An answer to Thomas Tillams book called The seventh-day-sabbath [microform] : wherein it is shewed how the Christian sabbath is Christ who is the Lord of the day, who was before any day was made and is the rest for man-servants and maid-servants and strangers, Jewes and Gentiles that believe in him who gives rest unto the creation : and how the Jews sabbath was a day given to them since the fall ... and this sabbath was a shadow and sign of rest to them all ... / by G.F.

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Bibliographic Details
Online Access: Search for the full-text version of this title in Early English Books Online
Main Author: Fox, George, 1624-1691
Format: Microfilm Book
Published: London : Printed for Thomas Simmons, 1659.
Series:Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 1259:41.


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