Call Number (LC) Title Results
phonodisc 68-149 Antigone 1
phonodisc 68-150 Antigone 1
phonodisc 68-151 Oedipus rex 1
phonodisc 68-152 Oedipus rex 1
phonodisc 68-153 Oedipus the king 1
phonodisc 68-154 A sentimental journey 1
phonodisc 68-155 A lovely light a dramatization of the poems and letters of Edna St. Vincent Millay / 1
phonodisc 68-156 Riders to the sea In the shadow of the glen. 1
phonodisc 68-157 Becky Sharp 1
phonodisc 68-158 Under milk wood 1
phonodisc 68-159 Mon Faust 1
phonodisc 68-160 Los melindres de Belisa 1
phonodisc 68-161 The Brontës 1
phonodisc 68-162 The persecution and assassination of Marat as performed by the inmates of the asylum of Charenton under the direction of the marquis de Sade 1
phonodisc 68-163 The man who could work miracles 1
phonodisc 68-165 The importance of being Earnest 1
phonodisc 68-166 In Ewigkeit amen 1
phonodisc 68-167 The glass menagerie 1
phonodisc 68-168 The snow goose 1
phonodisc 68-169 Yeats' Noh plays 1