Skert︠s︡o, soch. 1a = Scherzo, op. 1a ; Vosemʹ preli︠u︡diĭ, soch. 2 = Eight preludes, op. 2 ; Tema s variat︠s︡ii︠a︡mi, soch. 3a = Theme and variations, op. 3a ; Tri fantasticheskikh tant︠s︡a : soch. 5 = Three fantastic dances : op. 5 ; Aforizmy : soch. 13 = Aphorisms : op. 13 ; Detskai︠a︡ tetradʹ : soch. 69 = A child's exercise book : op. 69 ; Tri fugi, b/n soch. = Three fugues, sans op. ; Murzilka : b/n soch. = Murzilka : sans op. ; Pʹesy 1918-1920 godov = Pieces from 1918-1920 / Shostakovich = Shostakovich ; obshchai︠a︡ redakt︠s︡ii︠a︡ Viktora Ekimovskogo = edited by Victor Ekimovsky ; poi︠a︡snitelʹnai︠a︡ statʹi︠a︡ Larisy Gerver i Antona Lukʹi︠a︡nova = explanatory article by Larisa Gerver and Anton Lukyanov.

Скерцо, соч. 1а = Scherzo, op. 1a ; Восемь прелюдий, соч. 2 = Eight preludes, op. 2 ; Тема с вариациями, соч. 3а = Theme and variations, op. 3a ; Три фантастических танца : соч. 5 = Three fantastic dances : op. 5 ; Афоризмы : соч. 13 = Aphorisms : op. 13 ; Детская тетрадь : соч. 69 = A child's exercise book : op. 69 ; Три фуги, б/н соч. = Three fugues, sans op. ; Мурзилка : б/н соч. = Murzilka : sans op. ; Пьесы 1918-1920 годов = Pieces from 1918-1920 /
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Bibliographic Details
Other Authors: Shostakovich, Dmitriĭ Dmitrievich, 1906-1975 (Composer), Ekimovskiĭ, V. (Viktor), 1947- (Editor), Kapp, Eugen, 1908-1996
Other title:Piano music. Selections
Scherzo, op. 1a.
Eight preludes, op. 2.
Theme and variations, op. 3a.
Three fantastic dances.
Child's exercise book.
Three fugues, sans op.
Pieces from 1918-1920.
Edited by Victor Ekimovsky.
Explanatory article by Larisa Gerver and Anton Lukyanov.
Tri fantasticheskikh tant︠s︡a.
3 fantasticheskikh tant︠s︡a.
Fantasticheskie tant︠s︡y.
Detskai︠a︡ tetradʹ
Three fantastic dances.
3 fantastic dances.
Fantastic dances.
Child's exercise book.
Три фантастических танца
3 фантастических танца
Фантастические танцы
Детская тетрадь
Format: Musical Score Book
Language:No linguistic content
Published: Moskva : Izdatelʹstvo "DSCH" = : DSCH Publishers, 2018.
Series:Shostakovich, Dmitriĭ Dmitrievich, 1906-1975. Works. 2001 ; t. 109.
Shostakovich, Dmitriĭ Dmitrievich, 1906-1975. Piano music (New collected works)
Table of Contents:
  • Skert︠s︡o, soch. 1a = Scherzo, op. 1a
  • Vosemʹ preli︠u︡diĭ, soch. 2 = Eight preludes, op. 2
  • Tema s variat︠s︡ii︠a︡mi, soch. 3a = Theme and variations, op. 3a
  • Tri fantasticheskikh tant︠s︡a : soch. 5 = Three fantastic dances : op. 5
  • Aforizmy : soch. 13 = Aphorisms : op. 13
  • Detskai︠a︡ tetradʹ : soch. 69 = A child's exercise book : op. 69
  • Tri fugi, b/n soch. = Three fugues, sans op.
  • Murzilka : b/n soch. = Murzilka : sans op.
  • Pʹesy 1918-1920 godov = Pieces from 1918-1920. Traurnyĭ marsh pami︠a︡ti zhertv revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii = Funeral march in memory of the victims of the Revolution ; Toska = Nostalgia ; (Pʹesa C-dur) = (Piece in C major) ; Preli︠u︡d-marsh = Prelude-march ; V lesu = In the forest ; Bagatelʹ = Bagatelle ; Tri pʹesy = Three pieces. Menuet = Minuet ; Preli︠u︡dii︠a︡ = Prelude ; Intermet︠s︡t︠s︡o = Intermezzo
  • Appendix I. Variat︠s︡ii na temu Glinki : kollektivnyĭ t︠s︡ikl na temu pesni Vani iz opery "Ivan Susanin" = Variations on Glinka's theme : collective cycle based on Vanya's song from the opera Ivan Susanin
  • Appendix II. Tant︠s︡y kukol = Dances of the dolls. Liricheskiĭ valʹs = Lyrical waltz ; Gavot = Gavotte ; Romans = Romance ; Polʹka = Polka ; Valʹs-shutka = Waltz-joke (Waltz-scherzo) ; Sharmanka = Hurdy-gurdy ; Tanet︠s︡ = Dance.
  • Скерцо, соч. 1а = Scherzo, op. 1a
  • Восемь прелюдий, соч. 2 = Eight preludes, op. 2
  • Тема с вариациями, соч. 3а = Theme and variations, op. 3a
  • Три фантастических танца : соч. 5 = Three fantastic dances : op. 5
  • Афоризмы : соч. 13 = Aphorisms : op. 13
  • Детская тетрадь : соч. 69 = A child's exercise book : op. 69
  • Три фуги, б/н соч. = Three fugues, sans op.
  • Мурзилка : б/н соч. = Murzilka : sans op.
  • Пьесы 1918-1920 годов = Pieces from 1918-1920. Траурный марш памяти жертв революции = Funeral march in memory of the victims of the Revolution ; Тоска = Nostalgia ; (Пьеса C-dur) = (Piece in C major) ; Прелюд-марш = Prelude-march ; В лесу = In the forest ; Багатель = Bagatelle ; Три пьесы = Three pieces. Менуэт = Minuet ; Прелюдия = Prelude ; Интермеццо = Intermezzo
  • Appendix I. Вариации на тему Глинки : коллективный цикл на тему песни Вани из оперы "Иван Сусанин" = Variations on Glinka's theme : collective cycle based on Vany's song from the opera Ivan Susanin
  • Appendix II. Танцы кукол = Dances of the dolls. Лирический вальс = Lyrical waltz ; Гавот = Gavotte ; Романс = Romance ; Полька = Polka ; Вальс-шутка = Waltz-joke (Waltz-scherzo) ; Шарманка = Hurdy-gurdy ; Танец = Dance.