Truth made manifest: or, The dead man's testimony to the living [electronic resource] : Being a compendium of the last sayings, dying speeches, sentences, and expressions, of Captain William Bedlow; that pattern of love to his country. Who deceased at Bristol, the 20th. of August, 1680. Convincing all, both deluded Protestants, and wilfully-blinded Papists, of the realty of that late horrid plot; with his endeared caution both to his King and country, shewing the eminent danger that still threatens. With a sermon made upon this text, preached at his funeral by a reverend divine, Mr. Thomas Palmer.

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Bibliographic Details
Online Access: Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Main Authors: Bedloe, William, 1650-1680, Palmer, Thomas, approximately 1620- (Author)
Format: Electronic eBook
Published: [London] : Printed for P. Brooksby, in VVest-Smithfield, 1680.
Series:Early English books online.