Search Results - Nancrede, Joseph, 1761-1841
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Books:--importation of May, 1798 Joseph Nancrede's catalogue of books, just imported from London, for sale, wholesale and retail, at his book-store, no. 49, Marlbro'-Street, Boston... by Nancrede, Joseph, 1761-1841
Published 1798Call Number: Loading…Search for the full-text online version of this title in the Early American imprints database
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Microfilm Book -
Prospectus du Courier des deux mondes by Nancrede, Joseph, 1761-1841
Published 1794Call Number: Loading…Search for the full-text online version of this title in the Early American imprints database
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Microfilm Book -
Joseph Nancrede's catalogue of books in the various branches of literature lately imported from London, Dublin, Paris, and other capitals of Europe; for sale, wholesale and retail,... by Nancrede, Joseph, 1761-1841
Published 1796Call Number: Loading…Search for the full-text online version of this title in the Early American imprints database
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Microfilm Book -
Sir, having undertaken the publication of a complete system of universal geography of America, and of the world, we take the liberty to recommend our design to your notice and patr... by Nancrede, Joseph, 1761-1841
Published 1801Call Number: Loading…Search for the full-text online version of this title in the Early American imprints database
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Microfilm Book -
Fixed-price catalogue of a large collection of books ... now selling at reduced prices, by Joseph Nancrede. by Nancrede, Joseph, 1761-1841
Published 1803Call Number: Loading…Search for the full-text online version of this title in the Early American imprints database
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Microfilm Book -
Proposals for printing by subscription Lectures on diet and regimen being a systematic inquiry into the most rational means of preserving health and prolonging life. Together with... by Nancrede, Joseph, 1761-1841
Published 1799Call Number: Loading…Search for the full-text online version of this title in the Early American imprints database
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Microfilm Book -
Proposals for publishing by subscription a new system of geography, ancient and modern, by J. Tytler by Nancrede, Joseph, 1761-1841
Published 1802Call Number: Loading…Search for the full-text online version of this title in the Early American imprints database
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Microfilm Book -
Review of Pinkerton's Modern geography by Nancrede, Joseph, 1761-1841
Published 1802Call Number: Loading…Search for the full-text online version of this title in the Early American imprints database
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Microfilm Book -
Boston, February 5, 1799 Proposals for publishing, by subscription, the History of the destruction of the Helvetic Union and liberty. By J. Mallet du Pan. by Nancrede, Joseph, 1761-1841
Published 1799Call Number: Loading…Search for the full-text online version of this title in the Early American imprints database
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Microfilm Book -
L'Abeille françoise, ou Nouveau recueil, de morceaux brillans, des auteurs François les plus celebres Ouvrage utile à ceux qui étudient la langue françoise, et amusant pour ceux qu...
Published 1792Other Authors: “…Nancrede, Joseph, 1761-1841…”
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Microfilm Book -
Les aventures de Telemaque, fils d'Ulysse by Fénelon, François de Salignac de La Mothe- 1651-1715
Published 1797Other Authors: “…Nancrede, Joseph, 1761-1841…”
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Microfilm Book -
The adventures of Telemachus, the son of Ulysses by Fénelon, François de Salignac de La Mothe- 1651-1715
Published 1797Other Authors: “…Nancrede, Joseph, 1761-1841…”
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Microfilm Book -
A plan of constitution, for the French Republic
Published 1795Other Authors: “…Nancrede, Joseph, 1761-1841…”
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Microfilm Book -
A general system of toxicology, or, A treatise on poisons found in the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms considered in their relations with physiology, pathology and medical j... by Orfila, Matthieu Joseph Bonaventure, 1787-1853
Published 1817Other Authors: “…Nancrede, Joseph, 1761-1841…”
Call Number: Loading…Search for the full-text online version of this title in the Early American imprints database
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Microfilm Book -
A general system of toxicology, or, A treatise on poisons found in the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms considered in their relations with physiology, pathology and medical j... by Orfila, Matthieu Joseph Bonaventure, 1787-1853
Published 1817Other Authors: “…Nancrede, Joseph, 1761-1841…”
Call Number: Loading…Online Access
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Electronic eBook -
A discourse upon the question, whether the King shall be tried? Delivered before the Society of the Friends of the Constitution, at Paris, at a meeting, July 10th, 1791. / by Brissot de Warville, J.-P. (Jacques-Pierre), 1754-1793
Published 1791Other Authors: “…Nancrede, Joseph, 1761-1841…”
Call Number: Loading…Search for the full-text online version of this title in the Early American imprints database
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Microfilm Book -
Les aventures de Telemaque, fils d'Ulysse Par Messire François de Salignac de la Motte Fenelon, archeveque de Cambray. Tome premiere[-seconde] by Fénelon, François de Salignac de La Mothe- 1651-1715
Published 1797Other Authors: “…Nancrede, Joseph, 1761-1841…”
Call Number: Loading…Online Access
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Electronic eBook -
A general system of toxicology, or, A treatise on poisons found in the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms considered in their relations with physiology, pathology and medical j... by Orfila, Matthieu Joseph Bonaventure, 1787-1853
Published 1817Other Authors: “…Nancrede, Joseph, 1761-1841…”
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Electronic eBook -
Courier de Boston
Published 1789Other Authors: “…Nancrede, Joseph, 1761-1841…”
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If not indexed online, see print index in Norlin Reference
Microfilm Newspaper -
L'Abeille françoise, ou Nouveau recueil, de morceaux brillans, des auteurs François les plus celebres Ouvrage utile à ceux qui étudient la langue françoise, et amusant pour ceux qu...
Published 1792Other Authors: “…Nancrede, Joseph, 1761-1841…”
Call Number: Loading…Online Access
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Electronic eBook
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