Table of Contents:
  • Hungarian march, from the damnation of Faust, op. 24, by Berlioz
  • Marche militaire in D major, op. 51, no. 1 (originally for piano duet) by Schubert
  • March from Symphonic metamorphosis on themes by Weber, by Hindemith
  • Entrance of the little fauns, from Cydalise et le Chèvre-pied, by Pierné
  • Pomp and circumstance, military march in D major, op. 39, no. 1, by Elgar
  • Introduction and wedding procession, from Le cog d'or, by Rimsky-Korsakov
  • Cortege of the Sardar, from Caucasian sketches, op. 10, by Ippolitov-Ivanov
  • Slavic march, op. 31, by Tchaikovsky.