Search Results - Bulkley, Stephen, -1680
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The doctrine and practice of renovation wherein is discovered what the new nature, and new creature is; its parts, causes, the manner and means, also how it may be attained : neces... by Wolfall, Thomas
Published 1653Other Authors: “…Bulkley, Stephen, -1680…”
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A complaint to the House of Commons, and resolution taken up by the free Protestant subjects of the cities of London and Westminster, and the counties adjacent
Published 1643Other Authors: “…Bulkley, Stephen, -1680…”
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A forme of publique thankesgiving to Almighty God, for, the late victory obteyned in the west parts of Yorkeshire by the Kings forces, under the conduct and command of His Excellen...
Published 1643Other Authors: “…Bulkley, Stephen, -1680…”
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The declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in the Parliament of England, to the subjects of Scotland with His Majesties message to the Lords of his Privy Counsell of Scotla...
Published 1642Other Authors: “…Bulkley, Stephen, -1680…”
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A sermon preached in the Metropoliticall Church of York, upon the 19. day of May, being the fourth Sunday after Easter last by Ranson, William, active 1644
Published 1644Other Authors: “…Bulkley, Stephen, -1680…”
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The dignitie and dutie of the ministers of Christ set forth in a sermon preached by the appointment of the most reverened father in God, accepted by the providence of God, Lord Arc... by Bradley, Christopher, -1678
Published 1667Other Authors: “…Bulkley, Stephen, -1680…”
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A breife replication upon the speciall passages in Sr. Francis Wortleys book, which he dedicates to fame and truth.
Published 1642Other Authors: “…Bulkley, Stephen, -1680…”
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Eagle 1666 a new almanack and prognostication for the yeare of our Lord God 1666 : being the second after bissextile of leap-yeare : wherein is contained the feasts both moveable a...
Published 1666Other Authors: “…Bulkley, Stephen, -1680…”
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A letter from the offices of the army at the head-quarters ing the south to the Lord Generall Cromwell, and the army in the north : vpon their expedition into Scotland.
Published 1650Other Authors: “…Bulkley, Stephen, -1680…”
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Elijah's nunc dimittis, or, The authors own funeral sermons in his meditations upon I Kings 19.4. it is now enough, Lord take away my soule, for I am no better then [sic] my father... by Bradley, Thomas, 1597-1670
Published 1672Other Authors: “…Bulkley, Stephen, -1680…”
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A vindication of the authority, constitution, and laws of the church and state of Scotland in four conferences, wherein the answer to the dialogues betwixt the Conformist and the N... by Bradley, Thomas, 1597-1670
Published 1673Other Authors: “…Bulkley, Stephen, -1680…”
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His Majesties message to both Houses, Aprill 12, 1643 concerning disbanding of both armies : and His Majesties returne to both Houses of Parliament : with His Majesties message to...
Published 1643Other Authors: “…Bulkley, Stephen, -1680…”
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