A true and perfect relation of the surrender of the strong and impregnable garrison the island of Scillie, [electronic resource] : to Captain Batten Vice-Admirall of the Parliaments navie at sea. VVith the discoverie of a bloody designe of Pendennis, for the blowing up of the castle, and poysoning of foure-score pieces of ordnance. Also a perfect account of the ammunition provision, and other necessaries that were left in the castle, at the surrender thereof. Together wit a list of the names of all the colonels, majors, captaines, lievtenants and other officers that were therein. VVhereunto is annexed an excellent copy of verses, made in Pendennis castle, when it was besieged by sea and land. Certified by two severall letters from Mr. Iohn Hoselock, chyrurgion to the Vice-Admirall Captain Batten in the St. Andrew. And now ptinted [sic] and published by the originall copies, according to order of Parliament.

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Bibliographic Details
Online Access: Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Main Author: Haslock, John
Format: Electronic eBook
Published: London, : Printed by B.I., 1646.
Series:Early English books online.