Table of Contents:
  • Integrating basic, clinical, and public health research for alcohol-tobacco interactions / David B. Abrams
  • Associations between alcohol and tobacco / Saul Shiffman and Mark Balabanis
  • The theory of triadic influence : preliminary evidence related to alcohol and tobacco use / Brian R. Flay, John Petraitis and Frank B. Hu
  • Genetic and environmental influences on alcohol and tobacco dependence among women / Carol A. Prescott and Kenneth S. Kendler
  • Genetic and environmental influences on tobacco and alcohol consumption in World War II male veteran twins / Dorit Carmelli and Gary E. Swan
  • Stress-coping model for alcohol-tobacco interactions in adolescence / Thomas Ashby Wills and Sean D. Cleary
  • Animal models of alcohol-nicotine interactions / Allan C. Collins and Michael J. Marks
  • Neurobiological interactions of alcohol and nicotine / Ovide F. Pomerleau
  • Overview of section I : psychosocial and biological mechanisms / Raymond Niaura and Saul Shiffman
  • Clinical implications of the association between smoking and alcoholism / John R. Hughes
  • Smoking among alcoholics during and after treatment : implications for models, treatment strategies, and policy / Peter M. Monti [and others]
  • Dual recoveries from alcohol and smoking problems / Mark B. Sobell, Linda C. Sobell and Lynn T. Kozlowski
  • Enhancing alcohol control with counseling on nicotine dependence : pilot study findings and treatment implications / Janet Kay Bobo [and others]
  • Identification of subgroups with differential rates of relapse after smoking cessation : applications to alcohol research / Gary E. Swan [and others]
  • Secondary prevention of alcohol and tobacco use with heavy drinking college students / John S. Baer
  • Screening and intervention for smoking and alcohol use in primary care settings : similarities, differences, gaps, and challenges / Judith K. Ockene and Abigail Adams
  • Tobacco and alcohol interventions in health maintenance organizations : principles and challenges from a public health perspective / Susan J. Curry and Evette J. Ludman
  • Overview of section II : treatment, early intervention, and policy / David B. Abrams, G. Alan Marlatt and Mark B. Sobell.