The vvhole booke of Psalmes [electronic resource] : collected into English meetre, by Thomas Sternhold, Iohn Hopkins, and others, conferred with the Hebrue, with apt notes to sing them withall. Set forth and allowed to be song in all churches, of all the people together before and after morning and euening prayer: as also before and after sermons, and moreouer in priuate houses, for their godly solace and comfort, laying apart all vngodly songes and ballades, which tend onely to the nourishing of vice, and corrupting of youth.

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Bibliographic Details
Online Access: Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Other Authors: Sternhold, Thomas, -1549, Hopkins, John, -1570
Other title:Bible. Old Testament Psalms. English. Sternhold and Hopkins.
Whole booke of Psalmes.
Format: Electronic eBook
Published: London : Printed by John Wolfe for the assignes of Richard Day, 1591.
Series:Early English books online.