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Agricultural outlook / U.S. Department of Agriculture.
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New Title:
Monthly crop report (United States. Bureau of Crop Estimates)
Previous Title:
Crop reporter
Corporate Authors:
United States. Department of Agriculture
United States. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Statistics
United States. Bureau of Plant Industry
Other title:
Agricultural outlook (Washington, D.C. : 1913)
Government Document
Washington [D.C.] :
Farmers' bulletin (United States. Department of Agriculture) ;
no. 558.
Farmers' bulletin (United States. Department of Agriculture) ;
no. 560.
Farmers' bulletin (United States. Department of Agriculture) ;
no. 563.
Farmers' bulletin (United States. Department of Agriculture) ;
no. 570.
Farmers' bulletin (United States. Department of Agriculture) ;
no. 575.
Farmers' bulletin (United States. Department of Agriculture) ;
no. 581.
Farmers' bulletin (United States. Department of Agriculture) ;
no. 584.
Farmers' bulletin (United States. Department of Agriculture) ;
no. 590.
Farmers' bulletin (United States. Department of Agriculture) ;
no. 598.
Farmers' bulletin (United States. Department of Agriculture) ;
no. 604.
Farmers' bulletin (United States. Department of Agriculture) ;
no. 611.
Farmers' bulletin (United States. Department of Agriculture) ;
no. 615.
Farmers' bulletin (United States. Department of Agriculture) ;
no. 620.
Farmers' bulletin (United States. Department of Agriculture) ;
no. 629.
Farmers' bulletin (United States. Department of Agriculture) ;
no. 641.
Farmers' bulletin (United States. Department of Agriculture) ;
no. 645.
Farmers' bulletin (United States. Department of Agriculture) ;
no. 651.
Farmers' bulletin (United States. Department of Agriculture) ;
no. 665.
Farmers' bulletin (United States. Department of Agriculture) ;
no. 672.
United States
United States
United States.
Other Versions (1)
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PASCAL Offsite
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Call Number:
A 1.38:
A 1.9:
Volume Holdings:
Sep. 1913 - Apr. 1915 Vols. are shelved by the numbering of the main series: Farmers' Bulletin (United States. Department of Agriculture)
A 1.9: (551-575 1913-1914)
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Contents of [A 1.9:]
The following works are all found in the book indicated by the call number above.
Texas or tick fever / by John R. Mohler.
Pop corn for the home / by C.P. Hartley and J.G. Willier.
The potato-tuber moth / by F.H. Chittenden.
Use of corn, kafir, and cowpeas in the home / by C.F. Langworthy and Caroline L. Hunt...
Bean growing in eastern Washington and Oregon, and northern Idaho / by Lee W. Fluhart...
Sugar-beet growing under irrigation / by C.O. Townsend.
The making and feeding of silage / by T.E. Woodward.
Kafir as a grain crop / by Carleton R. Ball and Benton E. Rothgeb.
A system of farm cost accounting / by C.E. Ladd.
Pop corn for the market / C.P. Hartley and J.G. Willier.
Agricultural outlook / U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Boys' pig clubs : with special reference to their organization in the South / by W.F....
The cultivation of American ginseng / by Walter Van Fleet.
The Angora goat / by L.L. Heller.
Sugar-beet growing under humid conditions / by C.O. Townsend.
Poultry house construction / by Alfred R. Lee.
Corn meal as a food and ways of using it / by C.F. Langworthy and Caroline L. Hunt.
Cotton anthracnose and how to control it / by W.W. Gilbert.
The gipsy moth and the brown-tail moth, with suggestions for their control / by A.F....
Tobacco culture / by W.W. Garner.
A 1.9: (576-600 1914-1915)
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Contents of [A 1.9:]
The following works are all found in the book indicated by the call number above.
Economical cattle feeding in the corn belt / by J.S. Cotton.
Economic value of North American skunks / by D.E. Lantz.
An outfit for boring taprooted stumps for blasting / by Harry Thompson.
Breeds of sheep for the farm / by F.R. Marshall.
Collection and preservation of plant material for use in the study of agriculture / b...
The common mole of the eastern United States / by Theo. H. Scheffer.
How to use farm credit / by T.N. Carver.
Stock-watering places on western grazing lands / by Will C. Barnes.
Crimson clover : utilization / by J.M. Westgate.
Agricultural outlook / U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Uses for chestnut timber killed by the bark disease / by J.C. Nellis.
Shipping eggs by parcel post / by Lewis B. Flohr.
Growing Egyptian cotton in the Salt River Valley, Arizona / by E.W. Hudson.
The culture of winter wheat in the eastern United States / by Clyde E. Leighty.
The road drag and how it is used / prepared by the Office of Public Roads.
The classification and grading of cotton / by D.E. Earle and E.S. Dean.
The making and feeding of silage / by T.E. Woodward.
Beef production in the South / by W.F. Ward and Dan T. Gray.
Pasture and grain crops for hogs in the Pacific Northwest / by Byron Hunter.
Arsenate of lead as an insecticide against the tobacco hornworms in the dark-tobacco...
Homemade silos / by Helmer Rabild, A.K. Risser, and K.E. Parks.
A 1.9: (601-625 1915)
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Contents of [A 1.9:]
The following works are all found in the book indicated by the call number above.
Cotton wilt and root-knot / W.W. Gilbert.
Sudan grass as a forage crop / by H.N. Vinall.
Natural and artificial brooding of chickens / by Harry M. Lamon.
Bird houses and how to build them / by Ned Dearborn.
Ice houses and the use of ice on the dairy farm / by John T. Bowen and Guy M. Lambert...
A new system of cotton culture and its application / by O.F. Cook.
How to attract birds in northeastern United States / by W.L. McAtee.
Production of clean milk / prepared in the Dairy Division.
Removal of garlic flavor from milk and cream / by S. Henry Ayers and W.T. Johnson.
Basket willow culture / by George N. Lamb.
Goldenseal under cultivation / by Walter Van Fleet.
Agricultural outlook / U.S. Department of Agriculture.
A corn-belt farming system which saves harvest labor by hogging down crops / by J.A....
Wild onion : methods of eradication / by H.R. Cox.
Arsenical cattle dips : methods of preparation and direction for use / by Robert M. C...
Collection and preservation of insects and other material for use in the study of agr...
The farm kitchen as a workshop / by Anna Barrows.
School lessons on corn / by C.H. Lane.
Leaf-spot : a disease of the sugar beet / by C.O. Townsend.
Breeds of draft horses / by G. Arthur Bell.
Winter-wheat varieties for the eastern United States / by Clyde E. Leighty.
A 1.9: (651-675 1915)
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Contents of [A 1.9:]
The following works are all found in the book indicated by the call number above.
Honey and its uses in the home / by Caroline L. Hunt and Helen W. Atwater.
Drug plants under cultivation / by W.W. Stockberger.
The squash-vine borer / by F.H. Chittenden.
How farmers may improve their personal credit / by C.W. Thompson.
Harvest mites, or "chiggers" / by F.H. Chittenden.
The chinch bug / by F.M. Webster.
The sheep-killing dog / by V.O. McWhorter.
Agricultural outlook / U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Breaking and training colts / by V.G. Stambaugh.
Foot-and-mouth disease / by John R. Mohler.
A method of analyzing the farm business / by E.H. Thomson and H.M. Dixon.
Fiber flax / Frank C. Miles.
Cockroaches / by C.L. Marlatt.
Irrigation practice in rice growing / by C.G. Haskell.
The community egg circle / by C.E. Bassett and W.H. Kerr.
Field mice as farm and orchard pests / by D.E. Lantz.
Weeds : how to control them / by H.R. Cox.
The roundheaded apple-tree borer / by Fred E. Brooks.
The true clothes moths / by C.L. Marlatt.
Control of the citrus thrips in California and Arizona / by J.R. Horton.
The apple-tree tent caterpillar / by A.L. Quaintance.
Cottonseed meal for feeding beef cattle / by W.F. Ward.
A 1.38: (626-650 1914-1915)
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Contents of [A 1.38:]
The following works are all found in the book indicated by the call number above.
Growing peaches : varieties and classification / by H.P. Gould.
Eradication of the cattle tick necessary for profitable dairying / by J.H. McClain.
Growing peaches : pruning, renewal of tops, thinning, interplanted crops, and special...
What the farm contributes directly to the farmer's living / by W.C. Funk.
The San Jose scale and its control / by A.L. Quaintance.
The Hessian fly / by F.M. Webster.
Some common birds useful to the farmer / by F.E.L. Beal.
Agricultural outlook / U.S. Department of Agriculture.
The home garden in the South / by H.C. Thompson.
Home manufacture and use of unfermented grape juice / by George C. Husmann.
Alfalfa attacked by the clover root curculio / by F.M. Webster.
The house centipede / by C.L. Marlatt.
Tomato growing in the South / by H.C. Thompson.
Laboratory exercises in farm mechanics for agricultural high schools / by Daniels Sco...
Blackberry culture / by George M. Darrow.
The carpet beetle or "buffalo moth" / by L.O. Howard.
The chalcis-fly in alfalfa seed / by Theodore D. Urbahns.
Crimson clover : seed production / by J.M. Westgate.
The control of root-knot / by Ernst A. Bessey and L.P. Byars.
Growing peaches : sites, propagation, planting, tillage, and maintenance of soil fert...
The larger corn stalk-borer / by George G. Ainslie.
The grasshopper problem and alfalfa culture / by F.M. Webster.
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