Miraculous newes, from the cittie of Holdt, in the Lord-ship of Munster (in Germany) the twentieth of September last past. 1616 [electronic resource] : Where there were plainly beheld three dead bodyes rise out of their graues, admonishing the people of iudgements to come. Faithfully translated according to the first coppy, printed at Colen: and afterwards at Antwerpe, by Pouwels Stroobant: with the names of diuers worthy persons and burgimasters of the same citty, who were eye-witnesses of this fearefull accident. Iohan Barbeeck, Melchior Hans Guert van Boecholt Schepenen. Sybrant Wndels. Pieter van Dorsten. Michaell Staets, Schepenen.
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Other title: | Miraculous nevves. |
Format: | Electronic eBook |
Language: | English |
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London :
Printed [by E. Allde] for Iohn Barnyes, dwelling in Hosier-lane, neere Smithfield,
Series: | Early English books online.
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