Newes come latle fro[m] Pera [electronic resource] : of two most mighti armies as wel of foteme[n] as of horsme[n], tra[n]slated out of Italien, to Fre[n]che and so into Engleshe. And first of the great Duke of Moscouia [and] of the Soffy, and y[e] othere of an Hebrewe people neuer spoken of before, fou[n]de not lo[n]g ago comming from y[e] mountaines called Caspii, with a newe inuencio[n] of weapons, with y[e] nomber of y[e] squadrons, and with the names of two earles [and] capitayns. And the cause whi y[e] great Turk hath forbydde[n] wyne, with mani other newes neuer hard of.

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Online Access: Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Main Author: Buonaccorsi, Andrea
Other title:Newes come latle fro Pera, of two most mighti armies as wel of foteme as of horseme, traslated out of Italien, to Freche and so into Engleshe. And first of the great Duke of Moscouia of the Soffy, and y othere of an Hebrewe people neuer spoken of before, foude not log ago comming from y mountaines called Caspii, with a newe inuencio of weapons, with y nomber of y squadrons, and with the names of two earles capitayns. And the cause whi y great Turk hath forbydde wyne, with mani other newes neuer hard of.
Newes come latle from Pera.
Format: Electronic eBook
Published: [London : W. Copland, 1561]
Series:Early English books online.