Search Results - Phillips, Ceri

Coming of Age (2008 TV series)

Title card (2010) ''Coming of Age'' is a British sitcom, written by Tim Dawson, produced in house by BBC Productions, and broadcast on the former channel BBC Three. The show takes a direct look at five sixth form students, Jas, Ollie, Matt, Chloe and DK, as well as, from series three, new character Robyn Crisp, who are living in Abingdon. Their lives rotate around the fictional Wooton College, their bedrooms, and Ollie's garden shed. A pilot originally aired in 2007, followed by the first series in 2008, a second series in 2010, and a third beginning in January 2011. In 2011, the show was cancelled along with other long running BBC Three programmes including ''Ideal'', ''Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps'', ''Hotter Than My Daughter'', and ''Doctor Who Confidential''. The first series was released on DVD on 26 October 2009, however, no further series have been released on DVD. Provided by Wikipedia
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    Health economics an introduction for health professionals / by Phillips, Ceri

    Published 2005
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    Government Document Electronic eBook
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    Farmacoeconomia in pratica : Tecniche di base e modelli. by Pradelli, Lorenzo

    Published 2014
    Other Authors: “…Phillips, Ceri…”
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