The tenth tragedy of L. Annae. Seneca, entituled Hercules Oetaeus [microform] / translated out of Latin into English by I.S.

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, approximately 4 B.C.-65 A.D
Other Authors: Studley, John, 1545?-1590?
Other title:Hercules Oetaeus. English
Hercules Oetaeus.
Format: Microfilm Book
Series:Three centuries of drama. English, 1516-1641.
Three centuries of English and American plays, 1500-1830.
Item Description:Translation of Hercules Oetaeus.
Caption title.
Running title: Hercules Oetaeus.
In Seneca, Lucius Annaeus. The tenne tragedies of Seneca. [London] : Imprinted at London ... by Thomas Marsh, 1581.
Imperfect: verso of leaf 197 partially illegible.
Physical Description:leaves 187-217.
Reproduction Note:Microopaque.
Citation/References Note:Greg