Encyclopedia of interpersonal violence [electronic resource] / editors, Claire M. Renzetti, Jeffrey L. Edleson.
"The Encyclopedia of Interpersonal Violence provides accurate, research-supported information to clarify critical issues and educate the public about different forms of interpersonal violence, their incidence and prevalence, theoretical explanations, public policy initiatives, and prevention an...
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Format: | Electronic eBook |
Language: | English |
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Thousand Oaks, Calif. :
Sage Publications,
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Table of Contents:
- Vol. 1. Abandonment
- Abolitionist Approach to Prostitution
- Abuse-Focused Therapy
- Abusive Behavior Inventory
- Academy on Violence and Abuse
- Acid Attacks
- Acrotomophilia
- Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997
- Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act of 1980
- Adult Protective Services
- Adult Survivors of Childhood Abuse
- Advocacy
- Agency/Autonomy of Battered Women
- Alcohol and Violence
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- Alzheimer's Disease/Dementia
- American Humane Association
- American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children
- Anger Management
- Animal Abuse and Child Maltreatment Occurrence
- Animal/Pet Abuse
- Anti-Abortion Violence
- Anti-Rape and Rape Crisis Center Movements
- Armed Forces, Sexual Harassment in
- Asian & Pacific Islander Institute on Domestic Violence
- Asian/Pacific Islander Youth Violence Prevention Center
- Assault
- Assault, Aggravated
- Assault, Simple
- Assisted Suicide
- Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers
- Athletes/Athletics
- Athletes/Athletics and Sexual Violence
- Athletes/Athletics and Violence in Sport
- Attachment Disorder
- Battered Child Syndrome
- Battered Woman Syndrome
- Battered Women
- Battered Women, Economic Independence of
- Battered Women: Leaving Violent Intimate Relationships
- Battered Women, Prevalence
- Battered Women's Justice Project
- Battered Women's Movement
- Batterers
- Batterers, Factors Supporting Male Aggression
- Batterers, Personality Characteristics of
- Batterers, Treatment Approaches and Effectiveness
- Bestiality
- Betrayal Trauma
- Biochemical Factors in Predicting Violence
- Borderline Personality Disorder
- Brief Child Abuse Potential Inventory
- Bullying
- Campus Violence
- Canadian National Survey
- Capital Punishment
- Caregivers and Violence
- Castration
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Child Abductions, Family
- Child Abductions, Nonfamily
- Child Abuse and Disabilities
- Child Abuse in Immigrant Families
- Child Abuse Prevention
- Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act
- Child Aggression as Predictor of Youth and Adult Violence
- Child Death Review Teams
- Child Exposure to Domestic Violence Scale
- Child Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence
- Child Exposure to Violence, in Media
- Child Exposure to Violence, in War Zones
- Child Exposure to Violence, Role of Schools
- Child Fatalities
- Child Neglect
- Child Physical Abuse
- Child Protective Services
- Children and Adolescents Who Kill
- Children Missing Involuntarily or for Benign Reasons
- Children's Advocacy Center
- Child Sexual Abuse
- Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome
- Chiswick Women's Aid
- Civil Rights/Discrimination
- Clergy Sexual Abuse
- Clothesline Project
- Coerced Sexual Initiation
- Coercive Control
- Collaborative Divorce, Benefits to Children
- Collective Efficacy
- Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children
- Community Justice
- Community Policing
- Community Violence
- Community Violence, Effects on Children and Youth
- Community Violence, Relationship to Partner Violence
- Complex Trauma in Children and Adolescents
- Conflict Tactics Scales
- Contract Killings
- Coordinated Community Response
- Corporate Violence
- Couple Counseling
- Court-Appointed Special Advocates
- Crime Victims Compensation Program
- Crisis Hotlines
- Cultural Competence
- Cultural Defense
- Culturally Sensitive Intervention
- Cultural Retaliatory Homicide
- Custody, Contact, and Visitation: Relationship to Domestic Violence
- Cyberstalking
- Cycle of Violence
- Danger Assessment Instrument
- Date and Acquaintance Rape
- Dating Violence/Courtship Violence
- Decriminalization of Sex Work
- Delinquency and Dating Violence
- Delinquency and Violence
- Department of Homeland Security, Asylum
- Department of Homeland Security, Response to Battered Immigrants and Immigrant Victims of Violence Against Women
- Department of Homeland Security and Immigration Services
- Depression
- Developmentally Disabled Sex Offenders
- Disability and Pornography
- Dissociation
- Divorce and Intimate Partner Violence
- Divorce in Relation to Child Abuse
- Divorce in Relation to Youth Violence
- Domestic Violence, Trauma, and Mental Health
- Domestic Violence Against Older Women
- Domestic Violence Among Immigrant Women
- Domestic Violence Courts
- Domestic Violence Enhanced Response Team
- Domestic Violence Fatality Review
- Domestic Violence in Asian and Pacific Islander Populations
- Domestic Violence in Military Families
- Domestic Violence Resource Network
- Dowry Deaths, Bride Burning
- Dual Arrest
- Duluth Model
- Early Intervention Programs
- Early Warning Signs of Intimate Partner Violence
- Ecological Models of Violence
- Elder Abuse
- Emerge
- End Violence Against Women International
- Epidemiology, Defined
- Epidemiology, International Patterns
- Epidemiology, Perpetration Patterns by Age, Gender, Ethnicity, Socioeconomic Status
- Epidemiology, Victimization Patterns by Age, Gender, Ethnicity, Socioeconomic Status
- Ethical and Legal Issues, Interviewing Children Reported as Abused or Neglected
- Ethical and Legal Issues, Treating Elder Abuse
- Expert Testimony
- Expressive Violence.
- Failure to Protect
- Failure to Thrive
- Faith-Based Programs
- False Memory
- Familicide
- Family Group Conferencing
- Family Homicides
- Family Justice Centers
- Family Preservation and Reunification Programs
- Family Therapy and Family Violence
- Family Violence, co-occurrence of forms
- Family Violence Option
- Family Violence Prevention and Services Act
- Family Violence Prevention Fund
- Father Involvement
- Fathers as Perpetrators of Child Maltreatment
- Fathers' Rights Movement
- Fear of Crime
- Female Genital Mutilation
- Female Perpetrators of Interpersonal Violence
- Female Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence
- Female Perpetrators of Violence, Teen Girls
- Female Perpetrators of Violence Against Children
- Female Slavery/Child Slavery
- Femicide
- Feminist Movements to End Violence Against Women
- Feminist Theories of Interpersonal Violence
- Feticide
- Filicide
- Financial Abuse, Elderly and Battered Women
- Financial Literacy Versus Financial Abuse
- Foot Binding
- Forced Marriages
- Forced Military Conscription
- Forensic Nursing
- Foster Care
- Fraternities and Violence
- Full Faith and Credit Mandate
- Gang Rape
- Gang Violence
- Gendercide
- Genocide
- Geographic Patterns
- Greenbook, The
- Gun Control
- Gun Control, Legislation
- Gun Violence
- Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction
- Harvard School of Public Health College Alcohol Study
- Hate Crimes (Bias Crimes), Anti-Gay
- Hate Crimes (Bias Crimes), Criminal Justice Responses
- Hate Crimes (Bias Crimes), Gender Motivated
- Hate Crimes (Bias Crimes), Racially Motivated
- Hate Crimes (Bias Crimes), Religiously Motivated
- Hazing
- Health Care Response, Prevention Strategies for Reducing Interpersonal Violence
- Health Care Response to Child Maltreatment
- Health Care Response to Intimate Partner Violence
- Health Consequences of Child Maltreatment
- Health Consequences of Hate Crime
- Health Consequences of Incarceration
- Health Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence
- Help-Seeking Behaviors of Abused Women
- High-Tech Violence Against Women
- Homelessness and Violence
- Home Visitation Services
- Homicides, Criminal
- Homophobia
- Homophobia and Media Representations of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender People
- Honor Killing/Crime
- Human Rights
- Hymen Replacement Surgery
- Hypermasculinity
- Immigrant and Migrant Women
- Immigrant and Migrant Women and Law Enforcement Response
- Incest
- Incidence
- Infanticide
- Insanity Defense
- Institute on Domestic Violence in the African American Community
- Instrumental Violence
- Intensive Family Preservation Services
- Intergenerational Transmission of Violence
- Intermittent Explosive Disorder
- International Sex Industry
- International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect
- International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies
- Internet, Crimes Against Children
- Internet, Pornography
- Internet-Based Interventions
- Intersectionality
- Intimate Partner Relationship Quality and Domestic Violence
- Intimate Partner Violence
- Intimate Terrorism
- Investigative Interviewing of Children
- Investigative Interviewing of Child Sexual Abuse Victims
- Investigative Interviewing of Offenders
- Kinship Care
- Learned Helplessness
- Learned Optimism
- Legal Issues in the Treatment of Sexual and Domestic Violence
- Legal Momentum
- Legal System, Advocacy Efforts to Affect, Child Maltreatment
- Legal System, Advocacy Efforts to Affect, Elder Abuse
- Legal System, Advocacy Efforts to Affect, Intimate Partner Violence
- Legal System, Advocacy Efforts to Affect, Violence Against Children
- Legal System, Civil and Criminal Court Remedies for Sexual Assault/Rape
- Legal System, Civil Court Remedies for Intimate Partner Violence
- Legal System, Criminal Investigation of Victimization of Children
- Legal System, Criminal Justice Strategies to Reduce Interpersonal Violence
- Legal System, Criminal Justice System Responses to Intimate Partner Violence
- Legal System and Child Protection
- Legislation, Child Maltreatment
- Legislation, Elder Abuse
- Legislation, Hate Crimes
- Legislation, Intimate Partner Violence
- Legislation, Rape/Sexual Assault
- Mail Order Brides
- Male Peer Support, Theory of
- Mandatory Arrest/Pro-Arrest Statutes
- Mandatory Reporting Laws of Child Maltreatment
- Mandatory Reporting Laws of Elder Abuse
- Mandatory Reporting Laws of Intimate Partner Violence
- Marital Rape/Wife Rape
- Marital Rape/Wife Rape, Marital Exemptions in Rape Statutes
- Marriage Education and Violence
- Masculinities and Violence
- Mass Murder
- Mass Rape
- Maternal Homicide
- Maternal Responsibility for Child Physical Abuse
- Measurement, Interpersonal Violence
- Media, Representations/Distortions of Crime
- Media and Sexuality
- Media and Violence
- Mediation
- Mending the Sacred Hoop
- Mental Illness
- Mentors in Violence Prevention
- Military, Family Advocacy Programs
- Minneapolis Domestic Violence Experiment
- Misogyny
- Moral Panics
- Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy
- National AMBER Alert Program
- National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
- National Center for Victims of Crime
- National Children's Alliance and Children's Advocacy Centers
- National Child Traumatic Stress Network
- National Clearinghouse for the Defense of Battered Women
- National Clearinghouse on Marital and Date Rape
- National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
- National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges
- National Crime Prevention Council
- National Crime Victimization Survey
- National Domestic Violence Fatality Review Initiative
- National Domestic Violence Hotline
- National Family Violence Surveys
- National Incident-Based Reporting System
- National Institute of Justice
- National Latino Alliance for the Elimination of Domestic Violence
- National Network to End Domestic Violence
- National Organization for Women
- National Resource Center on Domestic Violence
- National Sexual Violence Resource Center
- National Violence Against Women Survey
- Neuropsychological Factors in Impulsive Aggression and Violent Behavior
- No-Drop Prosecution
- Nonoffending Parents of Maltreated Children.
- Vol. 2. Office for Victims of Crime
- Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
- Office on Child Abuse and Neglect
- Office on Violence Against Women
- One Strike Public Housing Policy
- Oppression and Violence
- Paraphilia
- Parental Alienation Syndrome
- Parent-Child Interaction Therapy
- Parent-Child Trauma Therapy
- Parenting Practices and Violence, Child Maltreatment
- Parenting Practices and Violence, Domestic Violence
- Parenting Practices and Violence, Youth Violence
- Patriarchy
- Peacemaking Circles
- Pedophilia
- Peer Influences on Youth Violence
- Peer Mediation Programs
- Pimping
- Police, Response to Child Maltreatment
- Police, Response to Domestic Violence
- Police, Suicide by Cop
- Police, Use of Violence/Excessive Force
- Pornography
- Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
- Poverty
- Power and Control Wheel
- Pregnancy, Criminalizing the Pregnancies of Drug-Addicted Women
- Pregnancy, Violence Against Women During
- Prevalence
- Prevalence, Measuring
- Prevention Programs, Adolescent Dating Violence
- Prevention Programs, Child Maltreatment
- Prevention Programs, Community Approaches to Intimate Partner Violence
- Prevention Programs, Community Mobilization
- Prevention Programs, Definitions
- Prevention Programs, Interpersonal Violence
- Prevention Programs, Youth Violence
- Prisoner Reentry
- Prison Rape Elimination Act
- Prison Violence, Sexual Assault
- Prison Violence and Prison Gangs
- Prison Violence by Corrections Staff
- Prison Violence by Inmates
- Prison Violence in Women's Facilities
- Professional Journals on Child Maltreatment
- Professional Journals on Elder Abuse
- Professional Journals on Intimate Partner Violence
- Professional Journals on Victimization
- Professional Journals on Youth Violence
- Prosecutorial Practices, Child Maltreatment
- Prosecutorial Practices, Elder Abuse
- Prosecutorial Practices, Interpersonal Violence
- Prosecutorial Practices, Intimate Partner Violence
- Prostitution
- Psychiatric Illness and Violence Propensity
- Psychological/Emotional Abuse
- Psychopharmacology for Violence
- Psychophysiological Factors in Predicting Violence
- Public Education
- Punking
- Rape Crisis Centers
- Rape Culture
- Rape Kits
- Rape/Sexual Assault
- Rape Shield Laws
- Rape Trauma Syndrome
- Reasonable Efforts
- Recidivism
- Refugee/Asylee
- Religion
- Repressed Memory
- Resiliency, Protective and Risk Factors
- Restorative Justice
- Restraining and Protective Orders
- Risk Assessment
- Risk Assessment Instruments, Child Maltreatment
- Risk Assessment Instruments, Elder Abuse
- Risk Assessment Instruments, Interpersonal Violence
- Risk Assessment Instruments, Intimate Partner Violence
- Risk Assessment Instruments, Youth Violence
- Ritualistic Abuse
- Robbery
- Runaway and Thrownaway Children
- Rural Child Abuse
- Rural Woman Abuse
- Sacred Circle National Resource Center to End Violence Against Native Women
- Safe Houses
- Safety Planning
- Same-Sex Intimate Partner Violence
- School-Based Violence Prevention Programs
- School Violence
- School Violence, Media Coverage of
- School Violence, School Shootings
- Scottsboro Boys
- Secondary Victimization by Police and Courts
- Self-Defense
- Self-Injury
- Self-Petitioning Process
- Self-Trauma Model
- Separation/Divorce Sexual Assault
- Serial Murder/Serial Killers
- Serial Rape/Serial Rapists
- Severity of Violence Against Women Scales
- Sex Discrimination
- Sex Education
- Sex Offender Registration Laws
- Sex Offenders
- Sex Offenders, Civil Commitment
- Sex Tourism
- Sexual Abuse
- Sexual Abuse of People with Developmental Disabilities
- Sexual Abuse of the Elderly
- Sexual Assault in the Military
- Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner
- Sexual Assault Response Team
- Sexual Coercion
- Sexual Ethics
- Sexual Experiences Survey
- Sexual Harassment
- Sexual Harassment, Same-Sex
- Sexual Harassment in Schools
- Sexual Harassment in Workplaces
- Sexually Aggressive Behavior in Children
- Sexually Transmitted Diseases
- Shaken Baby Syndrome
- Sheltering of Domestic Violence Victims' Pets
- Shelters, Battered Women's
- Sibling Abuse
- Silent Witness National Initiative
- Situational Couple Violence
- Social Cognitive Programs for Violence
- Socialization
- Social Learning Theory
- Social Support Networks
- Socioeconomic Status, Offending and Victimization by Class
- Spirituality and Family Therapy
- Spouse Assault Replication Project
- Stalking
- State Violence
- Statutory Rape
- Stop Violence Against Women Formula Grant Program
- Stress and Violence
- Subcultures of Violence
- Substance Abuse
- Suicidal Behaviors, Familial Factors in
- Suicidality: Clusters, Contagion, and Pacts
- Suicidality: Demographic Risk and Protective Factors
- Suicidality: Nomenclature
- Suicidality: Prevention
- Suicide, Risk and Protective Factors: Individual Level
- Suicide, Risk and Protective Factors: In Research
- Take Back the Night
- Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program
- Torture
- Trafficking, Human
- Transitional Housing Programs
- Trauma-Focused Therapy
- Tribal Issues
- 12-Step Programs
- Uniform Crime Reports
- United Nations, International Law/Courts
- United Nations Conventions and Declarations
- Verbal Abuse
- Vicarious Traumatization
- Victim Impact Statements
- Victimization, Predictors of
- Victim Offender Mediation and Dialogue
- Victimology
- Victim Precipitation Theories
- Victims of Crime Act
- Victims' Rights Movement
- Victim-Witness Advocacy Programs
- Victim Witness Specialists
- Video Games, Violence Exposure in
- Violence Against Indigenous Children, Youth, and Families
- Violence Against People with Disabilities
- Violence Against Women Act
- Violence Against Women Following Natural Disasters
- Violence Against Women in Conflict and War Zones
- Violence Prevention Curricula for Adolescents
- Violent Resistance
- Women of Color Network
- Women's Aid Federations of the United Kingdom
- Workplace Violence
- Youth Violence
- Helpful Resources
- Interpersonal Violence Statistical Data.
- v. 1. A-N
- v. 2. O-Z; index.