Newes come latle fro[m] Pera [electronic resource] : of two most mighti armies as wel of foteme[n] as of horsme[n], tra[n]slated out of Italien, to Fre[n]che and so into Engleshe. And first of the great Duke of Moscouia [and] of the Soffy, and y[e] othere of an Hebrewe people neuer spoken of before, fou[n]de not lo[n]g ago comming from y[e] mountaines called Caspii, with a newe inuencio[n] of weapons, with y[e] nomber of y[e] squadrons, and with the names of two earles [and] capitayns. And the cause whi y[e] great Turk hath forbydde[n] wyne, with mani other newes neuer hard of.
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