Search Results - Grillo, Francesco, 1965-
Francesco Grillo
!['''Francesco Grillo'''](
He is visiting fellow at the European University Institute in Fiesole, affiliate Professor at Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna in Pisa and teaches at the summer school of University of International Business Economics in Beijing.
Francesco is Managing Director of Vision & Value, a strategy consulting boutique and he advises major institutions (including the European Commission and Italian Ministry of Economy) and multinationals.
He is also director of Vision Think Tank which convenes two yearly major conferences: one on the future of Europe in Siena and the other one on global governance of climate change (in the Dolomite area). His professional and research interests are around how internet is changing industries and political systems.
Francesco is also columnist for Il Messaggero, Corriere della Sera, Linkiesta and the Guardian. He is often interviewed by international media like the Economist and he is regular guest on La7, SkyTG24 and RaiNews24. Provided by Wikipedia