William Kenneth Holditch (September 18, 1933 – December 7, 2022) was a Professor Emeritus of English at the University of New Orleans. He was one of the pre-eminent scholars of the American playwright Tennessee Williams. Notably, he co-founded the Tennessee Williams Literary Festivals in New Orleans; Columbus, Mississippi; and Clarksdale, Mississippi, and he served on the advisory board of the festival in Provincetown, Rhode Island. His published works include ''[https://www.upress.state.ms.us/Books/T/Tennessee-Williams-and-the-South Tennessee Williams and the South]'' and ''The World of Tennessee William''s with Richard Freeman Leavitt as well as co-editor with Mel Gussow for the Library of America's ''[https://www.loa.org/books/145-plays-1937-1955 Tennessee Williams Plays 1937-1955]''.
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