Table of Contents:
  • Foreword : Lifting the veil : on decentering whiteness in social studies curriculum, teaching, and research / Amanda E. Vickery and Kristen E. Duncan
  • Introduction : Taking responsibility, doing the work : an introduction to Marking the "invisible" / Andrea M. Hawkman ad Sarah B. Shear
  • AsianCrit as a theoretical lens to trouble and transform white supremacy / Sohyun An
  • Extensions of intersectionality theory from critical race analyses : a framework of coalitions for interrogating race and racism in social studies education / Christian D. Chan, Jehan A. Hill, and Sarah N. Baquet
  • "But I just never knew!" : theorizing and challenging the ideologies of whiteness in social studies / Danielle M. Walker and Peter M. Newlove
  • The silences we speak : deliberative pedagogies and the whiteness of civic education / Melissa Leigh Gibson
  • Hope in the dismal science : a race-centered redirection of economics curriculum / Neil Shanks and Delandrea Hall
  • Interrogating whiteness : a critical content analysis of notable picture books recommended by the National Council for the Social Studies / Jacob P. Gates, Paul H. Ricks, and René M. Rodríguez-Astacio
  • Where is race? A critical whiteness studies analysis of NCSS position statements / Sara B. Demoiny
  • "The master's tools will never dismantle the master's house" : recognizing and disrupting hegemonic practices in the edTPA / Ritu Radhakrishnan
  • "This isn't a sentence in a history book" : students' of color resistance to official knowledges of whiteness / Ryan Oto
  • The white conundrum : white social studies teachers, fear, and the racial contract / Michael L. Boucher, Jr.
  • Surpassing the single story : widening the representation of diverse women in an online history museum / Lauren Colley and John P. Broome
  • Unveiling race/ism and white(ness) supremacy through historioartgraphy / Bretton A. Varga and Vonzell Agosto
  • White(ness) narratives on miscegenation : Loving v. Virginia as a medium for examining racism in the South / Lisa Brown Buchanan and Cara F. Ward
  • Framework for decentering whiteness in social studies field trips : evaluating museums and public sites and challenging the whiteness curriculum / Karen L.B. Burgard
  • Pictures speak louder : portraying early prominent Middle Eastern religious women as "white" and "passive" in textbook imagery / Erica Southworth
  • Navigating difficult knowledge but still evading race : the overwhelming effects of whiteness in doubly constrained civil rights teaching / Jennifer Gallagher
  • "Isn't that enough?" : troubling white student performances of allyship / Ryan Oto
  • "It is hard to admit your own group did wrong" : centering whiteness in the Canadian social studies classroom / Samantha Cutrara
  • Teaching Latinx-identifying students in a post-truth America : reflections from white-identifying teachers on bringing non-white identities and experiences into the classroom through localized civics curriculum / William Toledo
  • White supremacy in the gaps of practice : a retroactive self-study of my antiracist lesson / Brian C. Chervitz
  • Whitewashing the history of education : laying bare the pervasive power and presence of white supremacy in a teacher education course / Amy Mungur
  • "How is that white privilege though?" : preservice teachers dialogue about white privilege and whiteness in an intergroup dialogue course / Natasha C. Murray-Everett
  • Beyond white narrations of the past : toward racial historical consciousness in history teacher education / Travis L. Seay
  • Grammar matters : verbal(izing) whiteness in social studies teacher education / Erin Adams
  • Tenets of social studies as tools of whiteness : dismantling the myths / Elizabeth A. Kenyon
  • Working to unsettle settler colonialism : (while) tripping over my whiteness / Tana A. Mitchell
  • Learning to teach against white social studies : toward a true criticality / Brian Gibbs
  • Epilogue : Committing forward : in lieu of an epilogue / Sarah B. Shear & Andrea M. Hawkman.