Call Number (LC) Title Results
phonodisc 67-259 Kenneth Patchen reads his love poems 1
phonodisc 67-260 Verrà la morte e avrà i tuoi occhi 1
phonodisc 67-261 Nocturno a Margarita y otros poemas en la voz de su autor / 1
phonodisc 67-263 Petrarca 1
phonodisc 67-264 Edgar Allan Poe 1
phonodisc 67-265 The raven poems and stories. 1
phonodisc 67-266 The poetry of Alexander Pope 1
phonodisc 67-267 The rape of the lock 1
phonodisc 67-268 The deserted altar and other poems / 1
phonodisc 67-269 Ezra Pound reading his poetry 1
phonodisc 67-271 Salvatore Quasimodo 1
phonodisc 67-273 Poetry readings in The Cellar 1
phonodisc 67-275 Let the senses sing collected poems / 1
phonodisc 67-276 The fables of Paul Roche 1
phonodisc 67-277 Europa and the bull 1
phonodisc 67-278 Words for the wind poems of Theodore Roethke / 1
phonodisc 67-279 Saba 1
phonodisc 67-279 Saba 1
phonodisc 67-280 La Voce di Umberto Saba 1
phonodisc 67-282 Carl Sandburg reads the poems of Carl Sandburg 1