Search Results - Accademia nazionale delle scienze detta dei XL
Accademia nazionale delle scienze
The Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze (), or more formally '''L'Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze detta dei XL, and also called the Accademia dei XL''' (), is Italy's national academy of science. Its offices are located within the Villino Rosso, at the corner of via L. Spallanzani and via Siracusa, Villa Torlonia, Rome.The academy promotes progress in mathematics, physics, and natural sciences; organizes meetings; publishes journals; establishes consultative committees for governmental agencies; and awards scientific prizes.
The academy contains 40 fellows and a variable number of "fellows in excess" who are age 70 and above, and who have been fellows for at least five years. It also contains 25 foreign members. Provided by Wikipedia