Search Results - International Football Association Board
International Football Association Board
The International Football Association Board (IFAB) is an international self-regulatory body of association football that is known for determining the Laws of the Game, the regulations for the gameplay of football. It was founded in 1886 in order to establish standardised regulations or "Laws" for the gameplay of international competition, and has since acted as the primary maintainer ("Guardian") of these Laws. FIFA, a prominent governing body for football, has recognised IFAB's jurisdiction over its Laws since its establishment in 1904.IFAB is a distinct body from FIFA, although FIFA is represented on the board and holds 50% of the voting power. The founding football associations of IFAB, England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales each have permanent seats on the organisation. Amendments to the Laws mandate a three-quarter supermajority vote, meaning that FIFA's support is necessary but not sufficient for a motion to pass. Provided by Wikipedia