Table of Contents:
  • Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Preface; List of Abbreviations; 1 Private Grief and Public Mourning; Death and Strategic Culture; The Body-Bag Syndrome; Framing Death; Alternative Versions; Domestic Criticism; Chapter Outline; 2 Sending Off the Living; Peacekeeping or War?; Afghanistan as Political Opportunity; â#x80;#x98;At the top end of soldieringâ#x80;#x99;; From Accidental Deaths to Killed in Combat; Table 2.1 Annual casualty rates by nationality, 2001â#x80;#x93;2013; Conclusion; 3 Homecoming for Heroes?; Death at Close Range; Death â#x80;#x93; Ours and Theirs; Dead Taliban.
  • Retrieving and Repatriating the DeadNaming the Dead; â#x80;#x98;He died a heroâ#x80;#x99; â#x80;#x93; Exceptional Deaths; Conclusion; 4 Commemorating the Dead; Memory Activists; Memorial Days; Internet Memorials; Monuments; Conclusion; 5 Killed on Our Behalf?; Soldiers as Killers; Casualties and Public Opinion; Dead Soldiers in a Post-Heroic Society; Political and Popular Commemoration; Closing the Gap; The Political Value of Dead Soldiers; Bibliography.