A true relation of a most horrid conspiracy and running away with the ship Adventure [electronic resource] : having on board forty thousand pieces of eight, and other goods to a great value. Together with the cruel and barbarous leaving and turning ashore upon the island Naias, in the East-Indies, the Captain, and three merchants which were passengers, and sixteen honest and able seamen, eight whereof miserably perished by hunger and hardship, and but four of the remainder yet come to England. Together with some short account of what passed at the trial and condemnation of those who committed that fact.

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Bibliographic Details
Online Access: Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Format: Electronic eBook
Published: [[London] : Printed for Sam. Crouch, at the corner of Popes-Head Ally, in Cornhill, 1700]
Series:Early English books online.
Item Description:Caption title.
Imprint from colophon; following imprint: price 1 peny.
Reproduction of the original in the British Library.
Physical Description:1 online resource (4 pages)
Reproduction Note:Electronic reproduction.
Citation/References Note:Wing (2nd ed.)