Red, white, and blues : poets on the promise of America / edited by Virgil Suárez and Ryan G. Van Cleave.
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Iowa City :
University of Iowa Press,
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Table of Contents:
- A former WWII paratrooper dreams of suicide, 1977 / Marianne Burke
- Envying the art of the cartographer / Edward Byrne
- The attending / Fred Chappell
- Forecast / Kelly Cherry
- Prayer for a future beyond ideology and war / Kelly Cherry
- While in the woods / Jan Clausen
- A drifter's brand / Art Coelho
- America / Forrest Cole
- You and I / Dinah Elena Consuegra
- Battle hymn / Rita D. Costello
- Barbie and Ken maximize their options / Barbara Crooker
- On a painting by a member of the northwest visionary school / Averill Curdy
- In heaven / Robert Dana
- Making fire / J.P. Dancing Bear
- Up from the wreck conjuring Montana sonnet / Steve Davenport
- Displaced person / Christopher Davis.
- The political life of palm trees / Sandra Del Valle
- Roof over far away / Ana Doina
- Buffalo dreams / Bart Edelman
- The year I was diagnosed with a sacrilegious heart / Martin Espada
- Charm for what looks like / Kathy Fagan
- Asked for a happy memory of her father, she recalls Wrigley Field / Beth Ann Fennelly
- The jelly bean policy / Jose Angel Figueroa
- The Native American birds / Annie Finch
- Trip to Delphi / Alice Friman
- City of no reprieve / Willard Gellis
- Pine Island / Reginald Gibbons
- American exercises / Patricia Goedicke
- Gallery / Albert Goldbarth
- Recipe / Albert Goldbarth
- After west / James Harms
- Prayer for the everglades / Lola Haskins.
- Harryette Mullen lecture on the American dream / Terrance Hayes
- Yom HaShoah in Florida / Rick Hilles
- Shikata ga nai / Jodi L. Hottel
- I learned about being tough from a stetson ad / Adam Houle
- Blessing's precision / Christopher Howell
- Toward a portrait of the undocumented / Javier Omar Huerta
- Lost photograph / Luisa Igloria
- Factory town on the 4th of July / Susan Jelus
- Indian / Feroza Jussawalla
- Instead of reading Marcus Aurelius / Claudia Keelan
- Captain America at home / Jarret Keene
- At the center, creator hourglass / Eliza Kelley
- Daycare in a doublewide / Janet Norman Knox
- Backyards of America / Leonard Kress
- Peaceful sentiment / Judy Kronenfeld
- Miss October / Rachel Loden.
- Dear America / Jeffrey McDaniel
- Heirlooms / Walt McDonald
- Memoir of the cosmopolite who stayed home / Ron McFarland
- The battle of Johnny Freedom / Damon McLaughlin
- Barbie's Ferrari / Lynne McMahon
- Two songs for Hendrix / James McManus
- Town meeting / Gary Matgolis
- The road from Biloxi / Khaled Mattawa
- Meteor / C.M. Mayo
- Gentrification / Erika Meitner
- Raspa / Orlando Ricardo Menes
- Mississippi girls, plaited / Chelle Miko
- Elegy for the unsaid / Simone Muench
- Meditation on the great blue heron / Kay Murphy
- To the muse / Carol Muske-Dukes
- Homesteaders / Debra Nystrom
- The Sears catalogue / Alan Michael Parker
- Quilt complex / Ricardo Pau-Llosa.
- Trailer trash / Alison Pelegrin
- An ordinary country girl / Dean Phelps
- Twenty-first century, farewell / Todd James Pierce
- Grand Canyon / Kenneth Pobo
- Encounter / Marianne Poloskey
- Why young men wore their hair long in the sixties / Jeff Poniewaz
- A bag lady's body in the financial district / Arthur Powers
- Historical site / Arthur Powers
- Eagles at Dollywood / Stephen Roger Powers
- Anthems / Irena Praitis
- That which hovers / Lara Ramsey
- July, 1949 / Ron Rash
- Where we all went / G. Travis Regier
- Americana / Paisley Rekdal
- The memory of New England / Donald Revell
- Nuestro Marine / Elaine Romero
- To California where rhymes fail / Margaret Rozga.
- A retired postman recalls the old route / C.J. Sage
- After heart-bypass surgery, another ritual for continuing struggle / Ralph Salisbury
- Delaware / David G.W. Scott
- Birdsong for September 11, 2001 / Vivian Shipley
- Explaining current events to a one-year-old / Martha Silano
- Sunflowers, Wyoming / Deborah Slicer
- How it happened / Mark Smith-Soto
- Mexicans begin jogging / Gary Soto
- TV in black and white / Gary Soto
- The assimilation / Barry Spacks
- Why women become water / Annette Spaulding-Convy
- Protest at Los Alamos, August 2000 / Judith Strasser
- Terra incognita / Joyce Sutphen
- Wishbone USA / Joyce Sutphen
- Report from high school / Terese Svoboda.
- Behind the nationalist's flag / F. Richard Thomas
- Appalachia novena / Kyle Thompson
- How to thank God for your loneliness / Stephen Valentine
- Back when / Nance Van Winckel
- Let me remind you you are still under oath / Nance Van Winckel
- The People's Republic / John A. Vanek
- Uncle with landscape
- Kansas, 1954 / Benjamin Vogt
- Oracle / Gale Renee Walden
- Sestina halted in a rain delay / Miles Garett Watson
- Charleston / Afaa Michael Weaver
- Why I'm different in Wyoming / Suellen Wedmore
- Starting from scratch / Ingrid Wendt
- Of history and hope / Miller Williams
- Plain / Miller Williams
- Criminal justice system / Rebecca Wolff
- Revisionist history : magic kingdom / Robert Wynne.