Search Results - Court, Pieter de la, approximately 1618-1685
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Interest van Holland, ofte, Gronden van Hollands-welvaren / by Court, Pieter de la, approximately 1618-1685
Published 1662Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Gale)
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Aanwysing der heilsame politike gronden en maximen van de republike van Holland en West-Vriesland. by Court, Pieter de la, approximately 1618-1685
Published 1671Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Gale)
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The true interest and political maxims of the republick of Holland and West-Friesland : in three parts ... / by Court, Pieter de la, approximately 1618-1685
Published 1702Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Gale)
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Extract of divers passages relating to exclusive joint-stock companies / by Court, Pieter de la, approximately 1618-1685
Published 1713Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Gale)
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The true interest and political maxims of the republic of Holland / by Court, Pieter de la, approximately 1618-1685
Published 1746Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Gale)
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Interesse von Holland, oder, Fondamenten von Hollands-Wohlfahrt / by Court, Pieter de la, approximately 1618-1685
Published 1665Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Gale)
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Memoires de Jean de Wit : grand pensionnaire de Hollande / by Court, Pieter de la, approximately 1618-1685
Published 1709Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Gale)
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Aanwysing der heilsame politike gronden en maximen van de republike van Holland en West-Vriesland. by Court, Pieter de la, approximately 1618-1685
Published 1669Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Gale)
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The interest of Holland as to their alliances with France, Spain, England, &c Faithfully extracted out of the famous Monsieur John De Wit's True interest and political maxims of th... by Court, Pieter de la, approximately 1618-1685
Published 1712Call Number: Loading…Get full text
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Extract of divers passages relating to exclusive joint-stock companies, taken from Monsieur De Witt's treatise of the true interest and political maxims of Holland and West Friesla... by Court, Pieter de la, approximately 1618-1685
Published 1710Call Number: Loading…Get full text
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Political maxims of the state of Holland comprehending a general view of the civil government of that republic, ... By John de Witt, ... Translated from the Dutch original, which c... by Court, Pieter de la, approximately 1618-1685
Published 1743Call Number: Loading…Get full text
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The true interest and political maxims of the Republick of Holland and West-Friesland In three parts. ... Written by John de Witt, and other great men in Holland. by Court, Pieter de la, approximately 1618-1685
Published 1702Call Number: Loading…Get full text
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Fables moral and political, with large explications. Translated from the Dutch. In two volumes by Court, Pieter de la, approximately 1618-1685
Published 1703Call Number: Loading…Get full text
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Proeve uit een onuitgegeven staathuishoudkundig geschrift, het welvaren der stad Leyden : opgesteld in den jare 1659 / by Court, Pieter de la, approximately 1618-1685
Published 1845Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Gale)
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Political maxims of the state of Holland : comprehending a general view of the civil government of that republic, and the principles on which it is founded : the nature, rise, and... by Court, Pieter de la, approximately 1618-1685
Published 1743Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Gale)
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The true interest and political maxims, of the republic of Holland Viz. I. Of the nature, product, and advantages of Holland. II. Of the fishing-trade, &c. of Holland. III. Why hea... by Court, Pieter de la, approximately 1618-1685
Published 1746Call Number: Loading…Online Access
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The true interest and political maxims of the republick of Holland and West-Friesland in three parts : the first treating of liberty in general, of manufactures, fisheries, traffic... by Court, Pieter de la, approximately 1618-1685, Witt, Johan de, 1625-1672
Published 1702Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via HeinOnline)
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