Whereas Redmond O Hanlon of Tonderegee, in the county of Armagh, yeoman, Laughlin Mac Redmond O Hanlon of Killeany, yeoman, Daniel Mac Murphy Mac Thorlagh Roe O Murphy of the same, yeoman, Cormuck Raver O Murphy of the same, yeoman, Hugh Turr O Murphy of the same, yeoman [and 22 others] have of late committed several burglaries, robberies, and stealths in the said several counties of Armagh, Kerry, Cork, Limerick, Mayo, Sligoe, and else-where within this kingdom, besides divers other outrages ... [microform] / by the Lord Lieutenant and Council, Essex.
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Other title: | By the Lord Lieutenant and Council, Essex. |
Format: | Microfilm Book |
Language: | English |
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Dublin :
Printed by Benjamin Tooke ... and are to be sold by Joseph Wilde ...,
Series: | Early English books, 1641-1700 ;
1595:40. |
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