Search Results - Herring, Francis, -1628
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Preservatives against the plague Published at the request of the City of London, in the year 1665, when they were visited. By Francis Herring. by Herring, Francis, -1628
Published 1757Call Number: Loading…Get full text
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Pietas pontificia, seu, Conjurationis illius prodigiosæ, et post natos homines maximè execrandæ, in Iacobum primu[m] magnæ Britanniæ Rege[m], Augustam, principem Henricum, totamque... by Herring, Francis, -1628
Published 1606Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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Certaine rules, directions, or advertisements for this time of pestilentiall contagion With a caveat to those that weare about their neckes impoisoned amulets as a preservative fro... by Herring, Francis, -1628
Published 1636Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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Mischeefes mysterie: or, Treasons master-peece, the Powder-plot Inuented by hellish malice, preuented by heauenly mercy: truely related. And from the Latine of the learned and reue... by Herring, Francis, -1628
Published 1617Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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Pietas pontificia, seu, Conjurationis illius prodigiosæ, et post natos homines maximè execrandæ, in Iacobum primu[m] magnæ Britanniæ Rege[m], Augustam, principem Henricum, totamque... by Herring, Francis, -1628
Published 1606Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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Preservatives against the plague, or, Directions & advertisements for this time of pestilential contagion with certain instructions for the poorer sort of people when they shall be... by Herring, Francis, -1628
Published 1665Call Number: Loading…Search for the full-text version of this title in Early English Books Online
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A modest defence of the caueat giuen to the wearers of impoisoned amulets, as preseruatiues from the plague wherein that point is somewhat more lergely reasoned and debated with an... by Herring, Francis, -1628
Published 2004Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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Poemata miscellanea. by Herring, Francis, -1628
Published 1612Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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Pietas pontificia sev conivrationis sv lphvreæ contra Iacobum magnæ Britanniæ regem, henricum principem, omnesq; regni ordines flagitiosissime initæ, & sola virgula diunia soelicis... by Herring, Francis, -1628
Published 1609Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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In foelicissimum serenissimi ac potentissimi principis, Iacobi primi, Angliæ, Scotiæ, Franciæ & Hyberniæ Regis, fidei orthodoxæ defensoris, ad Anglicanæ Reip. gubernacula ingressum... by Herring, Francis, -1628
Published 1603Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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A modest defence of the caueat giuen to the wearers of impoisoned amulets, as preseruatiues from the plague wherein that point is somewhat more lergely reasoned and debated with an... by Herring, Francis, -1628
Published 1604Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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Pietas pontificia seu Coniurationis sulphureæ contra Iacobum Magnae Britanniæ Regem, Henricum Principem, omnesq[ue] Regni ordines flagitiosissimê initæ, & solâ virgulâ diuinâ fœlic... by Herring, Francis, -1628
Published 1609Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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Preservatives against the plague, or directions and advertisements for this time of pestilentiall contagion VVith certaine instructions for the poorer sort of people when they shal... by Herring, Francis, -1628
Published 1641Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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November the 5. 1605. The quintessence of cruelty, or, master-peice of treachery, the Popish pouder-plot, invented by hellish-malice, prevented by heavenly-mercy. / by Herring, Francis, -1628
Published 1641Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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Preservatives against the plague, or directions and advertisements for this time of pestilentiall contagion VVith certaine instructions for the poorer sort of people when they shal... by Herring, Francis, -1628
Published 1641Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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November the 5. 1605. The quintessence of cruelty, or, master-peice of treachery, the Popish pouder-plot, invented by hellish-malice, prevented by heavenly-mercy. / by Herring, Francis, -1628
Published 1641Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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Popish pietie, or The first part of the historie of that horrible and barbarous conspiracie, commonly called the powder-treason nefariously plotted against Iames King of great Brit... by Herring, Francis, -1628
Published 1610Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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Certaine rules, directions, or aduertisments for this time of pestilentiall contagion: with a caueat to those that weare about their neckes impoisoned amulets as a preseruatiue fro... by Herring, Francis, -1628
Published 1625Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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Certaine rules, directions, or aduertisments for this time of pestilentiall contagion: with a caueat to those that weare about their neckes impoisoned amulets as a preseruatiue fro... by Herring, Francis, -1628
Published 1603Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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Preservatives against the plague, or, Directions & advertisements for this time of pestilential contagion with certain instructions for the poorer sort of people when they shall be... by Herring, Francis, -1628
Published 1665Call Number: Loading…Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
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