Sips of sweetnesse; or Consolation for weak beleevers [electronic resource] : A treatise, discoursing of the sweetnesse of Christs carriage towards all his weake members. Particularly, to such as are weak either, 1. habitually; or 2. accidentally, by reason of 1. working. 2. Sinning; or 3. suffering. Being the summe of certaine sermons preached upon Isa. 40. 11. By John Durant preacher of the Gospell.

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Bibliographic Details
Online Access: Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Main Author: Durant, John, 1620-
Other title:Sips of sweetnesse; or Consolation for weake beleevers.
Consolation for weak beleevers.
Consolation for weake beleevers.
Format: Electronic eBook
Published: London : printed for R.I. and are to be sold by Wil. Gilbertson at the Bible in Guilt-Spur-street without New-gate, 1652.
Edition:The second edition corrected and amended.
Series:Early English books online.