A true and plenary relation of the great defeat given by my Lord Fairfax forces unto my Lord Nevvcastles forces in Yorkshire, January 23: [electronic resource] : vvhich was the absolutest and considerablest victory that was obtained since the beginning of these unhappy warres. / Written by Thomas Crompton Master of Arts, and one of the chaplains of the army for the King and Parliament, who was there present at the battell. Together, with the names of the popish captains, lievtenants, ensignes and their colours, which are taken prisoners.
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Format: | Electronic eBook |
Language: | English |
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London :
Printed for Iohn Franke, and are to be sold at his shop next doore to the Kings-head Taverne in Fleestreet [sic],
Feb. 6. 1642 [i.e. 1643]
Series: | Early English books online.
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