Search Results - Dyke, Daniel, -1614
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The vvorkes of that late reuerend diuine Master Daniel Dike, Batchelor in Diuinity. The first part. Containing Sermons on the CXXIIII Psalme. A treatise of repentance. A treatise o... by Dyke, Daniel, -1614, Dyke, Daniel, -1614, Dyke, Daniel, -1614, Dyke, Daniel, -1614
Published 1635Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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The vvorkes of that late reuerend diuine Master Daniel Dike, Batchelor in Diuinity. The first part. Containing Sermons on the CXXIIII Psalme. A treatise of repentance. A treatise o... by Dyke, Daniel, -1614, Dyke, Daniel, -1614, Dyke, Daniel, -1614, Dyke, Daniel, -1614
Published 1635Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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The mystery of selfe-deceiving. Or A discourse and discouery of the deceitfulnesse of mans heart Written by the late faithfull minister of Gods Word Danyel Dyke, Batchelour in Diui... by Dyke, Daniel, -1614
Published 1624Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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The second and last part of the vvorkes of the late faithfull servant of God Daniel Dyke, Batchelour in Divinity viz., [brace] Sixe evangelicall histories, A commentary upon the ep... by Dyke, Daniel, -1614
Published 1633Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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Comfortable sermons vpon the CXXIIII Psalme Being thankefull remembrances for Gods wonderfull deliuerance of vs from the late Gunpowder-treason. Preached before the Lady Elizabeth... by Dyke, Daniel, -1614
Published 1635Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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Certaine comfortable sermons vpon the 124. Psalme tending to stirre vp to thankefulnesse for our deliuerance from the late Gunpowder-treason: preached before the Lady Elizabeth her... by Dyke, Daniel, -1614
Published 1616Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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Certaine comfortable sermons vpon the CXXIV. Psalme Tending to stirre vp thankefulnesse for our deliuerance from the late Gunpowder-treason: preached before the Lady Elizabeth her... by Dyke, Daniel, -1614
Published 1617Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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The mystery of selfe-deceuing. Or A discouerse [sic] and discouery of the deceitfulnesse of mans heart: written by the late faithfull minister of Gods Word, Daniell Dyke, Bachelour... by Dyke, Daniel, -1614
Published 1616Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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Sixe evangelical histories of water turned into wine. The Temples purgation. Christ and Nichodemus. Iohns last testimonie. Christ, and the woman of Samaria. Thr rulers sonnes heali... by Dyke, Daniel, -1614
Published 1617Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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Tvvo treatises. The one, of repentance, the other, of Christs temptations. Both penned, by the late faithfull minister of Gods worde, Daniel Dyke, Batchelour in Diuinitie. Publishe... by Dyke, Daniel, -1614
Published 1616Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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The mystery of selfe-deceiuing: or, A discourse and discouery of the deceitfulnesse of mans heart. Written by the late faithfull minister of Gods Word Daniel Dyke, Batchelor in Diu... by Dyke, Daniel, -1614
Published 1630Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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Tvvo treatises. The one, a most fruitfull exposition vpon Philemon: the other, the schoole of affliction. Both penned, by the late faithfull minister of Gods Word, Daniel Dyke, Bac... by Dyke, Daniel, -1614
Published 1618Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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The mystery of selfe-deceiuing: or, A discourse and discouery of the deceitfulnesse of mans heart. Written by the late faithfull minister of Gods Word Daniel Dyke, Batchelor in Diu... by Dyke, Daniel, -1614
Published 1634Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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Tvvo treatises. The one, of repentance, the other, of Christs temptations. Penned, by the late faithfull minister of Gods VVord, Daniel Dyke, Batchelour in Diuinitie. Published sin... by Dyke, Daniel, -1614
Published 1631Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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The mystery of selfe-deceiuing: or, A discourse and discouery of the deceitfulnesse of mans heart. Written by the late faithfull minister of Gods Word Daniel Dyke, Batchelor in Diu... by Dyke, Daniel, -1614
Published 1633Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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The mystery of selfe-deceiving, or, A discourse and discouery of the deceitfulnesse of mans heart by Dyke, Daniel, -1614
Published 1620Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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Two treatises the one, of repentance, the other, of Christs temptations / by Dyke, Daniel, -1614
Published 1616Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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The mystery of selfe-deceiuing. Or A discourse and discouery of the deceitfulnesse of mans heart. Written by the late faithfull minister of Gods word Daniell Dyke, Bachelour in Diu... by Dyke, Daniel, -1614
Published 1615Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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Certaine comfortable sermons vpon the CXXIV. Psalme Tending to stirre vp thankefulnesse for our deliuerance from the late Gunpowder-treason: preached before the Lady Elizabeth her... by Dyke, Daniel, -1614
Published 1617Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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The mystery of selfe-deceiuing. Or A discourse and discouery of the deceitfullnesse of mans heart: Written by the late faithfull minister of Gods worde, Daniell Dyke, Bachelour in... by Dyke, Daniel, -1614
Published 1614Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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