The politique takinge of Zutphen skonce, the vvinning of the towne, and beleagering of Deuenter [electronic resource] : With the honourable enterprise of Sir Roger VVilliams Knight, performed vpon a thousande and two hundred of the enemies souldiours or Leagors, lying at Cinque Saunce, nine leagues from Deepe. Who were all put to the sworde, vpon Thursday before Whitsonday last, beeing the twentie day of May. 1591. Seene and allowed.

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Bibliographic Details
Online Access: Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Other title:Politique takinge of Zutphen skonce, the winning of the towne, and beleagering of Deventer.
Politique takinge of Zutphen skonce, the winning of the towne, and beleagering of Deventer.
Format: Electronic eBook
Published: At London : Printed by Iohn Charlwood, and are to be solde by William Wright, 1591.
Series:Early English books online.