Search Results - Cooper, Charles Purton, 1793-1873
Charles Purton Cooper
Charles Purton Cooper QC, FRS (1793–1873) was an English lawyer and antiquary. Provided by Wikipedia- Showing 1 - 20 results of 33
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Reports of cases in chancery, decided by Lord Cottenham commencing July 7th, 1846 : with which are interspersed some miscellaneous cases and dicta, and various notes / by Cooper, Charles Purton, 1793-1873
Published 1905Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via LLMC)
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Rules for the guidance of members of Parliament in the management of select committees and the preparation of reports by Cooper, Charles Purton, 1793-1873
Published 1837Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Gale)
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Substance of the speech of Charles Purton Cooper, Esq. as counsel for the Rev. Charles Wellbeloved, in the suit of the Attorney General versus Shore : instituted in the High Court... by Cooper, Charles Purton, 1793-1873
Published 1834Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Gale)
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Substance of the speech of Charles Purton Cooper, Esq. as counsel for the Rev. Charles Wellbeloved, in the suit of the Attorney General versus Shore instituted in the High Court of... by Cooper, Charles Purton, 1793-1873
Published 1834Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via HeinOnline)
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The delay in the offices of the Masters in Chancery and the remedy by Cooper, Charles Purton, 1793-1873
Published 1849Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Gale)
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The present state of the Court of Chancery shown to furnish no reason against the continuance of the commission for the custody of the Great Seal, pending the inquiry into the offi... by Cooper, Charles Purton, 1793-1873
Published 1850Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Gale)
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Observations on the Calendar of proceedings in Chancery, edited by John Bayley ... and on the Parliamentary writs, edited by Francis Palgrave ... under the authority of the Record... by Cooper, Charles Purton, 1793-1873
Published 1832Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Gale)
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A brief account of some of the most important proceedings in Parliament relative to the defects in the administration of justice in the Court of Chancery, the House of Lords, and t... by Cooper, Charles Purton, 1793-1873
Published 1828Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Gale)
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A refutation of the calumnies against the Lord Chancellor contained in the last number of The quarterly review in an article upon the pamphlet entitled "The reform ministry and the... by Cooper, Charles Purton, 1793-1873
Published 1834Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Gale)
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The House of Lords as a court of appeal by Cooper, Charles Purton, 1793-1873
Published 1850Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Gale)
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Chancery cases and dicta also notes from mss., ancient and modern, with occasional remarks and Chancery miscellanies / by Cooper, Charles Purton, 1793-1873
Published 1852Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Gale)
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Court of Chancery debate in the House of Commons, Thursday, 27th March, 1851, upon Lord John Russell's motion for leave to bring in a bill for the better administration of justice... by Cooper, Charles Purton, 1793-1873
Published 1851Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Gale)
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Conclusion of the speech of C. Purton Cooper, Esq., as counsel for the Rev. Charles Wellbeloved, in the siut of the Attorney General v. Shore instituted in the High Court of Chance... by Cooper, Charles Purton, 1793-1873
Published 1854Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Gale)
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Reports of some cases adjudged in the courts of the Lord Chancellor, Master of the Rolls, and Vice-Chancellor, in the years 1837-1838 with notes and an appendix / by Cooper, Charles Purton, 1793-1873
Published 1905Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via LLMC)
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A second letter to Charles Purton Cooper, Esq. of Lincoln's Inn, barrister at law on the appointment of a permanent judge in the Court of Chancery in the place of The Lord Chancell... by Causidicus
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A letter to Charles Purton Cooper, Esq. of Lincoln's Inn, barrister at law on the appointment of a permanent judge in the Court of Chancery in the place of The Lord Chancellor : an... by Causidicus
Published 1835Other Authors: “…Cooper, Charles Purton, 1793-1873…”
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The Act of Settlement and the Pope's apostolic letters selection from correspondence in the months of November and December last in the possession of Charles Purton Cooper, Esq.
Published 1851Other Authors: “…Cooper, Charles Purton, 1793-1873…”
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Papers and documents relating to the evidence of certain witnesses examined before the select committee of the House of Commons appointed "to inquire into the management and affair...
Published 1837Other Authors: “…Cooper, Charles Purton, 1793-1873…”
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Reply of Mr. Hewlett to the observations made by C.P. Cooper, Esq., secretary to the Record Commission on the evidence given by Mr. Hewlett, before the select committee of the Hous... by Hewlett, Mr. (Henry William)
Published 1837Other Authors: “…Cooper, Charles Purton, 1793-1873…”
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Public records a description of the contents, objects, and uses of the various works printed by authority of the Record Commission : for the advancement of historical and antiquari... by Nicolas, Nicholas Harris, Sir, 1799-1848
Published 1831Other Authors: “…Cooper, Charles Purton, 1793-1873…”
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