A notable historie of the Saracens [electronic resource] : Briefly and faithfully descrybing the originall beginning, continuaunce and successe aswell of the Saracens, as also of Turkes, Souldans, Mamalukes, Assassines, Tartarians and Sophians. With a discourse of their affaires and actes from the byrthe of Mahomet their first péeuish prophet and founder for 700 yéeres space. VVhereunto is annexed a compendious chronycle of all their yeerely exploytes, from the sayde Mahomets time tyll this present yeere of grace. 1575. Drawn out of Augustine Curio and sundry other good authours by Thomas Newton.

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Bibliographic Details
Online Access: Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Main Author: Curione, Celio Augustino, 1538-1567
Other Authors: Newton, Thomas, 1542?-1607
Other title:Sarracenicae historiae libri tres. English.
Sarracenicae historiae libri tres.
Format: Electronic eBook
Published: Imprinted at London : By William How, for Abraham Veale, 1575.
Series:Early English books online.