A briefe narration of some church courses held in opinion and practise in the churches lately erected in New England [microform] : collected out of sundry of their own printed papers and manuscripts with other good intelligences : together with some short hints, given by the way, of their correspondence with the like tenents and practises of the separatists churches : and some short animadversions upon some principall passages for the benefit of the vulgar reader / / presented to publike view for the good of the church of God by W. R.

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Bibliographic Details
Online Access: Search for the full-text version of this title in Early English Books Online
Main Author: Rathband, William, -1695
Format: Microfilm Book
Published: London : Printed by G. M. for Edward Brewster ..., 1644.
Series:Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 235:E.36, no. 11.


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