A Trve relation of the unparaleld breach of Parliament, by His Maiesty as is conceivd the 4 of Ianuary, 1641 being instigated therunto by unadvised counsels, under pretence of a legall proceeding [microform] : together with a relation of the hostile intention upon the House of Commons, by Captaine Hyde, and those other cavaliers and souldiers that accompanied His Majesty in a war-like manner, armed with swords, pistols and diagounes : and also a relation of the free and voluntary offers of the trayned bands of the city of London, of the masters of ships, mariners, and seamen of the apprentices of London, of the trayned bands of Southwarke and of the watermen upon the Thames, to defend the King and Parliament against malignant councels and plots of papists : likewise how certaine multitudes of countrey-men came to present their humble petitions to the Parliament.

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Online Access: Search for the full-text version of this title in Early English Books Online
Other title:A true relation of the unparaleld breach of Parliament, by His Maiesty as is conceivd the 4 of Ianuary, 1641.
Format: Microfilm Book
Published: London : [publisher not identified], 1641.
Series:Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 257:E.181, no. 31.


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