Table of Contents:
  • First dance (Loretta Goldberg, piano; Kory Grossman, marimba) (8:54) ; Beyond the last thought. Knowing ; Of mere being ; The snow man ; Another weeping woman ; These are the days (Carmen Pelton, soprano ; Gerard Reuter, oboe ; Cynde Iverson, bassoon ; Kory Grossman, marimba) (13:02) ; Boats against the current (Loretta Goldberg, piano) (5:32) / George Boziwick
  • Incantations for trumpet and piano (Willie Strieder, trumpet ; Jennifer Garrett, piano) (4:34) ; Patterns (Anthony Brittin, John Whitaker, Marcie Walzel, Lucy Dawson, Harvey Landers, French horns) (2:41) / Mary Jeanne Van Appledorn
  • Circle sonata for percussion and tape (Oberlin Percussion Group ; Michael Rosen, music director) (9:35) ; Cat's cradle 3 for solo cello (David Garrett, violoncello) (8:14) ; Electric symphonies (7:01) ; Drumfire (6:23) / Reed Holmes.