good example an original tale. Never again The modern story-teller, or, The best stories of the best authors, now first collected Life and adventures of Capt. Jacob D. 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What I know about Ben Eccles Leaves from the tree Igdrasyl Nora Wilmot a tale of temperance and woman's rights / The wife's messengers The two altars, or, Two pictures in one The philosophers of Foufouville Tiger-lilies The light of other days sketches of the past, and other selections from the writings of the late Mrs. Jane Kirkpatrick. Walter Ogilby Romance of student life abroad Ike McCandliss, and other stories, or, Incidents in the life of a soldier The duke's chase, or, The diamond ring vs. the gold ring The school for politics a dramatic novel / Durham Village a temperance tale / Harry Todd, the deserter, or, The soldier's wife Races of mankind with Travels in Grubland / Little brother and other genre-pictures / Hannibal's man Mistaken, or, The seeming and the real The livelies, and other short stories Rebels and Tories, or, The blood of the Mohawk! a tale of the American Revolution ... / The heiresses of Fotheringay In three heads the Argus Christmas story / Kate Stanton a page from real life. The old farm house The volcano diggings a tale of California law / The Knickerbocker gallery a testimonial to the editor of the Knickerbocker Magazine from its contributors. An entirely new feature of a thrilling novel!, entitled, The social war of the year 1900, or, The conspirators and lovers Kingsbury sketches a truthful and succinct account of the doings and misdoings of the inhabitants of Pine Grove:their private trials and public tribulations / Saratoga in 1901: illustrated with 200 photo-etchings by Arthur Lumley The dead marquise a romance / Kentucky's love, or Roughing it around Paris Kate Marstone, or, Happy hearts make happy homes a fireside story. Spicy Post-oak circuit Wooing and warring in the wilderness a story of Canetucky / Full and true report after the manner of the Abbé Rabelais:of the suit recently promoted in the Superlative Court of Gotham History of Timothy Tugg Mutton a novellette / Glimpses of our lake region in 1863 and other papers / The professor's wife, or, It might have been Gertrude Morgan, or, Life and adventures among the Indians of the far West Only a woman's heart Mehetabel a story of the Revolution / The new priest in Conception Bay Love, suicide, and murder!! the true history of the unfortunate loves of Mary Caroline Austin and Edgar Worthington, with the full particulars of their awful suicide. Mariamne, or, The queen's fate a tale of the days of Herod / The island of life an allegory / Antony Brade Two college friends Olive Logans's new Christmas story John Morris's money. Our prospects A tale of real life / Extracts from the diary of a country pastor Hester Somerset The life and death of Sam, in Virginia The Irish widow's son, or, The Pikemen of ninety-eight a story of the Irish Rebellion... / Out of the streets a story of New York life / The lost rosary, or, Our Irish girls their trials, temptations, and triumphs / Heathens of the heath a romance, instructive, absorbing, thrilling / Gerard Carlton Roy's search, or, Lost in the cars Ecce femina Victory Dead broke a Western tale / The Leech Club, or, The mysteries of the Catskills Wait and see The Barclays of Boston Ruth Hall a domestic tale of the present time / Adventures of Lena Rouden, a "Southern Letter Carrier," or, Rebel spy, a story of the late war Uncle Robin in his cabin in Virginia and Tom without one in Boston Ecce femina, or, The woman Zoe Aden Power, or, The cost of a scheme Camp fires of the red men, or, A hundred years ago Old Haun, the pawnbroker, or, The orphan's legacy a tale of New York founded on facts. Adventures of one Terence McGrant ... The Olive-Branch, or, White Oak Farm The golden key, or, Mysteries beyond the veil Who did it? a novel. Totemwell The ocean queen, or, The seaman's bride Gutenberg, and the art of printing The M'Donalds, or, The ashes of Southern homes a tale of Sherman's march / Barley Wood, or, Building on the rock The Paradox papers a medley of original humorous articles ... / Isora's child Election times, or, Social and domestic influence Roses and thornes, or, Recollections of an artist a tale of truth, for the grave and the gay / The Confederate flag on the ocean a tale of the cruises of the Sumter and Alabama / The Old Pine Farm, or, The Southern side comprising loose sketches from the experience of a Southern country minister / Mahalinda, or, The two cousins The master builder, or, Life at a trade Professor Julius Caesar Hannibal's scientific discourses The struggles (social, financial and political) of Petroleum V. Nasby The wild rose of the beaver "Quad's odds" anecdote, humor and pathos, and other things / Inflation at the cross roads being a history of the rise and fall of the Onlimited Trust and Confidence Company of Confedrit X roads, in a series of five letters / The good Mr. Bagglethorpe Eastern fruit on western dishes ; The morals of Abou Ben Adhem The Dennings and their beaux, and Alina Derlay... The grey-bay mare, and other humorous American sketches The maid of Canal Street, and the Bloxhams The life of Anson Bunker "The bloody hand," the perpetrator of no less than fifteen cold-blooded murders, amongst which were the great Nathan murder of New York City. The midnight queen, or, Leaves from New York life A forest tragedy and other tales / The life, confession, and execution of the Jew and Jewess Gustav Linderhoff and Fanny Victoria Talzingler, who were hung in Asheville, North Carolina, Oct.27, 1855, for the triple murder of ... three orphan children. Annie Grayson, or, Life in Washington Life and alone False shame Hope Marshall, or, Government and its offices Stories of the Hudson River counties Leaves from the diary of a celebrated burglar and pickpocket being a compilation of the events and occurrences of the most exciting, interesting and extraordinary character in the life of a thief / Chestnut Wood A tale / The life and adventures of Miss Emma Howard a model of female virtue. Dr. Wilmer's love, or, A question of conscience Mary Lee Nasby on inflation a new comic book / The diary of an old doctor being sketches of the most interesting reminiscences of an old physician / Women, or, Chronicles of the late war Westbrook parsonage Conrado de Beltran, or, The buccaneer of the Gulf a romantic story of the sea and the shore / Caring for no man Scrope, or, The lost library a novel of New York and Hartford / The Empress of the Isles, or, The lake bravo The thrilling adventures of Alice Dunbar the celebrated horse thief and female Jack Sheppard ... / Love in the nineteenth century a fragment / A terrible history of fraud and crime the twin brothers of Texas:lives, trial, confession, and execution, at Savannah, Georgia, for the ... murder of their beautiful sister, Emily Eganus. With full confession of many other awful murders ... while connected with the lawless band of land pirates in Texas and Kansas. Where is the city? Over the brink, or, The peril of beauty a story of life in a factory town / Edith Hale a village story / Prize papers, written for the New York Observer essay, poems, and tale. Record of an obscure man I go a-fishing The wonderful story of Ravalette ; also, Tom Clark and his wife:their double dreams and the curious things that befell them therein, or, The Rosicrucian's story The wandering Jew in America Aspendale Not a hero The princess of the moon a Confederate fairy story / Fred, and Maria, and me My hero, or, Contrasted lives One of the family True to him ever The little preacher A hairdresser's experience in high life Urbane and his friends Fifteen days an extract from Edward Colvil's journal. Captain Molly the story of a brave woman / Quest Stepping heavenward Later years The old house by the river Mrs. Ben Darby, or, The weal and woe of social life La Belle Zoa, or, The insurrection of Hayti Dora Grafton, or, ʻEvery cloud has a silver liningʼ Aleck and Pete, or, 'The hand of the diligent maketh rich' Sibyl Huntington With fate against him The land of Thor Eveline Mandeville Stephen Dane Mattie Stephenson the sweet young martyr of Memphis. Sydnie Adriance, or, Trying the world Expiation Garnelle, or, The rover's oath of blood General Sherman's Indian spy a singularly thrilling narrative of Wenonah ... scouting from Atlanta through Georgia and South Carolina / The hermit of Aleova, or, The shepherd girl's triumph Adventures in the Apache country a tour through Arizona and Sonora, with notes on the silver regions of Nevada / The last of the foresters, or, Humors on the border a story of the old Virginia frontier / Mohun, or, The last days of Lee and his paladins final memoirs of a staff officer serving in Virginia:from the mss. of Colonel Surry, of Eagle's Nest / South Meadows a tale of long ago / An American family in Germany Angel Agnes, or, The heroine of the Yellow Fever Plague in Shreveport ... Why did he marry her The cancelled will Claudia The mysterious marriage a true romance of New York life. The discarded wife, or, Will she succeed Lucia her problem / The old gray rosary "refuge of sinners" / Life scenes sketched in light and shadow from the world around us / Disinthralled a story of my life:a vivid portrayal of the evils of intemperance as exemplified in the author's own remarkable career together with many interesting reminiscences of his six year's experience as a worker in the temperance field / Scenes in the practice of a New York surgeon How he did it The devil's race course a legend of Baltimore / Bianca, or, The star of the valley a romance of the Alps / My affinity and other stories / An autobiography being passages from a life now progressing in the city of Boston, an interest in which is not excited simply because founded on fact, but that the incidents therein related are themselves the facts / Bloom and brier, or, As I saw it, long ago a Southern romance / Fearful adventures in Pennsylvania's wilds, or, The startling narrative of Adelaide Lane Isabel Mortimer, or, The Southerner's revenge an autobiography. Hospital sketches ; and Camp and fireside stories My early days On picket duty and other tales / Captain Gray's company, or, Crossing the plains and living in Oregon Railroad life in America The enchanted beauty and other tales, essays, and sketches / The Spanish heroine a tale of war and love / The belle of Central Park a story of New York life / Rape of the Gamp A man of honor The way of the world Kiana a tradition of Hawaii / Louisa Williams, or The orphan bound-girl a tale of the Queen City, founded on facts / The camel hunt a narrative of personal adventure / Myrtle leaves in spring time, or, Early friends and friendships Edith, or, The Quaker's daughter a tale of Puritan times / Kate Kilborn, or, Sowing and reaping Censoria lictoria of facts and folks from the notes and minutes of Miss Betsey Trotwood's official tour under the Frank Pierce dynasty / Peace, or, The stolen will! an American novel / Censoria lictoria, or, What I think of you from the notes and minutes of Miss Betsey Trotwood's official tour / On the border The end of the world a love story / Esperanza my journey thither and what I found there. Watching spirits The Hoosier school-master Bianca a tale of Erin and Italy / The Montgomerys a tale drawn from real life. A lost life The Ingham papers some memorials of the life of Capt. Frederic Ingham, U.S.N., sometime pastor of the First Sandemanian Church in Naguadavick, and major general by brevet in the patriot service in Italy / Out of his head a romance / Lucretia, the Quakeress, or, Principle triumphant Belshazzar, or, The fall of Babylon a tale of the Orient / The rebel general's loyal bride a true picture of scenes in the late Civil War / The old plantation, and what I gathered there in an autumn month Blue jackets, or, The adventures of J. Thompson, A.B., among "The heathen Chinee" a nautical novel / The Autobiography of Charles Moore revealing the history of the most remarkable robberies. His level best, and other stories The signet of King Solomon, or, The Templar's daughter The lights and shadows of Freemasonry: consisting of Masonic tales, songs, and sketches ... K. N. Pepper, and other condiments put up for general use The days of Shoddy a novel of the Great Rebellion in 1861 / The prisoner of the border a tale of 1838 / Destiny, or, Life as it is John Jasper's secret a sequel to Charles Dickens' unfinished novel "The mystery of Edwin Drood." Sprees ad splashes, or, Droll recollections of town and country a book for railroad rides and odd half-hours / Lessons in life for all who will read them / Light on shadowed paths Home lights and shadows Cipher a romance / Our neighbors in the corner house Danger, or, Wounded in the house of a friend Growler's income tax The sentinel at the Pass Trials and confessions of a housekeeper From jest to earnest The luck of Roaring Camp and other sketches / The sable cloud a southern tale, with northern comments / Irene, or, Beach-broken billows a story / The household angel in disguise Cora and the doctor, or, Revelations of a physician's wife Manuel Pereira, or, The Sovereign rule of South Carolina, with views of southern laws, life, and hospitality Juliette, or, Now and forever What can woman do? The shadow of Moloch Mountain Our world, or, The slaveholder's daughter Words of cheer for the tempted, the toiling, and the sorrowing The breach of trust, or, The professor and possessor of piety Sut Lovingood yarns spun by a "nat'ral born durn'd fool":warped and wove for public wear / Philip English's two cups "1692." The wonderful adventures and horrible disclosures of a Louisville policeman Ernest Linwood Artemus Ward's panorama (as exhibited at the Egyptian Hall, London) / Himself his worst enemy, or, Philip Duke of Wharton's career A bachelor's story Matrimony, or, Love affairs in our village twenty years ago Mose Skinner's great world's jubilee and humstrum convulsion Mose Skinner's bridal tour, and other sketches Justo Ucundono Why I am a temperance man a series of letters to a friend: together with tales and sketches from real life, and hearth-stone reveries / Day dreams The Career of John Mortal a man who enjoyed this life. White Acre vs. Black Acre a case at law / Rattlehead's chronicles, or, A little experience with old maids and young maids, old bachelors, fools, and drunkards, quack doctors, men of science and the world at large An odd volume of facts and fictions in prose and verse / The mysterious messenger founded on fact / Eagle Pass, or, Life on the border Forty-four years of the life of a hunter being reminiscences of Meshach Browning, a Maryland hunter, roughly written down / Henri, or, The web and woof of life Nell Noell the light-keeper's treasure:a romance of England, France and Italy / First quarrels and first discords in married life to which is added A matrimonial peace-offering / Clovernook, or, Recollections of our neighborhood in the West. Glenveigh, or, The victim of vengeance a tale of Irish peasant life in the present / Who would have thought it? a novel. Bickerton, or, The immigrant's daughter a tale. The Hortons, or, American life at home The second marriage, or, A daughter's trials a domestic tale of New York / Tighe Lyfford a novel. The adventures of a lodger The life and adventures of an Arkansaw doctor Eros and anteros, or, The bachelor's ward Edna, or, An antique tale Margaret Moncrieffe the first love of Aaron Burr:a romance of the Revolution, with an appendix containing the letters of Colonel Burr to "Kate" and "Eliza," and from "Lenora," etc. etc. / The chained wife, or, The frightful sufferings of Mary Lesley a beautiful young American girl, who foolishly married the notorious Lord Gordon who lately committed suicide. Clovernook, or, Recollections of our neighborhood in the West The sea-king a nautical romance / The history of the hen fever a humorous record / A hundred thousand dollars in gold how to make it:a practical narrative suggesting how to use and not abuse it : how to gain and how to lend it : how to keep and how to lose it : how to increase and how to spend it / Married, not mated, or, How they lived at Woodside and Throckmorton Hall Historical sketch of the third annual conquest of Florida Dolby and father Salted with fire Our great peace festival and pow-wow to be held in Boston, June 1869. Pictures of country life The log of Commodore Rollingpin his adventures afloat and ashore / Female life in New York City The rag-picker, or, Bound and free Rattlehead's travels, or, The recollections of a backwoods man that has travelled many thousand miles on the highway of human destiny, brought about a revolution in domestic happiness, and effected a general shake-up of creation Three per cent. a month, or, The perils of fast living Ravellings from the web of life Cotton stealing a novel. Glenwood, or, The parish boy Dora Barton, the banker's ward a tale of real life in New York / The belle of the Orient, or, The Hindoo merchant's legacy a story of the East and West / Eastern tales Wildmoor The Thurstons of the old Palmetto State, or, Varieties of Southern life illustrated in the fortunes of a distinguished family of South Carolina / The temperance doctor Art and artlessness Charley Hunter, or, The forger's fate The children of light a theme for the time / Old times The autobiography of a New England farm-house a book / English serfdom and American slavery, or, Ourselves--as others see us The old doctor's son Put to the test The servant-girl of the period the greatest plague of life what Mr. and Mrs. Honeydew learned of housekeeping / Humpy Dumpy, or, The corner grocery Household mysteries a romance of Southern life / Losing to win Edith Moreton, or, Temperance versus intemperance Mabel Vaughan El Fureidis Cypress leaves The discipline of storms a tale of the old world and the new / Philip Seymour, or, Pioneer life in Richland County, Ohio founded on facts / Ebon and gold Doings in Maryland, or Matilda Douglas The sayings of Dr. Bushwhacker, and other learned men Squibs of California, or, Every-day life illustrated Mary Barker Delia's doctors, or, A glance behind the scenes Trumps Minnie Hermon, the rumseller's daughter, or, Woman in the temperance reform a tale for the times / Tale of a physician, or, The seeds and fruits of crime Polly Peablossom's wedding and other tales / Pilgrims of fashion Prue and I Little wolf a tale of the Western frontier / Light and darkness, or, The shadow of fate a story of fashionable life. Prismatics Cameron Hall a story of the Civil War / Western characters, or, Types of border life in the western states The Lacy diamonds Avondale a story of English life / Emily Mayland, or, The faithful governess Cottage piety exemplified Leaves from my port folio, original and selected together with A religious narrative / Adrift with a vengeance a tale of love and adventure / The Bunsby papers. The odd trump a novel. Alice Tracy, or, Faint, yet pursuing a sketch from real life / The Potiphar papers reprinted from "Putnam's monthly" / Our Bible-class, and the good that came of it Gnaw-wood, or, New England life in a village The Sparrowgrass papers, or, Living in the country By the sea Man's rights, or, How would you like it? compromising dreams / [Backwards D]e histori ov Magnus Maha'rba and de Blak Dragun The aid-de-camp a romance of the war / Jottings from life, or, Passages from the diary of an itinerant's wife Artemus Ward in London and other papers / Green peas picked from the patch of Invisible Green, Esg. / "Uncle Tom's Cabin" contrasted with Buckingham Hall, the planter's home, or, A fair view of both sides of the slavery question Cornelio, or, The false vocation Shahmah in pursuit of freedom, or, The branded hand Cholula, or, The young Mexican George Denny, or, Sketches of life in the far West Mark Twain's sketches The story of a summer, or, Journal leaves from Chappaqua The mill agent Nobody's child, and other stories Out of the hurly-burly, or, Life in an odd corner George Welding, or, Crime and its consequences a truthful picture but a terrible record / Lovers and thinkers What will the world say? a novel of every-day life:and, Only a woman / The Catanese, or, The real and the ideal The lover's trials, or, The days before the revolution The convent and the manse Mark Twain's (burlesque) autobiography and first romance Mark Twain's sketches, new and old now first published in complete form. Roughing it Lieutenant Messinger Seven years of a sailor's life Led to the light a sequel to Opposite the jail / The trial Bill Drock's investment Autumnal leaves tales and sketches in prose and rhyme / From the sublime to the ridiculous John Whopper the newsboy The rivals a tale of the times of Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton / Agnes Farriday, or, The harlot's friend A book for an hour containing choice reading and character sketches:A curious dream, and other sketches / Deacon Sims' prayers Isa a pilgrimage / Brigham Young's daughter a most thrilling narrative of her escape from Utah with her intended husband. The old log school house furnitured with incidents of school life, notes of travel, poetry, hints to teachers and pupils, and miscellaneous sketches / Susan, the fisherman's daughter, or, Getting along a book of illustrations / Happy home, woman's rights, and divorce Sunshine and shadows along the pathway of life Peter Carradine, or, The martindale pastoral Dream-land by daylight a panorama of romance / A romance of the republic The master Aunt Dinah's pledge The celebrated jumping frog of Calaveras County and other sketches / Their children Fitz-Hugh St. Clair, the South Carolina rebel boy, or It is no crime to be born a gentleman At lion's mouth Lizzie Maitland Claremont, or, The undivided household The foe in the household The bravo's secret, or, The spy of the "ten" a Venetian tale, founded on incidents which occurred during the latter part of the reign of Francesco Dandolo, Doge of Venice / The innocents abroad, or, The new Pilgrim's progress being some account of the steamship Quaker City's pleasure excursion to Europe and the Holy Land, with descriptions of countries, nations, incidents and adventures, as they appeared to the author / Henry Courtland, or, What a farmer can do The earl's ward, or, The old chapel and its mysteries a romance of the land and ocean / The child of the bay, or, The old sailor's protégé a tale of England, India and the ocean / Alice the fisher girl, or, The old man of the wreck a story of old England / [Tales of the times Aurora, or, The sharpshooters' scout a romance of the Revolution / The rangers, or, The Tory's daughter a tale, illustrative of the Revolutionary history of Vermont and the Northern Campaign of 1777. Harry Glindon, or, The man of many crimes a startling narrative of the career of a most desperate villain / Mabel Lee The first patient a story / Trifleton papers Carmen's inheritance... handsomely illustrated from original designs by Wm. L. Sheppard Anna Mowbray, or, Tales of the harem Life's lesson a tale. The outlaw, or, The felon's fortunes Nina's atonement, and other stories Road to ruin, or, The felon's doom Thrilling narrative of the lives of Sarah Sharp and Charles Edwards, the victims of crime also, the life, trial and execution of Matthew Carrigan, for the murder of David Romer. The phantom, or, The wrecking smuggler of the ken a romance of the sea and shore / Paul Laroon, or, The scourge of the Antiles a story of ship and shore / The miller of Silcott Mill Ivan the serf, or, The Russian and Circassian a tale of Russia, Turkey, and Circassia / Glanmore, or, The bandits of Saratoga a romance of the Revolution / The king's talisman, or, The young lion of Mount Hor an eastern romance / My married life at Hillside Marco, or, The female smuggler a tale of strange incidents afloat and ashore / Hortense the last of a noble name:a romance of real life / The Yankee champion, or, The Tory and his league a revolutionary story of the land and sea / The royal yacht, or, Logan the warlock a story of the Revolution / Owned and disowned, or, The chattel child a tale of Southern life / Oakshaw, or, The victims of avarice a tale of intrigue / Home pictures Julienne the daughter of the hamlet / A romance of perfume lands, or, The search for Capt. Jacob Cole with interesting facts about perfumes and articles used in the toilet / The ocean martyr, or, The hunter spy of Virginia a Revolutionary story of sea and shore / The countess, or, The iron cross a story of high and low life / The king and cobbler a romance of ancient Persia / Mississippi scenes, or, Sketches of Southern and Western life and adventure humorous, satirical, and descriptive, including the Legend of Black Creek / The wandering guerrilla, or, The infant bride of Truxillo a story of the troublous times of Mexico / The true narrative of the five years suffering and perilous adventurescby Miss Barber, wife of "Squatting Bear," a celebrated Sioux chief ... With numerous accurate engravings Father Brighthopes, or, An old clergyman's vacation Theognis Clouds and sunshine Idealities Hawthorne dale, and miscellaneous sketches chiefly Masonic / Clifton, or, Modern fashion, politics and morals Cloud-pictures 1. The exile of von Adelstein's soul:2. Topankalon : 3. Herr Regenbogen's concert : 4. A great-organ prelude / The mills of Tuxbury Summer gleanings, or, Sketches and incidents of a pastor's vacation Living and loving Coupon bonds Hearts and faces, or, Home-life unveiled Spiritual visitors Amadeus, or, A night with the spirit Glimpses of Nineveh, B.C. 690 City and country life, or, Moderate better than rapid gains While it was morning Hansford a tale of Bacon's Rebellion / Lucy Arlyn Darryll Gap, or, Whether it paid A wreath of Columbia's flowers 1858 / Together Temptation and triumph with other stories / The Lawrences a twenty-years' history / Miss Tiller's vegetable garden and the money she made by it A double wedding, or, How she was won Irene, or, The autobiography of an artist's daughter and other tales. Hester Howard's temptation a soul's story / Too true a story of to-day. 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Leander Hall, or, The investigation of religious truth comprehending the origin and nature of the Church of Christ, with its laws and ordinances, embraced in a web of romance from the loom of real life / Perfect love casteth out fear Heart-hungry The Norwich cadets a tale of the Rebellion / The wide, wide world Spiritual vampirism : the history of Etherial Softdown and her friends of the "New Light" / John Paul's book, moral and instructive... with several portraits of the author, and other spirited of the author, and other spirited engravings Hermit's dell from the diary of a Penciller. Albert Hastings Substance and shadows, or, Phases of every-day life The whole history of Adeline Fosbenner, a wealthy and accomplished young lady ... an absorbingly interesting narrative / The Widow Bedott papers Gilbert St. Maurice The Fall of Man, or, The loves of the gorillas a popular scientific lecture upon the Darwinian theory of development by sexual selection / Sam Simple's first trip to New Orleans Nellie Norton, or, Southern slavery and the Bible a scriptural refutation of the principal arguments upon which the abolitionists rely:a vindication of Southern slavery from the Old and New Testaments / Wilburn, or, The heir of the manor a romance of the Old Dominion / Who was she?, or, The soldier's best glory The Yankee enterprise, or, The two millionaires and other thrilling tales. Paul Fane, or, Parts of a life else untold Gay life in New-York, or, Fast men and grass widows The fate of Donaldson and Grimwood in a balloon voyage from Chicago ... 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Bertha the beauty a story of the Southern revolution / Cone cut corners the experiences of a conservative family in fanatical times:involving some account of a Connecticut village, the people who live in it, and those who come there from the large city / Metropolitan tales and sketches The pioneer's daughter ; The unknown countess The heiress of Greenhurst an autobiography / The unknown countess Antifanaticism a tale of the South / The lost bride, or, The astrologer's prophecy fulfilled The new gospel of peace according to St. Benjamin Self-made, or, Living for those we love Beulah The ship-carpenter's family a story for the times / Patience Strong's outings Life at the White Sulphur Springs, or, Pictures of a pleasant summer The diary of a milliner John Brent Uncle Sam's palace, or, The reigning king Miss Van Kortland The bandit queen a tale of Italy / Claude Melnotte as a detective and other stories / The Birthday gifts a story for wives. The Creole orphans, or, Lights and shadows of Southern life a tale of Louisiana / Man is love an American story / The gambler's league, or, The trials of a country maid The yoke and burden Tekel, or Cora Glencoe The Linton family, or, The fashion of this world The changed brides Ellen Grant, or, Fashionable life in New-York Ellen, the pride of Broadway Farming as a profession, or, How Charles Loring made it pay Louise Martin, the village maiden, or, The dangers of city life a story of city scenes and thrilling adventures / Northwood, or, Life North and South showing the true character of both / Victoria, or, The heiress of Castle Cliffe Pictures of the olden time as shown in the fortunes of a family of the Pilgrims / Vigor The doomed ship, or, The wreck of the Arctic regions Nat Gregory, or, The old maid's secret The wonderful adventures of Captain Priest a tale of but few incidents, and no plot in particular:with other legends. Something to wear and some other things / Love afloat a story of the American Navy / Knitting-work a web of many textures / The comic history of the United States from a period prior to the discovery of America to times long subsequent to the present / Sweeny Todd, or, The ruffian barber a tale of the terrors of the seas and the mysteries of the city / Miriam, or, The Jew's daughter a tale of city life. Country margins and rambles of a journalist Mary Bunyan, the dreamer's blind daughter a tale of religious persecution / Katharine Walton, or, The rebel of Dorchester Mark Rowland Partingtonian patchwork humorous, eccentric, rhythmical / Jack in the forecastle, or, Incidents in the early life of Hawser Martingale The Nereid Hartley Norman a tale of the times / Apelles and his contemporaries Gilead, or, The vision of All Souls' Hospital an allegory / A dangerous woman a study from life / The bishop and Nanette Arabesques John Doe and Richard Roe, or, Episodes of life in New York Tactics, or, Cupid in shoulder-straps a West Point love story / The silver lining, or, Fair-hope prospect Nina, or, Life's caprices a story founded upon fact / Elm tree tales My thirty years out of the Senate Kitty Atherton, or, A broken life The newsboy Chris and Otho the pansies and orangeblossoms they found in Roaring River and Rosenbloom:a sequel to "Widow Goldsmith's daughter." Oakridge an old-time story / Masonry exposed Ethel Somers, or, The fate of the Union The way of the world, or, Honesty the best policy a tale of New England and New York / Joining the Grangers, or, Trying to be a patron of husbandry Pictorial life and adventures of Eveleen Wilson, or, The trials of an orphan girl Parson Beecher and his horse Odd-Fellowship exposed Shiftless folks New York naked The physician's wife Theophilus Walton, or, The majesty of truth a reply to Theodosia Ernest / Glennair, or, Life in Scotland The cloud with a golden border Early engagements and Florence:a sequel / The autobiography of a Latin reader The bride's fate a sequel to "The changed brides." / The widow's son The missing bride, or, Miriam the avenger The old homestead Temple House The soldier's orphans Silent struggles Puddleford and its people The lost daughter and other stories of the heart / John Guilderstring's sin Trust, or, A peep at Eaton parsonage The deserter's daughter Bart Ridgeley a story of northern Ohio. Helen Mulgrave, or, Jesuit executorship being passages in the life of a seceder from Romanism, an autobiography. The cavaliers of England, or, The times of the Revolutions of 1642 and 1688 The great original and entrancing romance, the fireman's bride, or, Beautiful Myria, the mad actress the history of Mryia Blakely, and Ringgold, though clothed in the illusive language and plot of a novellet, yet brings to light facts most startling and strange ... / Mimic life, or, Before and behind the curtain a series of narratives / The victim of excitement the bosom serpent, etc... / Athol Malbone An Oldport romance / The test of loyalty Myrtle blossoms The twin brothers, or, The victims of the pressgang a romance of the land and sea / The crooked elm, or, Life by the way-side The five love adventures of Solomon Slug and other sketches / Home and the world Home scenes during the Rebellion Harvesting sketches in prose and verse / The camphene lamp, or, Touch not, taste not, handle not My step-mother, or, The power of love The wizard of the wave a romance / Rodolpho, or, The mystery of Venice a romance of Venice and the Adriatic / The life and adventures of Wm. Harvard Stinchfield, or, The wanderings of a traveling merchant Alethe ; or, The child of the cord Five acres too much a truthful elucidation of the attractions of the country, and a careful consideration of the question of profit and loss as involved in amateur farming, with much valuable advice and instruction to those about purchasing large or small places in the rural districts / Like and unlike Fifteen years a picture from the last century / Barriers burned away Green Bluff a temperance story / My opinions and Betsey Bobbet's Aspasia Gentle woman roused a story of the temperance movement in the West / Me-Won-I-Toc a tale of frontier life and Indian character / Regina of Gazeran Castle, or, The countess and the gamekeeper a stirring tale of France / Hits and hints Resolution, or, The soul of power How could he help it?, or, The heart triumphant The Green-Mountain girls a story of Vermont / True to the last, or, Alone on a wide, wide sea The enchanted princess Sevenoaks a story of today / Time and tide, or, Strive and win Progressive petticoats, or, Dressed to death an autobiography of a married man / Woman our angel Life's discipline The star and the cloud, or, A daughter's love Roland Trevor, or, The pilot of human life being an autobiography of the author, showing how to make and lose a fortune, and then to make another. Darkness and daylight Abraham Page, Esq a novel. Kate Sinclair, or, Home is home a domestic tale of cottage life. My husband's crime Hugh Worthington ... of a novel / The subtle spell a temperance story / Household narratives for the family circle Claudine Lavalle, or, The first convict ; The Mormoness, or, The trials of Mary Maverick West Lawn and the rector of St. Mark's / Edna Browning, or, The Leighton homestead A Home scene, or, Mr. Aston's first evening with Grover & Baker's celebrated family sewing machine directions for using. Seabury Castle The dew-drop of the sunny South a story written from every day life / Roebuck a novel. Hope's anchor Bound down, or, Life and its possibilities Five hundred majority, or, The days of Tammany The heiress of Toulon, or, A sailor's fortune a descriptive romance of the land and the ocean. Oxley A good investment a story of the Upper Ohio / Lieutenant Colborn ; or, The disinherited Alban a tale of the new world / Asphodel Miramichi St. George de Lisle, or, The serpent's sting a tale of woman's devotion & self-sacrifice ... a true and thrilling narrative of crime in high life, in the city of New York. The Clifford family, or, A tale of the Old Dominion Forest and shore, or, Legends of the Pine-tree state Casella, or, The children of the valleys Sea-spray, a Long Island village Corry, O'Lanus his views and experiences / Alexander Tardy the poisoner, and pirate chief of St. Domingo. Davis, the pirate, or, The true history of the freebooters of the Pacific Isolina, or, The actor's daughter Blonde and brunette, or, The Gothamite Arcady Mark Gildersleeve I was lean, and I became stout humbly presenting some ideas that are really true, though they read like fiction. The arrow of gold, or, The shell gatherer a story that unfolds its own mysteries and moral / Eustatia, or, The sybil's prophecy a tale of England, France and Spain. The Pasha papers epistles of Mohammed Pasha, Rear Admiral of the Turkish Navy, written from New York to his friend Abel Ben Hassen / The forest The merchant-mechanic a tale of "New England Athens" Six days in the metropolis, or, Phases of life in town Some passages in the life of Geoffrey Clinker, Esq. [pseud.] Kit Clayton, or, The hero of the road Eva May, the foundling, or, The secret dungeon a romance of New York / Garret Van Horn, or, The beggar on horseback The woodman's rifle ; and, The forest maiden Hearts unveiled ; or, "I knew you would like him" The brook, and The tide turning Margaret Good company for every day in the year Peculiar a tale of the great transition / Annetta, or, The story of a life Charette a tale "of lovers' sorrows and their tangled sin" The female skeptic, or, Faith triumphant The great empress A portrait. / John Norton's conflict a story of life in New York city. The city merchant, or, The mysterious failure The homeless heir, or, Life in Bedford Street a mystery of Philadelphia / From fourteen to fourscore The gem of the mines a thrilling narrative of California life, composed of scenes and incidents which passed under the immediate observation of the author during five years residence in that state in the early days / Bending willow a tale of missionary life in the Northwest / Thorn-fruit The sanctuary a story of the Civil War / This, that, and the other The emigrant squire General Sheridan's squaw spy, and Mrs. Clara Blynn's captivity among the wild Indians of the prairies a thrilling narrative of the daring exploits and hair-breadth escapes of Viroqua. Olive Logan's new Christmas story John Morris's money. Gleanings from fireside fancies Tested, or, Hope's fruition a story of woman's constancy / Magdalen, the enchantress founded on fact / One link in the chain of apostolic succession, or, The crimes of Alexander Borgia Herman, or, Young knighthood The shadow on the pillow and other stories / Our novel Agnes Wentworth The Reveille, or, Our music at dawn Merrimack, or, Life at the loom a tale / Esperance... author of "Light of the dark river." Pen pictures, or, Sketches from domestic life Our general Amabel a family history / Ashmore, or, The reclaimed husband, and other tales The rainbow creed A story of the times. Summerfield, or, Life on a farm The confessions of a minister being leaves from the diary of the Rev. Josephus Leonhardt. Seven stories of the river counties Linwood with other stories. The life and adventures of Ebo Jube. Marion Graham, or, Higher than happiness Brockley Moor The cross and the shamrock, or, How to defend the faith an Irish-American Catholic tale of real life ... / Golden dreams and leaden realities Bits of blarney Pynnshurst his wanderings and ways of thinking / Lifting the veil Second love The Holcombes a story of Virginia home-life / Sunbeams and shadows, and Buds and blossoms, or, Leaves from Aunt Minnie's portfolio The cabin boy's story a semi-nautical romance founded on fact / The Watchman Our Lady of Litanies The pirate doctor, or, The extraordinary career of a New-York physician Edith's ministry Aunt Jane's hero Down the river, or Practical lessons under the Code Duello Foundations, or, Castles in the air Chit-chat of humor, wit and anecdote Quiet thoughts for quiet hours Easy Warren and his contemporaries sketched for home circles / Kenneth, my king The winter fire a sequel to Summer drift-wood / Profit and loss a story of the life of the genteel Irish-American, illustrative of Godless education / The years that are told The refugees, or, The Union boys of '61 a tale of the Rebellion / A white hand a story of noblesse oblige / The story of Fort Hill giving an account of many interesting adventures between the White and Indians ... / Caliban a sequel to "Ariel." / Out of town a rural episode / The red bridge a temperance story / The Rosicrucian's story the wonderful things that happened to Mr. Thomas W., and his wife / In a crucible Red Wing, or, The weird cruiser of Van Dieman's land Justin Harley a romance of old Virginia / Agnes Arlington, or, Life, times, troubles, tribulations, and sad end of Agnes Arlington, the cotton planter's daughter... an autobiographical narrative Crimora, or, Love's cross Bertha and her baptism Lucy Maria Hilt to hilt, or, Days and nights on the banks of the Shenandoah in the Autumn of 1864 from the mss. of Colonel Surry of Eagle's Nest / New York its upper ten and lower million / Ellen Walton, or, The villain and his victims Fannie St. John a romantic incident of the American Revolution / Conscience, or, The trials of May Brooke an American Catholic tale / Sam Shirk a tale of the woods of Maine / The tenant-house, or, Embers from poverty's hearthstone Ligan a collection of tales and essays / The young empress and the reclaimed deserter a tale of the vicissitudes of human life / The gipsy's warning No throughfare by C--s D--s / The Huguenot exiles, or, The times of Louis XIV a historical novel. Dora, the heroine of the Cumberland, or, The American Amazon a startling but authentic narrative of innumerable and dangerous feats performed by this daring heroine, the idol of the loyal armies. All for love, or, The outlaw's bride The hidden sin a sequel to "The dethroned heiress" / Annie Selden, or, The concealed treasure Ashleigh a tale of the olden time / Life sketches from common paths a series of American tales / Athalie, or A Southern villeggiatura "a winters tale" / The schoolmaster's trunk containing papers on home-life in Tweenit / The double suicide the true history of the lives of the twin sisters, Sarah and Maria Williams:containing an account of Maria's love, mock marriage, suffering and degradation, together with Sarah's love and suffering, and the removal of her father westward with his family, the death of the mother, brother, sister and father, the return of Sarah and her lover to New-York, and the final suicide of Sarah and her lover in Brooklynn : the disappearance of Maria, the revelation of the coroner's inquest and the funeral ceremonies of the suicide lovers, who were found dead in each others arms by the young man's mother, at the house of his father, on the morning of the 27th of June, 1855. Michael Rudolph "The bravest of the brave" / The fatal stroke, or, The philosophy of intemperance Hospital sketches The adventures of a gentleman in search of Miss Smith The Fatal secret, or, Crime and retribution! facts most singular and fearful!!, being a chain of circumstances recently developed in a very exciting and protracted crim. con. trial, the most thrilling and terrible revelations ever placed before the public. Dukesborough tales Purple and fine linen In the tropics A story of Niagara to which are appended reminiscences of a custom house officer / Marie's mistake a woman's history / The prophets, or, Mormonism unveiled The guardian angel Elsie Venner a romance of destiny / Arthur Bonnicastle an American novel / Downward and upward Mount Hope ; or Philip, king of the Wampanoags an historical romance / The rebel cousins, or, Life and love in Secessia the autobiography of the beautiful Bertha Stephens, the accomplished niece of the Hon. Alexander Hamilton Stephens, Vice-President of the Southern Confederacy ... / Rose Mather a tale of the war / Ethelyn's mistake, or, The home in the West Greenwood leaves a collection of sketches and letters / The English orphans, or, A home in the new world The youth of the Old Dominion The beautiful Jewess, Rachel Mendoza her lamentable connection with the dark and eventful career of Charles Bernard, otherwise called "Prince Charles" ... revealing the secrets of the life of Queen Isabella. The American family Robinson, or, The adventures of a family lost in the great desert of the West Diamond leaves from the lives of the Dimond family Bertha Percy, or, L'Espérance Planchette's diary Rachel kell Fudge doings being Tony Fudge's record of the same in forty chapters / Walter Ashwood a love story / Harry Delaware, or, An American in Germany The Oak shade, or, Records of a village literary association Censoria lictoria of facts and folks from the notes and minutes of Miss Betsey Totwood's official tour under the Frank Pierce dynasty / Estelle Grant, or, The lost wife Marjorie Daw and other people / Père Antoine's date palm If, yes, and perhaps four possibilities and six exaggerations, with some bits of fact / The autobiography of a married woman Prudence Palfrey a novel / The Cecilias, or, The force of circumstances The lost hunter a tale of early times. The physiology of New York boarding-houses The two wives, or, Lost and won Atlantic tales a collection of stories from the Atlantic monthly. The mother's rule, or, The right way and the wrong way Heart-histories and life-pictures The true path, and how to walk therein The good time coming The Von Toodleburgs, or the history of a very distinguished family What came afterwards a novel, being a sequel to "Nothing but money" / Zenaida The ways of providence, or "He doeth all things well" The rangers and regulators of the Tanaha, or, Life among the lawless a tale of the Republic of Texas / Twenty years ago, and now The adventures of my cousin Smooth Nothing but money After a shadow, and other stories Off-hand sketches a little dashed with humour / The wedding guest a friend of the bride and bridegroom / Married life its shadows and sunshine / Cast adrift Dora Darling the daughter of the regiment. Outpost Not anything for peace, and other stories All's for the best The son of my friend The lights and shadows of real life Stories for parents Seed-time and harvest, or, Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap The first and the second marriages, or, The courtesies of wedded life Clemence the schoolmistress of Waveland / The two homes, or, Earning and spending What I did with my fifty millions Behind the curtain, or, Leelinau The tried and the tempted The emigrant's mother a true story of the last fifty years, for the old and the young:with a prefatory authentication / Sparing to spend, or, The Loftons and Pinkertons Woman's trials, or, Tales and sketches from the life around us More than she could bear a story of the Gachupin War in Texas, A.D. 1812-1813 / Mliss an idyl of Red Mountain ; a story of California in 1863 / The old distillery, or, Hope Archer Ten nights in a bar-room, and what I saw there The life and adventures of Maj. Roger Sherman Potter together with an accurate and exceedingly interesting account of his great achievements in politics, diplomacy, and war, all of which are here recorded out of sheer love for the martial spirit of this truly ambitious nation / Poor Lizzie Lee another victim of the notorious Madam La Farge ... / Had you been in his place Eoline, or, Magnolia vale Southern and South-Western sketches fun, sentiment and adventure / Ellen Durand From dawn to daylight, or, The simple story of a western home The brigand captive, or, Gipsy queen The snow-image and other Twice-told tales / Old Hepsy Carrie Clancy the heroine of the Atlantic:a full account of the services which this noble young lady, who is a poor fisherman's daughter, rendered on the occasion of the wreck of the Atlantic on the Nova Scotian coast. Victor Norman, rector The gipsey daughter, or, The fortunes of a Spanish cavalier The wife's stratagem a story for fireside and wayside. Money and music an art story:being the sequel to "The Soprano" / Emily, or, The orphan sisters a tale of mystery, crime, and terror / The gabled house, or, Self-sacrifice The house of seven gables a romance / What not Wolfert's roost, and other papers, now first collected Septimus Felton, or The elixir of life Carrie Lee's talisman a tale / Norwood, or, Village life in New England Stories of the Crescent City Restoration genetics and pollination of the rare vernal pool endemic Lasthenia conjugens (Asteraceae) / Bringing in a new era in character education / Integrated optics, theory and applications 31 August-2 September, 2005, Warsaw, Poland / 44e Colloque de Métallurgie de l'INSTN : Matériaux pour les eńergies propres : CEA Saclay/INSTN, 26-28 juin 2001 / The global theory of minimal surfaces in flat spaces : lectures given at the 2nd session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) held in Martina Franca, Italy, June 7-14, 1999 / Dag Hammarskjöld and the 21st century / Marine biotechnology in the twenty-first century : problems, promise, and products / Between sovereignty and globalisation : power politics, disarmament and culture / Naval engineering : alternative approaches for organizing cooperative research / Service assurance with partial and intermittent resources : First International Workshop, SAPIR 2004, Fortaleza, Brazil, August 1-6, 2004 : proceedings / Asymptotic behavior of dynamical and control systems under perturbation and discretization / Physics of semiconductors : 27th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors : ICPS-27 : Flagstaff, Arizona, 26-30 July, 2004 / Characters and cyclotomic fields in finite geometry / Geometric mechanics / ACM-SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data : [proceedings], June 2, 3 and 4, 1976, Washington, D.C. / The People's Liberation Army as organization : reference volume v1.0 / Group 13 chemistry / Pathways to positive development among diverse youth / Leather stocking and silk, or, Hunter John Myers and his times a story of the valley of Virginia. The prophet of the ruined abbey, or, A glance of the future of Ireland EUREL International Conference : the detection of abandoned land mines : a humanitarian imperative seeking a technical solution : 7-9th October, 1996 / organised by the Convention of National Societies of Electrical Engineers of Europe (EUREL) under the sponsorship of the Institution of Electrical Engineers with the support of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission in association with the Chinese Institute of Electronics ... [et al.] Fire- and smoke-resistant interior materials for commercial transport aircraft / The Beauforts a story of the Alleghanies / Proton-emitting nuclei : second international symposium : PROCON 2003, Legnaro, Italy 12-15 February 2003 / Vortex electronics and SQUIDs / Surgery simulation and soft tissue modeling : International Symposium, IS4TM 2003, Juan-Les-Pins, France, June 12-13, 2003 : proceedings / Scientific criteria to ensure safe food / Veterans and Agent Orange : update 1996 / Responsible research : a systems approach to protecting research participants / Responding to sponsors and stakeholders in complex evaluation environments / FDIC consumer news news and information on consumer issues from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. The future of the history of economics / IEEE Conference on Neural Networks for Ocean Engineering : August 15-17, 1991, Loews L'enfant Plaza, Washington, D.C. / Madelon Hawley, or, The Jesuit and his victim a revelation of Romanism / The Cork surgeon's antidote against the Dublin apothecary's poyson. For the citizens of Dublin. By Anthony Litten. Women as fundraisers : their experience in and influence on an emerging profession / OpenMP shared memory parallel programming : International Workshop on OpenMP Applications and Tools, WOMPAT 2003, Toronto, Canada, June 26-27, 2003 : proceedings / The U.S. combat aircraft industry, 1909-2000 : structure, competition, innovation / Setting priorities for health technology assessment : a model process / Second International Specialist Seminar on the Design and Application of Parallel Digital Processors : 15-19 April 1991, venue, the Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal / The captive youths of Judah a story with a moral / Second International Conference on Intelligent Systems Engineering : 5-9 September 1994 / Final administrative report Callamura Valdez, the pirate, or, Scenes off Long Island Unmanned ground vehicle technology VI 13-15 April, 2004, Orlando, Florida, USA / The portrait a romance of the Cuyahoga Valley / The rival's revenge!, or, The lovely Quakeress, Catherine Middleton, the skilful gamester in disguise! her singular career with the startling developments in the life of Don Senor Jacinto, "The maniac priest" The peacemaker, and other stories Silver Lake, or, The belle of Bayou Luie a tale of the South / Dolores, a tale of disappointment and distress compiled, arranged and edited from the journal, letters and other MSS. of Roland Vernon, Esq. and from contributions by and conversations with the Vernon family of Rushbrook, in Carolina / We and our neighbors, or, The records of an unfashionable street The white slave, or, Memoirs of a fugitive ... The impact of the information revolution on policymakers' use of intelligence analysis / A thrilling narrative of the life, adventures and terrible crimes of James Bagwell, who ... made a full confession of his dark and terrible crimes to The Rev. W. Miller, his spiritual advisor ... My roses the romance of a June day / The gold brick The mechanic's bride, or, The autobiography of Elwood Gorden Steps upward 1993 CompEuro proceedings : computers in design, manufacturing and production, May 24-27, 1993, Paris-Evry, France / Proceedings, first International Conference on WEB Delivering of Music : WEDELMUSIC 2001 : Florence, Italy, 23-24 November 2001 / The gospel magazine; or Treasury of divine knowledge designed to promote experimental religion. Feminist evaluation : explorations and experiences / UV/optical/IR space telescopes innovative technologies and concepts : 3-5 August 2003, San Diego, California, USA / The Nautch girl a romance of the Indian Ocean / The Traveller's library containing interesting stories, laughable anecdotes, and enjoyable reading of a select and varied nature. The pearl of Panama ; or, The Spaniard's vengence Maidee, the alchemist, or, Turning all to gold The silent partner Life in the open air and other papers / The picket slayer the most thrilling story of the War / The Confederate spy a story of the War of 1861 / Bertha's Christmas vision an autumn sheaf / Our cousin Veronica, or, Scenes and adventures over the Blue Ridge The Chronicles of the "Great Peace Jubilo" Life in the itinerancy in its relations to the circuit and station, and to the minister's home and family / The ghost L'Africaine, or, The maid of Madagascar adapted from "The law of Java," by G. Colman ; "L'Africaine," by Eugene Scribe; and the Italian version of the latter work, by Santa Mangio / Surry of Eagle's-nest, or, The memoirs of a staff-officer serving in Virginia A positron named Priscilla : scientific discovery at the frontier / Off track? : the future of the European defense industry / The rattlesnake, or, The rebel privateer a tale of the present time / Molecules in interaction with surfaces and interfaces / Elements of a science plan for the North Pacific Research Board / Nonlinear optics : materials, fundamentals, and applications, July 25-29, 1994, Hilton Waikoloa Village, Waikoloa, Hawaii / Professionalizing graduate education the master's degree in the marketplace / Spectral properties of noncommuting operators / Uniqueness theorems for variational problems by the method of transformation groups / Security in pervasive computing : First International Conference, Boppard, Germany, March 12-14, 2003 : revised papers / Integrating tourism and recreation travel with transportation planning and project delivery : a synthesis of highway practice / International Conference on Storage & Recording Systems, 5-7 April 1994 / Outsourcing of DoD commercial activities : impacts on civil service employees / Children's health, the nation's wealth : assessing and improving child health / Stretching the network : using transformed forces in demanding contingencies other than war / Electronic properties of synthetic nanostructures : XVIII International Winterschool/Euroconference on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials, Kirchberg, Tirol, Austria, 6-13 March 2004 / Database and XML technologies : Second International XML Database Symposium, XSym 2004, Toronto, Canada, August 29-30, 2004 : proceedings / John Godfrey's fortunes, related by himself a story of American life / Licensed fuel facility status report. Oil shale development in the United States : prospects and policy issues / Switched and impulsive systems : analysis, design and applications / Binary radio pulsars : proceedings of a meeting held in Aspen, Colorado, USA, 11-17 January 2004 / Block copolymers / Literature review on health and fatigue issues associated with commercial motor vehicle driver hours of work / Merger and alignment of three-dimensional quasigeostrophic vortices / Evolutionary history of the piñon pine dwarf mistletoe, Arceuthobium divaricatum, and its primary host Pinus edulis / Ancient female archetypes on the modern stage : The Greeks and Tantalus / Renewing the United Nations system / Essays on dynamics of intellectual property rights and international joint ventures / Planck scale effects in astrophysics and cosmology / PRS '97 : proceedings IEEE Symposium on Parallel rendering, Phoenix, Arizona 20-21 October 1997 / Geometric aspects of functional analysis : Israel seminar 2002-2003 : GAFA 2002-2003 / They met by chance a society novel / Toolkit for rural community coordinated transportation services / Ocean 73; [record] The Occasional paper upon the subject of religion and the church establishment; and the present attempts against them. Silverwood a book of memories. Autobiography of David Russell, a Boston boy and true American an account of his travels, romantic adventures and hair breadth escapes by sea and land,in peace and war, at home and abroad, from the age of sixteen years to sixty-seven / Animal biotechnology : science-based concerns / Reconstruction of small inhomogeneities from boundary measurements / Gleanings from real life by M.M. Gay. Ernest Grey, or, The sins of society a story of New York life / The cloud on the heart The history of Dungeon Rock Completed Sept. 17th, 1856 / The blind girl's offering, or, Stray thoughts in poetry and prose Digital simulation in electrochemistry / Arctic research of the United States National plan for tropical cyclone research. DLAPS : Defense Logistics Agency publishing system : regulations, manuals, and handbooks. Benchmarking e-Government in Europe and the US / In China's shadow : regional perspectives on Chinese foreign policy and military development / The Internet and the university : forum 2001 / Non-heart-beating organ transplantation : medical and ethical issues in procurement / Annual report of the Secretary of Agriculture Understanding airfield capacity for airlift operations / OOPSLA '97 : object technology, naturally : Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications : conference proceedings, Twelfth annual conference / Bank consolidation and small business lending : it's not just bank size that matters / Teaching about evolution and the nature of science / Improving the analytic contribution of advanced warfighting experiments / Preparing the U.S. Air Force for military operations other than war / OOPSLA '86 : object-oriented programming systems, languages and applications conference proceedings, September 29-October 2, 1986, Portland, Oregon / HCFA financial report The role of transit in creating livable metropolitan communities. Proliferation concerns : assessing U.S. efforts to help contain nuclear and other dangerous materials and technologies in the former Soviet Union / Semiannual report to the Congress Caminos Review procedures for water resources project planning / Expanding the reach of education reforms : perspectives from leaders in the scale-up of educational interventions / Black holes : theory and observation : proceedings of the 179th W.E. Heraeus Seminar, held at Bad Honnef, Germany, 18-22 August 1997 / Policy options for intermodal freight transportation / Black and smokeless powders : technologies for finding bombs and the bomb makers / Quality control and acceptance of Superpave-designed hot mix asphalt / International Conference on Developments in Mass Transit Systems : 20-23 April 1998, London / The London magazine. Or, Gentleman's monthly intelligencer Bellamy's picturesque magazine, and literary museum for the year ... Embellished with engravings, executed in a manner worthy of the originals of Opie, Lawrence, Shee ... &c. The London magazine, and monthly chronologer Minuts of the proceedings in Parliament The Cambridge magzine: or, Universal repository of arts, sciences, and the belles lettres. ... By a society of gentlemen, of the University of Cambridge. The farmer's magazine, and useful family companion Consisting of practical essays, ... on the different branches of husbandry, ... A miscellaneous collection of valuable family receipts, ... Useful hints and curious observations ... By Agricola Sylvan, gentleman. The Monthly military repository Respectfully inscribed to the military of the United States of America. By Charles Smith. The practical husbandman and planter: or, Observations on the ancient and modern husbandry, planting, gardening, &c ...By a society of husbandmen and planters. The annals of Europe for the year. The Berwick museum, or, Monthly literary intelligencer Forming an universal repository of amusement and instruction. The Repository: or Treasury of politics and literature for. Mercure de France; ou Recueil historique, politique, et littèraire Par une société de gens de lettres. The New Asiatic miscellany Consisting of original essays, translations, and fugitive pieces. The Moderator [The musical companion; or, Songster's magazine] containing a select collection of near one hundred of the most celebrated songs, ... lately sung at ,,, Ranelagh, Vauxhall, ... to which is added, near one hundred toasts and sentiments. Critical observations on books, antient and modern The Remembrancer, or Impartial repository of public events ... For the year. A new express from Holland Giving an account of an engagement. The agreeable companion; or, An universal medley of wit and good-humour Consisting of ... humourous esays, ... tales and fables, ... with select novels. The universal museum; or, The entertaining repository for gentlemen and ladies. Containing. Lounger's miscellany The British lyre; or, Muses' repository for the year ... Containing a more valuable collection of new songs, selected from the works of the most celebrated lyric geniuses of the age, than any book. The theatrical review; or, New companion to the play-house ... Calculated for the entertainment and instruction of every lover of theatrical amusements. By a society of gentlemen. The Mitre and Crown; or, Great Britain's true interest In which our constitution in church and state will be explain'd and defended, and a short account of most valuable books given, with some original pieces, and law-cases. And also an abstract of what is material in the several publick papers, with the usual common news. And an account of births, marriages, preferments, deaths, &c. To be publish'd at the middle and end of each month. By a gentleman late of the Temple. The Sailors advocate To be continued. Miscellaneous correspondence containing essays, dissertations, &c. on various subjects. The Theatrical review; or, Annals of the drama The lady's poetical magazine; or, Beauties of British poetry The bee Being essays on the most interesting subjects. The diverting muse, or, The universal medly The London Medical journal for. Memoirs of literature Containing a weekly account of the state of learning, both at home and abroad. The philological miscellany consisting of select essays from the Memoirs of the Academy of Belles Lettres at Paris, and other foreign academies. Translated into English. With original pieces by the most eminent writers of our own country. A general treatise of husbandry and gardening for the month of ... By R. Bradley, Fellow of the Royal Society. The Eaton chronicle; or, the salt-box The Court miscellany in prose and verse. The universal librarian Containing a copious and candid account of new books printed at home and abroad, ... and a view of the undertakings of the learned throughout Europe. ... By a fellow of the Royal Society. The Oriental magazine; or, Calcutta amusement being a universal repository of knowledge, instruction, and entertainment. By a society of Gentlemen. Poetical reflexions moral, comical, satyrical, &c. on the vices and follies of the age. The Lucubrations of Isaac Bickerstaff Esq Reflections, moral, comical, satyrical, &c on the vices and follies of the age. Interviews in the realms of death: or, Dialogues of the dead between several great personages deceas'd. The new novelist's magazine; or, Entertaining library of pleasing and instructive histories, ... romances, and other ... exemplary little novels. A literary journal. Or a continuation of the Memoirs of literature By the same author. The English lyceum, or, Choice of pieces in prose and verse selected from the best periodical papers, magazines, pamphlets and other British publications, published by J.W. v. Archenholtz. The Tickler Acta Germanica: Or, the literary memoirs of Germany, &c ... Done from the Latin and High-Dutch, by a society of gentlemen. Recreations in agriculture natural-history, arts, and miscellaneous literature. By James Anderson, LLD. The Methodist magazine for the year ... ; being a continuation of The Arminian magazine, first published by the Rev. John Wesley, A.M. consisting chiefly of extracts and original treatises on general redemption. Pig's meat; or, Lessons for the swinish multitude Collected by the poor man's advocate (an old veteran in the cause of freedom) in the course of his reading for more than twenty years. The western county magazine for the year ... By a society of gentlemen. The American magazine and monthly chronicle for the British colonies ... By a society of gentlmen. L'Esprit de clergé or Le Christianisme primitif vengé des entreprises & des excès de nos prêtres modernes. Cassandra. (But I hope not) Telling what will come of it. The Asiatic annual register; or, A view of the history of Hindustan and of the politics, commerce, and literature of Asia. NACA research memorandum. Ensuring safe food : from production to consumption / United States Air Force statistical digest fiscal year ... International Conference on Electric Railways in a United Europe : 27-30 March 1995 / International Conference on 100 Years of Radio : 5-7 September 1995 / Leah's confessions an autobiography. Transit operations for individuals with disabilities / 10th European Frequency and Time Forum : 5-7 March 1996 / Survey of real estate trends. Airline passenger security screening : new technologies and implementation issues / Impact of radio frequency refarming on transit communications / Fare policies, structures, and technologies / Financial audit. report to the Congress. 1998 International Conference Software Engineering: Education & Practice : proceedings : January 26-29, 1998, Dunedin, New Zealand / Third International Workshop on High-Level Parallel Programming Models and Supportive Environments : proceedings : March 30, 1998, Orlando,Florida / Proceedings : 1998 International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design : March 23-26, 1998, Fukushima, Japan / Proceedings : String processing and information retrieval : a South American Symposium : Santa Cruz de La Sierra, Bolivia, September 9-11, 1998 / Capturing the essential factors in reconnaissance and surveillance force sizing and mix / International Conference on Simulation '98 : 30 September-2 October 1998 : venue, University of York, UK. A vision of theater air defense battle management command and control in 2010 / Early childhood update Differentiation in military human resource management / Taxing consumption in a global economy / Strategic issues and options for the quadrennial defense review / Selected court case abstracts A General history of trade and especially consider'd as it respects the British commerce, as well at home, as to all parts of the world. With essays upon the improvement of our trade in particular. Oratory transactions ... By J.Henley, M.A. The Dublin magazine for the year. The Christian's magazine, or A treasury of divine knowledge The world for the year ... By Adam Fitz-Adam. The Flagellant The Yorkshire magazine: or, Universal repository of arts, sciences and various other branches of polite literature, for the year. A collection of letters, on religious subjects from various eminent ministers, and others; to the Rev. John Wesley. The Speculator The Aberdeen magazine for the year ... The Ranger, a collection of periodical essays inscribed to the Rev. Thomas Atwood, M.A. by the Hon. M. Hawke, and Sir R. Vincent, Bart. The magazine of the ants, or Pismire journal The parts of life : agricultural biodiversity, indigenous knowledge, and the role of the Third System / The history mystery examiner / The dynamics of sedimentary basins / Second International Workshop on Physics and Modeling of Devices Based on Low-Dimensional Structures : proceedings : March 12-13, 1998, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan / Preliminary report and forecast of solar geophysical data X-ray spectroscopy in astrophysics : lectures held at the Astrophysics School X, organized by the European Astrophysics Doctoral Network (EADN) in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, September 22-October 3, 1997 / OOPSLA '95 : Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications : conference proceedings, tenth annual conference / The construction of usefulness : how users and context create meaning with a social networking system / Quantum cohomology : lectures given at the C.I.M.E. Summer School held in Cetraro, Italy, June 30 -July 8, 1997 / Publishing and the law : current legal issues / Renaissance and early modern philosophy / 25th Annual BACUS Symposium on Photomask Technology 4-7 October 2005, Monterey, California, USA / Séminaire de probabilités 1967-1980 : a selection in Martingale theory / Proceedings, 1999 International Conference on Information Intelligence and Systems : October 31-November 3, 1999, Bethesda, Maryland, USA / Evaluating nonformal education programs and setting Estimating eligibility and participation for the WIC program : final report / Quality in student financial aid programs : a new approach / Theory and application of diagrams : first international conference, Diagrams 2000, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, September 1-3, 2000 : proceedings / The fawn of the pale faces, or, Two centuries ago Military operations against terrorist groups abroad : implications for the United States Air Force / Ballyshan Castle a tale founded on fact / Six hundred dollars a year a wife's effort at low living under high prices. The scroll and locket, or, The maniac of the mound a temperance tale / by James Walter Hervey. Mutterings and musings of an invalid Zillah the child medium:a tale of spiritualism / Home-heroes, saints, and martyrs The corner stall a New York story / A woman's secret The lofty and the lowly, or, Good in all and none all-good The masked lady of the White House, or, The Ku-Klux-Klan a most startling exposure of the doings of this extensive secret band, whose mysterious lodges exist in every city and county in the land. Operator functions and localization of spectra / Web services-ICWS-Europe 2003 : International Conference ICWS-Europe 2003, Erfurt, Germany, September 23-24, 2003 : proceedings / Vital assets : federal investment in research and development at the nation's universities and colleges / Her waiting heart Smoked glass Georgia sketches Harry Harson, or, The benevolent bachelor Isabella Gray Papa's own girl Travels of an American owl a satire / Henry la Nuit, or, The foundling of the Castle of Estella a tale of Navarre, in the olden time / Clayton Berry, or, New Year's calls a temperance story / The days and ways of the cocked hats, or The dawn of the Revolution Competing with the government : anticompetitive behavior and public enterprises / In both worlds Fair play, or, The test of the Lone Isle Lucia Dare Supramolecular assembly via hydrogen bonds / Wireless sensor networks : first European workshop, EWSN 2004, Berlin, Germany, January 19-21, 2004 : proceedings / Examining the Army's future warrior : force-on-force simulation of candidate technologies / We Viola, or, The triumphs of love and faith a tale of plots and counterplots / Into the light, or, The jewess Ruth's sacrifice ,or, Life on the Rappahannock Mary Brandegee an autobiography / Peer-to-peer systems II : second international workshop, IPTPS 2003, Berkeley, CA, USA, February 21-22, 2003 : revised papers / Formal techniques for networked and distributed systems, FORTE 2003 : 23rd IFIP WG 6.1 international conference, Berlin, Germany, September 29-October 2, 2003 : proceedings / Ephedra--is it worth the risk? / The expressman and the detective Stories for young housekeepers Charteris a romance / Cape Cod and All along shore Wilkins, Wylder, or, The successful man The Orpheus C. Kerr papers 1st-3d series. Quality for all : 4th COST 263 International Workshop on Quality of Future Internet Services, QoFIS 2003, Stockholm, Sweden, October 1-2, 2003 : proceedings / Welfare reform in California : early results from the impact analysis, executive summary / Lean logistics : high-velocity logistics infrastructure and the C-5 Galaxy / The marble faun, or, The romance of Monti Beni Leandro, or, The sign of the cross Cuba after Castro : legacies, challenges, and impediments. Eastford, or, Household sketches Mobile and ubiquitous information access : Mobile HCI 2003 international workshop, Udine, Italy, September 8, 2003 : revised and invited papers / Gröbner bases and the computation of group cohomology / Dialgebras and related operads / The unjust judge, or, The evils of intemperance on judges, lawyers, and politicians The parish-side The pillar of fire, or, Israel in bondage The ducal coronet, or, The heir and the usurper a romance of Italy in the 16th century / Helen Gardner's wedding-day, or, Colonel Floyd's wards ; A battle summer New aspects in phosphorus chemistry / Gunnar a tale of Norse life / Veterans and Agent Orange : update 2000 / Review of DOE's Vision 21 research and development program : phase 1 / Osserman manifolds in semi-Riemannian geometry / Distribution and administration of potassium iodide in the event of a nuclear incident / Ça ira When computers go to school : how Kent School implemented information technology to enrich teaching and learning / Reading and learning : adaptive content recognition / Reforming teacher education : a first year progress report on Teachers for a New Era / A Simple game-theoretic approach to suppression of enemy defenses and other time critical target analyses / Materials count : the case for material flows analysis / Elemental sulfur and sulfur-rich compounds / The withered heart Functional imaging and modeling of the heart : second international workshop, FIMH 2003, Lyon, France, June 5-6, 2003 : proceedings / The London monthly mercury; or, Foreign literary intelligencer Containing a compendious account of the present state of literature in Europe. The compendious library: or, Literary journal revived For ... By V. Des Voeux, chaplain to the Right Hon. Lord George Sackville's Regiment. Dioxins and dioxin-like compounds in the food supply : strategies to decrease exposure / The milliner and the millionaire A story of Ocean Grove Alice Barber, or, The adventures of a young woman Long range energy R&D : a methodology for program development and evaluation / The brazen star, or, The adventures of a New York M.P a true tale of the times we live in / Blanche Gilroy a girl's story / Distributed applications and interoperable systems : 4th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, DAIS 2003, Paris, France, November 17-21, 2003 Proceedings / XXIX JEEP : Journées d'étude des équilibres entre phases, Villeurbanne, France, 2-3 avril, 2003 / Software engineering for large-scale multi-agent systems : research issues and practical applications / Miss Columbia's public school, or, Will it blow over The Quaker soldier, or, The British in Philadelphia an historical novel. The fatal marriage Simon Kenton, or, The scout's revenge an historical novel / Bubbles of fiction Software methods for system address tracing : implementation and validation / Under the evergreens, or, A night with St. Nicholas Guy Hamilton a story of our Civil War / The dead letter an American romance / Boston Common tale of our own times / The money-maker and other tales / Living well at the end of life : adapting health care to serious chronic illness in old age / Cousin Maud and Rosamond Oceans '76 : second annual combined conference, September 13-15, 1976, Sheraton Park Hotel, Washington, D.C. / Atomic layer deposited thin films for micro- and nano-electromechanical systems with applications in short-wavelength adaptive optics Work a story of experience / Cathara Clyde The planter's daughter a tale of Louisiana / Computer systems and software engineering : CompEuro 1992 proceedings : May 4-8, 1992, The Netherlands / Do the ties still bind? : the U.S.-ROK security relationship after 9/11 / Oceans '89 : an international conference addressing methods for understanding the global ocean, September 18-21, 1989, Seattle, Washington USA / Uncle Sam's emancipation earthly care, a heavenly discipline: and other sketches / Structures of engagement : theories and practices in French theatre from 1949-1985 / Control of redundant robot manipulators : theory and experiments / Programming languages and systems : first Asian Symposium, APLAS 2003, Beijing, China, November 27-29, 2003 : proceedings / The vagabond The angel of the battle-field a tale of the Rebellion / Boaz his tribulations. Motor unit activation and fluctuations in motor output in old adults / Wives and widows, or, The broken life Post-Soviet territory and the geopolitical visions of Russians / Second European Conference on Smart Structures and Materials held at the Glasgow Hilton, Glasgow, Scotland, 12-14 October 1994 / Large-scale biomedical science : exploring strategies for future research / A man in search of a wife, or, The adventures of a bachelor in New York Strategies to leverage research funding : guiding DOD's peer reviewed medical research programs / Chateau Frissac, or, Home scenes in France The open door, or, Light and liberty The iron rule, or, Tyranny in the household Ethical conduct of clinical research involving children / Biological and medical data analysis 6th international symposium, ISBMDA 2005, Aveiro, Portugal, November 10-11, 2005 : proceedings / Maude and Miriam, or, The fair Crusader Do exchange rates matter? / Biometric authentication : ECCV 2004 International Workshop, BioAW 2004, Prague, Czech Republic, May 15th, 2004 : proceedings / The National Bioethics Advisory Commission : contributing to public policy / |
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Salaries of full-time instructional faculty on 9- and 10-month and 11- and 12-month contracts Water-resources activities of the U.S. Geological Survey in Ohio List of lists consolidated list of chemicals subject to the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) and Section 112(r) of the Clean Air Act. Political map of the world. Capacity of refrigerated warehouses Standard time zones of the world. Financial audit. report to congressional committees and subcommittees. Mid-year ... preliminary emergency department data from the Drug Abuse Warning Network Outlook : from vision research to eye health education / National survey of fishing, hunting, and wildlife-associated recreation Characteristics of food stamp households Cryogenic particle detection / Progress toward implementing Superfund ... report to Congress Occupational radiation exposure at commercial nuclear power reactors and other facilities Cotton and wool yearbook Volunteer opportunities / Final report fiscal ... activities / Semiannual report to Congress Highlights of Huntsville, AL national compensation survey Annual report ... interagency regional monitoring, Northwest Forest Plan Annual report Human genome program report. Handbook of forensic services. Manufacturing energy consumption survey. Traffic safety materials catalog Highlights of Atlanta, GA national compensation survey Annual research directory Instructions for short form TX for nondramatic literary works, including fiction and nonfiction, books, short stories, poems, collections of poetry, essays, articles in serials, and computer programs. The Air Force Academy NCUA annual performance plan Disaster losses kit for individuals. Activity report Form TX for a nondramatic literary work Journal of air transportation world wide Salaries of full-time instructional faculty Issues in midterm analysis and forecasting Next Generation Fire Suppression Technology Program (NGP) ... technical highlights. Incidents associated with oil and gas operations, Outer Continental Shelf Science and engineering degrees by race/ethnicity of recipients The triennial comprehensive report on immigration United States attorneys annual statistical report The Mercury DoD/IT acronyms Comparison of wood preservatives in stake tests |
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Online book | Veterans and Agent Orange update 2008 / | 1 |
ONR 205.21:5 | Sand dredging areas in Lake Erie / | 1 |
ONR 205.21:7 | Engineering geology of the Ohio shore line of Lake Erie / | 1 |
OO Ru,D | Obitaemyy Ostrov. | 1 |
OOM Ru,D | Only Old Men Got To War. | 1 |
OOS 37.3/3:7/2 | Salamanders of Ohio / | 1 |
OOS 37.3/3:8/1 | The vascular flora of the glaciated Allegheny plateau region of Ohio / | 1 |
OOS 37.3/3:8/3 | Open water cladocera of the Little Miami drainage basin / | 1 |
OOS 37.3/3:8/4 | The tiger beetles of Ohio (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) / | 1 |
OOS 37.3/3:9/1 | Butterflies and skippers of Ohio / | 1 |
OOT Ru,D | The Old Old Tale. | 1 |
OP 1.1: |
Annual report. Annual report Report Annual report / Report / |
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OP 1.1/2: |
Overseas Private Investment Corporation ... annual report to Congress pursuant to 5 U.S.C. subsection 552 (e) Fiscal year ... Freedom of Information Act annual report |
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OP 1.1/3: |
Budget request, fiscal year .. Congressional budget justification. |
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