Timber-measure by a line of more ease, dispatch and exactness, then any other way now in use, by a double scale [microform] : after the countrey-measure, by the length and quarter of the circumference in round timber, and by the length and side of the square in squared timber, and square equal in flat timber : as also stone-measure and gauging of vessels by the same near and exact way, likewise a diagonal scale of 100 parts in a quarter of an inch, very easie both to make and use / by Hen. Coggeshall.

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Bibliographic Details
Online Access: Search for the full-text version of this title in Early English Books Online
Main Author: Coggeshall, Henry, 1623-1690
Other title:Timber measure by a line of more ease.
Format: Microfilm Book
Published: London : Printed for the author and are to be sold by Robert Pricke ..., 1677.
Series:Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 1566:53.
Item Description:Errata: page [1] at end.
"Licensed May 25. 1677. Roger L'Estrange. And entered according to order" : page [2] at end.
Reproduction of original in the British Library.
Physical Description:6 unnumbered pages, 35 pages, 3 unnumbered pages.
Reproduction Note:Microfilm.
Citation/References Note:Wing