Search Results - Broughton, Richard
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The ecclesiasticall historie of Great Britaine deduced by ages, or centenaries from the natiuitie of our Sauiour, vnto the happie conuersion of the Saxons, in the seuenth hundred y... by Broughton, Richard
Published 1633Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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A defence of Catholikes persecuted in England invincibly prouing their holy religion to be that which is the only true religion of Christ; and that they in professing it, are becom... by Broughton, Richard
Published 1630Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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A new manual of old Christian Catholic meditations, & praiers by Broughton, Richard
Published 1617Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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English protestants plea, and petition, for English preists [sic] and papists to the present court of Parlament, and all persecutors of them: diuided into two parts. In the first i... by Broughton, Richard
Published 1621Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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A manual of praiers vsed by the fathers of the primatiue Church for the most part within the foure first hundred yeares of Christ, & al before the end of the sixt hundred yeare: di... by Broughton, Richard
Published 1618Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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The first part of the resolution of religion devided into two bookes, contayning a demonstration of the necessity of a diuine and supernaturall worshippe. In the first, against all... by Broughton, Richard
Published 1603Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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An apologicall epistle directed to the right honorable lords, and others of her Maiesties priuie counsell. Seruing aswell for a præface to a booke, entituled, A resolution of relig... by Broughton, Richard
Published 1601Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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The first part of the resolution of religion divided into two bookes, conteyning a demonstration of the necessitie of a divine and supernaturall worshippe. In the first, against al... by Broughton, Richard
Published 1603Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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A booke intituled, The English Protestants recantation, in mattersof religion wherein is demonstratiuely proued, by the writings of the principall, and best learned English Protest... by Broughton, Richard
Published 1617Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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A plaine patterne of a perfect Protestant professor which is, to be a false corrupter, perverter, and abuser of authorities, &c. : taken forth of the first, chiefest, and principal... by Broughton, Richard
Published 1608Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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The ecclesiasticall historie of Great Britaine deduced by ages, or centenaries from the natiuitie of our Sauiour, vnto the happie conuersion of the Saxons, in the seuenth hundred y... by Broughton, Richard
Published 1633Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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A defence of Catholikes persecuted in England invincibly prouing their holy religion to be that which is the only true religion of Christ; and that they in professing it, are becom... by Broughton, Richard
Published 1630Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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The first part of Protestants proofes, for Catholikes religion and recusancy Taken only from the vvritings, of such Protestant doctors and diuines of England, as haue beene publish... by Broughton, Richard
Published 1607Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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A true memorial of the ancient, most holy, and religious state of Great Britain flourishing with apostles, apostolical men, monasteries, religious rules, and orders, in great numbe... by Broughton, Richard
Published 1650Call Number: Loading…Search for the full-text version of this title in Early English Books Online
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The conuiction of noueltie, and defense of antiquitie. Or demonstratiue arguments of the falsitie of the newe religion of England: and trueth of the Catholike Roman faith Deliuered... by Broughton, Richard
Published 1632Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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A iust and moderate answer to a most iniurious, and slaunderous pamphlet, intituled, An exact discouery of Romish doctrine in case of conspiracie and rebellion Wherein the innocenc... by Broughton, Richard
Published 1606Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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The second part of the Protestants plea, and petition for preists and papists Being an historie of the holy preisthood, and sacrifice of the true Church of Christ. Inuincibly proui... by Broughton, Richard
Published 1625Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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An ecclesiastical Protestant historie of the high pastoral and fatherly charge and care of the Popes f [sic] Rome, ouer the church of Britanie, from the first plantinge of the chri... by Broughton, Richard
Published 1625Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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The iudgement of the Apostles and of those of the first age, in all points of doctrine questioned betweene the Catholikes and Protestants of England, as they are set downe in the 3... by Broughton, Richard
Published 1632Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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An ecclesiastical Protestant historie of the high pastoral and fatherly chardge and care of the Popes of Rome, ouer the church of Britanie, from the first planting of the christia[... by Broughton, Richard
Published 1624Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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