Sehet, wir gehn hinauf gen Jerusalem = Come ye, our way is up to Jerusalem : Kantate Nr. 159 / von Johann Sebastian Bach ; nach den Handschriften hrsg. und mit Vorwort versehen von Hans Grischkat.

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750
Other Authors: Grischkat, Hans, Drinker, Henry S. (Henry Sandwith), 1880-1965
Other title:Come ye, our way is up to Jerusalem.
Come ye, our way is up to Jerusalem.
Format: Musical Score Book
Published: London : New York : E. Eulenburg ; Eulenburg Miniature Scores, [1960?]

Music Library - Miniature

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Call Number: M2020 .B16 no.159, G7
M2020 .B16 no.159, G7 Available Place a Hold

PASCAL Offsite

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Call Number: M2020 .B16 no.159, G7
M2020 .B16 no.159, G7 Available Place a Hold