A Cruell and blovdy battaile, betwixt the VVeymarish and Hessish, and the imperialists, the like hath not happened these many yeeres [microform] : fought betwixt Collen and VVeesel, the 12. 22. of last moneth, where it pleased God to give the victory to the Weymarish and Hessish : the names of the commanders both slain and taken prisoners : the exceeding great feare and danger Collen is now in : a faire opportunity being now offered to recover the Palatinate againe, if friends were both ready and willing.

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Other title:A cruell and bloudy battaile betwixt the Weymarish and Hessiah and the imperialists.
Format: Microfilm Book
Published: London : Printed for Nath. Butter, 1642.
Series:Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 250:E.135, no. 44.


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