Twentieth-century Britain : an encyclopedia / edited by Fred M. Leventhal.
Provides entries for key individuals and events, covering such topics as art, literature, health, politics, science, religion, social conditions, war, and women.
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Format: | eBook |
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Peter Lang,
Edition: | Rev. ed. |
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Table of Contents:
- Abortion 1
- Actors and Acting 2
- Adult Education 3
- Ageing 5
- Allen, (Reginald) Clifford (1889-1939) 6
- Angell [Lane], [Ralph] Norman (1872-1967) 7
- Anglicanism: see Church of England 8
- Anglo-American Relations 8
- Anti-Semitism 10
- Appeasement 11
- Architecture 14
- Army 18
- Arts Council of Great Britain 20
- Ashton, Frederick (1904-1988) 21
- Asquith, H(erbert) H(enry) (1852-1928) 23
- Astor, Nancy Witcher Langhorne (1879-1964) 24
- Atomic Weapons: see Nuclear Weapons 25
- Attlee, Clement Richard (1883-1967) 25
- Auden, W(ystan) H(ugh) (1907-1973) 27
- Automobile Industry 29
- Aviation 31
- Ayckbourn, Alan (1939- ) 32
- Ayer, A(lfred) J(ules) (1910-1989) 33
- Bacon, Francis (1909-1992) 34
- Baden-Powell, Robert (1857-1941) 35
- Baldwin, Stanley (1867-1947) 35
- Balfour, Arthur James (1948-1930) 37
- Ballet 38
- Battle of Britain and Blitz 41
- Baylis, Lilian Mary (1874-1937) 42
- The Beatles 43
- Beaverbrook, Lord [William Maxwell Aitken] (1879-1964) 44
- Beckett, Samuel (1906-1989) 45
- Beecham, Thomas (1879-1961) 46
- Bell, Vanessa Stephen (1879-1961) 46
- Benn, Anthony Neil Wedgwood [Tony Benn] (1925- ) 47
- Bennett, (Enoch) Arnold (1867-1931) 48
- Bevan, Aneurin (1897-1960) 49
- Beveridge, William Henry (1879-1963) 51
- Bevin, Ernest (1881-1951) 52
- Birth Control 54
- Black People in Britain 56
- Blair, Anthony Charles Linton (1953- ) 59
- Blatchford, Robert Peel Glanville (1851-1943) 61
- Bloomsbury Group 61
- Boer [South African] War (1899-1902) 63
- Bonar Law, Andrew (1858-1923) 65
- Bowen, Elizabeth Dorothea Cole (1899-1973) 66
- Brailsford, H(enry) N(oel) (1873-1958) 67
- British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) 69
- BBC Overseas Broadcasting 71
- British Council 72
- Brittain, Vera Mary (1893-1970) 73
- Britten, (Edward) Benjamin (1913-1976) 74
- Brooke, Rupert Chawner (1887-1915) 75
- Butler, R(ichard) A(usten) (1902-1982) 76
- Cabinet 78
- Callaghan, (Leonard) James (1912- ) 80
- Cambridge, University of 81
- Campaign For Nuclear Disarmament 82
- Campbell-Bannerman, Henry (1836-1908) 83
- Capital Punishment 84
- Carson, Edward Henry (1854-1935) 85
- Catholicism: see Roman Catholicism 86
- Chamberlain, (Joseph) Austen (1863-1937) 86
- Chamberlain, (Arthur) Neville (1868-1940) 87.
- Chemistry 88
- Chesterton, G(ilbert) K(eith) (1874-1936) 90
- Children's Literature 90
- Christie, Agatha Miller (1890-1976) 92
- Church of England 93
- Churchill, Winston Spencer (1874-1965) 95
- Citrine, Walter McLennan (1887-1983) 98
- City of London 98
- Civil Service 100
- Clark, Kenneth Mackenzie (1903-1983) 102
- Clearing Banks 103
- Cliveden Set 105
- Clothing and Fashion 106
- Coal Mining 108
- Codebreaking 110
- Cole, G(eorge) D(ouglas) H(oward) (1889-1959) 111
- Committee of Imperial Defence (1902-1939) 112
- Commonwealth 113
- Commonwealth Literature 116
- Communist Party of Great Britain 118
- Composers and Music 120
- Compton-Burnett, Ivy (1884-1969) 123
- Conrad, Joseph (1857-1924) 124
- Conscientious Objection 125
- Conscription 127
- Conservative Party 129
- Cooperative Movement 133
- Council for the Encouragement of Music and the Arts (CEMA) 134
- Council Housing 135
- Country Houses 137
- Coward, Noel Pierce (1899-1973) 138
- Crick, Francis (1916- ) 139
- Cricket 139
- Crime 141
- Cripps, (Richard) Stafford (1889-1952) 142
- Crosland, (Charles) Anthony Raven (1918-1977) 144
- Curzon, George Nathaniel (1859-1925) 144
- Dalton, (Edward) Hugh John Neale (1887-1962) 146
- Dawson, Geoffrey (1874-1944) 147
- Day Lewis, Cecil (1904-1972) 148
- Decolonization 149
- Defence of the Realm Act (DORA) 151
- Delius, Frederick Theodore Albert (1862-1934) 152
- Design 153
- Detective Fiction 155
- de Valois, Ninette (1898-2001) 156
- Devolution, Scottish and Welsh 157
- Diet and Nutrition 159
- Divorce and Divorce Law Reform 160
- Documentary Film 162
- Dole, The 164
- Drama 165
- Dunkirk (26 May-4 June 1940) 167
- Economic Performance 168
- Eden, (Robert) Anthony (1897-1977) 170
- Education Act of 1944 171
- Edward VII (1841-1910) 172
- Edward VIII (1894-1972) 173
- El Alamein, Battle of 175
- Electoral System 175
- Elgar, Edward William (1857-1934) 177
- Eliot, T(homas) S(tearns) (1888-1965) 178
- Elizabeth II (1926- ) 180
- Emigration 183
- Epstein, Jacob (1880-1959) 185
- Equal Pay Movement 186
- European Community: see European Union 187
- European Union [formerly European Community] 187
- Fabian Society 190
- Falklands War 191
- Family Allowances 192
- Fascism 193
- Fashion: see Clothing and Fashion 194
- Fawcett, Millicent Garrett (1847-1929) 194
- Feminism 195
- Festival of Britain, 1951 197
- Film Industry 199
- First World War: Homefront (1914-1918) 201
- First World War: Military (1914-1918) 203
- Fleming, Alexander (1881-1955) 206
- Fonteyn, Margot (1919-1991) 206
- Foot, Michael Mackintosh (1913- ) 207
- Football 207
- Ford, Ford Madox (1873-1939) 209
- Forster, E(dward) M(organ) (1879-1970) 209
- Freud, Lucian (1922- ) 212
- Friends, Society of [Quakers] 212
- Fry, Roger Eliot (1866-1934) 214
- Gaitskell, Hugh Todd Naylor (1906-1963) 216
- Gallipoli 217
- Galsworthy, John (1867-1933) 218
- Garden Cities 219
- Gardiner, A(lfred) G(eorge) (1865-1946) 220
- Garvin, J(ames) L(ouis) (1868-1947) 221
- General Strike (4-12 May 1926) 222
- George V (1865-1936) 223
- George VI (1895-1952) 225
- Gill, (Arthur) Eric Rowton (1882-1940) 225
- Gold Standard 227
- Golding, William (1911-1993) 228
- Gollancz, Victor (1893-1967) 228
- Government of India Act (1935) 230
- Grant, Duncan James Corrowr (1885-1978) 231
- Graves, Robert von Ranke (1895-1985) 231
- Greene, (Henry) Graham (1904-1991) 232
- Grey, Edward (1862-1933) 234
- Guild Socialism 235
- Haig, Douglas (1861-1928) 237
- Haldane, J(ohn) B(urdon) S(anderson) (1892-1964) 238
- Haldane, R(ichard) B(urdon) (1856-1928) 239
- Halifax, Earl of [Edward Frederick Lindley Wood] (1881-1959) 240
- Hammond, J(ohn) L(awrence) (Le Breton) (1872-1949) and (Lucy) Barbara (1873-1961) 241
- Hardie, (James) Keir (1856-1915) 242
- Health of the Population 243
- Heath, Edward Richard George (1916- ) 246
- Henderson, Arthur (1863-1935) 247
- Hepworth, Barbara (1903-1975) 249
- Historic Preservation 250
- Hitchcock, Alfred (1899-1980) 251
- Hoare, Samuel John Gurney (1880-1959) 252
- Hobson, J(ohn) A(tkinson) (1858-1940) 253
- Hockney, David (1937- ) 255
- Holst, Gustavus Theodore von (1874-1934) 256
- Home, Alec [Alexander Frederick] Douglas- (1903-95) 256
- Home Guard 258
- Homosexuality 258
- Horse Racing 260
- Hospitals 260
- Hotels 262
- Hours of Work 263
- House of Lords 264
- Housing 265
- Huxley, Aldous Leonard (1894-1963) 268
- Huxley, Julian Sorell (1887-1975) 269
- Immigration 270
- Imperial Preference 272
- Independent Labour Party 273
- India, Partition of 275
- Indian Nationalism 276
- International Brigade 278
- Internment of Enemy Aliens 279
- Irish Land Purchase Act (1903) 280
- Irish Literature 281
- Irish Nationalism 282
- Isherwood, Christopher William Bradshaw (1904-1986) 284
- Jarrow 286
- Jenkins, Roy Harris (1920- ) 286
- Jennings, Humphrey (1907-1950) 287
- Jews 288
- John, Augustus Edwin (1878-1961) 290
- Joyce, James Augustine Aloysius (1882-1941) 291
- Judicial System 292
- Juvenile Delinquency 293
- Keynes, John Maynard (1883-1946) 295
- Kinnock, Neil Gordon (1942- ) 298
- Kipling, (Joseph) Rudyard (1865-1936) 298
- Kitchener, Horatio Herbert (1850-1916) 299
- Labour Party 301
- Labour Representation Committee (1900-1906) 305
- Labour Revisionism 306
- Lang, Cosmo Gordon (1864-1945) 307
- Lansbury, George (1859-1940) 307
- Larkin, Philip Arthur (1922-1985) 308
- Laski, Harold Joseph (1893-1950) 309
- Lawrence, D(avid) H(erbert) (1885-1930) 311
- Lawrence, T(homas) E(dward) (1888-1935) 312
- League of Nations 312
- Leavis, F(rank) R(aymond) (1895-1978) 314
- Left Book Club 314
- Legal Profession 315
- Leisure 316
- Lend-Lease 318
- Lessing, Doris May Tayler (1919- ) 318
- Lewis, (Percy) Wyndham (1882-1957) 320
- Liberal Party 321
- Literary Criticism 323
- Lloyd George, David (1863-1945) 325
- London 328
- London Government Since 1900 330
- London School of Economics and Political Science 332
- Lutyens, Edwin Landseer (1869-1944) 333
- Lytton Commission (1931-2) 334
- MacDiarmid, Hugh [Christopher Murray Grieve] (1892-1978) 336
- MacDonald, [James] Ramsay (1866-1937) 337
- Macleod, Iain Norman (1913-1970) 339
- Macmillan, (Maurice) Harold (1894-1986) 340
- MacMillan, Kenneth (1929-1992) 342
- MacNeice, Louis (1907-1963) 343
- Major, John (1943- ) 343
- [Manchester] Guardian 345
- Marks and Spencer 346
- Marriage 347
- Martin, (Basil) Kingsley (1897-1969) 348
- Masefield, John Edward (1878-1967) 349
- Massingham, H(enry) W(illiam) (1860-1924) 350
- Mass-Observation (1937-1949) 351
- Maugham, (William) Somerset (1874-1965) 352
- Maxton, James (1885-1946) 352
- Means Test 353
- Medical Profession 353
- Medical Research 355
- Merchant Banks 357
- Methodism 358
- Milner, Alfred (1854-1925) 359
- Miners Federation of Great Britain 361
- Ministry of Munitions 362
- Monarchy 363
- Mond, Alfred Moritz (1868-1930) 366
- Montagu, Edwin Samuel (1879-1924) 367
- Montgomery, Bernard Law (1887-1976) 367
- Moore, G(eorge) E(dward) (1873-1958) 368.