The painted-harlot both stript and whipt, or, The second part of Naked truth [microform] : containing a further discovery of the mischief of imposition among the people called Quakers by reason of a certain law or edict made by G. Whitehead, S. Crisp, and others of the leaders and preachers of G.F's party ... strictly requiring us neither to forsake, decline, nor remove our meetings like worldly, fearful, and politick professors : whereby their usurpations are mainfest and how they began to exercise dominion over the consciences of their brethren ... / by F. Bugg.

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Bibliographic Details
Online Access: Search for the full-text version of this title in Early English Books Online
Main Author: Bugg, Francis, 1640-1724?
Other title:The painted harlot both stript and whipt.
The second part of Naked truth.
Format: Microfilm Book
Published: London : Printed by J. Gain for the author, and are to be sold by F. Smith, 1683.
Series:Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 1351:7.


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