Three great victories obtained by the Parliament forces against the cavaliers [microform] : the first by the Lord Fairfax in Yorkshire who routed 3 regiments of horse, surprised 300 horse, slew 50 on the ground, tooke prisoners 1 lieutenant collonel, 1 serieant maior, 170 and odde souldiers, besides divers captains, lieutenants, ensignes, and other officers : and the Scots taking of all the rivers betweene New Castle ad Tinmouth Castle : printed by a true copy of the Earl of Manchesters secretaries letter : the second by Captain Bingham and the poolemen at Durchester, where they surpized 3000 pounds which Prince Rupert had sent to Waymouth, and all their men, arms, and ammunition : the third by our forces at Nottingham who upon the discovery of a bloudy plot, fell upon the enemy, slue amd took 300 prisoners, took divers horse, and 300 arms, and utterly routed them : with a full relation of the plot intended, and how it was discovered.

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Bibliographic Details
Online Access: Search for the full-text version of this title in Early English Books Online
Format: Microfilm Book
Published: [London?] : Printed by Andrew Coe ..., February 26, 1644.
Series:Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 234:E.34, no. 14.


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