Table of Contents:
  • Overview of risk assessment and its application / Andrew Jackson and Gev Edulgee
  • The Role of toxicology in risk assessment / George Kowalczyk
  • Toxicological information from animal data: methylene chloride / Trevor Green
  • Dealing with genotoxic carcinogens: a UK approach / Anne McDonald
  • Dealing with genotoxic carcinogens: refining the US approach / Bruce Nolholt
  • Epidemiological investigation of environmental health issues / Stuart Pocock
  • Integrated pollution control: application of principles to establish BPEO and BATNEEC / Stefan Carlyle
  • Guideline values for contaminated land: underlying risk assessment concepts / Colin C. Ferguson and Judith M. Denner
  • Contaminated land and water quality standards / Bob C. Harris and Chris A. Thomas
  • OPRA (operator and pollution risk appraisal): a practical system for rating and managing environmental risks from industrial processes / Huw Jones
  • Site-specific considerations in risk assessment / Holly A. Hattemer-Frey and Virginia Lau
  • Information sources covering the environmental impact of chemicals / Mike Hannant and Paul Owen
  • The Acquisition of environmental data for legislative purposes / John L. Vosser
  • Environmental classification and risk assessment / Derek Brown
  • Communicating the results of a risk assessment: lessons from radioactive waste disposal / Ray Kemp
  • Risk assessment and reality: recognising the limitations / Paul Johnston, David Santillo, and Ruth Stringer.