Pflanzensoziologisch-ökologische Untersuchungen von gemähten Magerrasen bei Davos = A study of the phytosociology and ecology of mowed grassland poor in nutrients near Davos, Switzerland / von Georg Zumbühl.

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Zumbühl, Georg
Other title:Study of the phytosociology and ecology of mowed grassland poor in nutrients near Davos, Switzerland.
Study of the phytosociology and ecology of mowed grassland poor in nutrients near Davos, Switzerland.
Format: Book
Published: Zürich : ETH, 1983.
Series:Veröffentlichungen des Geobotanischen Institutes der ETH, Stiftung Rübel, Zürich ; Heft 81.

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Call Number: QK331 .Z86 1983
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