Strange and wonderful news from Italy, or, A true amd impartial relation of the travels, adventures, and martyrdome of four eminent Quakers of York-shire [microform] : who in the year 1672 travelled through France, Italy, and Turkey to propagate their religion : wherein is fully and faithfully declared the deigns, endeavours, and attempts of these zealous Quakers for the conversion of the Turk and Pope : with a summary account of the event and success of the business and of all the most remarkable occurrents : as also a faithful narrative of their private discourses, conferences, and disputes which passed between these Quakers and the Pope, the Cardinal Nephew, and Cardinal Barbarini : also of their voyage to Constantinople and of their most barbarous, cruel, and bloody death by the special command of the Mufti and the Vizier Bassa / faithfully and compendiously related by Elias Wilson.

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Bibliographic Details
Online Access: Search for the full-text version of this title in Early English Books Online
Main Author: Wilson, Elias
Other title:A true and impartial relation of the travels, adventures, and martyrdome of four eminent Quakers of York-shire.
Format: Microfilm Book
Published: London : Printed by John Lock, 1673.
Series:Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 1320:31.


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