The pulpit guarded with XX arguments [microform] : proving the unlawfulness, sinfulness, and danger of suffering private persons to take upon them publike preaching and expounding the Scriptures without a call, as being contrary to the word of God, contrary to the practice of all reformed churches, contrary to the three and twentieth article of religion, contrary to two ordinances of Parliament, and contrary to the judgement of a whole jury of learned, judicious, pious divines, both foreign and domestick : occasioned by a dispute at Henly in Arden in Warwick-shire, Aug. 20, 1650 against Lawrence Williams, a nayler-publike preacher, Tho. Palmer, a baker-preacher, Tho. Hinde, a plough-wright-publike preacher, Sergeant Oaks, a weaver-preacher, Hum. Rogers, (lately) a bakers boy-publike preacher ... / composed and compiled by a friend to truth and peace.
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Other title: | The pulpit guarded with 20 arguments. The pulpit guarded with twenty arguments. |
Format: | Microfilm Book |
Language: | English |
Published: |
London :
Printed by J. Cottrel, for E. Blackmore ...,
Edition: | The 4 edition, with addition of arguments, answers, quotations, Scriptures, and many useful enlargements, with the correcting of those errata which escaped in the former editions : in the close are added six arguments, to prove our ministers free from antichristianism. |
Series: | Early English books, 1641-1700 ;
599:15. |
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